Breathe Into Me (3 page)

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Authors: Nikki Drost

BOOK: Breathe Into Me
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Adam moves with such power and swiftness as he delivers a
bone crushing right hook, that sends the instigator to the ground. He ducks and spins to his left, punching the next assailant in the back of his head, which sends the man slamming into the countertop face first.

Adam’s elbow slams into the face of
the third man. Blood pours from his nose as he drops to his knees. The fourth man receives a kick to his stomach, and then a devastating hit to the face that promptly drops him to the ground.

The bar erupts in cheers and shouts of admiration. Adam takes one last look at the men on the ground before he turns in my direction. “Are you okay
, angel?”

I stare at him in disbelief as he lifts the top of the bar and wraps his arms around me and holds me close.
I have never seen anything like that before in my life. Adam’s body had stayed in constant, fluid motion. He had continually changed direction and heights to gain the upper hand. It looked to me like some form of martial arts, but I couldn’t even begin to imagine which one.

“I’m not the one who was just in a fight.” I pull back and franticly begin to inspect his hands, and elbow for cuts.
He doesn’t have a scratch on him, how is that possible?
“You could have been hurt. Where did you even learn to do that?” I know I should be thanking him, but come on! He has to be crazy to take on four men.

“I wasn’t
in any danger, Andy, and I’ve been fighting my entire life.” His words barely register as I realize that he’s not even out of breath.

How can that be?
The hand that I was inspecting for cuts begins to caress my cheek. I turn my head and place a kiss to his palm then nuzzle into his touch.

“Hey Linc, play that song again then take the trash out for me.” He yells over my shoulder.

I look into Adam’s eyes and notice flecks of gold that I somehow missed earlier. Damn, this man is amazingly hot. My body can’t help, but respond to his touch.

Adam closes his eyes and inhales deeply, pulling me into the hardness of
his body. “Dance with me?” 

Normally I’d refuse to dance to this song, but
how can I say no to this man?

doesn’t wait for my response instead he lifts me into his arms and carries me over the men still out cold on the ground.

“I’ve never been swept
off my feet before,” I joke.

Adam gives me an incredulous look. “I find that hard to believe.”

The instant my feet touch the dance floor we begin to move as one. I lay my head on his chest, close my eyes, and let my emotions wash over me. Instead of sadness, I’m filled with another emotion. Oh, the pain of losing my parents is still present, but it’s dulled somewhat by the notion that unknowingly Adam has given me a new memory. One I’ll cherish forever. I ignore the impulse to cry in this man’s arms. For the first time in a very long time, I feel safe.

“Thank you,
” I whisper into his strong chest.

, angel.”        

Chapter 2


For the second time in a week
, I wake up in a bed that’s not mine, but as I scan the unfamiliar room, I quickly remember where I am. I’m with Andy Harris, my mate. Her slim body is pressed against mine while her head rests on my shoulder. I can’t believe this is happening, after all this time my mate was right under my nose. I glance to my left and study the face that I’ve seen hundreds of times. Until last night, I’d only seen her image in the photos on her uncle’s walls. She looks like an angel, my angel.

I p
ress my nose into her soft dark hair. She smells of blooming wildflowers. I could lose myself in her scent for hours. The woman beguiles me. From the moment I spotted her near my bike, I had to know her. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that she was meant for me. But the moment our skin touched, I knew she was mine. It was as if my body had been struck by lightning. All my senses became heightened. It’s the sign of a true mate. I’ve heard stories about this, but never imagined it would ever happen to me. But that’s how destiny works.

Just when you believe that
your life is on one-path, fate swoops in and changes your surroundings. I’m no stranger to destiny, not by a long shot. But this time the fates have out done themselves. For the first time in my life, I am in uncharted territory. The complications and repercussions of this situation are enormous. Don’t get me wrong, I’m fucking thrilled to have found my mate, but my life has become exceedingly dangerous these past few months. Not to mention that I’m good friends with her uncle, an uncle who knows my secret, and probably won’t be keen on Andy becoming part of my world. Then again, Gary Lynch understands about our traditions or at least as much as any human can.

The real issue is my job and the dangers t
hat come along with it. If I was just a regular shifter this wouldn’t be an issue at all, but I’m not. I’m an Enforcer, one who was handpicked by Archangels. I am one of four who were born with their mark. We were each gifted with their powers and chosen to protect supernatural and human beings. Others have had the choice of joining in the fight to rid the world of evil. I did not.

