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Authors: Sara Brookes

BreakMeIn (21 page)

BOOK: BreakMeIn
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“She’s familiar with this stuff, right?” He gestured to the
cuffs. “The whole deal with the lifestyle.”

“You could say that.”

“I just can’t tell which way she identifies. Domme or sub.
Some days I’m sure it’s one. Other days I’m not so sure.”

“She was a Domme for a while. Seemed pretty settled into it.
Then Tony came along, flipped her world and sent her reeling. She’s been a
submissive ever since. I don’t know the whole story of how, didn’t ask for
details when Allison talked about it.”

“Just when I think I’ve got this whole thing all figured

“Welcome to ‘you people’, brother.” Patrick stopped at the
door. “I’m going to go talk about the delivery for the next morning with Genevieve.
Give me a shout if you need a hand with something.”

A few hours later Patrick had gone home to have a
celebratory dinner with Allison, and Alex settled into the quiet comfort he
found in working behind the counter of the shop. A few late-night customers
still remained, dutifully working on their laptops or huddled close together
sharing a mug of decaf. Which was just fine with him as it gave him a chance to
settle back into his routine.

He was so busy prepping the supplies for the next day he didn’t
realize he had a customer waiting for him until he turned around. Who he found
staring at him brought him to an abrupt halt and shattered the quiet night he’d
been having.


“Evening.” He braced his hands on the counter, preparing
himself for the onslaught she would undoubtedly deliver. Maybe he would get
lucky and she was in a good mood. Given the frizzy state of her normally shiny
black hair he sensed trouble. “Can I fix you something?”

“I hate coffee. You know that.”

He winced at her scornful tone. Some days he really hated
being right. “Yes, I remember. We have tea as well. Chamomile used to be your

“What are those?” Her pretty features distorted as she

He glanced down remembering the leather at his wrist again.
The fact he kept forgetting them was both good and bad. Right now it was very
bad. “I was running late earlier. Forgot to take them off.”

“What. Are. Those.”

Alex swallowed. “Probably better if I don’t answer that.”

“It’s that horrible BDSM stuff isn’t it?” Vivian’s eyes
shined bright with anger as their gazes met. “What is wrong with
you…you…sickening perverted creature.”

Aw, hell.
This wasn’t going to be a good
conversation. Better to curb this conversation before the customers were
dragged through the drama. “Viv, stop.” He purposefully kept his voice calm and
level. “Don’t start this up again. Not here.”

She pointed, shaking an accusatory finger at him. “Don’t you
dare call me
. And don’t tell me to stop. How could you do this to
me? How could you humiliate me like this?” Her voice rose to a screech. A sign
there would be no reasoning with her, not once she got this spun up. She’d been
much the same during their marriage.

Still, for the sake of his customers, and maybe his own
sanity, he had to try to reason with her. “If you just calm down we can talk
about this.”

“I will not talk to you while you’re wearing those vile
things.” She pointed to the thick leather. Given her visible disgust he was
sure she would spit on him at any moment. Things were spiraling quickly out of
control and if he didn’t get a handle on the situation they were both going to
end up saying something they regretted.

He’d already been down this road with her.

And he wasn’t interested in a repeat performance.

“Say whatever you want, Vivian, you aren’t going to make me
feel guilty about my choices. You already did plenty while we were married. And
I will not continue to argue with you in my place of business.” He leaned
closer, lowering his voice to provide discretion for her. “Get out.”

“What happened to you, Alex?”

His eyes narrowed. “I got out from under your thumb.”

“You’re disgusting.” Vivian backed away from the counter
shaking her finger at him again. “You left me for her, didn’t you? I wouldn’t
be your slave. I wouldn’t let you tie me up and beat me so you left me. Didn’t
you? Didn’t you?”

Obviously she wasn’t going to let embarrassment overshadow
her disgust.

“Vivian, stop.”

“No. I will not stop. I will not stop until everyone in town
knows you’re some sick pervert who gets off beating women. Just like your
father.” She stormed out, hair flying behind her as she ran down the sidewalk

Accusatory gazes arrowed on him as tension filled Perfect

Some of the gazes narrowed as several customers stood,
hastily grabbing their coats as they beat a path to the door. On their way to
feed the town gossip mill no doubt. The best he could do now was damage control
and hope for the best.

