Breathe Into Me (9 page)

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Authors: Nikki Drost

BOOK: Breathe Into Me
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“Your scent does things to me that you can’t even imagine.”

I chuckle against his chest. “Speaking of scents, thank you for all of my flowers they are beautiful.”

“You’re welcome
, luv, sorry about the variety, but I didn’t know which kind you’d prefer.”  

“They were all lovely
, but tulips are my favorite.”

Adam flashes me a warm smile.
“I knew you weren’t a typical rose kind of girl.” He chuckles. “Okay are you ready for part two?”

I nod and he begins to recite the poem from memory.

“Still I remember you appear before me like a vision fleeting, a beauty’s angel pure and clear. In hopeless ennui surrounding, the worldly bustle, to my ear. For long your tender voice kept sounding, for long in dreams came features dear.”

“Man that’s not fair. He never buys me flowers or recites poetry to me. All I ever get are insults and cu
rse words,” Lincoln playfully whines.

“Bite me
, Lincoln,” Adam says teasingly.

“You see, it’s like that all day long.”

I can’t help, but laugh at the two of them. I love the playful nature between these two men. It’s like they’re brothers instead of friends.

“I forgot to tell you
, angel, I have to go out of town tomorrow, but I’d like you to have dinner with me the following night,” he leans in close and whispers, “and perhaps you’ll honor me by spending the night.”

Hot damn, I’
ve been trying to figure out a way to approach the subject with him since the last time we attempted to be together. I don’t care what happens, nothing, not even more dead bodies, is going to stop me from getting naked with this man.

’d love to have dinner with you,” I answer happily.

“And the other thing I mentioned?”

I try to play coy, but the poor man looks as if I’m torturing him. “Of course I’m going to stay the night.” Relief washes over his sculpted features.

“You’re going to pay for that
, female.” He playfully tickles me in my ribs and makes me giggle like a schoolgirl.

“As much as I love watching you two love birds
, we gotta go, brother.”

I’m once again surrounded in his embrace.

“Can I stop by your house before I leave tomorrow?”

I nod as I breathe in his scent. “Be careful out there, both of you.”

His hand caresses my cheek lovingly. “I promise, now eat your dinner, and make people well again.” He gives me one last kiss and turns to leave.

“Don’t forget to call me
, Lincoln,” Nessa calls out.

I didn’t even notice the two of them
talking to each other.

“Trust me darlin
’, you’ll be hearing from me.”

I try
to stop my eyes from rolling. Jeez, he’s such a flirt.

“Have a good night ladies.”

And with that, the ER returns to normal.

“That man is totally in love with you.”

Vanessa’s bold statement stops me from my quest for food.

“He does not, how could he
? We’ve only known each other for a few days.” I ignore her stare while I go through the cooler. The man brought me homemade, chocolate chip cookies, now I think I’m in love or at least chocolate induced lust.

“You didn’t see how he looked at you like you were the center of his universe. I’d kill to have a man look at me like that.”

I place the food back into the isolated bag. “We just started dating and you know how it is in the beginning.” It’s always fun getting to know each other, and learning their likes and dislikes. It’s all downhill from there or at least that’s been my experience.

, let’s bet on it. If he tells you that he loves you by this time next week you have to take any walk-ins that I don’t want and do the inventory for the next two weeks, if I’m wrong I’ll do the same.”

This is so silly.
There is no way he could be in love with me, lust maybe, but not love. He’s just working overtime to seduce me, and it’s working like a charm. But what if she’s right? My parents claimed they were victims of love at first sight. Of course they were both six years old at the time, so what did they know. I do feel a strong connection to him and enjoy our time together, but love? I’ve never been in love before, well maybe the normal teenage type of love, but not real all-consuming love. I had cared deeply for my ex-boyfriend Keith, but I wasn’t in love with him, which was why I ended things with him.

“Fine, you’re on.”




“What are you plans for the night
, angel?”

I’m standing in my driveway in Adam’s arms. He had just arrived with his friends in tow. They’re parked further down the drive to give us some privacy.

“I have a staff meeting, then I’ll be home for the rest of the night.”