Even as a chil
d, I didn’t understand why I had been chosen. All I wanted to do was be normal, human like my mother. I trace the branded mark on my chest. It is the mark of the Archangel Raphael. His words still ring in my ears.

“Your gift is not a curse my boy, it’s an opportunity to protect the innocent, to protect those you love. One day you will know what it means to love another and then and only then will you understand your gift.”

I pull Andy closer to my body.  Raphael was right as usual. Andy’s not the first person to mean anything to me, but she is my mate. She is the one person who was born to complete me. How will I keep her safe? She knows nothing of my world. The moment she learns the truth, her life will be forever altered. She will always fear what lurks in the darkness.

I’m brought o
ut of musings by the song “Bad Moon Rising”. How ironic. Andy begins to stir in my arms and reaches blindly for her phone.

“Hello?” she sleepily answers. It takes her a minute to realize
that she’s not alone. “Um I need to call you back, Uncle Gary, no everything’s fine. Yeah I promise.”

I smile at her as she takes in my naked chest. “Mornin
g angel, sleep well?” The look of surprise on her face is priceless.

“What are you…, did we…Oh god.”

I love how my presence seems to unbalance her. She quickly scrambles from the bed pulling the sheet from my body.

“Oh my
god you’re naked!” she screams as she quickly covers her eyes.

I can’t contain my laughter
and decide to have some fun with her. “You didn’t have a problem with that last night,” I chuckle while taking the opportunity to admire her backside and bare legs. It takes all my will power to keep my hands to myself.

“You need to tell me what happened last night.”

I stretch out in bed and place my arms behind my head. “Isn’t it obvious? You drank yourself silly then had your wicked way with me. Honestly I’m hurt that you don’t remember any of it.” I say with mock distress.

“I can’t bel
ieve that I…that we…fuck.” She groans as she sits on the bed still refusing to look at me.

“That word has a whole new meaning for me now
, luv. You were insatiable last night, gave me quite a run for my money.” I stifle my laughter at her continued groans of embarrassment.

“I can’ believe
that I had sex with you, I don’t even know you. God I can only imagine what you must think of me.”

As much as I’d love to keep this going, I don’t want h
er to think harshly of herself. “Relax, angel, we didn’t make love last night.”                                                                                                    

“Then why did you say
we did, and why are you naked?”                                                        

“Look at me
, Andy.” She slowly turns as I pull the sheet down an inch to show the elastic waistband of my boxer briefs. “See, I’m not naked. You were quite intoxicated when you left the bar. I was worried about you, so I brought you home, changed your clothes then I put you to bed. I was tucking you in when you asked me to stay and hold you.”

There was no way I could refuse her r
equest. I had hated the thought of being without her and had jumped at the opportunity to spend the night holding her.

“I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me. I don’t remember any of it.”

I reach for her hand thankful that she doesn’t pull away from me. “I didn’t mind staying, Andy. I wanted to spend the night with you.” And every night for the rest of my life, but I’ll keep that to myself for now.

“I swear I’ve never do
ne anything like this before.”                             

“Me either,
” I snort.

The look she gives me is one of disbelief
, but doesn’t comment further. “Would you like some coffee or breakfast?”

As much as I’d love to spend the day with her, I need to get home and get what is surely going to be a swift kick in the ass from my brothers. “I should get home. I have some work to do.” The thought of leaving this bed and her makes my chest hurt.

That’s the problem with mated males. Once we find our mate we have one-track minds, we end up wanting to spend every second with our females preferably naked. I force myself from the bed and search for my clothes. I can feel her eyes on me and it makes my blood run hot. It’s incredibly difficult to be so close to her and not touch her the way I want to.

“Did I do anything weird last night?”

I answer her as I put on my boots. “You passed out the second you were in my arms. Nothing, but sleep happened last night.”                                             

” she sighs.

I dismiss her question knowing when she’s ready to open up to me
, she will. I’m sure I’m not the only one with secrets. I follow her down the hall into the living room. Her roommate, Henry Ross I believe is his name, is watching the news. He eyes me as if I’m an intruder in his space. This may be true, but he will have no choice, but to get used to my presence in this home and in Andy’s life.

,” he says from the couch.

, Henry, did you meet Adam last night?”

He gives me a once over and nods. “Yeah
, I met him.” The tension in the room is palpable.

, this is awkward.”

Andy begins to fidget so I decide to nip this situation in the bud. “Why don’t y
ou give us guys a minute to talk, angel? I’ll come find you to say good bye when I’m done.”