“Sorry, folks, next round of coffee is on the house.”

No one moved.

Well, at least the ones who were left hadn’t run out the
door yelling and screaming about what had just happened. More than likely they
were sticking around to see what other forms of fuckery the Conners family
would dole out tonight.

He’d already learned he wasn’t much of an exhibitionist and
wasn’t interested in being the star attraction in whatever the gossips had to
say. Lost for what to do next he dropped his head to his hands, taking a few
calming breaths to settle the irritation spreading through his veins. This
crazy roller-coaster train he’d boarded could pull into the station at any time

A firm hand swept over his back.

He recognized Elena’s touch and exhaled, loving the calming
effect she had on him. She always knew when to be at the right place at the
perfect time. Despite her soothing presence he couldn’t simply brush away the
vision of the utter hatred that had darkened Vivian’s eyes.


He couldn’t find the words necessary to give her the
reassurance he was all right. He wasn’t. Not after such a violent
confrontation. The painful process of the divorce came rushing back. Damn it,
he’d thought he’d dealt with these fragments of his past. Why couldn’t history
just stay history and leave him alone so he could go live his life?

How much more did he need to sacrifice?

Elena nudged him out of the way. “What can I get for you,
Britney?” He stood shoving his hands into his pockets as he watched her flip
over two mugs. She filled one with the house blend as she waited for the milk
to steam. “Go sit down for a few minutes.” She shoved the mug at him, knocking
her hip against his as she smiled and winked.

The comfort and familiarity of a cup of coffee in his hand
wasn’t enough to break him out of his stupor. He pushed the mug away as he sat
in the most secluded area he could find, a small plush chair tucked into a
corner near the bathroom. He covered his eyes with his arms, his head falling
back to rest against the cushion. The steady buzz of conversation filling the
coffeehouse blurred as he replayed the argument with Vivian in his head.

Those words.

Her distraught expression.

Her revulsion at the choices he’d made, at the direction his
life had taken.

If he’d just kept his mouth shut a few years ago he wouldn’t
have to deal with this mess. They never would have gotten divorced. Maybe they’d
even have kids by now. Vivian would have everything she had ever wanted.

Her heart’s desire.

And he’d be a miserable fuck.

A gentle hand swept up his thigh. He moved to brush it away,
but the hand simply tightened in warning.

“Go away, Elena.”

Her hand slipped under the leg of his pants, closing around
his ankle. “I don’t think leaving you alone right now is a good idea.”

He shook his leg in an effort to kick her hand away, but she
held fast. “What the hell do you know?”

“I know you’re wondering how much easier your life would
have been if you hadn’t said anything. You’re wondering why you even bothered
to say anything to her because your life would have been so much simpler. You’d
still have the perfect white picket fence. Maybe even have a kid and be on your
way toward being president of the PTA.”

He nodded slowly, fighting the hard ball of emotions taking
up residence in his stomach. “I’m sorry. It’s not a reflection on you.”

“She was a large part of your life for a long period of
time. You’re still hurt she turned her back on you when you needed her the most.
She’s still hurting too judging by what she said.”

“So you heard her?”

“Whole town probably did. I don’t take offense to those
thoughts. In fact I’d worry if you didn’t have them. There’s nothing demented
or perverted about you, Alex. Despite what Vivian seems to think.”

“I know. I’m happy with the choices I’ve made that have
brought me to this point. I wouldn’t change a thing.”
Well, maybe one.

Her fingers squeezed his thigh. “Meet me at the warehouse in
an hour.”

“I don’t think I’m in the mood—”

“I don’t believe I phrased it as a question.” She looked at
him for a long few minutes before pulling out her phone. She’d obviously set
her mind to something. He knew better than to protest too much. Besides, he
wanted to get out of here and arguing with her would just prolong the misery.

