BREAKAWAY (The Dartmouth Cobras) (39 page)

BOOK: BREAKAWAY (The Dartmouth Cobras)
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Sebastian sat up and rolled her skirt over her hips, then patted her ass as Luke thrust into her mouth. "Spread your thighs,

Dirty cunt.
She had told him how she'd played with herself after looking up a bunch of Spanish curses, how she'd imagined him calling her all those nasty words. Something about hearing them from him—and Luke, which surprised her a little—made her feel free to act slutty, to have things done to her that she would never consider otherwise. She became a hot, wild thing, not held down by the chains of what was right or wrong. And she fucking loved it.

Spreading her thighs as much as she could, Jami pressed her eyes shut as Sebastian's thick finger pushed against her wet slit. She whimpered as Luke slammed in harder and harder. Nothing could be better than having Sebastian fuck her pussy while Luke fucked her mouth. Two fingers, then three, filled her, ramming in hard. Violent torrents of pleasure ripped through her and she tensed, ready to lose herself to the climax.

And suddenly she was empty. Luke withdrew from her mouth. Sebastian's fingers left her.

"No! Ah!" Something cold and hard pushed into her pussy, stretching her so abruptly pain edged her away from the quick orgasm and tossed her to another level of sensations. She made a low, keening sound in her throat as Sebastian pulled her to her feet. "Oh

"Not yet, we plan to play with you first,
." Sebastian curved his hands around the back of her neck. "Do not let it slip out. If you do, you will serve our pleasure and have none of your own."

The thing inside her was so big, clenching on it as Sebastian walked her around the sofa was almost impossible. She took quick little steps to keep up. Sweat trickled between her bound, throbbing breasts and beaded on her face. Her clit swelled past her pussy lips and she almost came apart as Sebastian pushed her face down over the back of the sofa and cool leather pressed against the tiny nub.

Luke knelt on the sofa in front of her and held her face tight between his hands. "If you bite me, I'll slap you."

For some crazy reason, the threat made her want to use her teeth on him, just to see if he'd do it. She opened her mouth.

Sebastian tone snapped through the air line a whip. "Will you slap her, niño?"

"What?" Luke gentled his hold and went perfectly still. "I—"

"I happen to know slapping is a hard limit for you, Luke." Sebastian stroked her bottom, his gentle touch separating her from his displeasure. But she saw the impact it had on Luke as Sebastian's voice became harsh and cold. "Do not suggest it again."

Luke's cheeks reddened as he dropped his gaze to her face, then away. "I won't."

"Look at me," Sebastian said.

Frowning, Luke looked at him.

"Do not think on it anymore. I trust you to keep your word." Sebastian sounded like he was smiling that deliciously wicked smile he had. "Let us see how well you can trust Jami not to hurt you while I am hurting her."

Hurting me?
Jami's eyes widened. She tried to look over her shoulder at Sebastian, but Luke chose that moment to fill her mouth in one long, deep thrust. Sebastian rubbed and massaged her ass, warming her flesh. Then his hands left her.


A wide, fiery pain flared over her butt cheek. The huge thing inside her slipped as moisture spilled around it. She clenched to hold it in and wiggled her butt as the stinging faded.

Smack! Smack! Smack!

Groaning, she tried to suck in the saliva dripping past her lips as Luke
in and out of her mouth. Her jaw went slack, so her teeth weren't a problem. Every time Sebastian's rough hand connected with her flesh, the feeling of pain intensified, evaporated, and became pure, raw pleasure. She wanted more. She wanted the sharp edge of that first strike that spread hard and fast.

She jutted her hips up, but Sebastian's hand didn't come down. A low whine sounded in her throat as Luke pulled out.

He curved his hand under her chin and grinned as he ran his thumb over her wet bottom lip. "I want to hear you scream."