It’s Wednesday or as Kelsey
likes to call it, wildcard Wednesday. Last week she had Henry and me dancing around the house to bad disco music while drinking champagne. She’s always doing crazy stuff like that. I recently had to talk her out of topless Tuesday and tequila shots Friday.

“Promise m
e you’ll stay indoors. It’s going to be a full moon tonight and weird stuff happens on full moons.”

“Trust me nobody knows that better than
I do. I’m a nurse remember. All the crazies show up at the ER on full moons.” I actually can’t believe I have tonight off. “So where are you guys going?”

Adam’s been tight lipped about his plans for tonight, which of course has my insecurities running wild. “We have some business in Vermont, nothing dangerous I promise
, but I won’t be able to call or text, but I’ll be back tomorrow afternoon.”

I realize I still don’t know
that much about his job, maybe I’ll do some research tonight.

“I’m going to miss you.” His fingers dig into my hips and our bodies are pressed closer together.

“I’m going to miss you to.” It’s the truth, I’ve gotten used to talking to him in one form or another at night. I watch as he slowly licks his bottom lip then gentle bites down. God I love when he does that. I’ve noticed he does it when he’s about to say something naughty or he’s thinking it. “I love when you do that.” I’m still trying to get used to how comfortable I’ve become with him. But in these last few days, I’ve decided to throw caution to the wind and be brave.

“Do what
, angel?”

Oh, he knows exactly what he’s doing. This man doesn’t do anything by accident.

“Come on, luv, there is no reason to be embarrassed. How will I know what you like or want if you won’t tell me?”

He’s right. I’ve never been one to voice my inner desires, always keeping them on the tip of my tongue. Kelsey was spot on, I’m sick of being the good girl.
“I think you look sexy as hell when you bite your lip.”

He’s eyes sparkle with mischief as he tilts his head to the side. “Is that so?”

Before I can comment, his lips find mine. His kiss is desperate, almost rough in intensity. We’re like a couple of teenagers, pawing at each other. I’m suddenly pressed against the side of my car. Adam grinds his hips and I can feel his hardness against my center.

“Do you feel that
, luv? Do you feel how hard you make me?”

I release a soft moan
as his hands find my breasts. My nipples harden with each pass of his thumbs.

“I can’t wait to have these
in my mouth, licking them, sucking them.”

He gently bites my neck and I almost climax right then and there. I can feel my panties moisten as my core begins to pulse with need.

“Adam, please…I-” I can’t take much more of this. If he doesn’t stop I’ll end up climaxing right here in my driveway in front of his friends.

did I tell you about begging?” he growls next to my ear. “Perhaps a good spanking will help you remember.”

Oh. My. God, that has to be the
hottest thing I’ve ever heard. He continues to grind into my core hitting me in all the rights places. My nails dig into his shoulders so hard it’s sure to leave marks. He alternates between rubbing and tweaking my nipples with his thumb and index fingers.

“The first time we
make love it’s going to be slow and gentle. I want to savor the feel of your bare skin against mine, taste your sweet lips after I’ve pleasured you with my mouth. Hear every moan you make as I bring your body closer to the edge, I need to watch you come apart underneath me as the scent of our joined climax’s fill the air.”

Oh dear god
, please right now, at this point I don’t care if his friends want to watch. I’d do anything to have those words turn into reality. Adam playfully nips at the base of my neck, and a low chuckle tickles my wet skin.

the second time, oh, luv, I hope you like it rough because I’m going to fuck you so hard and long and in every damn position I can think of ,that you’ll be screaming my name for hours. By the time I’m done, each and everyone of your dreams will have come true.”

Nope I take it back that is the
hottest thing I’ve ever heard. His mouth covers mine and stifles my moans of pleasure. Our tongues begin a sensual dance, back and forth like a game of cat and mouse that neither of us wants to lose. His fingers find the hem of my shirt, but before his hands slide underneath a loud whistle fills the air.

“I hate to interrupt
, but we’re burning daylight,” Jamie shouts.

Adam continues to hold me against my jeep. His hands slide to my hips while he rests his forehead against mine. We hold each other close while we catch our breaths. I’m glad I’m not the on
ly one affected by our passion.

