Breathless (162 page)

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Authors: Heidi McLaughlin,Emily Snow,Tijan,K.A. Robinson,Crystal Spears,Ilsa Madden-Mills,Kahlen Aymes,Jessica Wood,Sarah Dosher,Skyla Madi,Aleatha Romig,J.S. Cooper


BOOK: Breathless
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I laughed. “I don’t mean to. I just don’t think anything of it because it’s what I’ve always known.”

“What do you want to do with your life when you’re older?” he asked, looking serious.

“I don’t know. I do know that I don’t want to be part of the life that my mom and dad have. I want my kids to grow up with a normal life.”

“You realize that you won’t have the money and everything else that comes with the life you live now, don’t you?”

“I do. I don’t care if I won’t have a new car or a big house. I just want a family who really cares about each other and sticks together.”

He was staring at me like I’d lost my mind. “You have no idea what you’re saying.”

“Yeah, I do. I hate the kind of life that my mother lives now. You think that I’m going to look down on you for the life you live, but I don’t. I’m jealous. I can only dream of a mom like yours.”

He pulled me down beside him and kissed me. “You’re nothing like I expected.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment.”

“It is.”

I smiled as I pulled away and started digging through my bag for the passport information. “Let’s get started on this.”

We spent the next few minutes filling out the papers. When the paperwork was done, I pulled my camera from my bag and motioned for him to stand against the far wall. “Go stand there, so I can take your picture.”

He did as I’d said, and I snapped a few pictures. When I had what I needed, I stepped closer and started taking more pictures.

“What are you doing?” he asked.


“Sure you aren’t. Quit taking my picture,” he teased.

“You’re very photogenic.”

“I’m sure I am.” He moved away from the wall and pulled me tight against his chest. “Let me see the camera.”

I handed him the camera. There was no way I could tell him
when his body was tight against mine. I wrapped my arms around him as I closed my eyes. “This feels nice.”

When I heard the camera click, I opened my eyes back up. “I thought we were done with pictures.”

“You’re done taking pictures of me. Now, it’s my turn.” He held the camera away from us. “Now, smile.”

I grinned up at the camera as he took a few pictures of us together. I had no idea what to do with this side of him. It was a nice change from the guy who had always kept me at an arm’s length. I was quickly learning that there were several different layers to my Jesse, and he kept getting better as I peeled each one away.

“There. Now, we’re done with pictures.”

He handed the camera back to me. I took it from him and started looking through the pictures that he had snapped of us. It warmed my heart to see the two of us together, happy and smiling. I hadn’t felt this free in a long time.

There was just something about him that brought out the best in me, and I often wondered if I did the same with him.

“We look good together even though we’re just so different from each other,” I said.

“How so?”

I ran my hand across the bright ink designs running down his arm. “You look so wild with these while I look so plain and boring. I wish I had a tattoo.”

“You will never be plain or boring, and I could do a tattoo for you if you want. I mean, I would have to do it after hours at the shop since I’m not legally an artist, but I’m still good. I’ve done most of my own and Andy’s.

You just can’t tell anyone, or Rick could get in some serious trouble.”

“Really? That would be so cool! I’d just have to figure out where to put it, so I could hide it from my mom. And, of course, I wouldn’t tell anyone.” “I can think of a few places.” He stared down at my chest.

“Um, no. I’m not getting a tattoo on my boob.”

“Just a suggestion. Think about what you want and where you want me to put it, and I’ll draw something up.”

“I know what I want. I just don’t know where.”

“Tell me. The suspense is killing me.”

“I want the word
somewhere. I’m so sick of always being trapped by my mom.”

“Pull down your shorts a little bit.”

“Excuse me?” I asked.
That wasn’t random or anything.

“Pull your shorts down a little bit. I want to see something.”

“I’m sure you do. I’m not pulling down my shorts with your mom in the other room.”

“I’m not going to molest you. I want to see if I could make it fit without it looking like shit.”

“Okay…” I pulled my shorts down a bit, feeling super awkward as I did so.

“That isn’t far enough. Here, let me,” Jesse said as he pulled them farther down.

I tried to yank them back up, but he grabbed my hands to stop me.

