Breathe Into Me (5 page)

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Authors: Nikki Drost

BOOK: Breathe Into Me
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Fuck, I’m too late. I should have known she’d be noticed by him. “How do you know her name?” I growl.

He holds his hands up in mock surrender while plastering an amused grin on his face. “Calm down, oi wus only messin’ witcha. Oi nu ‘er name cos Kelsey an’ Andy ‘ave been comin to me bar for months. Whaich reminds me, asshole, t'anks ter yer cockblockin' me, I went home without dat wee beauty on me arm, oi ‘onestly tart last noight wuld be de noight.”

I can’t contai
n my laughter. “How did I cockblock you? Maybe the girl has some taste and doesn’t want to end up just another notch on your kink belt.” As the words leave my mouth, I realize that maybe this girl is going to be more of a challenge than I had realized.

“Says de pot t
er de kettle,” he laughs.

Nah mo’chara, she fancied me, though oi ‘ate ter admit dat she ‘as never tried ter take me ‘um, but it doesn’t matter cos she lost al’ interest in me de second yer walked into me bar. First Adam snags Andy den yer catch de eye av ‘er equally ‘ot friend, tis bleedin’ unfair if yer ask me.” He shakes his head in mock disgust.

I on the other hand can’t control my laughter.
“If you start pouting, Irish, I’m fucking out of here.”

He responds
with a smile and a finger before retrieving a few beers for waiting customers. I take advantage of my reprieve and let her name roll around in my mind. I bet she spells her name with a Y instead of an ie. The thought brings a smile to my face. Before I get a chance to interrogate Finn on any other bits of information he may have gathered on my next conquest, the air in the room thickens announcing the angel’s arrival.

everal audible gasps sound out from the women who have been honored with a glance of Azrael’s human form. Even I have to admit the guy is hot. Azrael stands at six foot four, with spiked black hair and eyes to match. The angel oozes with sex appeal. I can’t count how many times woman have fallen to their knees while begging for his touch. It must be nice to have that kind of power. He’s covered his athletic build under a black form fitting Motley Crue t-shirt with a red pentagram in the center with the phrase,
“Shout at the devil”
below the pagan symbol and a pair of leather pants. I can hear his badass, Goth, shit kickers scuff against the wooden floor as he approaches the bar.

“Why do you always smell like fire and brimstone?” I jokingly ask as I bring the whisky bottle to my lips.

“You’d smell like that to if you just got back from hell, asshole.”

I chuckle at the A
ngel’s response. It appears he’s in his usual surly mood today. He orders his own bottle of whisky without looking at the bartender. It’s probably a good thing. Finn looks like he’s about to come in his pants, poor guy. As far as I know the Angel’s only into woman.

“So what’s new with you and your pack
, James?”

I give him a run
down of the activity of the Omegas and the progress we’ve been making so he can give a report to his boss.

“That’s real fucking fascinating wolf
, but what I really want to know is what you’re going to do about the woman who’s got your panties in a bunch.”

The sarcastic tone of his
voice only angers me further. I spin in my stool to face the Angel who seems to be getting off at my expense.

“Watch it
, Az. I bite remember?”

The A
ngel tosses his head back in laughter. “Please, I fight demons from hell and beyond. Creatures so terrifying you’d shit yourself just from their descriptions alone. Fuck, I wouldn’t even need to summon my scythe to kill your sorry ass.”

The sad part is
he’s not lying. Well about the shitting myself part, he is, but not about being stronger than I am. That’s not to say I still wouldn’t throw down with him if I had to.

“So my friend, tell me all about this girl.”

I’m about to tell him where he can stick his precious scythe when I’m struck with an idea. “Why don’t you tell me all about her? You’re all fucking knowing.” I don’t know why I didn’t think of this when he first walked in here. Besides having the power to read minds, Azrael can see into the future, not far mind you, because free will keeps constantly changing it, but he can give me some sort of idea of what’s to come.

“Oh no, nice fucking try
, James. You know damn well I can’t reveal anything to you, I’m not allowed to interfere.”

Damn, stubborn A

“Fine you don’t have to tell me if we hook up, I just want to know stuff about her, anything y
ou can tell me is appreciated
.” Great now I’m reduced to begging, what the hell is happening to me?

The A
ngel shakes his head as he releases a deep breath.

“Come on
, Az, give me something,” I plead.

“Tell me why you want this knowledge? Is it just to get her into your bed or for another reason entirely?”

I can’t seem to form the right words, so I let the Angel read my mind. He seems to like what he hears.

