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Authors: Eden Bradley

Breaking Skye (14 page)

BOOK: Breaking Skye
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“It’s not easy,” she gasped, realizing only then that part of her
holding back, hanging onto some last shred of control. God, this really was a mind fuck.

“It’s as easy as you make it, Mischa.”

She tried to shake her head, but he pressed down on the back of her neck with one hand. Gently, but it was enough to press her cheek right into the cushions of the sofa. And he was still using the other hand to hold both of her wrists at the small of her back. She began to tremble all over. It was half nerves, half desire, which was shivering through her in a series of tiny sparks, like small electric shocks. How had he known she would respond like this, when she hadn’t known herself?

He leaned over her until he was whispering into her hair. “I know what you’re going through, Mischa. You’re fighting it. The fight makes it harder on you. I admit I’ll enjoy it a bit. But when you let go the fight, that’s when it can really begin. That’s when you’ll feel it all in some new, sublime way. That’s my goal with you, sweetheart. To take you there.”

“I…I don’t know…” Her anxiety was mounting as she squirmed, and realized she truly could not break from his hold on her.

“Ah, but I do. I can see it in you, the ability. The submissive response to even the most subtle tone of voice, the most subtle touch. It doesn’t have to mean you’ll ever be some kind of slave girl. There’s a world of difference there. Don’t you worry about that. Just be in the moment. Let it happen, as much as you can.”  His fingers flexed on the back of her neck, the fingers of his other hand flexing on her wrists, a small reminder. “Breathe for me, now. Deep breath in, let it out slow. Like meditation. It
a sort of meditation, as strange as it may sound. As odd as it may be to think of being able to relax while I hold you down like this. But that’s exactly the point. You are in

As soon as he said it—‘my hands’—she did get it. She did as he said, pulling in a long breath, letting it out a little at a time. Trying desperately to quiet the voice in her head that was telling her it was time to panic. But his soothing tone instructing to her breathe, over and over, was drowning it out.

Time passed. She didn’t know how much. Finally he said, “Very good.” And spanked her.

Copyright 2012 Eve Berlin. Excerpted by permission of Berkley Group. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.


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Bonus Excerpt: SANCTUARY

Eden Bradley


From the Author of THE DARK GARDEN comes another scorching BDSM romance.


When her best friend takes her to a BDSM club in San Francisco Devin Delaney meets the beautiful, mysterious and commanding Shaye Vincent. The wealthy, enigmatic man takes her on a journey into the darker side of sex, and it’s addictive.


At Sanctuary Devin’s kinkiest fantasies—and her emotions—shift into overdrive. But she’ll have to face old demons in order to give up control, and Shaye will have to walk through his own darkness. Can pain and desire bring them together? Or will it tear them apart?


Sensual, seductive and deeply moving—If you liked the Fifty Shades trilogy, you’ll fall in love with Sanctuary.



“I appreciate you coming on such short notice,” he said.

“Well, you asked me to come. I thought…”

“What did you think?” he asked as he took her coat.

“That I…

He hung her coat carefully in the foyer closet, then turned to face her. He looked beautiful and as wicked as ever in the low lighting coming from the living room.

He took her hand once more and pulled her in close enough that she could feel the hard planes of his body pressed against her breasts. She wanted to groan aloud, but bit it back.

He said quietly, so that she could feel his breath against her cheek, “We have no contract, Devin. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. We’ve negotiated some of your limits, but you never have to be here if you don’t want to.”

“Oh, I want to be here. I was just trying to tell you that I feel when you ask something of me, it becomes…exactly what I want.”

He surged against her, his arms going around her and holding her close.

“Ah, you are perfect, my girl.”

She smiled, a shiver running through her. At the small term of endearment. At knowing she’d pleased him.

“I’m going to strip you down now,” he whispered to her. “I’m going to spank you with a small leather strap until your gorgeous ass is pink, until you can’t take anymore. And then I’m going to fuck you.”

“Oh, yes…” she breathed, not entirely certain she’d actually said the words aloud until she heard his small, pleased chuckle.

In a flash he’d turned her around and had her naked, his own shirtless body pressing up behind her.

“Shaye, I—”

“Sh, now. Just follow my lead.”

Her head was spinning, sinking down and down, into that floating place where there was nothing but pleasure, despite the pain he might give her. She wanted it.

She let him walk her into the living room, where he bent her over the end of the sofa.

“Rest your elbows on the arm of the couch to steady yourself,” he instructed. “Yes, good. You have the most delectable ass I’ve ever seen.”

He smacked her once, hard, making her jump, making her laugh.

“Oh, do you think that’s funny?”


He smacked her again and another giggle came out of her.

“Shaye, I…it’s just nerves or something.”

“Yes, I know. I’m not worried. I have my ways. Head down now, little Devin, and stay here quietly until I get back. Quiet and imagining what I might do to you in a few minutes.”


“Sh, quiet,” he said, a harder edge to his voice this time that made her limbs go warm, her mind buzzing.