“Patrick, can you close the store tonight? Alex is fine, but
Vivian just stormed—yes, thank you.” She ended the call, punching a combination
of keys without taking her gaze away from his. “Sorry to be calling so late. I’m
not interrupting anything am I? Oh good. Listen, do you have some free time to
meet me at Sanctuary? I need a hand.”

Chapter Fifteen


Anger still a hard knot in his stomach, Alex punched in the
access code to the cipher lock. He steeled himself for the pending argument
with Elena because he wasn’t in the mood to deal with this tonight.

He wasn’t even sure why he’d agreed to come, because facing
her distant nature wasn’t something he was in the mood for. The speech died in
his throat as he spied the large, claw-footed tub positioned near the bed. A
light steam rose from the water filling the tub along with piles and piles of
bubbles. Candles were the only light in the room, giving the atmosphere a soft,
romantic feel.

“No matter what Vivian says a perverted man doesn’t look at
a bubble bath the way you are right now.” Elena dropped a stack of towels on a
small table next to the tub. She knelt, rummaging through a drawer before she
pulled out a number of items, which she also placed on top of the table. She
stepped closer to the tub, dropping the silk rob she wore. Her quiet sigh
echoed through the space as she slipped into the water and sank to her

“So is this a new kink I should take note of for future


She smiled playfully as she dragged her hand through the
bubbles. “Watching me sit in a bath full of water. A new kink I need to know

Not as though the suggestion was a terrible idea. He could
watch Elena sit and read the phone book if it meant he got to spend time with
her. Funny how he’d once done everything he could to avoid Vivian and now he
wanted nothing more than to spend time with someone who genuinely cared for his

“I’m supposed to watch you take a bath?”

“If you like, but I’d prefer you bathe me instead.”

He walked forward, snagging the stool he’d sat on the first
night here as he approached. Sitting, he felt the heat of the water radiate
against his face. A year ago the idea of bathing someone would have never
crossed his mind. Showering or bathing was a necessary human function not an
event that could be turned into something sexual. But in the blink of an eye
Elena had given him a thousand ideas about what he wanted to do both to and
with her involving water.

Picking up an oversized natural sponge and a tube of liquid
soap, he scooted closer to the tub. He winced when he dunked his hand under the
water, the heat instantly aggravating his skin. “Holy shit. Do you always take
baths this hot?”

“When I need to relax after a long day—yes.”

He didn’t quite understand how this played into what
happened at Perfect Shot with Vivian. He’d had one hell of a day and the
thought of relaxing in a hot bath certainly sounded tantalizing. But it appeared
as though he wasn’t going to be allowed the experience anytime soon.

The fragrance of the soap filled the air around them, a soft
and delicate scent that reminded him of a field of wildflowers in the fall. The
lush perfume suited Elena’s personality.

Intensely feminine while refusing to be ignored.

He worked slowly, taking his time to lift both of her legs
out of the water. The soap-drenched sponge glided over her skin leaving a trail
of suds in its wake. Elena quietly sighed as she sank lower into the water
allowing her head to fall back against the rim of the tub. He glided the sponge
over her abdomen, drawing unhurried circles with it around her breasts. Her
nipples peeked through the bubbles, taunting him to dip down and taste her.

“That feels very good.”

He slowed his movements, drawing the sponge over her until
he brushed the sponge against those hard buds. She shifted higher, exposing her
breasts entirely. As soap trailed over her skin he abandoned the sponge in the
water and leaned forward.

Water soaked his shirtsleeves as he pushed his weight onto
his hands, his fingers splaying wide over the bottom of the tub for balance.
Dipping his head he scraped his tongue over her wet flesh. Her quiet moan
encouraged him, his forearm curling behind her back to offer support as he
lifted her higher out of the water, exposing her nipples.

He dipped his head lower, scraping his tongue against one of
the buds. She went loose against his arm, allowing him to take her weight and
lift her higher. The taste of Elena mixed with the sweet honeysuckle aroma of
the soap she’d chosen.

Drunk on the mixture, his lips closed around her nipple and
he drew more of her into his mouth. Her wet fingers threaded through his hair,
holding his head in place so he couldn’t move away.

He feasted as though each taste of her was his last.

