Breeding Wife

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Authors: Mister Average

Tags: #breeding, #erotic short stories, #explicit erotica, #population control, #male sex fantasies, #pregnancy fantasies, #breeding women, #breeding camps, #women used for breeding, #womens pregnancy fantasies

BOOK: Breeding Wife
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Mister Average



Smashwords Edition


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Published by Mister Average



at Smashwords


Breeding Wife


Copyright 2012 by Mister Average



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this book.














The world was a very different place in 2090,
the population had collapsed after the Red Plague and her nation
was desperately in need of more people. Immigration was a thing of
the past, nobody travelled around the world anymore, and it was too
unsafe for a variety of reasons. There was not enough fuel for
widespread air travel anymore; the populations in many countries
were too unstable and lawless.

People were now in short supply, they were a
valuable commodity for the first time in thousands of years and
industry didn’t like it. There was no easy fix. Yes, they could use
robots, but sometimes you just needed people, real people, not
buckets of bolts.

Whilst her government could not do anything
to resolve their short term problems, they had taken a very
militant approach to solving the long term solution - as had many
nations. They needed to secure their future supply of the right
kind of people, so the government was forcing women of child
bearing age to produce as many children as possible to as many
different males, but they were not leaving it to chance or random

Once a woman had turned sixteen she legally
needed to be available for breeding. Married women were also
required for breeding.

The government had set a standard that all
women were required to give birth at least once every five years
from the age of 16 until they turned 41, a total of six children
for each woman.

A woman could also have two children with a
partner or husband, but she was required to have six children with
other men, to ensure a wide distribution of seed around the
country. There were severe penalties for those women who tried to
avoid this national responsibility. It was interesting that many
sectors of society which one might have expected to be vocal about
the immorality of such a plan where strangely silent. It seemed all
sectors of society saw the urgent need for more children to be
greater than morals.


And so it came to pass that Ingrid, a fertile
young woman in her mid-twenties, and married to Sven, a tall and
handsome blonde haired and blue eyed man, had to face up to the
fact that it was time for Ingrid to be sent to the breeding camps,
and she would not return until she had been impregnated.


Ingrid had a nice figure; she was physically
and sexually attractive. She was full breasted with round, large
breasts and a pretty face that was set off with long blonde hair
that fell half way down her back.

She had already given birth twice for her
country, those babies having been taken away from her after
childbirth and reared firstly by feeding mothers and then educated
through a government sponsored system where all children were
treated equally. The mothers would never know their children; the
children would never be told who their parents were.

Now she was preparing to be sent to the
breeding camps again and her new husband had to face up to the
torment of this for the first time.

Ingrid had been through it all, she was numb
to the experience, but Sven had only been through this from the
stud perspective, never from the husband of a breeding girl point
of view.

Like all eligible males, Sven spent two weeks
each year at the breeding camps attempting to inseminate the women
presented to him. He would screw a different woman every day,
pumping his sperm into each one, trying to make as many of them
pregnant as possible. He would never know if he was successful or

It had to be like this, their country of ten
million people in 2070 had been reduced to a nation of only half a
million people in 2090, far below the number needed to function

Most of them understood and accepted the
equation, and then went along and did what was required of

For Ingrid, she always found it to be a very
mentally exciting time as the process of getting pregnant was so
ribald, so depraved, so disgusting – and she loved it, every minute
of it.

And Sven would know exactly what would happen
to her, he had been down this path every year and had his turn on
numerous women. She didn’t mind, but she wondered about his state
of mind now that her time had come.

It was her fertile time of the month; she had
just turned 26 years of age, now she had to go off to the breeding
camp. Silently, she packed her bags and prepared herself for a
teary farewell to Sven.

Whilst she would be screwed endlessly over
the week, they would keep her at the camp until they confirmed she
had become pregnant. If she failed, she would be kept at the camp
for another month; women were kept for up to three months. If they
still failed to become pregnant then tests were performed on them
to confirm their ability to conceive.

Thankfully, Sven had been able to coordinate
his time at the camp during her absence although, of course, he
would be rotated so that he was never at the same camp as

That night they made love to each other, but
it lacked the usual conviction, they both had other thoughts on
their minds.

The next morning they would catch the subway
train to the Breeding Camp registration office.