She heard him walk away, the sweep of his bare feet. He’d left her shoes on, and she shifted from one foot to the other, heard the small squeak they made on the wood floors and tried to still herself. There was a momentary struggle to keep still, to do as he said. But she reminded herself that he had asked this of her—d
it—and that was all it took for her body to calm of its own accord in a way that was almost meditative.

He was back in a few moments later, his hand resting at the small of her back, steadying her. Making her feel owned, somehow.

“You look so naked bent over like this,” he murmured. “I can just see the lovely seam of your pussy. Makes me want to touch you there. Like this.”

His fingertips stroked the sensitive flesh between her thighs and she went wet instantly.

“Spread a little for me. Yes, good.”

She felt wide open. Wanton. She loved it.

He grasped one hip in his big hand, pressed up against her, his erection against her buttock.

God, he was going to fuck her tonight. She could hardly wait. Her sex clenched at the thought.

His fingers found her wet slit once more, and he pushed one inside.


Stay quiet, Devin. Try to be quiet, to hold still, no matter what I’m doing to you. Do you understand? You can answer me.”


“Say my name.”

“I understand, Shaye.”

When he pushed a second finger inside her, causing pleasure to spill into her system like liquid heat, she had to bite her lip.

He began a slow pumping rhythm, fucking her with his hand, and at the same time he began to spank her.

It didn’t hurt at first—she was too full of pure pleasure from what he was doing to her needy pussy. But soon he began to smack harder, and it became more difficult to keep quiet. But she would do it. For him.

He kept up the spanking, raining blows over her ass, her thighs, and all the time fucking her with his thrusting fingers. She was lost in pleasure—even the pain was pleasure. Lovely.

And then he hit her with something.

She smelled the leather even as she felt the wide strap across her bottom. She was too shocked to cry out.

He hit her again with the strap, and this time she did yelp.

“Come on, Devin. You can take it.”

And she could. She felt a certain pride well within her as he smacked her ass over and over with the leather strap, as she felt the welts rising on her skin. She knew she could handle the pain. And somewhere between the hurting strap and the lovely sensation of his fingers plunging inside her, the line began to blur. Sensation became one thing—pleasure and pain—and her service to
, that she was doing this to please him, but as she’d said, it was what she craved most now, as well.

It went on and on, until she felt her pussy swell with need, felt her climax trembling in her body, waiting, waiting.

Shaye must have felt it, too.

“Hold it back,” he ordered. “Don’t come until I tell you to.”


He began to fuck her harder with his hand, really slamming into her. At the same time he kept smacking her sore and stinging skin with the strap. Something about the sharp scent of the leather was driving her crazy. Needing to come was driving her crazy. Her legs began to shake.

“Oh, baby, this is beautiful,” he told her, his voice a little breathless. “You can do it. Hold it back for me.”

He hit her harder, and pleasure surged, making her pussy ache, her clitoris hardening until she could barely stand it.

“Shaye…I can’t.”

“You can. And you will. Because I need to be inside you when come, baby. I need you to come all over me.”

She groaned as he slipped his fingers from her—at the los of sensation. At the knowledge that he would fuck her now.

In moments he was behind her once more, and she felt his strong, naked thighs against hers, the slight tickle of the fine hair there. Then his sheathed cock was poised at her entrance. She surged back against him, trying to take him in.

A low, rough chuckle from him. “Little Devin, you are not the one running this show, are you?”

“No, Shaye.”

“I like that—the way you say my name. I want you to ask for it.” His voice was rough with desire. “Ask me by name, Devin.”

“Please, Shaye.”

He pressed his thick cock against her, the tip just slipping inside. She could feel the cool metal of his piercing even through the condom. “Please, what?”

She groaned. “Please fuck me.”

“Say it again. The right way.”

“Oh…please fuck me, Shaye.”

Copyright 2012 Eden Bradley. Excerpted by permission of Eden Bradley. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.

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Eden Bradley


This summer is going to be twice as hot…

The view from Leigh’s front porch was never this nice. In fact, her hunky new neighbor is sparking all kinds of naughty ideas about how to beat the heat. Much to her delight, the feeling is mutual—as long as they keep things light. Her divorce left her a little lonely, but far from needy.

Jared doesn’t plan to spend much time in his new place before jetting off on his next photojournalism assignment. Leigh’s classic, California blonde looks are any man’s fantasy. A little flirting, a little playful, neighborly car washing, and it isn’t long until their summer fling is in full swing.

Neither can imagine the sex being any hotter—until Jared’s sometime roommate and lover, Matteo, comes to town. In the arms of two men, Leigh brings her ultimate fantasy into scorching reality.

Jared revels in the chance to command his two lovers’ every move, but when he gets the call for his next overseas gig, he’s not so sure he’s ready for the fireworks to end. And even as Leigh gives her two lovers the most precious gift—their freedom—she wonders how she’ll find the strength to say goodbye.

BOOK: Breaking Skye
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