Breakaway - A Contemporary Romance Drama Story (20 page)

BOOK: Breakaway - A Contemporary Romance Drama Story
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Nathan looked into Connie's eyes. "Do you really want me to answer that?"


"Yes," Connie said. "I want you to answer the question."


"Yes," Nathan said. "I would marry her."


"I see." Connie jerked her hand free of his grasp. "Well, we have nothing more to say to each other."


"I think we do," Nathan said. "I don't want to leave things this way. I want us to be-"


"Don't say it," Connie snapped. "Don't say you want to be friends, because I can't."


"I'm sorry," Nathan said, hanging his head in shame.


"She's a married woman," Connie said. "You two can never be together."


"Never say never," Nathan told her.


"Fine," Connie said angrily. "I hope you two will be happy together. Are we done here? I'd like to get on with my life."


"If you ever need me," Nathan said.


"I won't." Connie got to her feet and gazed down at Nathan with pain filled eyes. "I was offered a job at a hospital in Houston. It has better pay and hours. You were the only thing that was keeping me from taking the job, but now that you don't want me anymore, I think I will take it."


Nathan swallowed past the lump in his throat. "I wish you all the best, Connie. I mean that. I hope you find someone who can give you what you need."


Connie reached out and touched Nathan's cheek with a trembling hand. "Goodbye, Nathan."


"Goodbye, Connie." Nathan sat there with his heart in his throat and watched her walk away.


"What happened?" Jill asked, appearing suddenly. She took a seat next to Nathan.


"Connie and I are over. She's moving to Houston."


"How do you feel about her leaving?" Jill asked.


"Sad, but a little relieved," Nathan confessed. "We weren't right for each other. It was best that we end it before things went too far and I did some thing I would regret later."


"Like what?" Jill asked.


"Like marry her," Nathan said.


"That would have been a big mistake," Jill said. "Especially when your heart belongs to Kate."


"I'm going to miss her. We had some good times." Nathan sighed heavily. "Are you here alone?"


"Yes," Jill said. "Matt went fishing with Steve. I was lonely at home so I came here. I thought a walk would be nice." She raised her hand and smoothed Nathan's hair. "Will you be all right?"


Nathan smiled. "I'll be fine, sis."


"Now that Connie's out of the picture what are you going to do about Kate?"


"Right now I'm waiting to hear from Ted. After he tells me what Mike found, I'll go from there."


Jill nibbled on her lower lip for a moment. "Nathan, please be careful. You don't know what you're up against."


"I know I have to get her away from Edward before he kills her," Nathan said. "Nothing but Katie matters. Nothing."


"I'm going away on business," Edward announced that evening during dinner. "I'm leaving in an hour."


"Oh," Kate said, trying not to show how relieved she was. "When will you be back?"


"Wednesday," Edward said. "While I'm gone I expect you to listen to William. He's going to keep informed on what you're doing."


Of course he will,
Kate thought.
He loves to tattle on me.
"I promise I will be on my best behavior."


"Your promises aren't worth a damn," Edward said. He put down his fork and checked his watch. Pushing his chair back with his legs, he stood and left the dining room.


Alone, Kate sat there, looking forward to the next several days without Edward.
Now if I could just get rid of William, I would have it made.
Sighing, she picked up her fork and resumed eating. She had just swallowed a bite of chicken when her cell phone started vibrating. Dropping her fork, she took her phone out of her pocket and flipped it open. "Hello?"


"Hi, Katie."


Kate's heart skipped a beat at the sound of Nathan's voice. "Hi."


"Did I catch you at a bad time?" Nathan asked.


"No," Kate said. "I was just eating dinner."


"Would you like me to call back?"


"That's not necessary," Kate said. "Talk to me. I can eat and listen at the same time."


"Connie's moving to Houston," Nathan said. "She got a job offer at a hospital."


A forkful of potatoes halfway to her mouth, Kate paused. "Where does that leave you and her?"


"There is no me and her anymore," Nathan said. "We ended it."


"I'm sorry, Nathan," Kate said. "I know you cared for her."


"Not enough to beg her to stay," Nathan told her. "You're trying to eat. I'll call back later."


"Why don't you come over?" Kate said. "Edward is leaving on a business trip in a little while and I don't have anything planned."


"All right," Nathan said. "How does an hour from now sound?"


"That's fine," Kate said. "I will see you then." She closed her phone.


"What happened to you being on your best behavior?"


Startled, Kate jumped. She glanced up at Edward, who was standing in the doorway. He had a look of fury on his face. "I d-don't-"


"Shut up!" Edward snarled, walking toward Kate. "Would you care to explain this to me?" He tossed a round plastic disk on to the table.