Soft strands, like suede, caressed her feverishly hot flesh, trailing the crease of her ass. They swept down, from side to side, picking up speed until the ends bit and stung with each impact. As they nipped the edges of her parted pussy lips, stretched around the dildo, an orgasm rolled over her, pounding at her core like a bass drum. Her body pushed at the solid thing inside her and she cried out as it slid from her and hit the floor with a loud

"Bad gatita." Sebastian pressed his lips to the fiery skin that felt stretched thin over her butt. "I would punish you, but I need to see what it will take to make you scream. Come here, Luke. I have heard Chicklet is quite experienced with the
. Show me how much you learned from her."

Luke flashed her an evil grin. "My pleasure."

Tears filled her eyes as Luke moved away from her and Sebastian took his place. She was empty. Pain slipped under a dull throb and her orgasm felt like it had been cut short, leaving her desperate to have what she'd been denied.

Sebastian used his thumbs to dry the tears spilling down her cheeks and kissed her lips. "Do not be ashamed to use your
if you need to, mi cielo."

"I don't need to yet." She sniffed, hoping her nose wasn't all red and wet. "Unless you're planning to stop."

Brow furrowed, Sebastian nodded slowly. "We will not stop. But I must be honest—giving pain is something I do to heighten a sub's pleasure. I do not enjoy it as some do."

"I do," Luke said from behind her. He lay something slick and cool across her ass. "Tell me now if you have a problem with me leaving marks, boo. The ones Seb left will fade in a day or two. I'd love to leave marks that will last for a week."

She sucked in a breath and nodded. "Yes. Yes please, Sir."

Her lips parted as Sebastian rose up on his knees to slip his dick into her mouth. A vicious, stinging snap slashed across her ass, searing almost as hot as an iron grazing flesh. She gasped, jerking away from Sebastian.

"Wait." Sebastian gave Luke a hard look, then bent down to look into her eyes. "Don’t try to be brave, Jami."

"It's not . . . ." She shuddered as her body tried to assimilate the strange, severe sensation, torn between wanting to get away and never wanting it to end. It was almost impossible to voice her concerns through the foggy haze. "Bite . . . I don't want to bite you. There must be a way—"

"There is." Sebastian framed her face with his hands and spoke against her lips. "Are you sure? This may overwhelm you."

She shook her head, frustrated that her brain didn't want to work right. "I need it all, Mi Rey. I won't . . . I can't . . . if I'm worried about . . . ."

"All right." Sebastian stood. "Keep her in this place, Luke."

"Will do," Luke said.

Luke's bare chest brushed the back of her thighs, as though he’d knelt behind her. He kissed the base of her spine, and his finger traced the ropes around her wrists. Then he sank his teeth into her ass so hard her whole body jerked. The deep, bruising sensation dropped her deeper into the haze. She blinked as a white fog warped her vision, whispering, damp threads of smoke caressed her skin and she drifted into herself, lost in clouds rimmed in tiny electric bolts.

Before she noticed Sebastian had gone, he had returned. He cupped her cheek and spoke softly. "Open your mouth, mi cielo."

A wide metal ring slipped between her lips, behind her teeth. Straps pressed snug against her cheeks. Her mouth wouldn't close.

She hauled in a panicked inhale and tossed her head.

"There you go. Tossing your head, pulling away, will take the place of your
." Sebastian ran his finger underneath the strap close to her lips. "The scene need not end because it becomes too much. We can do other things that will not frighten you."

I'm not . . . .
But he couldn't read her mind. And wouldn't assume she was okay. She did her best to tell him with her eyes that she wanted this. Needed it. She let her lips relax around the wide open gag and tongued the metal. It felt . . . odd. But safe. She wouldn't hurt him with this in her mouth.

All she could do was hold still and pray he understood.

Sebastian's lips curled up slightly. "You have no idea how beautiful you look right now."

If only she could smile. Instead, she flicked out her tongue and eyed his dick, wet only at the tip with shiny precum. As he tipped the head into her mouth, she tasted it and made a raspy sound in her throat. Slick and salty, the head passed over her tongue and dipped further, brushing her palate before surging into her throat.