“Alright I’ll tell you what I can
, but let’s not make this a regular thing.”

I nod in response and watch as his dark eyes lighten to a misty gray and begin to swirl.

“Sweet baby Jesus!” he says as he sucks in a deep breath of air.

“What is it?” I growl. Shit maybe this was a bad idea. I never should have asked him to do this. Azrael closes his eyes and when they open seconds later, they a
re back to their normal shade.

, James, I have to go. I need to talk to, Michael.” He pulls some bills from his pocket and slaps them on top of the bar.

Oh, hell no is he leaving here without telling me what he saw. “You can’t leave me hanging after that displa
y, jerkoff, does something happen to her?” At this point, I’m so desperate I’m not above dropping to my knees and begging.

No, but something big is coming, James, hold those you love close because everyone’s lives are about to change forever.”

Before I can open my mouth
to ask for an explanation, the Angel disappears in a cloud of smoke. Son of a bitch, luckily his departure goes unnoticed by Finn and the other humans. That’s another one of his handy little tricks. After another minute or so, no one in the bar will remember seeing him. 

Damn it,
I need to know more about his warning. I mentally try to call him back to the bar, but of course, he’s ignoring me, the bastard. Well fuck me sideways, this was something I didn’t need. I shake my head to clear it, but a mass of blonde hair catches my eye. The female in question is eyeing me from across the room. I notice the hunger in her eyes and it leaves me feeling hollow. Fuck it. I need a distraction. I take a large pull from my drink and head toward the bathrooms.

I’m only alone for a moment before the leggy blonde joins me in a sta
ll. Neither one of us speaks as she molds her body to mine. Her large breasts rub against my chest as her hands fumble with my belt buckle. I thread my fingers through her hair while taking her mouth hard. I coax a moan from her as my tongue thrusts into her mouth. I grab her ass with my free hand and pull her body closer to mine. Her head falls back while she gasps for air. Her nails dig into my shoulders as I turn the table and pin her to the opposite wall. I alternate between kissing and biting her neck as my fingers begin to hike up the hem of her skirt. I place my hand between our bodies sliding two fingers inside of her wet pussy while my thumb teases her swollen clit.

“Yes, god, don’t stop.”
Within seconds, the girl in my arms is shaking and crying out with pleasure. There’s one.

a good girl. Now this time I want you to beg me for my cock.” I’m merciless in my pursuit to bring her to another orgasm. I thrust my fingers deep inside her core as I palm one of her tits. I pinch her nipple hard between my thumb and forefinger.

, fuck me. I need your hard cock.” Her pleas echo throughout the confined space, her heart begins to race as her breathing increases. I can feel her inner walls tighten around my fingers as they continue to thrust into her dripping wet core. The scent of her desire wraps around me like a cloak causing my cock to harden to a painful degree. Her orgasm over takes her, causing her body to spasm in my arms. I hold her close with one arm while freeing my throbbing cock from my jeans. Two down. I make quick work with a condom, mindful of my piercings. I cup her ass with my hands effectively picking her up off the ground.

“Wrap your arms and legs around me and fucking hold on tight.” 
Without warning, I thrust my cock into her pussy causing her to cry out. I’m not sure if it’s from pain or pleasure, maybe it’s both. Her pussy grips my cock like a vise, alerting me to her third orgasm. I slowly ease out of her, only to slam back inside of her wet sex.

I close my eyes and bury my head in her hair as my need to cum over takes me. My body is wound so tight, I need the fucking release so goddamn bad. For a brief moment, I allow myself to pretend that this woman is
, Kelsey. Instead of a public restroom, I picture us in my bed. Her naked body is splayed underneath mine as I take her slowly and with care. I stare into her pale green eyes as my cock filled and stretched her pussy. Her moans of pleasure would only heighten my desire to cum deep insider her marking her as my own. Pain slices into my back bringing me out of my fantasy. The woman I’m actually fucking has dug her nails into my back; her pussy tightens signaling her climax. That’s four, time to find my own release.

“Yes, fuck me harder. Your cock feels so fucking good.”

I ignore her praise as I pick up my pace. My fingers dig into the flesh of her ass, hard enough to leave bruises. Without warning, I pull out of her and place her back on her feet. I turn her around so she’s facing the wall and grab her hips. I thrust back inside her pussy and begin fucking her so hard the wall begins to shake with the force of my thrusts. My hand snakes around her hip to her clit. I roughly massage her sensitive nub. My balls begin to tighten as our bodies slap together.