“Are you ready for the next part of your poem?”

God I’d forgotten all about that, hell I’m not even sure what my name is right now.

” I pant.”

“Still I remember you appear
before me like a vision fleeting, a beauty’s angel pure and clear. In hopeless ennui surrounding, the worldly bustle, to my ear. For long your tender voice kept sounding, for long in dreams came features dear. Time passed. Unruly storms confounded, old dreams and I from year to year. Forgot how tender you had sounded, your heavenly features once so dear.”

“It’s lovely.
I can’t wait for the next part.” My feet return to the earth and a soft kiss is placed to the top of my head. I can hear Adam breathing in my scent.

“For that you’ll have to show up for dinner tomorrow
night. Stay safe, angel, and know that I’ll be thinking of you every minute that I’m without you.”

We say our goodbyes and have several more kisses
, but he finally returns to his friends. I watch as they openly tease him for our public display of affection. Adam kick starts his bike and his friends join in on the loud chorus. With one last look, he steers his bike down my driveway and into the afternoon sun.

Chapter 7


I watch as the sun make its slow decent behind the mountains. Night will be here soon and so will the moon. Every full moon shifters are forced to change forms from human to animal. We can’t stop the change or shift back until the sun comes up. If being forced to remain in animal form wasn’t bad enough
, the urges are enough to drive someone mad. All of our senses and emotions go into over drive, the need to mate and fight is always the hardest to ignore. Which explains my earlier behavior with, Andy, I never should have gone near her today. The woman is hard to resist on a good day. All it took was the scent of her desire to send me over the edge. All I could think about was getting inside of her.

“Man this better work.”

The sound of Cass’s voice brings me out of my musing. The rest of my brothers are right on his heels.

“My plans always work,
” Jamie brags. I roll my eyes at his arrogance. His brilliant plan is to make the Alphas and Omegas believe that we’ve left town for the night giving them free rein over Westhaven and its human occupants. Which is why we’re at Gary’s hunting cabin twenty-five miles from the Massachusetts border. Once the moon hits the sky we’re heading back to Westhaven in full force. Micah’s even called in reinforcements from Boston.

“I just got a text from
, Lincoln. He’s with the others and will meet us at the rendezvous point,” Jamie says as he lights his last smoke of the evening.

“I swear if either Dallas or you pull any shit tonight I’ll skin you both.” Micah pokes his brother in his chest for effect.

Jamie brushes his hand away as if it’s nothing more than a fly. “He’s the one with the fucking problem not me.”

That’s an understatement.
About three years ago, Jamie had slept with a girl Dallas was interested in, and refused to apologize for it. Granted Dallas wasn’t technically with her, but still if he’d done that to me, I’d want to kill him too.

“I don’t care
. Just don’t make it my problem. I’ve got enough shit to deal with.” Micah lights a Djarum Black and the sweet smell of cloves fills the air.

I take a deep breath and try to calm my nerves.

“Fine, now let’s go over the plan.”




Before long we’re back in the woods surrounding Westhaven. We’ve been slowly making our way south toward the bar. So far, there haven’t been any problems with Jamie or Dallas, but the night is still young. We had just met up with the others and Lincoln has picked up the scent of coyotes.

y the scent belongs to the Omegas that have been eluding us for days. If anyone can find them it’s that bear, he’s one hell of a tracker. The night has been surprisingly quiet, it’s as if the locals sensed a war brewing and decided to go elsewhere for the night. Just as we make our way across the river, we hear it. It’s the unmistakable howling of coyotes. From the sounds of their calls, it’s a good size pack. We spring into action and head east. We bound over rocks and fallen tree limbs racing toward the sounds of our enemies. Their howls and frenzied yelps indicate they’ve made a recent kill. I dig in deep and race for the head of the pack. I’m not going to take any chances on these fuckers getting away. This ends tonight.

About half a mile away, we separate and begin to surround the area. This way we can swarm them from all directions and hopefully stop them from running off. Keeping them contained is going to be our biggest issue, especially since we have no idea what kind of numbers we
’re dealing with.

