Read Breathe With Me (The Breathe Series Book 3) Online

Authors: Wendy L. Wilson

Tags: #The Breathe Series, #Book Three

Breathe With Me (The Breathe Series Book 3) (5 page)

BOOK: Breathe With Me (The Breathe Series Book 3)
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“Ohhh…” she breathes, dropping the back of her head on my shoulder as my mouth and hands feel their way across her body.

I lean against her, slowly sliding my hand to the button of her jeans. With a quick flick of my fingers, I loosen the painted on denim and gain access to more thrilling areas of her body. My hand dips further down, her zipper scraping the back of my forearm and pinching the hairs on my arm until my fingers make contact. She pants and whimpers as I tease her with my chest pressed to her back while grinding my hips and pelvis hard against her ass.

With my hand buried in her jeans, a slight warm weight settles on top of my wrist as she excitedly tries to quicken the pace of my hand with her own. I hold tight to her waist with my other hand, the animalistic urge inside of me wanting nothing more than to shove her pants to the ground and take her against the table, but something about that seems forceful and wrong.
I will not be one of those guys; ever.

Moaning louder as I thrust my fingers along her tender flesh, something springs up and not what I was hoping for.

“You didn’t go to Weinerville with Tristan, did you?”

I haven’t a clue in the universe where the damn question came from and why the hell I would bring up another guy when I’m in the middle of this, but nonetheless, it spills from my mouth before I can think. I really don’t care what her answer is, but something about girl talk suddenly strikes me as this potentially becoming a discussion. If they trash talk anything like guys in a locker room, then I want to know if my bedroom skills or anatomy size may be up for comparison with the biggest player around. That shit needs to be nipped in the bud and I might have to work overtime.

Skylar pulls away from me slightly and shifts her head, her profile turned in front of my face. Her eyebrows are raised and her mouth falls open, sparking a bit more arousal from me.

“Are you serious?”

Eager to continue in on my pursuit of making her call out my name in absolute blissful delight, yet unable to concentrate on the tempo of my finger during a conversation, I slow my pace and move my focus to talking.

“Just curious…no big deal,” I blow it off, but now I’m definitely interested.

“Ummm…well…” she stutters as I barely shift the location of my fingers.

“Oh, that’s a yes,” I grin into her shoulder, gently biting her skin playfully. Lifting my chin, I slide my face against her cheek as she moans again, lost in the rhythm of my fingers. “He’s not any good though, huh?”

She snaps her head to the side, sweeping her lips around to my unshaven face. “Whaaaa…” she says on a deep breath, nudging her hand back to mine which has slowed even more to a slow, teasing strum of her chords. I snicker, enjoying the torture I’m putting her through.

Pressing my lips to the hollow behind her earlobe, I outline the delicate slope with my tongue, release a warm breath over her skin and whisper, “So did you slam into home with him?”

She drops her head forward and I can barely make out a hot lustful, needy expression as she scrunches up her face and turns to me with a sexy ass glare.

“Ummmm…” she tries to speak and her frustration tickles the hell out of me.

Her chest vibrates in and out beneath her shirt as she answers, “Well yeah, I did.”

I pause, now curious on his delivery. “So, what…he swings, runs the bases, comes into home and then goes back into the dugout?”

She blows out an exasperated breath, frantically pushing at my hand which has unknowingly become idle.
Oh shit, forgot about that.
I slowly flick my fingers, picking up where I left off and immediately igniting a jumpy reaction from her as she melts back into me.

“Well…ahhhhh…” she hums and my fingers pick up pace over her soft skin. With quivery words, she goes on, “Are we really discussing this now?”

I smile, wanting to crack up. I don’t give a damn if we’re discussing another dude during this. I can rock her world from one end of this place to the next if I want to and she knows it.


She groans and drops the back of her head to my shoulder. “Well, he more like hits a homerun and then steps up to bat again.”

My eyes go wide.
Stamina, huh? Figures with the way he gets around.

“Reeeeally? So, he doesn’t stop at the bases or anything…just hits a fielder and rounds back to home?”

A shaky laugh moves over her lips. “Actually, he never even kissed me, but he stopped at a few bases,” she gasps as I press my face into her shoulder, now concentrating on the goal at hand. “Like with you…ohhhh,” she moans again and I nearly stop, curious at what she’s going to say, but I keep strumming. “You’re more concerned with my reaction and my needs, but he was just working towards the end game…ummm…all,” she breathes out sounding sexy as hell, “…all six times.” Her face falls with a laugh.

Oh, that’s it!
I jerk my hand out of her jeans with the zipper catching on my knuckle and determination spilling through my veins. She spins around on her heels, placing her hand on my chest and with a shocked, ornery look dancing in her eyes at my abrupt action.
Two can play at this game. We’ll see if she’ll be laughing in a second.

“Six…seriously six?” I say on a chuckle while my hands flick the button of my jeans followed by quickly pushing the zipper down. I cannot even fathom how that is possible.
After dropping my jeans to the floor, I pull my shirt over my head and waste no time finishing the job until I’m standing there buck ass naked.

“Get it off.” I raise my eyebrows with a smile as I motion my finger up and down towards her clothes.

Her eyes sparkle and she complies, taking less time than I did to strip down.
I’m impressed.
Free of any articles of clothing, I grin and take her by the waist, gently pulling her with me to the cushioned bench seat to our right. She falls back with no help from me and lays there looking at me excitedly with her legs dangling to the ground. My brows quirk up and down playfully as I slide onto her, my lips instantly finding a nice warm slice of skin at her neck to nibble on.