“Relax. I just want to look.”

I fidgeted as he inspected the area just below my hip bone.

“Hurry up,” I said.

He ran his finger across my hip bone, and I shivered at the touch.

“I can put it right here, and no one will ever see it unless you want someone to.”

“What about when I wear a bikini? I mean, we live in California after all.”

“I’ll put it so that it’s hidden, even when you’re wearing almost nothing.” “When do you want to do it?” I asked, feeling excited.

“I can do it now if you want. Rick gave me the key and alarm code for the store last summer.”


“Yep. You want to?”

“Sure.” I pulled my shorts back up. “I’ll drive us over.”

“Works for me. Let’s go.”

Jesse stopped to let his mom know that we were leaving. She gave him a disapproving look, but she said nothing. I all but ran to my car in excitement. I’d always wanted a tattoo, but I never thought I’d ever have the guts to get one. Being with Jesse was changing me. I wasn’t afraid to do what I wanted in life anymore. As long as he stayed by my side, I could handle anything.

“Where are you going?” a female voice called from behind us.

We turned to see Ally and Andy walking toward us.

“Shit,” Jesse grumbled under his breath.

I prepared myself for Ally’s attitude when they stopped beside us. She was already sneering at me, but I refused to let her bother me.

“Hey, guys,” I said.

“Where are you going?” Ally asked again.

“Out. Why?” Jesse asked shortly.

“Maybe we want to come,” Ally said.

“I don’t remember inviting you,” Jesse shot back.

“What’s with the fucking attitude? Are you too good for us now that you have a rich bitch to occupy your time?” Ally snarled.

“Whoa, cool it, both of you,” Andy said as Jesse took a step toward Ally.

“What is up with you guys? You never fight.”

Ally pointed at Jesse. “Ask him. I don’t have a problem.”

“Bullshit. You attacked Emma the other day for no reason, and you just called her a bitch. You need to take a step back or else.” “You wouldn’t hit me. I’m a girl,” she taunted.

“No, I wouldn’t. But I also know I can tie your ass up without you being able to get loose. I’ve done it before.”

Ally rolled her eyes. “Whatever. It’s not my fault that you have no taste in women.”

“Excuse me? I’m standing right here,” I said.

“And your point is?” she asked.

“Ally, enough. Get the stick out of your ass. If Jesse likes Emma, then I have no problem with her,” Andy said as he glared at his sister.

“You’re both idiots then. I’m out of here.” Ally turned and walked back toward the direction where they’d come from.

“Sorry about that. She isn’t usually that hostile,” Andy apologized to me.

“It’s fine. I don’t care what she thinks,” I replied.

“So, where
you two going?”

“I’m taking Emma to the shop for a tattoo.”

“No way. The rich girl is getting inked?”

“Yeah, I am.” I stuck my tongue out at Andy. I knew he was kidding, but I was tired of being referred to as the
rich girl

“I was going to see if you wanted to go to a party down on the beach, but you’re obviously busy. We’re having another one tomorrow night if you want to come. You, too, Emma.”

Jesse turned to me. “You want to?”

“Sure, sounds good to me.”

“Awesome. I’ll see you guys later,” Andy said.

“Later,” Jesse said.

I unlocked my car, and we got in.

“She really doesn’t like me, does she?” I asked as I started driving toward the shop.

“No, but I’m not sure why. Just give her time. She’ll come around.”

“I hope so. I don’t want to put you in the middle or make you feel like you have to choose. I know she’s your friend.”

“Don’t worry about it. I’ll handle Ally and her claws.”


I reached across the console and put my hand on his. He turned his hand over and threaded our fingers together. I squeezed, enjoying the feel of my hand in his. His hand was so much bigger than mine, and I felt safe with even that small touch. We spent the rest of the drive in silence, enjoying the feel of each other.

“You ready?” Jesse asked when I pulled into the shop’s lot.

“As I’ll ever be. Is it going to hurt?” “A little, but it’s not bad, I promise.” “I trust you.” And I did.

For reasons unknown to me, in such a short time, this boy had wormed his way into my life like no one else ever had. For the thousandth time, I wondered if I’d lost my mind when it came to Jesse. His presence in my life had completely thrown my world off course.