Knowing he’d taken from her without permission he
finally—reluctantly—released her, drawing back to sit on the stool once again. Like
a gorgeous mermaid emerging from the water she rose to her knees. Tiny bubbles
streamed down her torso, exposing wide swaths of her skin to his gaze. She held
his gaze as she lifted her hand to gesture to him.

“Come here.”

Even though he very much wanted to follow her command he
held back. “I can’t do this tonight, Elena. I still feel the same way I did at
your workshop. I can’t just turn off—”

“No one is asking you to.” She pulled him into the water
with her, his clothing still in place.

The warm water enveloped him as he sank into the tub. Guided
by her hands she pushed on his shoulders until they were submerged and his chin
touched the surface of the water. The large tub was big enough his feet didn’t
even reach the opposite side even with his legs stretched out.

“Thank you for such a thorough job of washing me. But I do
believe you missed a spot.” Pivoting, she faced away, the curve of her back
facing him. She pushed the drenched fabric of his shirt up his torso, bunching
it under her ass so she had full skin-to-skin contact with him. She sank in the
water, the bare skin of her pussy pressing against his abdomen.

He released a soft groan as she shifted her hips ever so
slightly. Her skin dragged against him, the slippery water lubricating her
movements. Her mound pushed against his erection, causing the steel rod of
flesh to strain toward her. Her shoulders moved as she lowered her hand,
slicing through the water.

He held his breath as he waited for her hand to close around
his shaft. Instead liquid pushed against his skin, causing him to gasp. The
gentle rocking motion of the water was nearly as intoxicating as when she
surrounded him.

She leaned forward, her hands braced on the bottom of the
tub next to his knees. The new position completely exposed her pussy just
inches from his face and he licked his lips without thinking.

God, how he wanted to taste her.

The sampling of her breasts wasn’t enough. He craved more.
Needed her taste on his tongue. Her scent filling his nose. Her skin pressed
against his mouth, his tongue flicking out to stroke her flesh.

She sighed quietly, wiggling her hips slightly in
answer—encouraging him to continue. Her flesh pushed against his so she was
everything he could experience. His five senses went haywire surrounded by the
smell, taste, scent and feel of her cunt fastened to his mouth.

He licked and sucked with an enthusiasm he didn’t know he
was capable of possessing. As he ate her, he found himself gorging on her
flavors. He was certain he would never get enough.

Her fingers tugged at his zipper, fueling him as he
continued to attend to her. Freed from the confines of his pants, he felt a
cooler rush of air brush against the crown of his cock as it broke the surface
of the water.

Her hips wiggled, her flesh pushing back and forth against
his as she moved where she wanted him to lick and suck. He obliged her without
hesitation, wanting exactly what she wanted. Wanting her coming against his
tongue, writhing against his face. Now that he’d tasted her, he wanted it to be
this way all the time.

She pulled away, leaving his mouth and tongue denied of her.
He felt the loss, mourning it as she moved out of his reach. Now she stood at
the side of the tub, looking down at him. He hadn’t moved, waiting for
direction. The water surrounding him stilled so only his head and the flushed purple
ridge of his cock were visible above the surface.

“I’m tempted to leave you here until your skin prunes just
so I can admire the gorgeous picture you make, your head and cock above the

“The best parts of me are available to your wishes.”

“Unfortunately I have other plans for the night.” She pulled
a towel from the stack and offered it to him.

He rose, taking the offered towel. Instead of dying himself,
he snapped open the fabric and began drying her. He moved with care, stroking
the soft cotton against her skin as he collected the water droplets. Once he
was done he stood and discarded the damp towel. Retrieving a fresh one he
wrapped the fluffy cotton around her body so she wouldn’t get cold.

“If I’d thought more about this I would have dried you with
my tongue.”

“You did miss a spot.”

“Missed only because I’d hoped you would grant me the
permission of tasting you again.” He already needed to taste her. He was like
an addict all over again. Only this time Elena was his addiction.

Her fingers stroked gently over his chin, her thumb grazing
lightly over his swollen lips. “You do seem to enjoy oral sex.”

“Because it means I get to taste you.”

