Breaking Free: A Living Again Novella (18 page)

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Authors: L.L. Collins

Tags: #Contempoaray

BOOK: Breaking Free: A Living Again Novella
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Greer laughed. “Well for the record, I hope all of our kids are just like you. You’re so amazing, my dear wife. I still can’t believe I was lucky enough to get you to fall in love with me.”

Alexis hugged him tight. “I had no choice but to fall in love with you, Greer. We were made for each other. A match made in heaven.”



The End to the Living Again Series.

Look for another emotionally charged LL Collins series coming soon!



I Don’t Dance
- Lee Brice

Bring Me to Life
- Evanescence

Everything Has Changed
- Taylor Swift

- Taylor Swift

- Imagine Dragons

On Top of the World
- Imagine Dragons

- Imagine Dragons

- Imagine Dragons

Love Story
- Taylor Swift

You Belong With Me
- Taylor Swift

The Story of Us
- Taylor Swift

Someone’s Watching Over Me
- Hilary Duff

The Voice Within
- Christina Aguilera

’- Alicia Keys

Something I Need
- One Republic

- Sam Smith

- Hunter Hayes

There Goes My Life
- Kenny Chesney


Breaking Free
Playlist on Spotify




This is really it. The end of the Living Again series. I hope you enjoy Alexis’ novella
Breaking Free
. As always, this novella deals with emotional topics that are not only meant to bring awareness, but tolerance and acceptance of other people and their differences. Together, we
make a difference.

It’s been a whirlwind year. Five books later, here I am. I could say I’ve loved every moment of the last year, but that wouldn’t be true. What I can say is that I’ve learned
much on the way, crushed my goals, made new ones, and lived the dream I’ve had since I was a small child. But I’m nowhere near done. Writing

So thank you, every single person that I’ve met along this journey. Some of you have changed me for the better, and some have taught me important life lessons. Through it all, I’ve become a stronger person, a better writer, and now have even more of a determination to do what I know I’m meant to do—write.




Autism Spectrum Disorder is sadly on the rise in this country and across the world. Currently 1 in 68 children will be diagnosed on the spectrum, and it is almost 5 times more common in boys than girls. This is more than double the number from just fourteen years ago. It affects all socioeconomic, racial, and ethnic groups. Please visit
for more information and to learn how you can help.

This book is NOT considered a standalone. Please read in connection with the Living Again series.

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Reading order

Living Again

Reaching Rachel

Guarding Hearts

Finding Forever

Breaking Free:
A Living Again Novella (NOT recommended to read unless you’ve read the series)


~Author LL Collins

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