BrickWall_Kobo (3 page)

BOOK: BrickWall_Kobo
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“Yeah, I do.
So how do you know Cary?”

Her head tilted to the side, silky red hair sliding along her shoulder.
“I don’t really.
I know his wife, Lori.
We met at a chamber mixer a few months ago and we’ve kept in touch.”

Oh hell, that voice.
It made him want to beg her to take pity on him and allow him to strip her naked so he could get a look at her beautiful body.
To let him put his mouth all over her until she melted into a puddle of lust on the ground.

On the ice, Shane was known for his flexibility and his ability to work well with both hands.
He’d show her how well that translated in the bed.

“Lori’s really sweet and Cary’s a great guy.”

Her smile regained a little of its former brightness.
“He must be.
Lori can’t say enough good things about him.
And Lori’s amazing.
I swear she knows everyone in the county.
Unlike me.
I have to confess,” she leaned closer and he bent his head.
“I really don’t know anyone here except Lori.”

“Then we’re pretty much in the same boat.”
Shane couldn’t stop staring into those gorgeous eyes.
“I don’t know anyone except Cary and Lori.
And right now, I don’t care if I don’t meet another person in the room.”

Shit, probably shouldn’t have said that.
But Bliss—damn but he loved her name—smiled again, brighter this time.
Then she laughed.
Holy fucking hell, did he love her laugh.
Low and husky, it sank straight into his gut and made his blood heat like lava.

And when she leaned closer, he caught a whiff of sexy perfume that made his mouth water.
Christ, if he wasn’t careful, he’d throw this woman over his shoulder and make a break for the nearest bedroom.

He was pretty sure she’d be pissed about that, but he didn’t have much experience with a woman who looked like she’d stepped off the pages of some fashion magazine, in her slim black skirt and some sexy-as-hell shirt that showed off enough cleavage to make him drool.

His fingers twitched and he stuffed them in his pockets to keep them from flexing.
Or from reaching out to lace his fingers through her hair.


But then she stepped closer and he sucked in another breath, laced with her scent.

Damn, maybe he’d hit his head at practice today and was passed out on the ice, hallucinating.

And wouldn’t that fucking suck?

Then again, if he was having a hallucination, maybe he needed to hit his head more often because, holy hell, she was only inches away and his heart revved like a muscle car.

And when she put her fingertips on his chest and tapped twice, his heart actually answered by pounding against his ribs.

Strangely enough, he knew what she wanted him to do, even though his teammates accused him of being the most clueless guy around when it came to women.

He bent down, turning his head so she could whisper in his ear.

“I know exactly what you mean.
I’m really glad we met.”

His abs clenched, and when he straightened so he could look into her eyes again, her expression made his lungs seize up.

Her lips curved in a smile he wanted to taste.

Christ almighty, he hoped he was reading her right.
She was flirting with him, wasn’t she?

He’d been making all the wrong moves on the ice lately.
Maybe he couldn’t trust his instincts.

Even so, he couldn’t stop himself from blurting out the words on the tip of his tongue.
“Maybe you and I could slip out of here and get to know each other better.”

She blinked, her eyes widening as her smile froze.

Jesus, you are a fucking idiot.
Why the hell—

“I would love that.”
Her smile nearly took him to his knees.
“But maybe we could wait until after dinner?
I have a feeling I’m going to need fuel for later.”


Bliss watched Shane’s mouth drop open, and her grin widened as anticipation made her body tingle like she’d downed shots of grain alcohol.

It’d been a long time since she’d tingled over anything.
And that had sucked.

But so far, tonight didn’t suck at all.
Not while there was the possibility that she would take this man home with her, strip him down to his skin then run her hands all over every hard muscle in his body.

While she contemplated that scenario, Shane continued to stare at her until finally he shook his head.

“Damn, I didn’t… I mean, yeah.
After dinner.”
Then he shook his head again and his lips curved in a kind of rueful smile.
“So can I get you a drink?”

Was he actually embarrassed?
Yeah, he’d shocked her by being blunt, but the way he’d said it hadn’t made her feel like a piece of meat.
No, she’d felt desired.

The guy was freaking adorable.

“I’d love one, thanks.”

The relief on his face made her smile widen.
“Anything you don’t like?”

“Not much.”
Totally the truth.
She had three older brothers with a healthy admiration for alcohol in any form.
They’d given her a wide breadth of knowledge to pull from.

Shane started to shake his head again but stopped when a bemused smile twisted his lips.

Oh, please tell her this man wasn’t one of those closet cretins who thought women shouldn’t enjoy sex and alcohol.
Chauvinists who believed simply because they had a dick, they were entitled to pass judgment on women.

She’d leave him with a serious case of blue balls—

“So you want it sweet or hard?”

Oh my.

Heat lit through her at the deep, suggestive tone of his voice, and she had to take a quick breath before she could answer.

“Can’t I have both?”

The curve of his lips made her thighs clench, and when he spoke, she went wet between her thighs.