“I believe I’ve unleashed a monster.”

“Perhaps. But I’d only say there is one hell of a side

“Oh I wasn’t complaining.”

“If you were I might have to resort to other methods of
convincing you just how fabulous I truly think having you this way is.”

“Then maybe it’s time I show you something as well.” She
worked quickly and quietly, stripping away his wet clothes, kissing each inch
of flesh she exposed. Afterward she guided him to a bench and began wrapping
lengths of chain around his firm arms and strong planes of his chest. He could
only imagine the image he made bound this way, secured to the bench she’d laid
him out on.

Presented for her pleasure.

“How about I show you how much I enjoy sucking cock. You’ll
have to let me know if it compares to your enthusiasm.”

“I’m sure my efforts will pale in comparison.”

“Always the charmer.” Her hand closed around the base of his
dick, squeezing tightly just to the point of pain. As aroused as he was the
tightness simply enhanced his need.

Her lips cradled the crown, her tongue swiping over the tip
as she licked away the drops of water on his skin. She sucked and licked,
worshiping him in the same manner in which he’d showed her. Most of the
blowjobs he’d received during his life had been forgettable, carried out with
halfhearted enthusiasm.

So anything Elena did in comparison was fabulous.

Or maybe it was fabulous because he liked the idea of her
sucking his cock so much. The sensations, the sounds—everything—heightened his
excitement level even more. The position left him completely vulnerable. Open
to her mercy. And his cock was as hard as steel. The lust and need for her had
made him harder than he’d ever been in his life.

Jesus, what this extraordinary woman could do to him.

The brush of her fingers against his abdomen, thighs and
testicles was methodical. Gentle, but firm, she fondled everywhere but where he
needed the most. She played with the coarse hair circling the base of his cock,
her thighs brushing against his as she straddled him.

The warm lips of her pussy pressed against his abdomen. The
contact was sheer euphoria. Feeling such an intimate part of her against his
flesh was a nearly orgasmic experience itself. When she started slowly rocking,
dragging her heated flesh against him, he nearly lost his head.

She took her time, pushing herself against him, her pussy
becoming hotter and wetter with each passing second. She shifted and his cock
jerked as she pressed her bare mound against the base of his erection.

A quiet groan spilled from his lips as her heat pressed
against him, surrounding him like a fabulously soft and warm glove. She broke
contact and he gritted his teeth, struggling to prevent himself from begging
her to sit on him.

“You feel so glorious. Lying there patiently as I rub
against you, marking my territory.” He swallowed the lump in his throat as he
realized she was right. She was marking her territory, rubbing against him like
a cat re-scenting its owner each day. Her motions were unhurried and tireless
as though to remind him this was about her pleasure as well.

Quiet, feminine groans of satisfaction rumbled quietly from
her throat. Like soft purrs from a kitten snuggling up to its mother. He
strained against the chains she’d secured him with, pulling at them, convinced
he could just find the tiniest bit of slack to maneuver free.

She stopped suddenly, holding herself over him. He marveled
at her strength and power as she calmly reached between their bodies and
wrapped her hand around his dick. He hissed, a harsh whistle of air through
clenched teeth. He was so ready to blow he didn’t think this could be any more

Then, her gaze on his, she sank onto his cock and he
discovered his torture had only begun. He heaved out a sigh, drunk on the
pleasure filling him now as she surrounded him. A different sensation to battle
because now he wanted something else.

She rotated her hips as she ground against him, his eyes
nearly rolling back in his head. Though he felt as though he was in agony he
was convinced life couldn’t get any better than this and she could ride him for
as long as she wanted, take all the pleasure she could stand.

Slamming onto him she lifted her feet, forcing him up inside
her as far as he could go. “Look at me, Alexander.”

Struggling to maintain control he did as instructed. Her
middle finger dragged over her full bottom lip, her tongue flicking out to wet
it. He watched with rapt attention as she reached between her legs, using two
fingers to spread her flushed pussy lips while she touched her clit. The sight
of her flesh surrounding his erection disappearing into her was pure rapture.

BOOK: BreakMeIn
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