“Come on, let’s get you inked.”

We got out of the car, and he held my hand again, leading me to the front door. After unlocking the door and disarming the alarm, he took me to one of the back rooms. I glanced nervously at the table in the center of the small room. I’d been thrilled on the way here, but now, I was terrified.

“I’m nervous,” I said.

“Don’t be. You said you trusted me, so prove it. Lie down on the table, and get comfortable while I get everything ready.”

I did as he’d said, and then I watched him as he started prepping for my tattoo.

“Do you have any kind of script in mind?” he asked as he placed a small cup on a rolling cart and filled it with black ink.

“Not really. Something girlie, I guess.”

He smiled. “Let me do a few, and see what you think.”

“What? You’re going to freehand them? Don’t you use a computer to print them out?”

“Some do, but I prefer to freehand them if I can.” He grabbed a piece of paper and pen. “Give me a second.”

I watched silently as he started running the pen across the paper. I’d never seen him in such deep concentration.

“Here are a few different ways I can do it. You choose which one you want.”

He put the pen down and handed the sheet of paper to me. I was surprised by how precise he was on each different way he’d written
. If I hadn’t seen him write them down, I would have sworn that he’d printed them off of a computer.

“Damn, you are good.” I grinned at him.

“I hear that a lot. Which one do you like?”

“The third one,” I said as I handed the paper back to him.

It was a flowing cursive script. There were loops coming out of the
that wrapped around the rest of the tattoo. It was amazing how he could do something like that in just a few seconds.

“Lie back on the table, and I’ll draw it on. I’ll let you look before I start tattooing, I promise.”

I settled back and rested my head on the cushioned part of the table. Jesse stood beside me and started slowly lowering my shorts again. When I raised my hips off the table to make it easier for him, he smiled.

“You’re making this too easy.”

“Shut up. I was trying to help.”

“I don’t mind when you help me take off your clothes.”

“I’m sure you don’t.”

“Are you sure you want it here? Once I start, there’s no going back.” “Where else could you put it where I can hide it?”

“You already turned down my first suggestion, so that leaves your ass.”

“Yeah, I think I’ll pass. Hip, it is.”

“Works for me. Now, stay still while I draw it on.”

I didn’t move a muscle as he started drawing the letters on my skin. He pulled back a few seconds later and grabbed a mirror off the cart holding his gun and the ink.

“Check it out.”

I angled the mirror, so I could see the design. It looked exactly as it had on the paper. “Looks good to me.”

“Okay, let’s get started. Just remember to breathe. A lot of first-timers forget that, and it’s kind of important.”

I laughed. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

“Good. Also, don’t move around a bunch. I don’t want you to yell at me if I mess it up because you moved.”

“It’ll be fine. Let’s do this.”

He picked up the gun, powered it on, and dipped the tip in the cup of ink. I balled my fists as he placed the gun over me, an inch from my skin.

“Stop teasing, and get it over with.” I squeezed my eyes closed.

The next thing I knew, the gun shut off, and his lips were on mine. I gasped in shock as he sucked my bottom lip into his mouth. His hands held my face in place as he continued to kiss me until my body felt like jelly.

“What was that for?” I gasped out as he pulled away.

“You were tense. I wanted to relax you.”

“Mission accomplished.”

He smiled. “Then, let’s get back to work.”

He picked up the gun again and powered it on. I kept my body relaxed as he lowered it to my skin. There was a small stinging feeling, but it wasn’t as bad as I’d expected. He worked carefully on each letter with his arm resting on my thigh. His breath tickled my skin as he leaned in closer, and a shiver ran through my body. I was in a blissful hell with him this close to me.

“You doing okay?” he asked.

“I’m fine,” I whispered.

He nodded as he continued to work. “We’re almost done.”

He’d been right. Just a few seconds later, he powered off the gun and used some kind of solution on a paper towel to wipe off the excess ink.

“Stand up, and look.”

He held out a hand, and I took it as I stood up. There was a mirror beside the table, and I stood in front of it to inspect my tattoo. It was simple and elegant. I loved it.

“It’s beautiful. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. I’m glad you let me do it.”

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