Breathless (159 page)

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Authors: Heidi McLaughlin,Emily Snow,Tijan,K.A. Robinson,Crystal Spears,Ilsa Madden-Mills,Kahlen Aymes,Jessica Wood,Sarah Dosher,Skyla Madi,Aleatha Romig,J.S. Cooper


BOOK: Breathless
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I could have kissed him. “Thank you so much.”

“No problem. Now, get out of here, and go cheer the kid up.”


I followed his directions as I went deeper into the poverty part of town. When I pulled into the trailer park, my stomach dropped. While some of the trailers weren’t that bad, others looked like they were falling apart. I prayed that Jesse wasn’t in one of those as I searched for the one labeled thirty-two. When I saw it, I let out a sigh of relief. His house wasn’t the nicest, but it also wasn’t one of the ones falling apart.

I parked my car beside his Jeep and stepped out. Gravel crunched under my feet as I walked up the driveway. His trailer had a small porch with several hanging baskets. I stepped up onto the porch and knocked on the door. No one came, so I knocked again, louder this time. A few seconds later, the door opened, and there stood Jesse, shirtless and barefoot, wearing only a pair of shorts.

“Emma? What are you doing here?” he asked, his voice thick with sleep.

“I’m sorry to bother you. I just wanted to check on you. Plus, I got into another fight with my mom. I needed to get away.”

“How did you even find me?” he asked in horror.

I had no idea why he was so upset that I had shown up on his doorstep. “Um, the guy at the tattoo place gave me directions. Can I come in?”

“I don’t think that’s such a good idea.”

My heart squeezed painfully in my chest.
He must have someone in there with him.
That had to be why he was so upset that I’d just randomly shown up.

“I didn’t mean to interrupt anything. I’ll leave now.” I turned to walk back down the steps as tears stung my eyes.
Why did we even have that conversation in his car if he planned on doing this to me?
It had only been a few hours, and he’d already betrayed me.

“What? Wait, Emma. It’s not what you think!”

He grabbed me and pulled my body up against his. I tried to shove him away, but he held me in place.

“Stop struggling, and let me explain.”

“I don’t want to hear it, Jesse. Just let me go.”

“Not with you thinking that I have a girl in here.”

He pulled us both inside his house. He actually picked me up enough, so my feet weren’t touching the ground as he walked down a narrow hallway and stopped in front of a door.

“This is my room. There’s no one in here.”

He released me, and I turned to look at him.

“If there’s no one here, why didn’t you want me to come in?”

He walked past me into his room and sat down on his bed. “I didn’t want you to know where I lived, period.”

“But why?”

“Because I live in a fucking trailer while I’m sure you’re in a damn mansion. I don’t want you to look down on me.”

“Are you crazy? I’d never look down on you. I thought you knew that by now.” I walked into the room and over to where he was sitting on the bed. I stopped when I was standing between his legs. “I don’t care where you live.”

He looked away from me. “Sure you don’t.”

“I don’t.” I grabbed his chin and pulled his face up to look at me. “All I care about is you.”

I leaned down and kissed him. It was a gentle kiss, and I hoped it showed my sincerity. I didn’t care that he lived in a trailer. I wouldn’t care if he lived in a tent.

“What was that for?” he asked when I pulled away.

“No reason at all. I just wanted to.”

“Come here,” he said as he leaned back on his elbows.

“I can’t get any closer,” I teased.

“I bet you can.”

He sat up and grabbed me. I squealed as he pulled me down onto the bed with him. I straddled him as he grinned up at me.

“I told you we could get you closer.”

“I guess you were right.” I leaned down and brushed his hair from his eyes.

“I’m always right.”

“Mmhmm, sure you are.”

He reached up and ran his hand across my cheek. I was positioned just right on top of him, so I could tell that he was aroused. I’d never been in this position with a guy before, and I was nervous. I didn’t come here for
, and I wasn’t sure what he was expecting from me.

“Why are you so nervous?” he asked. “Your entire body is rigid.” “I’m not nervous,” I lied.

“Bull. What’s wrong?”

I sighed.
This is going to be awkward.
“I’m not sure what you expect from me when we’re together like this.”

“Are you talking about sex?” he asked.