Ingrid and Sven were up early, made all the
necessary arrangements for their home and then caught the subway.
They sat in silence as the train shot through the underground
tunnels to the city. They walked together to the large building and
then separated in the foyer as Ingrid was ushered into the
reception area for women.

Ingrid walked into the room and up to the
counter where she was ticked off the register and given a number.
She was told her train would be leaving from the basement in half
an hour. Ingrid walked solemnly, following the others who were
making their way down the stairs to the lower level.

It was summer, most of the women were wearing
light dresses, most of them were tanned and looking very

Ingrid stepped down onto the platform and
waited. Soon a train would be there to take them to the country
retreat where she would spend the next few weeks.

As she sat there waiting, she reflected on
the time ahead. She wondered how Sven would see this. She wondered
how he felt screwing a different woman every day. She knew how much
men loved sex, but there was no conquest involved, the women just
laid there spread wide open for the men to inseminate them. Did he
find that exiting enough?

The train sped into the subway station and
stopped. It was a dedicated train; no other passengers would be
getting on at other stops. The next time it stopped would be in a
few hours’ time and they would be in the picturesque countryside
and at her breeding camp.

Ingrid took a window seat and rested her head
against the glass. As the train rattled its way to their
destination she fell asleep, peacefully.


She woke with a jolt; a nurse was standing
next to her asking her if she was ok. Ingrid realised she must have
slept deeply. She rubbed her eyes, looked out the window and then
picked up her bag and followed the nurse. When she alighted from
the train she was struck by the beauty of it. It seemed more
beautiful than she remembered.

Ingrid dutifully walked along the path to the
big white building on the rise, she had a smile on her face, and
she felt quite at peace with herself and everything around her.
Minutes later she was being welcomed by the administrator and led
to her room. Each woman was given a comfortable room during her

Ingrid logged into her room and unpacked and
then she checked the roster to see when she was due to be used. She
was rostered on for 8pm that night, which was a relief, she
preferred the night shift. You would be exhausted at the end of it
and then fall asleep – it was always a very deep sleep after a
night of heavy fucking.

Ingrid showered, and then sat back to read
for a while until it was dinner time. Then she would make herself
ready, apply the various lotions to her vagina that helped
lubricate and assist in the sperm reaching her egg.

The afternoon passed, and then Ingrid knew
that her time had come. She prepared herself and waited for the
nurse to pick her up.

She was led to a large room, there were ten
padded tables on each side of the room – Ingrid knew what they were

Each of the beds would take one woman. She
would lay down, and straps would hold her arms and legs. She would
be naked with a pillow under her belly, pushing her vagina up into
the air a little so it would be more accessible to the males.

Each woman was required to lay there for two
hours a day and be inseminated by as many males as possible. One
man would lay on top of her and fuck her, once he had deposited his
sperm into her, the next man would lay on her.

Why such an open display of sex?

It had been argued that one of the dangers to
the system was the risk of romance and love developing between man
and woman, therefore a system was devised whereby the woman would
be fucked in the open, where administrators could see that there
was no affection developing and the women were positioned face
down. They could never see the face of the man who screwed them.
Their role was to be a receptacle for sperm and to become pregnant,
not to like the men inseminating them.

Ingrid was walked over to a bed and she stood
there next to it and then dropped her robe. She lay down on the
bedding on her front and waited for the nurse to lightly strap her
hands and legs to the table. She was made as comfortable as
possible, and then asked if she was ready.

When she confirmed she was fine, the nurse
applied some lubricant to her genitals, working it into her vagina
with her fingers and then she was ready for her first male.




The men were prepared so that they would
finish quickly when having sex with the women. They sat, naked, in
a private booth looking at pornography but under strict
instructions not to have an orgasm - that was to be reserved for
the women.

When it was their turn the man would be led
out onto the floor and taken to a predetermined woman. The doctors
and nurses would know the previous success rate of every man, those
with the highest potency would be matched with those women who
struggled to get pregnant. Every part of the system was manipulated
to maximize the chances of the woman becoming pregnant.

Whilst it might have seemed odd to have this
all occur out in the open it also protected the women from abusive
or rough men. Every man using one of the women was on display, he
was controlled by the circumstances around him.

This was what confronted Sven when he spent
his two weeks each year at the breeding camps, but unlike the women
who stayed at the one camp, the males were moved from camp to camp
each few days so that their seed was spent all round the country
and not in one area.

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