Breaking Elle (38 page)

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Authors: Antoinette Candela

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: Breaking Elle
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“I’m yours.” I sigh, peeking at him through the fallen strands of hair that dangle before my eyes. His bright blue eyes dance playfully as he gently tucks my hair behind my ear.

“I want to look at you.” He says, pushing the hair away from my face. I can’t look away, ever. “You’re beautiful,” he whispers. He raises his lips to my jaw and kisses me softly, his lips trekking down to my throat. I can’t help but pant as his tongue teases me on its slow travel down to my breast. His hands explore my body. Cupping my breasts with his large palms, he teases my nipples with his thumbs. My heart races as his warm hands grip my waist tighter, pulling me down onto him; his breathing increases as he makes a noise in his throat.

His hard length nudges at my entrance, and I push back until his tip is inside of me. He lets out a moan and then sucks in his breath as I rock back and forth, taking more of him inside of me with each movement. His blue eyes are dark and hungry as he bites his lip in anticipation. Unable to take any more of my teasing, his strong hands grab my waist and he pulls me down onto his length as he thrusts up into me. I whimper, arching my back and moving my hips in rhythm with his thrusts.

“Tell me you want me,” he murmurs as he nips and bites my neck. Searching his deep blue irises, I see so much more than lust. I see everything he feels for me, and I wonder if he sees the same in mine. I’m not going to hold back, not now, not ever with him. It’s impossible.

“I want you.” I whimper breathlessly. He moves with me, thrusting and allowing me to feel all of him as I squeeze my inner muscles around him. I let my fingers, my kisses do the talking for me.

“You have me,” he whispers and my entire body tightens hearing his voice. The pressure builds, sharp and sweet. My body is hovering right on the sharp edge of release. When our bodies fall into a perfectly syncopated rhythm, our eyes lock, and my insides tighten. I shatter around him gripping him painfully. Capturing his mouth as the orgasm rips into me, he pushes deeper inside of me. I feel his warmth fill me. I move slowly over him, wanting to feel him as long as I can. As I lie on top of him, he tenderly kisses my neck. His breath flows over my naked skin as he hugs me close.

“I don’t want to hold back with you.” I trail my fingers over his skin, resting my chin on his chest. I cup his jaw and lean forward to kiss him. The look in his eyes turns something inside of me so deep that for a moment I’m scared that what we have is stronger than we ever imagined.

He brushes the hair away from my face and smiles. “You don’t have to, ever. I’m here for you,” he whispers.

I wasn’t going anywhere.



The sun streaming through the blinds coupled with the feeling of Reed’s strong arms wrapped around my waist and his fingers making circles on my stomach wakes me. The feel of his hard body against mine sends chills through me and brings a smile to my face when I think about last night and the emotional connection we have. He seems as content as I do as I turn to meet his grinning face. I’ve never coveted someone so badly in my life.

“Am I in a dream?” I ask, brushing aside the hair that has fallen over his eye.

“I guarantee you that last night was not a dream.” He grins charmingly. He kisses me on the cheek and rolls back onto the pillow, throwing his hand behind his head as he stares at the ceiling. “Do you know how many nights I would lie here thinking about you like this, lying in my bed next to me?” He turns to me, and smiles. I blush realizing he felt those same initial emotions that I felt for him when we first met, too.

“I didn’t know,” I whisper rolling closer to him so that my body presses against his side. My own feelings for him scared me, and I didn’t imagine that he shared them as well. I couldn’t act on them while I was with Cane, but somehow we’re here and it feels perfect.

“You couldn’t know. I didn’t know myself. I was scared. I’ve never experienced anything like what I feel for you,” he says, shifting his body to face me. “But I like it, a lot.” He smiles.

“Me too.” I smile, brushing my hand over the new stubble that has grown on his face. “I like this look on you; it’s very sexy. Kinda badass.” He leans into my hand, staring at me with radiant blue eyes that I’ve fallen in love with.

“Yeah?” He replies charmingly, creating waves of goose bumps on my skin. My thoughts of him and of last night hold me captive, and I can only nod. It was more than I expected. “If last night wasn’t badass enough for ya, I can give you some more.”

“Are all men from Texas as charming as you?” I ask, tracing the rose tattoo over his heart. He laughs as he stares down at my tiny hands, sending a shiver streaming through my body all over again. I can’t believe that I ever imagined letting this go without a fight because I was scared of what might happen.

“I want to think I’m one of a kind.” He laughs, stroking my cheek. “A man with many talents.” He chuckles.

I’ve discovered some of those talents myself. No one has ever done anything so intimate like that. Not even Cane. How often will a guy change for a girl, give up everything to be with one exclusively? Regardless of all that I know about him, I’m here and I’m willing to see where we end up. When we’re together, I forget everything.
Yeah, hold that thought.

“Oh shit! What time is it?” I say sitting up and pulling the comforter to my chest.

“Oh.” He groans, rolling over to check the alarm clock. “7:25.” He mumbles and I frantically search around the bed for my clothes.

“I’m late for work!” I whine.

“Oh babe, let’s call in sick.” he replies, his eyes dancing mischievously. “We can work from home. We’d get a lot more done here.” He smirks, eyeing the bed.

“I’m sure we
.” I reply, climbing over him to look for my dress. Bad idea. He grabs me, pulling me back on top of him. “You planned that, didn’t you?” I smile coyly, not complaining in the least. He growls softly. His hands caress the curve of my back then slowly slide over my ass and down the back of my thighs.