Sebastian groaned. "Now, Luke."

Red, then white hot pain drove in, vibrating inside her in a beautiful chorus of agony. Again and again, one strike lapped over the other until shimmering flames replaced all that held her together. The pressure in her throat matched a sudden pressure filling her cunt. She broke into a million
, each one glowing, shattering with tiny exquisite bursts of ecstasy. She tore herself away from the high and somehow found her way back to reality. To feeling Luke ramming into her pussy. To tasting Sebastian's cum thick on her tongue before he thrust into her throat. His pulsing cock blocked her air. Almost choked her as she swallowed. Her head spun as her heart slammed into her ribcage.

Fingers dug into her hips and Luke shouted as he came inside her. The quick jerks of his cock triggered endless spasms within. Sebastian drew out, knelt on the sofa, holding her against his chest, smearing tears and saliva as screams scoured her throat. Sebastian undid the straps of the gag and pulled it out. She threw her head back and a ragged sound crossed her lips as she quivered and twisted in the throes of a merciless orgasm.

The twisting tightened the ropes holding her until it felt like they would break through her skin and crush her ribs. She couldn’t get enough air. Sobbing, thrashing, desperate to get free, she cried out. "Let me go. Red! Red!"

, it's over, mi cielo." Sebastian pulled her up and over the sofa, into his lap. "Cut the ropes, Luke. Check the table, yes, there. Quickly."

A sharp
and she was free. Loose and tumbling into a deep, dark pit.

Hard muscles wrapped around her, making her solid. Grounding her. She sniffed and the scent was familiar. Mint and soap. And something more. Musk and sex and sweat. No. More. Her brain had checked out, but it knew what that scent meant.


I'm safe. I'm okay.

"I am here, Jami. No, semental. Stay with us." Sebastian's chest vibrated with the deep resonance of his voice as he cradled her in his strong arms. "You are part of this. She will need to see you when her head clears."

Jami blinked and tried to see him. He was far away. Too far. Her face crumbled and she sobbed. "Don't leave again! Please! Please pretend—"

"Pretend?" Luke moved towards her in a blur. "There's no fucking pretending with me, boo. I'd love nothing more than to hold you until you can tell me I didn't hurt you too bad. Until you tell me I didn't completely fuck up by hitting you too hard."

"But you didn't." Jami shook her head , confused. "What you did was . . . was . . . ."

"Luke, she doesn't know. We will discuss it in the morning." Sebastian brought her close to Luke, trapping her between them as he kissed him. "It is nothing. A small mark. I would have stopped you if I thought you had done real damage."

"I should have been more careful," Luke said, kissing her forehead. "Jami, I'm sorry."

What is he talking about?
Exhaustion made her brain even fuzzier than it had already been. She blacked out and when she woke, she found herself in Sebastian's bed, disoriented, only aware that Luke needed her. Needed to know he'd done nothing wrong. She crawled over Sebastian and found him, curled up on the edge of the bed.

His eyes were closed, but she knew he wasn't sleeping. She kissed his scruffy cheek and snuggled against his side, not happy until Sebastian turned and spooned her from behind, throwing one arm around her and Luke's waists. Her butt throbbed a little with the pressure of his bare thighs pressing against it, reminding her of the unbelievable sensations she’d experienced. That she wanted again.

"Don't be sorry, Luke." She blindly traced her face, over his cheeks, down to his lips. "Don't regret what we did."

"I cut you, Jami. I let the leather cut you."

"I don't care."

"But I do. I don't know what happened. I slipped up."

"So what?" Jami couldn't keep her eyes open. She felt drained, which had been good until she realized that Luke was still beating himself up over whatever had happened while she'd been out of it. "What we did . . . I don't regret it. Do you?"

"No, but that scares me. It's so easy to lose control when I'm with you and Seb." Luke flopped onto his back and groaned. "I've done things I never thought I would."

BOOK: BREAKAWAY (The Dartmouth Cobras)
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