Breakaway - A Contemporary Romance Drama Story (22 page)

BOOK: Breakaway - A Contemporary Romance Drama Story
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"I could have told you that," Kate said. "This isn't the first time I have been hit in the nose."


Dr. Paulson removed his latex gloves. "How long has your husband been abusing you?"


"Six years," Kate said. She glanced up at the doctor. "You must think I'm stupid for staying with an abusive man that long."


"I don't think you're stupid at all," Dr. Paulson said. "I think you're frightened, and lost, and trying to survive the only way you know how." He gave her hand a pat. "I want you to rest for a few days. Keep your arm elevated. When you have to get up use the sling I provided for you."


"I'm breast feeding," Kate said. "What would be safe to take for the pain?"


"Tylenol," Dr. Paulson said. "Are you in pain now?"


Kate grimaced. "Yes."


Dr. Paulson rummaged through his bag and took out a bottle of Tylenol. He shook a capsule into his palm and handed it to Kate. "Let me get you some water." He disappeared into the adjoining
bathroom for a moment and came back with a glass of water. He helped Kate raise her head long enough to take the pill and then lowered her back to the pillow. "Do you have any questions?"


"No," Kate said.


"If you think of any don't hesitate to call me."


"Thank you for coming," Kate said.


"You're welcome." Dr. Paulson picked up his bag. "Take care of yourself, Katie."


"I will." After he left, Kate closed her eyes and tried to rest. It wasn't an easy thing to do when she was picturing Edward trying to kill her. Hearing the door shut, she opened her eyes. "Hi."


"Hi." Nathan crossed the room and sat down on the bed. "How are you feeling?"


"I hurt," Kate said.


"Would you like me to get you something for the pain?"


"Dr. Paulson gave me a Tylenol," Kate said. She shifted and winced with pain. "Nathan, would you- would you do something for me?"


"Name it," Nathan said.


"Stay with me for a few days." Kate swallowed past the lump in her throat. "I feel safe when you're near."


Nathan smiled. "I'm not going anywhere, Katie. I plan on staying for a while. You're going-" The ringing of Kate's cell phone interrupted him. He grabbed it off the bedside table and looked at the small display screen.


"Who is it?" Kate asked.


"Edward," Nathan said. "Don't be scared, Katie. You're safe now. I'm going to turn your phone off and you're going to get some rest."


"I can't rest knowing he's-"


"Yes, you can." Nathan shut the phone off and stuck it in the bedside table. "Your father and I are here. We won't let anything happen to you. You need to sleep, Katie. So close your eyes and try to relax."


"Stay with me," Kate whispered. "Just until I go to sleep."


Nathan raised her hand to his lips and kissed her soft skin. "I'll be right here."


Chapter 18


"Good morning, sweetheart," Mr. Miller said, entering Kate's bedroom the following morning. He moved toward the bed and bent down to kiss her forehead.


"Good morning, dad," Kate muttered. She turned her head and glanced at the clock radio on the bedside table. "You're going to be late for work if you don't leave soon."


"I thought I would work from home today," Mr. Miller said.


"You don't have to do that," Kate said. "I'll be fine."


"I know you will." Mr. Miller sat down on the side of the bed. "I just want to be close in case you need anything. Did you sleep well?"


"Not really," Kate said. "I kept having bad dreams. Would you help me get up? Gaby is going to be hungry soon. I want to make sure she gets a bottle."


"Don't worry. She's in good hands. When she's hungry someone will give her a bottle."


Nathan walked into the room carrying a tray. "Good morning, Katie. I hope you're hungry."


Mr. Miller got to his feet. "I'll leave you to eat, sweetheart. I'll be down the hall in my office if you need me."


"Okay, dad."


"Make sure she eats, Nathan," Mr. Miller said, heading for the door.


"I will," Nathan said, putting the tray on the bedside table.


Kate tried to sit up and found it was difficult with her injured arm. She flopped back onto the pillow and looked up at Nathan. "Please, help me sit up."


Nathan placed his hands beneath Kate's armpits and gently lifted her into a sitting position. He fluffed the pillow behind her back, and put one beneath her arm. Sitting down on the bed, he picked up the tray and placed it on her lap. "Seeing as the arm you use to eat with is injured you're going to need help."


"I know," Kate said. "I guess since you're here you get the job. Feed me, doc."


Smiling, Nathan cut into the mushroom and cheese omelet, and brought a forkful to Kate's mouth. She opened up and he inserted the fork.


Kate chewed slowly, finding the omelet fluffy and full of flavor. "It's delicious," she said.


"Thank you," Nathan said. "I did my best."


"You made this?" Kate said shocked.


"Yes, and don't sound so surprised," Nathan said.


"I'm sorry." Kate picked up a glass of orange juice and took a drink. "Who taught you how to cook?"


