Breaking Elle (13 page)

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Authors: Antoinette Candela

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: Breaking Elle
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“Thanks, babe,” I reply, feeling euphoric from his touch.

“So, have you thought about what I asked you last night?” he asks, gazing down at me with hopeful eyes, his hand tightening around mine.

“Moving out?” I smile, meeting his eyes. “I have. I know that it would be a good thing,” I reply. I’m feeling nervous and excited about the idea.

“I can get my own place now, and you can stay anytime you want,” he says as we climb the stairs to the apartment he shares with his roommates.

“You’d like that,” I say, giggling.
I think I would too.

“No, I’d love it. I’d have a drawer waiting for you.” He kisses my hand as he digs in his pocket for his keys, his eyes never leaving mine.

“Or two?” I reply, coyly.

“Whatever you want, babe. You can have a walk-in closet and take all my drawers as long as I can sleep with you in my arms and wake up to your lovely face every morning.” He winks, unlocking the door. I smile thinking about spending more time with him, alone with no interruptions. “Roomies aren’t here yet,” he says dropping our backpacks on the floor as he takes my hand and leads me into the living room. I willingly follow, admiring his body from behind, anxious to be close to him. “What do you think about going out tonight?” He turns to me, pulling my body to his. My breath hitches. This sensation never gets old; I can’t stop craving it. There’s a lingering pause as our eyes meet, and he places his lips over mine, kissing me chastely before I have a chance to respond.

“Or not?” he murmurs over my mouth, grinning.

“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” I whisper, running my hands through his hair.

“Maybe.” His eyes light up waiting for my answer.

“Multi-task.” I smirk. “I’m thinking we can do both.”

“I like that answer.” He murmurs.



Since I don’t currently have a drawer at Cane’s place, we have to come back to my house so that I can get ready. I gaze in the mirror making final touch-ups to my makeup and hair, adjust my white halter-top that hugs my waist, and inspect my ass in my black mini skirt before I strap on my black heels.

“Babe, I’m ready.” I slip out of the bathroom and stand in front of the full-length mirror to inspect the whole outfit. Cane gawks at me from where he is sitting on the bed, feeling his eyes on me like that makes my heart take off.

“Babe, you look sexy tonight,” he croons, “but then, when don’t you?” Walking over in his dark looking so damn sexy himself he makes me question my decision about going out while we have everything we need right here. He lingers behind me as I put on my earrings, stroking my hair before he pulls it up off my shoulders to kiss my neck. I moan softly when I feel his warm lips touching my skin.

“You smell so good, babe,” he murmurs. “I’m not sure if I like this multi-task idea anymore. I’d rather focus on just one thing with you and do it perfectly.”

“Someone’s got a one track mind. But, I agree, you may be onto something,” I say, tilting my head coyly.

“I’m hooked.” He leans over me, staring at me through the mirror.

I turn, looking at him from head to toe. I slowly run my hands over his white T-shirt, feeling his tight abs under my fingers. I take in a deep breath, smelling his masculine and familiar scent.

“I have an addiction that I can’t kick too. I believe I may need some intervention later,” I say, lifting my chin. He grins lowering his lips to capture mine, pulling me into his strong arms.

“I think I can help you with that,” he murmurs.

“I know you can.” I moan, softly biting his lip.

“If we don’t stop, we’re never gonna get outta here.” He breaks our kiss, running his hand across my cheek.

“And who says that’s a bad thing?” I whisper.

“Come on, I wanna show off my woman.”



We take the green Line to Kenmore Square, and then walk hand in hand down Yawkey Way where there’s a strip of restaurant and bars. The moon is a sliver and the stars dot the cloudless midnight blue sky. We decide to head to Jillian’s, a landmark located near Fenway Park that has three floors to accommodate any crowd and offers a little something for everyone. When we reach the building, there’s a small line forming.

We bypass the first floor lounge/bar called Tequila Rain, and make our way to the second. This floor features twenty-four pool tables, private and semi-private spaces, table tennis, foosball, and a quadruple high definition video wall. Long, lush, olive green sofas surround the extensive bar and lounge. Modern lighting fixtures hang from the mahogany beamed ceilings, which match the richly polished mahogany hardwood floors.

We grab a small round table near the main bar. Cane pulls out a stool for me to sit down.

“Babe, I’ll be right back. Order me a Sam Adams,” he says, kissing me on the cheek.

“K, babe,” I reply. I can’t help but admire Cane’s physique as he walks across the dimly lit room, leaving me wishing we had stayed in for the night.

“What can I get you?” the petite redheaded waitress asks as she balances her tray on one hand.

“Oh, two Sam Adams,” I reply. She nods and heads back to the bar. The place is filling up with people here to watch the Red Sox game. You can always hear them before you can see them. Red Sox fans get animated around here. Lifehouse blares out over the speakers in the ceiling to drown out the yelling.

The waitress sets our beers in front of me. “Let me know if you need anything else,” she says before leaving again.

“Thanks.” I reply bringing the beer to my lips. The cold liquid gives me the shivers as it slides down my throat. I feel my phone vibrating in my purse and pull it out to see whom it is


Tyler: Make it 3?


I stare at the message for a second, wondering if he’s been drinking, or if he sent it by accident.


Elle: huh?


I wait for him to text back, but I’m startled when I feel a tap on my bare shoulder instead.

“Hey baby, what took you so long?” I spin around, shocked to see Tyler’s smirking face standing above me.

“Ahh... I like when you call me baby.” He laughs, stepping closer to me.