“Look, I don’t expect anything from you. I also don’t think we need to have sex if you can’t even say the word to me.”

My face turned bright red. I was so embarrassed by all of this, and he was not helping.

“No way,” he said.

“What?” I asked.

“You’re a virgin.”

He’d said it as a statement, not a question. He already knew, and there was no sense in trying to deny it.

“I am.”

He smiled as he pulled me down and kissed me. “That’s so cute.”

“How is that cute? I feel like an idiot right now.”

“It’s a nice change.”

If that wasn’t a mood killer, I didn’t know what was. “So, after that comment, I think it’s safe to say that you’re not.”

“No, I’m not. Does that bother you?” he asked.

“I don’t know. Yes.”


He was enjoying this far too much.

“Because I have no experience when it comes to that stuff, and you do.”

“I could teach you if you want.” He winked, actually winked, at me.

“I’m sure you could,” I grumbled.
I’m so out of my league with him.

He rolled me off of him and pinned me to the bed with his body. “It’s pretty simple once you get into it.”

“I’m sure it is.”

“No, seriously. Just watch.”


He silenced me with a kiss. “Just watch.”

He kissed a trail from my lips to my ear. I sucked in a breath as he probed his tongue into my ear. Before now, if someone had told me that it was hot to do that, I would have laughed. But when Jesse was doing it…
dear God.
It was the most erotic thing I’d ever felt.

“It’s all about the kissing…and where you kiss.” He bit down on my earlobe. “And biting.”

His lips slipped farther down as he kissed and licked his way to my collarbone. My body was coiled tight in anticipation of where I’d feel his lips next.

“And it’s about touch. You have to explore until you find those certain spots that make the person go wild.”

His hands roamed down my sides and slipped to the bottom of my tank top. He raised it up until the hem was sitting just under my bra. My body jumped as his fingers skimmed across my stomach. His lips followed soon after, and I moaned as my body came alive. Everywhere he touched, it was like my skin was on fire.

His hands traveled down to my hips. He rubbed small circles across them as he pulled my shorts down just a bit. My body was humming, and that ache between my legs was back. I didn’t care what he did at this point. I was enjoying it all too much.

His lips slowly ascended the length of my body. He kissed between my breasts, just close enough to them to drive me nuts, and then he finally trailed his lips up to my neck.

“See what I mean?”

“What was the question?” I asked.

I looked up to see him smiling at me.

“I think that’s enough for one night. Next time, I’ll teach you the basics of undressing.”

I sat up and did something I never thought I’d do. I pulled off my tank top. I could see the shock on his face. He hadn’t expected me to do something like that.

“I think I have the basics down.”

“What are you doing?” he asked as he stared at my chest.

I thanked the heavens above that I’d worn my favorite Victoria’s Secret bra today that made my boobs look awesome. From the way Jesse was staring at them, I could tell that he agreed.

“Showing you that I need the advanced class for undressing. I have the basics down.”

“You should put your shirt back on,” he said as he looked up at my face.

“Why? Is it bothering you?” I knew that it was. I could feel the hard length of him pressed against my hip. “Nope.”

“Are you sure?” I asked.

“Yep.” His eyes were back on my chest.

I took a deep breath as I reached around behind me and undid the snaps on my bra. He sucked in a breath as it fell away from my body.

“Jesus, Emma. What are you trying to prove?”

“You said it wasn’t bothering you, so I don’t see what the issue is.”

“I’m a guy, and I have a really hot half-naked girl in my bed. I’m about to bust the seam of my shorts.”

“How is that my problem?” I teased.

It was nice to be on this side of the conversation for once. I felt completely awkward and embarrassed by doing this, but I wasn’t about to tell him that.

He pushed me down until I was flat on my back again. “It’s definitely your problem.”

The fire in his eyes told me he wasn’t kidding. By teasing him, maybe I’d bitten off more than I could chew.


“Oh no. Don’t
me after you did this…” He grabbed my hand and ran it across his length. “To me.”

His mouth was on mine then, and I lost all my reservations about the position I was now in. The sensation of his bare chest rubbing against mine made the ache between my legs almost unbearable. I pushed my body up tighter against him as I wrapped my legs around his waist. His hardness was right where I was aching, and I ground my hips against him to get some relief.

Instead of soothing, the movement only made it worse.