“Honey, you can have whatever the hell you want.”

Her answering smile made her face hurt, it was so wide.
“Then I’ll have a shot of tequila and a beer.”

“Coming right up.”
He took a step away but looked back over his shoulder, those blue eyes shining as if lit from within.
“Don’t go anywhere.”

She raised an eyebrow and made an X over the exposed flesh above her breasts, drawing his gaze down before he snapped it back up.
“I’ll be right here when you get back.”

“I’m gonna hold you to that.”

“I hope that’s not the only thing you’re going to hold me to.”

His gaze darkened with sexual intent.
“Wherever and whenever.”

Then he turned and headed for the makeshift bar on the other side of the room.

Bliss sucked air into her starved lungs.
Damn, she felt light-headed.

It’d been so damn long since a guy had had this response to her.
Or that she’d had a response like this to a guy.

And boy, did she like it.

Across the room, she watched Shane handle two tall bottles and two shot glasses as he made his way back to her.
He didn’t stop to talk to anyone and he didn’t seem to notice the looks the women in the room were giving him.
Looks she sincerely hoped he’d never see because she wanted him all to herself.

When he stood in front of her again, she took a glass and a shot off his hands and immediately downed the shot.

Setting the shot glass on the table beside her, she took a sip of beer, aware that Shane watched her every move.
When she lowered the bottle, his gaze slipped to her mouth then down to her breasts, which she’d displayed to their full potential tonight.
What good was having a decent body if you couldn’t dress to please yourself?
The lace bra and panty set she’d decided on tonight would be worth the expense, especially if Shane got to see them.

“So you’re a goalie.
How’s the team this year?”

He blinked and his gaze popped back up to hers.
She actually thought he blushed at being caught staring at her chest.

We’re doing good.”
Then he grimaced.

He looked like he wanted to say something else but stayed silent.

Since she pretty much couldn’t, she asked, “And you play with Cary?”

Shane nodded and kept his gaze glued to hers.
“He’s a great guy.
He’ll make a great coach.”

The reverence in Shane’s voice made her smile again.
He obviously looked up to Cary.

“Are you from the area?”

He shook his head.
Didn’t feel like going home for Christmas this year.”
Something crossed his expression but passed quickly.
“We have a game the day after Christmas and I didn’t want to do all that traveling.
What about you?
You’re local?”

Apparently, he didn’t want to talk about his family.
No problem.
Everybody had family issues.
Born and raised.
My whole family’s still here, including all four older brothers.
We’re disgustingly close.”

Just how close… Yeah, she typically didn’t go into that, especially not when she first met someone.

His eyebrows raised at the mention of her four brothers, and she almost expected him to back away slowly.
Some guys did.
And when she mentioned that one was a cop… Well, that thinned the herd even more.

Then he smiled…and stole her breath.
“Sounds like my family.
Even though I’m not home anymore, my parents and my sister and brother still need to know every little thing about my life.”

“Is it hard being away from them at the holidays?”

Nodding, his smile slid toward a grimace.
But I’ve been traveling for hockey since I was twelve so I’m used to it.”

That seems really young.”

He shrugged.
“Not really.
At least not where I come from.”

“I have to admit…I’ve only been to two Redtails games and mostly I sat in a box and talked to my friends.
It’s not that I don’t like the game.
I do.
I just always have something else going on.”

Now his grin widened.
“I can take care of that problem.
Let me get you a ticket to our next home game.”


Holy hell, when this woman smiled, which she did a lot, Shane had the almost overwhelming instinct to fall to his knees at her feet and repeat, “I’m not worthy.”

And he knew exactly what he’d do when he was down there.
He’d shove that skirt down around her ankles, put his hands on her naked thighs, and pull her closer.
Then he’d put his mouth—

Holy shit.
He needed to stop before he had no hope at all of hiding his boner.

Her smile brightened.
“I’d like that.
Will I get to see you play?”

Grimacing, he shrugged.
A few weeks ago, he would’ve told her yes because he’d been starting most games.
The past few weeks, though…

Damn it, he’d sucked.
And he needed to get her off the topic of hockey.

“You might, yeah.
So what do you do?”

“I help my aunt run her bridal shop in West Reading.
She has three boys and none of them wanted to work in the shop.
I’ve been helping her since I was fifteen.
Now it’s a full-time job.
My uncle retired last year and they like to travel, so I’m alone there a lot of the time.”

“You run it all by yourself?”

Her eyebrows raised and he wondered if he’d stuck his foot in his mouth.

“It’s not that big so, yeah.
On the weekends another one of my cousins helps out.
My dad was one of ten so I’ve got a lot of cousins.
I actually love helping brides pick out their dresses.
We also do bridesmaids and mothers’ dresses and prom and special occasions.
It’s actually really fun.”
She leaned in and he bent closer.
“Don’t tell my aunt but I’d work for free if I didn’t need to pay my rent.”

“Where do you live?”

“I have an apartment in West Reading.”

BOOK: BrickWall_Kobo
3Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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