“Cut it out.” I lean forward to give him a hug. “What are you doing here?” I ask. While pulling away, I discreetly check him out. He’s dressed in dark blue jeans and a white t-shirt. My best friend is looking very handsome tonight.

“Came with a friend. He’s at the bar watching the game. Then I saw you. Can’t miss you when you’re looking all like that!” He winks as he blatantly checks me out.

“Well, I have to say you’re also looking irresistible tonight.” I smile.

“Well, ya know. Got to give the ladies what they want.” He grins devilishly.

If Tyler and I weren’t so close, I would definitely consider him as an option. Whoever snags him is going to be one lucky girl. I notice our waitress staring at him from the bar. She adjusts her top and starts heading towards our table with a hungry look in her eye.

“Well, guess what?” I whisper, tilting my head slightly towards the bar. “I think you have your first customer.” I giggle, watching him slowly turn to the redheaded waitress.

“What can I get you?” Her cleavage is more visible after her minor wardrobe adjustment.

“Whatever she’s having,” he replies placing his hand on the back of my chair, completely unfazed by her attention. I smell his familiar Cool Water cologne as his hands softly brushes across my naked back. His touch sends a jolt through me and I anxiously try to brush away the reaction.

“I’m thinking we need to find you someone,” I say playfully. “You’re too handsome to be alone.”

The waitress brings his beer, along with a rather lewd look for Tyler that has me blushing. Tyler nonchalantly lifts the beer, takes a drink, and sets it on the table without even a glance at the waitress.

“Trust me, Elle. I’m not alone.” He smiles wickedly. “If you’re alluding to having a girlfriend, I’m just not looking for one right now. I need to focus on baseball, and besides, some of the girls I’ve dated don’t measure up.

There are certain things I look for, and if I’m not feeling it, I’d rather not waste my time.” He smiles charmingly.

“Someone’s got some lofty expectations.” I laugh.

“Yeah,” he says, a small smile touching his mouth. “I’ve spent many years with a certain someone and she has set the bar very high. Not sure if I’ll ever be able to find someone who measures up.” He picks up his beer and winks at me as he takes another drink.

“Do I know this person?” I ask, inwardly blushing, knowing that he’s referring to me.

“Very well,” he says. “Where’s Cane?”

“I don’t know.” I scan the crowd as Tyler follows my gaze. I finally spot Cane exiting the restroom when a redhead facing the bar stops him. Cane’s reaction is one of surprise as the woman leans forward to hug him. He glances over at me before he says no, and steps away from her. She slowly turns in my direction. I recognize her as his ex, and she smiles as if we are the best of friends. She has colored her brown hair a deep shade of red; that’s why I didn’t recognize her. Instantly, a huge pit settles in my stomach at seeing her again, even though I know I have nothing to worry about with Cane.

“Isn’t that his ex?” Tyler glares in Cane’s direction. His gaze softens when he looks back at me. “What the fuck is she doing here?”

“Yes,” I reply. “I’m sure she didn’t know we were going to be here.” I laugh, attempting to appear relaxed. I’ve only seen her once two years ago, and that was enough to last me a lifetime. The sight of her brings back the awful memories of when we broke up.

“Fuck, what the hell is he doing still talking to her?” Tyler says, glaring back at them, his lips tight. “Aren’t you mad? He’s fucking talking to the girl that he cheated with.”

It’s been two years, Tyler. It is just a coincidence.” I say as I glance over and see that she’s taken a step closer to him while Cane retreats a halt step.

“Aren’t you going to go over there?” He furrows his brows in bewilderment.

“No, they’re just talking,” I reply even though I feel uneasy about it. I guess the sight of her reminds me of how I almost gave up on Cane, gave up on us.

“If you’re not going to go, then I will,” He says as he steps away from the table.

“No,” I say under my breath as I grab his arm, feeling his muscles tense. “Stop,” I whisper. “Like I said, they’re just talking. Plus, I trust Cane; it’s her I don’t trust.”

“Fine.” He hisses, scrutinizing Cane as he walks over to the table. He picks up his beer and takes a swig before putting it down on the table with a little too much force making me flinch in my chair. I glare at him and shake my head as if telling him not to start anything with Cane.

“Sorry, I took so long baby.” Cane replies, scooting into the chair next to me, placing his hand on my thigh. “Hey, Tyler,” He says before bringing his beer to his lips, taking a quick drink.

“Hey,” Tyler responds, looking back in the direction of the bar where Cane’s ex is now talking to a guy who has his arm wrapped around her shoulder and kisses her on the cheek.

“That’s okay, babe. Who was that?” I ask in the best casual voice that I can. I move my body in closer to his, waiting for him to confirm that it’s actually his ex. He clutches my thigh and smiles wistfully, leaning in for a kiss.

“Sierra.” He frowns, slowly pulling away. “I can’t believe the nerve of that girl asking me for a hug.” He shakes his head, taking another swig of beer as he looks back over his shoulder. “Crazy.” He laughs, gently rubbing my thigh as he kisses me on the cheek. Tyler looks between us. With his mouth a tight line, he catches my eye before he looks across the room toward the pool tables. In the beginning, this would have been harder for me to stomach, but it’s been two years since it happened. More than anything, I’m just shocked to see her. Cane and I have moved past the drama created by his ex.

“Who’s up for some pool?” Tyler asks, glancing back at Cane and me. I know what he’s doing. I look over and smile at his thoughtfulness.

“I’ll pass. I can’t play. The last time I played pool, or tried to play, it was a disaster.” I cringe, recalling that I’d spent more time chasing the cue ball around the room than I had playing.

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