“Fuck,” I moan as my free hand grabs a handful of her hair. She cries out once again and this time I decide to join her. I thrust inside her once, twice and on the third, I bury myself deep inside her as my cock throbs with my release.

“Kelsey,” I cry out as my body trembles with the last of my orgasm. I free my hand from the woman’s hair and press my hands against the wall while I try to catch my breath.

“Who the hell is
, Kelsey?”

Shit, I ignore her question and begin the task of getting cleaned up so I can get the fuck out of here.

“Were you thinking about another woman while you were fucking me?” The venom in her voice is palpable. I zip up my pants and leave the small stall. This woman is a piece of work.

“I’m not your friend or your fucking boyfriend.
I’m the guy you screwed in a grungy bathroom, so don’t stand here and act as if I’ve hurt your feelings. I don’t remember you asking for my fucking name.”  I don’t wait for her response. It doesn’t matter what it is anyways, it’s not as if we’ll be doing this again. I slide onto the stool and grab for my nearly empty bottle of Jack. Fuck, I can’t believe I called out Kelsey’s name. What is happening to me?

“What in de
hell ‘as yer so ticked aff? Oi swear oi can see smoke comin from yer ears.”

Finn gives me a puzzled look as he wipes down the
bar. I’d love to tell him how concerned I am for Adam and his mate. Or about how pissed I am at Azrael for leaving before he revealed anything about his cryptic message of impending danger. Hell I’d even like to tell him I’m lusting after a woman who doesn’t even know my name, but I don’t tell him any of this. I stake it on top of the last pile of shit I buried. I take a deep breath to calm my building fury. All I need is for fire to start shooting from my hands or accidently summon electricity to blow up ever appliance in the joint. That would definitely freak out the human patrons.

“I’m good
, Finn, just leave it alone.” I give him a warning glare and he quickly gets the message. I can go from nice guy to asshole in two seconds on a good day so it’s better for everyone if he lets me cool down on my own. I finish off my bottle in one huge gulp and start tossing some bills next to it. I need a shower then maybe I’ll hit the punching bag. I need to do something to release all of this tension.

oi nu yer ain't in a master frame of mind roi nigh, but oi ‘ave a big favor ter ask of yer.”

I glance over at the Irishman and pray
that he wants me to take someone out for him. I’d kill for a good fight right now. “Ask away.” I sigh heavily.

I’ve been tryin ter git ahauld of me ban' mates, but none av dem are answerin, da yer nu anyone dat cud play ‘ere to-nite?”

I can’t help
, but give him a shit-eating grin. “Hell yeah I do, just tell me what time they go on.”                                                                         

Chapter 4


“I hope you like Italian,” Adam says
as we pull out of my driveway.

“I love it.” 

He steers his classic Camaro onto the dirt road and heads toward town. Our conversation is light, but comfortable. It doesn’t take us long to reach Romano’s. It’s a lovely Italian style bistro in the heart of downtown Westhaven.

The moment we step inside, I feel as if I’m in the heart of Italy. Earth toned brick walls are covered with Italian artwork, and racks of wine. Rod iron sconces adorn the walls
, highlighting the paintings majestic colors. Intricate iron chandlers set a romantic mood. White linen tables with high back leather chairs fill up the space on polished wood floors. I’m about to comment on how lovely the restaurant is when a tall slender built man rushes forward.

Buone sera, Signore Stone, how wonderful to see you again.” The man quickly bows his head and places his right fist over his heart.

Weird, Finn did the same thing last night.

“Good evening, Mr. Romano. It’s good to see you too. How’s your family?”

Mr. Romano’s smile lights up his face. “They’re wonderful, thank you for asking.” The ma
n calls out to a waiter and begins speaking franticly to him in his native tongue. The poor boy looks terrified as he rushes off to set up a table. “Gino will have your table ready in a moment, sir. I apologize for the wait.” 

A soft chuckle fills my e
ars. “There’s no rush.”

The man continues to look nervous though I have no idea why. “I ask
you for forgiveness, Signore Stone...”

Adam holds up his hand to silence the man. He looks like he’s about to have an aneurism.
Adam begins speaking to the man in perfect Italian.

Wow, color me impressed

Mr. Romano becomes noticeably calmer and bows
his head once again.

, Signore Stone, and please tell the others they are most welcome to stop in.”

am pats the man on his shoulder. “I’ll do that Salvatore, but Lincoln will eat you out of house and home.” They share a bout of laughter. “Mr. Romano, I’d like you to meet Andy Harris, my date.” Adam pulls me in close and my body instantly warms.