Jesse pulled his lips from mine. “Don’t do that, or I really won’t be able to stop.”

“I can’t help it. I feel like I’m going to explode.”

“You will if you keep that up. Have you ever had an orgasm before?”

I shook my head. “No.”

“Why don’t we take care of that?”

His voice was deeper, and I knew he was trying to control himself.

“I’m not ready to have sex,” I told him honestly. I wanted to—
god, I want to
—but I couldn’t. I had no idea how I would find the willpower to make him stop, but I had to. I didn’t want him to think I was easy.

“You don’t have to have sex to have an orgasm. I bet I can make you come without even taking off your shorts.” “How?” I asked.

“You’ll find out. I promise I won’t push you for sex, but I need something, or I’m going to go insane. Is that okay?” I nodded. “I trust you.”


With that, he went to work. He wasted no time with the small kisses from earlier. Instead, he lowered his head and ran his tongue across both my nipples. My body came up off the bed as a moan escaped my mouth.

“Keep making those sounds. They’re a total turn-on,” he said just before he pulled my nipple into his mouth and sucked on it.

The ache between my legs was completely unbearable now. I tried to grind my hips against his, but he’d angled his body, so I couldn’t. With a mind all their own, my fingers slid down between my legs, and I pressed where I was aching. I made small circling motions as I pushed down, feeling a tiny amount of relief from the ache.

“Fuck. Are you playing with yourself?” Jesse asked after he released my nipple with a

“No, I just couldn’t stand the ache. I had to do something.”

“Your hand is between your fucking legs. You’re playing with yourself.” “Is that bad?” I asked. I had no idea what I was doing.

“No, it’s fucking hot. I wish we could take off your shorts, but we can’t.

If you’re completely naked, I won’t be able to stop.”

I pulled my hand away, feeling vulnerable and stupid. “I didn’t do it on purpose. I’m sorry if it made things harder for you. I wasn’t trying to tease you by doing that.”

“It’s hot, Emma. I’d love to see you completely naked and doing that. I want you to promise me something.”


“I want to watch you do that one day. Promise me that I can watch.”

My face couldn’t possibly turn any redder. “Are you serious?”

“Yeah, I am.” He leaned down and flicked his tongue across my nipple.

“Promise me?”

“I…I don’t know,” I whispered as electricity shot through my body.

He ran his tongue from one nipple to the other and then down my stomach. “Promise me.”


“Fine, I guess I’ll have to convince you.” He reached between my legs, and his thumb rubbed that one spot through my shorts.

My hips bucked. “Oh my god.”

His lips covered my nipple, and he sucked on it as his thumb continued to circle. I spread my legs wider as I grabbed his hair with both of my hands.

“Oh my god. Okay, okay. I promise.”

Instead of stopping, he sucked harder, and softly bit down as his thumb pressed harder. I lost control of my body as my hips thrust up, and I held his head tightly against my chest. I screamed as my body exploded around me. I’d never experienced anything like it, and I clung to him until I finally drifted back to reality.

He lifted his head to grin at me. “Too bad we didn’t put money on that bet. I just gave you your first orgasm. I accept cash and checks.”

“Wow. I can’t handle your smart-ass comments at the moment.”

“I told you I could do it.”

He was far too excited over this for a guy who still hadn’t gotten off.

“What about you?” I asked.

“What about me?”

“You didn’t…you know.”

“You’re so innocent.”

“You do realize you just said that to the girl who’s currently lying halfnaked in your bed, right?”

“I do. You’re innocent, and I like it. I feel like I’m corrupting you.” “You are,” I said as I pushed him off of me.

When he was flat on his back, I climbed on top of him. I was still sensitive down there, and I shuddered when I felt him pressing against me.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m not going to leave you hanging after that.”

“You don’t have to—”

“I know. I want to.”

I leaned down and kissed his lips first. Then, I repeated what he’d done to me. I kissed his neck and bit his earlobe before moving down to his nipples. When I ran my tongue over them, he shuddered. I considered that a good sign, so I took my time with each one, biting and licking until he was moaning. I licked a trail down his stomach, but I stopped when I got to his shorts. I had no idea what I was doing, and I wasn’t about to try my luck with licking down there just yet.
Baby steps.

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