Kate looked down and her blood ran cold when she saw it was her birth control pills. "H-how did you f-f-find them?"


"It wasn't too difficult," William said, stepping into the room. "If you didn't want anyone to know you were taking them, you should have hidden them better."


"You had no business being in my bedroom," Kate said harshly.


"William, leave us," Edward said.


"Yes, sir."


Kate swallowed hard. "Edward, I-"


In one swift motion, Edward seized Kate by the arms and hauled her out of the chair. "Did you think I wasn't going to find out, Katelyn?" he said eyes blazing. "You know how much I want a son, and you betray me like this."


"I'm sorry," Kate croaked, trembling with fear.


"No, you're not, but you will be." Edward brought his fist back and delivered a blow to Kate's left eye. Her legs gave out and she crumpled to the floor like a rag doll. Before she could move, Edward kicked her in the side. White-hot pain shot through Kate and she cried out. "It's your fault, Katelyn. You know better than to cross me."


"Please, Edward," Kate gasped. "Don't."


Ignoring Kate's pleas, Edward kicked her again. "I'm going to teach you a lesson." He bent down and snatched her up off the floor by her hair. A blow to her nose sent blood gushing forth. "You bitch," he growled. "You got blood on me."


Desperate to get away from him, Kate mustered up what strength she had and fought back. She managed to punch him in the mouth, which earned her in return an arm being twisted. "I hate you," she whispered tears streaming down her bloody face. She grabbed the napkin from her chair and gently pressed it to her throbbing nose. "I will never give you a son."


"Yes you will," Edward said through clenched teeth. "If it's the last thing you do, you will give me a son." He picked up the pill dispenser and glared at Kate. "No more of these." Without another word, he strolled from the room.


Broken, bruised and crying, Kate sank to the floor and tried to stem the flow of blood that was still coming out of her nose.


"Mrs. Lewis," William said, entering the dining room. "Will you please come with me?"


"Go to hell," Kate said coldly.


"Mr. Lewis wishes for you to spend an hour in the closet," William said. "Let me help you to your feet."


"Get away from her," Clara said shrilly. She hurried to Kate's side. "Let's go upstairs, dear and see if we can get your nose to stop bleeding. Can you stand?"


"I think so." With Clara's help Kate got to her feet. "Is h-h-he still here?"


"Yes, but not for long," Clara muttered.


"Mrs. Lewis, I am to escort you to the closet," William stated.


Clara turned on him. "She is not going in the closet, William. She is going to her bedroom to rest."


Despite the pain, she was in Kate's concern was for Clara. "Please don't argue with him. I don't want you to get in trouble because of me."


"Dear, you're covered in blood and in pain. You need to be taken care of," Clara said. "Now come on."


"I will wait outside your door, Mrs. Lewis," William said. "When you are done being tended to you will go in the closet."


"You are a pathetic excuse for a human being," Clara said to William. Supporting Kate with an arm around her waist, she helped her upstairs.


It was slow going for Kate. Each step she took was agony. By the time she reached her bedroom, she was in tears. "You can't let Nathan know about this," she said as she sat down on the bed. "Please call him and tell him not to come. Tell him-"


"Don't worry," Clara said. "I'll think of something."


Once Kate's nose had stopped bleeding, she washed her face, neck and hands. After changing her shirt, she took something to help ease the pain. Cradling her injured arm, she looked at Clara. "I have to go in the closet. If I don't Edward will be furious. I can't take another - another beating."


"If you insist on doing this, I will do all I can to make you comfortable." Clara pulled the pillows out from under the blankets. "Let's get this over with."


Kate stood slowly and grabbed the footboard as the room started spinning. She waited for it to pass before she moved. Following Clara into the hallway, she found William standing by the open closet. Her heart knocking against her ribs, she walked into the small space and gingerly lowered herself to the floor, biting her lip as a wave of pain came over her. Clara slipped a pillow beneath Kate's injured arm and the other one behind her head.


"You try and rest," she said. "When the hour is up I'll come and get you."


"Thank you, Clara," Kate said, feeling a rush of affection for the older woman.


"Please step out, Clara," William said. Shooting him a filthy look, Clara stepped out, and the door was closed and locked.








Chapter 1


Thunder was rumbling, in the distance, when Nathan turned into the driveway. The sky, an angry shade of gray, looked like it was going to open up any minute and pour. A feeling of uneasiness was in the air. As Nathan pulled up in front of the house, and shut off the engine, he couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right. Trying to ignore it, he got out of the car and headed up the steps. He rang the doorbell and stood there, watching as a streak of lightning lit up the sky. The door opened a few minutes later. Nathan was shocked to find Clara standing there instead of William.

BOOK: Breakaway - A Contemporary Romance Drama Story
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