She glances at her friend who nods in agreement. I s
queeze her hand in reassurance. “Okay I’ll be in the kitchen getting some coffee, you two play nice.”

I wait for her to leave the room before I start in on Mr. Ross. “I’m guessing you would like to warn me to stay away from Andy or some variation of that. Am I correct?” I take a seat and wait for his response.   

you’re planning to use her for sex then yes, stay the fuck away from her.” He scowls.

“Are you concerned for Andy
because you’re her friend or because you want her for yourself?” 

For a moment, he appears shocked by my bluntness. It’s a fair question and I have to make it known to him that I’m not going anywhere and that he doesn’t have a chance in hell with her. 

“Andy and I are just friends, she’s like a sister to me, and I don’t want to see her get hurt. She’s been through enough.” The last part was spoken on a whisper. Of course, I could hear it, and can tell by his scent that he’s being truthful.

“You can relax
, Henry. I have no intentions of hurting, Andy.” He has no idea what lengths a shifter will go through to protect their mates.

“Good, then we shouldn’t have a problem.”

I nod in agreement and offer him my hand. I’m happy that Andy has someone looking out for her, even though the wolf in me wants to keep this man away from my mate. Shifters tend to get territorial with their females. I leave Henry and begin my search for Andy.

“You naughty girl, I’m so proud of you. I want to hear every nasty detail.”

I pause outside the door. I usually don’t eavesdrop, but I can’t seem to help myself.

“Nothing happ
ened. Adam just spent the night.”                                                                                                                      

“Right, you expect me to believe
that you didn’t have sex with him? The man looks like a Greek god, how on earth did you keep your hands off of him?”

“It was easy.
I was drunk and passed out, how could you let me drink so much?”                   

“It’s not my fault
that you can’t hold your liquor. Besides, I was busy having X-rated fantasies involving a sexy bad boy and several cans of whipped cream, thank you very much. I was one drink away from asking Adam’s friend if I could count his tattoos, when Henry suggested that we bring you home.” She dreamily sighs. “I swear that man is hot enough to melt hell.”

The sad part is
that she has no idea how right she is about him. I shake my head and decide to interrupt. “His name is Jamie Trudeau and I’d be happy to introduce you to him.” Both woman gasp as they turn in my direction. I pull Andy into my arms and kiss her forehead.

“Did Henry read you the riot act?” Kelsey asks clearly
trying to change the subject.

“I’ve been properly warned, yes,
” I chuckle.

“Please don’t be offended.
Henry’s always been protective of us.” Andy rushes to defend her roommate.

“As he should be, he has a sense of honor and I can respect that.” I stare into the most beautiful hazel eyes
that I’ve ever seen and try to reassure her that I’m not offended in the slightest.

, Adam, tell us about yourself, where are you from? What do you do for work?” Kelsey asks.

Shit, I hadn’t anticipated this part. What the hell do I tell them? It’s not as if I can be truthful. Normally women aren’t interested in knowing anything besides my name and sometimes they don’t even
want that. I don’t want to lie, so I decide to bend the truth.

“I was born in England
, but I grew up in the states and I’m in law enforcement.” It isn’t a complete lie. I was born in England, just several hundred years ago, and I am the law for my species.

seems to contemplate my answer. “What kind of law enforcement? I know you’re not a cop, because Henry’s dad is the sheriff and Henry hasn’t mentioned any new guys.”

Shit, I always forget that everyone knows each other in small towns. I quickly cover my tracks. “I’m a bounty hunter.” God I could kick my own ass for this. How the hell am I going to make that work? Both women stare at me as if I have three heads.

“Well normally I wouldn’t buy that story, but after seeing you take out four men last night I won’t argue with you.”

They seem to accept my lie with ease, which only makes me feel worse. “I have to go
, angel, but I would love to take you to dinner tonight.”

She seems pleased by my offer and nods in enthusiasm.

“Good, I’ll pick you up at seven.” It’s time for me to go, but I can’t seem to tear myself away from her. I bring her hand to my mouth for a quick kiss. I don’t trust myself to do more than that. I have a feeling if I started to kiss her we’d end up naked on the kitchen floor. With one last look at the woman who now controls my very being, I hastily make my exit.




“Where have you fucking been?”

Well that didn’t take long. I
barely make it through the door before I’m assaulted with questions. I ignore my best friend and head into the kitchen in search of some coffee.

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