I stalk forward
, careful to stay close to the ground, it won’t take long for them to realize we’re here. The stench of blood and death is overwhelming; it sticks to my fur and coats my nose, causing my blood to run cold. There is more than one victim, there has to be for the scent to be this strong. I continue forward, up ahead there is a well-known party spot. God only knows the carnage we are about to walk into. The sounds of low growls and tearing flesh assault my ears. It takes everything in me to hold my position several yards away. My stomach begins to churn with each moment that passes. This is a new disturbing development. Usually Omegas just kill humans and discard their bodies. They have never eaten their remains before. What the hell is going on? I inch forward to get a closer look and realize we are seriously outnumbered. There must be at least thirty coyotes, I’ve never seen this many together at once.

Damn this is going to be one bloody fight. A lone howl fills the night air signaling the start of the attack. The coyotes begin to scramble as we leap through the trees. The once quiet night is now full of the sounds of our mixed growls and
snarls. I grab the closest enemy by the throat and sink my teeth in, ripping the flesh from his body. Blood spills from my mouth as I scan the area for my next target, but I’m struck from behind and thrown to the ground. The coyote goes for my neck, but I manage to twist out of the way. Several coyotes begin to surround me. I ready myself for their attack, keeping my eye on the larger ones in the group. They continue to taunt me by nipping at my back legs and neck.

Fuck this, I snarl and flash my teeth as I lunge
toward the biggest of the group taking him to the ground. As my teeth sink into his neck, I’m struck from all directions. Teeth sink into my legs and back and I can feel my flesh begin to tear. I try to remove myself from their grips, but more of my flesh is torn in the process. If they get a hold of my neck, I’m done for. The injury wouldn’t kill me, but I’d be useless for hours until my body could heal itself. I drill my teeth into the nearest coyote who promptly yelps in pain. As they move closer to my jugular, I snap my jaws at their muzzles, hitting several targets.

I’m finally able to break free
, but my left leg is hurt badly, I can barely put pressure on it, that’s not the extent of my injuries. I can tell I’m bleeding in multiple places. Pain wracks my body, but I ignore it as I attack the nearest coyote. As I go for his neck, his sharp teeth make contact with my face, damn that’s going to leave a mark. I take out three more Omegas, but my energy is quickly depleted. I’m forced to remain on the ground while my brothers fight for their lives. The blood loss has made me dizzy and spots begin to form in my line of vision. I shake my head and try to clear it as another enemy makes his presence known. I growl a warning, but I can’t hide the fact that I’m hurt. I’m suddenly made aware of a looming presence. I try to raise my head, but it refuses to budge. A throaty growl fills the night air and I know immediately whom it belongs too. In an instant, I find myself under Lincoln’s massive body. He sweeps out his paw, his razor sharp claws rip through the coyote who is about to attack me. He nudges my face with his large broad noise and continues to guard my broken body. Thank god, for that bear, if he hadn’t shown up, I’d be dead. The gruesome sounds of our fight quickly dissipate as the last of the coyotes are taken out. I force myself off the ground so I can get a look at the carnage.

I quickly look around and find my brothers bloody
, but still alive. The same can’t be said for Hannah, her body lies motionless in a pool of blood and fur. Oh god, I force myself to move forward. Her breathing is shallow, but she’s still alive. I also realize that not all of the blood is hers. She’s hurt, but nothing life threatening, thank god. The rest of the scene looks like something out of a horror movie. At least twenty-five dead shifters lay bloodied and broken. Some are missing limbs while others have been completely obliterated. Blood soaks into my paws as I make my way through the dead to join the other Enforcers. We will need to return in the morning and finish the job, but right now we have to get out of here before someone stumbles onto the scene. Micah throws his head back and begins to howl, we quickly join in the chorus. The sounds of our mournful cries sound out into the darkness. I stare at the cursed moon and get the feeling that this is only the beginning. With one last look at the massacre before us, we slowly make our way deeper into the woods.




I feel like I’ve been run over by a mac truck. I begin to rub the sleep from my eyes and instantly regret it. My body screams in protest with every movement. I take a moment to assess my injuries. My entire body is covered in bite marks, scratches, and dried blood. My leg isn’t broken, but it’s going to be sore for a while.