"Mom." Nathan raised another forkful to Kate's mouth. "I got tired of the TV dinners and take out. Besides, it wasn't healthy eating all that fatty foods."


Kate swallowed. "I wanted to teach you how to cook when we were in high school, and you refused."


"Well, back then I thought cooking was girly." Nathan said.


"Now you know better," Kate said.


"Now I know better."


Ten minutes later, Kate was finished eating. "Thank you," she said.


"You're welcome," Nathan told her as he set aside the tray.


Kate cleared her throat. "It was nice having you here with me. I usually eat breakfast in silence. Edward sits at the other end of the table and ignores me. He doesn't like to have a conversation while eating."


Nathan reached for Kate's hand. "Edward doesn't like a lot of things, like you seeing me. Katie, why did you keep seeing me when it always ended with you being locked in the closet?"


Kate stiffened. "Who told you about that?"


"William," Nathan said.


"It was horrible being in that cramped, stuffy closet," Kate said softly. "The only thing that got me through it was thinking of you. Edward took so much from me, Nathan." She gazed into his eyes. "I wasn't going to let him take you from me too. You and Gaby make life worth living."


Nathan leaned forward and brushed his lips across Kate's cheek. "I can't imagine what he put you through."


"Hell, that's what he put me through." Kate took a shaky breath. "I can't go through it anymore. I'm so tired."


"It's over, Katie." Nathan cupped her cheek with his hand. "Your days of living with Edward's abuse are over. You're never going back to him. I'd run away with you before I'd let that happen."


Kate rubbed her cheek against his hand. "Where would we go?"


"Any place you want."


"I've always wanted to go to Ireland," Kate said. "I heard it's beautiful there."


"We'll go some day," Nathan said.


The phone on the bedside table rang at that moment. Kate reached over and snatched up the receiver. "Miller residence."


"I want you home, Katelyn," Edward snarled. "You better be there when I get back Wednesday night. If you're not I'm coming after you, and you'll be sorry." The line went dead.


"Who is that?" Nathan demanded to know, seeing the look of fear on Kate's face. "Is that Edward?"


"Y-yes," Kate said.


Nathan took the receiver from her and hung it up. "What did he say?"


"He s-said he wants me home," Kate whispered. "If I'm not home when he gets back Wednesday night, he's coming after me and then I'll be sorry."


Nathan swore under his breath. "Come here, sweetheart." He gently pulled Kate into his arms and held her trembling body against his.


Kate laid her head on his shoulder and took several deep breaths. She willed herself to calm down.
Nathan is here,
she thought.
He won't let Edward hurt me.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you about the abuse, and I'm sorry for all those times I lied to you. It broke my heart every time I did it. I hated myself."


"I forgive you, Katie." Nathan leaned back slightly and gazed at Kate. "I know you did it because you felt you had no other choice, but promise me no more lies. From now on, don't keep me in the dark."


"I promise no more lies," Kate said. "I won't keep you in the dark anymore."


"Good," Nathan muttered.


Kate's eyes drifted toward Nathan's mouth and an urge to kiss him came over her. "Nathan," she breathed.


"Katie, please don't look at me like that," Nathan said huskily. "I promised I wouldn't try and kiss you again. You're making it difficult for-"


Kate silenced Nathan with her mouth. Closing her eyes, she melted against him, her tongue moving against his. She heard him groan and her heart skipped a beat. Kate ran her hand up his arm, across his shoulder and into his hair. Starved for this man, she kissed him until her chest ached and her eyes filled with tears. Needing to come up for air, she ended the kiss, her chest heaving, she stared at Nathan. "I know you promised that day in Jill's kitchen that you wouldn't try and kiss me again. I – I don't want you to keep that promise." She touched his swollen lips with her fingertips. "I'm tired of denying myself happiness. You make me happy, and I want to be with you. I don't care if it is wrong. I've spent six years burying my feelings and needs. I want to love and have someone love me in return."


"Oh, Katie," Nathan croaked. "Sweetheart, you are loved. I love you. Deep down, I think I always loved you. That's why I never married, why Connie, and I didn't work out. You're the one I'm meant to be with."


"Edward won't give me a divorce," Kate said. "You and I can never truly be together."


"Don't say never, sweetheart." Nathan pressed a kiss to Kate's lips. "Your father has a friend, Mike. He's a private investigator in Chicago. Mike is digging into Edward's background trying to find something that would ruin him if it ever came out. If your father and I had something like that we'd have a better chance of getting you away from Edward. If we got the dirt on him, we could take it to him and tell him if he doesn't want anyone to know about it he'll let you go."


"Oh, God, Nathan, you didn't," Kate said stunned. "Don't you know you're playing with fire?"


"I don't care," Nathan said. "I'll do whatever it takes to get you away from him."


Kate sighed. "I hope it doesn't backfire on you and dad."

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