The man smiles at me and reaches for my hand. “
It is wonderful to meet you, Signorina Harris.” He places a chaste kiss to my knuckles and I feel like a schoolgirl again.

Our waiter appears,
does that weird bowing thing and we are quickly ushered to a private table in the back. Adam holds out my chair for me placing a kiss to the top of my head then takes his seat against the wall. His eyes scan the room before stopping on me. Gino hands us our menus and quickly runs through the specials. Adam says something in Italian and our waiter rushes off.

“Were yo
u looking for fugitives?”

Adam gives me a quizzical look. “You
scanned the room. I can only assume that you were either searching for criminals or an escape route.”

He quickly brings my hands
to his lips for more kisses. “I guess it’s an occupational hazard.”

His lips feel soft and
warm against my skin. Liquid heat pools in my center as my nipples harden and strain against the lace of my bra. I instinctively lick my lips. His eyes follow every movement.

“You’re so beautiful.” His teeth nip at my skin and a soft moan escapes me. His sparkling honey eyes hold me captive as he begins to trail soft kisses down my hand, his whiskers tickling my palm with his movements. He presses his nose to my wrist and
inhales deeply, his eyes close in ecstasy. “You smell so fucking good.” He places one last kiss to the inside of my wrist and pulls back to give our waiter room.

sorry to interrupt, Mr. Stone.”                                                                                                                                  

“It’s perfectly alright
, Gino.” Adam’s eyes never leave mine. “Should I order for the both of us?” His sultry deep voice sends chills throughout my body.

If his voice can do these things to me while I’m fully clothed, I can only imagine what’s to come when we
’re naked. I nod in response because my voice has escaped me.

Adam smiles as he places our orders once again in perfect Italian. Our waiter nods and voices his approval.

“Very good sir, I’ll bring your wine at once.” Then he rushes off to place our order.

“Your Italian is flawless. Did you
study in Italy?” I’m once again adorned with kisses as a small smile tugs at Adam’s perfectly formed lips.

“Actually no, my father taught me and my siblings. His mother was born in Rome and he felt
that it was important that we know our heritage.”                                                                                   

Jeez, my father thought it was important to teach me how to throw a football,” I add jokingly.

Adam’s smile widens against my skin. “Never underestimate the importance of a good spiral.”




Our dinner was beyond delicious. The tortellini vodka Adam chose
for me was amazing. We spent our time between bites getting to know each other. Besides being incredibly gorgeous, Adam is quite charming. I’ve learned he speaks five languages, has traveled to more places than I can count, and loves the outdoors. I also learned that his mother was born in Greece. I guess Kelsey wasn’t wrong about him being a Greek god.

I try my best to keep my mind on the conversatio
n, but the more I get to know Adam the more I want him, all of him. My need for this man is overwhelming. I want to feel his lips against my neck, his strong hands freely roaming the curves of my body.

“Would you like some dessert?”

I glance over my wine glass to see Adam eyeing my cleavage.

“I know
I do.”

I guess I’m not the only one who’s thinking naughty thoughts.  I shake my head to chase away the images of our naked straining bodies. “I couldn’t eat another bite.”
I take a sip of wine and study the man in front of me through my lashes. His eyes still linger on my chest. He slowly licks his lips then bites his bottom lip. The sight of his pink tongue and pearly white teeth are my undoing. Normally I’d never be so bold as to sleep with a man on the first date, but I have already gotten him into my bed so to speak. I can’t deny our chemistry any longer, I’m the moth, and he’s the flame. I know I’m going to get burnt, but I can’t seem to care.

“I’m tryi
ng to be a gentleman right now, angel, but you’re making it extremely hard.”

Heat spreads through my body like a wildfire at his words. “Then stop being a gentleman
.” The boldness of my statement surprises me, I’m not sure if I should blame the wine or my hormones.

Adam leans his body closer to mine. “Careful
, luv, I may take you up on that offer.”




Minutes later, we make our way to his car. Adam holds me close while he survey’s our surroundings. It’s as if he expects someone to jump out at us from the bushes. He disengages his alarm, but instead of opening my door, I find myself pressed up against it. His body brushes against mine in all the right places. His hands find my hips and I can feel a distinct hardness through the thin material of my sundress. I glance at his face and I’m met with a look that can only be described as pure desire.