“Maybe,” he whispers. His eyes rake over my naked curves and his smile turns provocative. I blush uncontrollably. “You’re so gorgeous,” he says, placing a warm kiss on my shoulder before releasing me. “Damn work.” He yanks the sheet off, snatches his boxers from the floor, and then stands, unashamed and glorious. I can’t tear my eyes away from his firm ass, his muscular legs, and his inked body. I stare as he pulls on his boxers, wanting to lick each one of his tattoos. Is this a god standing in front of me?
Do I really have to go to work today?
I’m at a loss for words.

“Are you okay?” He turns, smirking raising one eyebrow humorously as he scratches his temple.

“Yeah,” I reply trying to catch my breath.

“What’s wrong? Cat got your tongue?” He leans over, kissing the top of my head.

“You know what you do to me, so don’t play dumb,” I reply, focusing on the V that dips into the waist of his boxers. I want nothing more than to spend the whole damn day with this handsome man who makes me swoon each second that I spend with him. I thought I had everything I ever wanted with Cane, but now I know it was just enough to get me by. With Reed, I feel like I could ask for the universe and everything in it, and he would die to give it to me.

“Well, it’s not too late to change your mind about calling in sick.” He smirks, purposely flexing his arms to persuade me a little bit more.

“The thought of spending the whole day with you in bed is tempting, but it won’t pay the bills.” I cast my eyes away from his body before I actually take him up on his offer and suffer the consequences. From where I’m sitting, his suggestion looks damn good.

“Fine. Doesn’t hurt to try.” He pouts, pushing out his bottom lip. “I’m gonna take a quick shower, and then we can swing by your place so you can freshen up and get your stuff before we head over to the Center. Unless you want to freshen up here?” A wicked grin appears on his handsome face. “We can kill two birds with one stone.” He grins wickedly, nodding his head in the direction of the bathroom.

“Hmm... Then we’d definitely have to work from home,” I reply. I sense his eyes on me when I rise from the bed to find my panties and bra lying from on the floor. It sends tingles shooting through me when I glance over to see him staring at me.

“If you’re not going to join me in the shower, you could have waited for me to leave before you did that.” He closes the space between us and pulls me into his body. “Could you be mine?” he whispers in my ear. The words sound so intimate and certain that I almost collapse in his arms.

“Do you want me to be?” I ask, tilting my head.

“In every way.” He kisses my neck softly with his open mouth, his breath flowing over my skin. “Never been so sure of anything in my life,” he says without hesitation. “But can I just give you some advice?”

“Sure,” I say breathy and light, feeling the heat pull in all the right places.

“Doing what you just did,” he says, sliding his hand from my shoulder to my hips, “doesn’t help your cause, ya know. The whole work thing will never win over what’s under my fingers right now.” He tugs me closer to him, my back flush with his warm hard chest. I bite down on my lip, fighting the urge to pull him back on the bed with me.

“I could stay here with you all day. All week. No food. No water. Just you. You’d keep me alive,” he whispers into my ear, brushing his soft lips down my neck. “I’ll be right back.” He smiles as he heads to the bathroom.

I close my eyes, still tasting him on my lips and feeling the warmth of his body against mine. I didn’t know I could feel so content so soon after breaking up with Cane. Right now, my heart is making all the decisions concerning Reed, and I just have to trust that it’s right. I pull my dress over my head, throw my hair in a ponytail, and as I slip on my sandals, check my reflection in the mirror.

I don’t know why, but I open the top drawer of his dresser. Not sure what to expect, I breathe a sigh of relief when I find folded t-shirts and shorts. Why? In the back of my mind, I think that he’s hiding something from me. Isn’t that the pot calling the kettle black? Still, that doesn’t stop me. I open the next drawer because I want to find something to explain this feeling.

Large piles of neatly stacked money greet my curious eyes. Not one dollar bills but one hundred dollar bills. I try to swallow the knot in my throat. What the hell is he doing with all this money, and where did it come from? Why do I automatically assume that it’s something bad?

I quietly slide the drawers shut when I hear him getting out of the shower. Why would I even do this? Am I having doubts? Are the things Tyler and Jace told me still lingering in my thoughts? I want to prove them wrong, but is that even possible now? There’s an explanation for having all of that money, right? I can’t confront him. How does it look that I’ve been snooping around? What does that say about me?

He walks into the bedroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. Beads of water still cling to his shoulders and chest, and glisten off the surface of his tattoos. His hair is wet and sticking up in unruly spikes.
Damn him for being so gorgeous.

“Give me a minute, doll,” he says, shaking his head and splashing me with water.

“Hon!” I yelp, trying to push him away playfully.

“I won’t do that again if you join me next time,” he murmurs, hugging me close, the wetness from his body seeping through to my back. He leans down, pressing a gentle kiss on my neck.

Shivers attack me, making my knees buckle. Thankfully, he’s holding me right now. “I will definitely take a rain check on that,” I whisper, spinning to face him.

“Good. I knew you would see things my way.” He smirks, sneaking a peck on my cheek. “I’ll be ready in a sec.” He grabs some things from the drawers I just snooped in, and it makes me feel guilty. I can’t say anything, can’t bring it up. How would that make me look? What does that say about our relationship? Can I trust him? Has my parents’ divorce and my relationship with Cane done so much damage that I can’t trust anymore? These questions will stay with me until he tells me,
he tells me. What will it mean if he doesn’t?



When I get to work, I find out that my mom never came home last night. Jace is texting me nonstop because she didn’t call or leave a message with either of us. When I call her office, the receptionist tells me she’s in a meeting. At least I know she’s safe, even if I have no idea where she spent the night. Jace and I decide that we need to confront her together at home. I beat him to the house, and anxiously pace through the house, debating how to start this difficult conversation. It feels like I’m the parent and she’s the child.

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