“Are you okay?” Hannah’s soft voice asks from a few yards away.

“I’ll live, how about you?” I force myself to look in her direction despite the pain it causes. Her long golden hair is caked with dirt and blood. She’s holding the right side of her sternum. She probably has some broken ribs.

“I’m okay as long as I don’t take any deep breaths.” I have a lot of respect for Hannah Whitaker, that female can throw down with the best of them.
We don’t have that many female Enforcers, but the ones we do have are just as tough and brave as the males. Bodies begin to stir all around us, curses and grunts of pain sound out with their movements. Sounds of thunder begin to echo in the distance. I glance at the darkening sky, a storm is moving in quick.

“What the fuck did we all walk into last night?” Dallas asks as rain begins to fall.

The cold droplets feel like acid against my skin.

“I’ve never seen anythi
ng like that.” He skims his hand over his light mocha skin to cover a nasty looking wound on his shoulder.

“We never should’ve left town last night. If we had stayed those humans would still…” Cass covers his face with his hands.

The weight of last night’s tragedy begins to settle on all of our shoulders.

“It wouldn’t have mattered. We can’t be everywhere at once.” Micah pulls Cass against his body to offer him comfort.

The truth in that statement is part of the problem. There just aren’t enough of us to go around and it seems like no matter what we do it’s not enough.

“What do we do now?” Hannah asks the group.

That’s the question of the hour isn’t it? Some of those fuckers got away last night and none of those shifters looked familiar to me.

“Where’s Jamie?” My head snaps up at Gunnar’s question. I scan the ar
ea, but don’t see him anywhere.

“He was here last night,
” Lincoln adds.

Shit, I hope he didn’t do anything stupid. Just as I make it to my feet, Jamie appears through the trees. He shifts forms and joins the group.

“Where the fuck did you go?” Micah growls at his brother.

“I went back to dispose of the
bodies. You know, that way the humans won’t learn of our existence.” He slaps my shoulder as he walks by, causing me to spasm in pain, the fucker.

“And you didn’t think you should tell one of us where you were go
ing?” Micah fires back.

“Gee mom
, I didn’t realize I needed your permission to do my goddamn job.”

Before Micah can respond Gunnar’s voice rings out. “Fight it out later boys
, we need to figure out our next move.”

He’s a brave male
, but then again he is a millennia old Viking.

“Gunnar’s right, those asshole
s crossed a new line last night,” Jamie says as he runs his hand over his Mohawk.

“We need to
find the ones that got away.”                                                                 

“Got any idea how to do that, it’s
not like we can track them now,” Lincoln say as the rain continues to pour down on us washing away the evidence of our battle. Shit, he’s right. Whatever scents were left back at that campsite are now being washed away by the storm. We sit silently as the raging storm begins to mirror our emotions. Thunder roars like the sound of our cries. Lightning flashes across the sky like our growing fury. The rain pours down just like our tears. The darkening sky adds to the sense of foreboding. Last night was a loss no matter how we look at it. In less than a week, eight humans have been killed, and there is no sign of it stopping. I’m not sure how long we sat like that, minutes, hours, but Micah was the first to speak up.

“I want the three of you to go home, take the night off, and heal quickly because we may need your help again.”

We begin to say our goodbyes when I’m embraced by, Gunnar.

“I heard you found your mate, I’m happy for your brother. I will pray to t
he gods for your eternal happiness.”

I quickly peel him off of me. “Thanks Gun
n, but could you not hug me when we’re naked?”

His head falls back in laughter.
“I had forgotten your sense of humor, I have missed you, pup.”

I roll my eyes at him. “I’ve missed you too
, now get your Norse ass back to Boston.”

Dallas opts to s
hake my hand. “Congrats, brother, I sincerely hope Jamie doesn’t fuck her behind your back like he did my female.”

Oh shit, here we go. Everyone in the group begins to groan in protest.

“You know, she never mentioned being your female, Turner. Of course it must’ve been hard for her to speak with her lips wrapped around my junk.”

I inwardly sigh at the both of them. Dallas should know
better than to get into a pissing match with Jamie. The man is a master at arguing.

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