This man wants me as much as I want him. The knowledge of this makes my head spin. Before I can contemplate the repercussions of this situation, his lips find mine. The kiss is gentle and soft at first
, but grows into something primal. I eagerly respond as he deepens our kiss. His tongue finds mine and we duel for dominance. I shove my hands into his curly hair and pull him closer. His hands cup my backside lifting me off the ground. I quickly wrap my legs around his hips. I can feel his erection pressing against my moistened panties. Suddenly the air around us seems to explode with energy, wind surges around us wiping my hair in all directions and leaves begin to fall from surrounding tree branches.

Adam seems
oblivious to the sudden weather change as he continues his sensual assault. He rotates his hips grinding his hardness into me. The sheer pleasure of it all has me gasping for air.

“I need
to be inside you,” he growls near my ear.

I try to respond
, but the most I can muster is a moan.

“Say the word
, angel, and I’ll take you to my bed,” he says against my neck.

I try to form some sort of response
, but my mouth refuses to work.

Adam releases a growl and places me back on my feet. The churning wind around us calms and disappears.
How odd.
The song “American Badass” blares from his pocket.

, angel.” He reaches for his phone.

“Somebody. Better. Be. Bleeding
, James,” he yells into his phone.

I take a minute to compose myself. I can’t believe what we just did, and in public no less. This man makes me forget all reason.

He sighs loudly and gives me a look full of longing. “Yeah I’ll be right there.” He places his phone back in his pocket and opens my door.

“Is it work?” I try to sound casual though the thought of endi
ng our date has me feeling disappointed.

, but we do have a change of plans.”




Twenty minutes later Adam pulls up to an enormous log cabin on a private section of lake.
This can’t be where he lives. It’s way too big for one person.
As the thought enters my mind, I notice several expensive cars and motorcycles in the driveway. Adam opens my door and leads me inside.

I gasp, as he leads me into a huge open living room. Natural, stained wood encompasses the entire area.  Plush, white couches and tan, leather chairs surround a huge, stone fireplace. Floor to ceiling windows embody an entire wall, with French doors that lead out onto one of the several wrap around porches. Track lighting illuminates the thirty-foot cathedral ceiling while brass sconces and table lamps brighten the room. Two staircases are seen both leading in different directions. The décor is elegant, but has a homey feel. Off to the left I can see a large open kitchen and dining room.

“Do you like it?” Adam asks as he pull
s me toward the kitchen.

“Are you
kidding me? It’s beautiful.” He places me in a seat at the large kitchen island and retrieve’s a couple of beers from the restaurant-sized fridge. The kitchen is as extraordinary as the rest of his home. The wooden cabinets are the same shade as the rest of the house, black, granite counter tops, and earth toned slate flooring, not to mention the top of the line stainless steel appliances. This place must have cost a fortune.

“Oh goodie you brought her home.”

I turn to my left to see an older woman entering the kitchen. She must be his mother, maybe this is his parents’ house. The woman is beautiful. Her dark straight hair is cut short into a bob that settles just below her ears. She has flawless skin and warm eyes.

, this is Grace Lively, our housekeeper and cook. Grace, this is Andy Harris.”

Okay so she’s not his mom. Grace
extends her hand and offers me a friendly smile. I like her instantly.

“It’s so nice to meet you
, Andy. Oh, Adam, she’s beautiful! Your babies are going to be gorgeous.”

I almost choke on my beer when I hear the “B”
word. The woman can’t be serious. I mean we’ve only been on one date. I watch Adam as he rolls his eyes behind her back.

“Ease up
, Grace, let’s not scare her away.”

Grace playfully
waves her hand through the air. “Oh hush. Now why don’t you go change while we have a chat?”                                                                                                                             

“Fine, as long as you don’t divulge all my secrets
, Grace.  Let’s keep some things a mystery.” He places his beer on the counter and kisses my forehead. “I’ll be right back, angel.”

I can’t help
, but watch his backside as he leaves the room. Soft chuckling fills my ears and I realize I’ve been caught starring.

“Before we get interrupted you need to know that Adam is a wonderful man and when he decides to confide in you about his past, please
try to keep an open mind.” 

I study her face and notice
her warm hazel eyes are filled with a motherly love, hence the baby talk. “I think Adam is amazing and I will do my best.” I mean really, how bad can it be? The smile she gives me tells me she’s happy with my answer.

Before she can comment
any further, the sounds of boots on wood and laughter erupt to my left. Oh boy, I suddenly realize why Adam lives in such a huge space. The same four men from the bar stroll into the kitchen. I suddenly feel claustrophobic. They stop in their tracks and eye me as if I’m a ticking bomb that’s about to explode.

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