Nonchalantly reaching up to the table with one hand, I feel around the flat surface until I find the condom package I placed there earlier. Thankfully I snagged a good handful from Judd’s dresser before I left.
I’m gonna need them.

My fingers fumble as I slip it on, but I keep my mouth busy gliding over her skin. Free of any further tasks rather than getting busy, I bring both hands up to get a good two handfuls as my mouth dips lower to enjoy the plumpness. Her mouth goes wide on a moan and I dive in, devouring her succulent skin as I thrust forward to make full contact with her body. A shock wave of sensations moves through me shooting up to my lower abdomen and down both my legs. The sparks continue, immediately growing and I am more than ready to rock this boat, but suddenly my mind hits a road block.

“Wait,” I steady my breaths and she looks at me like I’ve done lost my mind. “You didn’t do my brother, did you?”
Why have I never wondered this before, and why the hell am I thinking about it now? Just say no.

“Eeeew…no!” she snaps and my confidence in sealing this deal soars.
Finding out she got it on with my brother may have been a show stopper.

Extremely aroused and still focusing on keeping my hips idle, a sneaky smirk rises across my face and I breathe out anxiously, “Ok, good. Now hold on tight, because I have several grand slams to hit.”



to his camper; to our place. I can’t help it; I can’t even focus on any task at hand through the overwhelming surge of heartache that is drowning me with the thoughts of what could be happening right now. Another portion of my heart chips away as I stare at it, hoping they’ll come right back out or maybe even see Skylar leave by herself.
God, doesn’t he know how bad that hurts?

“Hey, you need help with that?”

Chris’ hand runs the length of my back as he walks up beside me and tries to take the muddy log out of my hand. My skin jumps and I gasp with the contact. As bad as I am tempted to flinch, I keep it under control; I’ve learned to.

“No, I’ve got it.” I jerk the piece of wood to my opposite side, twisting away from him and dislodging his hand from my body. Looking back at him with a guilty smile, I try my best to erase all forms of bitterness in my tone.
It’s not his fault I’m screwed up.
“Sorry, control freak here,” I laugh, widening my eyes.

He laughs with me and his hand falls back to the same place, making me take a deep breath.

“You say this like I don’t know you.” He winks and my guilt climbs. “Give it up.”

He takes the log out of my hands, immediately easing the ache in my arms and freeing my forearms from the overbearing stress of the bark jabbing into my skin. Looking down, my fair skin is already sporting a zebra-type embedded print of red lines from where it managed to dig in. I glance back to Chris as he dumps the log into the pile that we have collected, then automatically peek to the camper in the distance.

Why do I let it bother me? Do I really expect him to sit around and pine over me? That’s definitely not Evan’s style. I’m the one that chose to stay away and not forgive him, so what right do I have to begrudge him a chance at finding someone else?

“You think that’s enough or should we get some more?” Chris asks, pointing back at the massive collection of drift wood, logs and twigs we have arranged in a woven nest of limbs.

“Dude, that’s enough for us to burn down the entire forest,” Hayden pipes up from behind us.

“Guys, I really think this is enough,” Abby calls out from my left, “Geez, Piper, do you plan on having a bonfire till the end of the week or were you hoping we wouldn’t need the fireplace in the cabin tonight if this one was raging enough?” she teases, igniting a burst of laughter from Hayden.

I glance up at the heap of branches and shrug. Honestly, I wasn’t paying attention to what I was collecting each time I came back to the beach with an armful. Ever since I saw Skylar race over to the shower house and disappear into the woods holding Evan’s hand, my mind has had one strategy: get back to the beach as fast as I can to see if they came back. I could see them for a while walking down the property line; walking the exact path he and I would every time we went on one of our fishing or swimming excursions in his grandpa’s boat.
Oh, just the thought of him doing the same things with someone else kills me.

“Pie…” Abby draws out my name as she walks up beside me.

“Yeah…” I push my thoughts aside for the moment and snap my head around, making eye contact with her.

Her eyes, however, have gravitated to the same location mine have been most of the morning; to where Evan is. She smiles, an all-knowing and sympathetic expression masking her face. She knows what happened that summer and afterwards. Not even Evan knows the aftermath of his screw up; how could he? I’ve never had a thing to do with him since. The closest interactions we have had in the last few years, was last summer and this year’s Halloween party, needless to say, neither were friendly reunions.

“Everything ok?”

She dips her chin to level her gaze with my barely five foot four-inch frame and although she’s not saying as much, I know she’s curious.

“No, I’m fine,” I bite out with a false snippy yet playful tone. “How are you?” I counter, and Abby relents in her worry as Chris and Hayden make their way to our side.

“Ok, so is it time to light up?” Hayden rubs his hands together, clearly psyched about torching the mound.

I nod, while Hayden and Chris take off for the cabin.

“Ok, dish it out. You are looking at his camper like you didn’t expect this. You know he has been seeing Skylar off and on for a while.”

“I know…” I sigh, unable to control glancing up to see if he is coming out yet.
Dammit…stop looking.

“There you go again.” Abby points to my face, looking ticked off at how I’m acting. “Piper, you have been dating Chris for two months now. It has been years and you’ve never even tried to talk to Evan, so until you decide to man up and give him a chance to explain, don’t get pissy when he runs off with another girl. He has to move on just like you do. If you want him, then you need to tell him.”

BOOK: Breathe With Me (The Breathe Series Book 3)
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