Bride For My Werewolf Boss (2 page)

BOOK: Bride For My Werewolf Boss
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“Who’s there?” asked a scared voice.


“OPEN UP” she screamed, both pain and anger mixed in her voice.


Jessi’s mom opened the door. Before she could say anything Jessi pushed her aside and went straight to her room, loudly, closing the door of her room behind her. Her mother stood there confused as to what to do. Jessi took a deep breath and threw herself on her bed and hid her face in the pillow. She cried for a while and then fell asleep.


It was late at night. The room was dark except for the moonlight coming through the window that lit the left corner of the bed. Jessi was lying in her bed, naked. She opened her eyes and saw two shining eyes in front of her. She could feel something on her left breast and she looked down. It was a paw. She could see long nails. There was a fucking wolf standing over her. Its face was different from other wolves. It was more like that of a human. Like a man with a densely hairy face. It was an unusually large wolf. The darkest thing she had ever seen. Before she could think of anything the wolf started licking her right boob. Ummm… she felt good. Though its tongue was hard but still he made Jessi feel good. Suddenly the wolf stopped and started getting down of the bed.


“Where’re you going?”


It did not say anything and climbed out of the window.


“Hey, please stop!!”


The moonlight was so bright, it blinded her and Jessi couldn’t see anything. The next thing she could remember was finding herself shouting naked in her bed in the morning daylight. Soon she realized what was going on.


“Why is it always a fucking dream?” she got up irritated and knew that the day is going to be a long one.


A few minutes later she came out of her room. Mom was sitting, reading the newspaper. Jessi’s Mom, the famous social worker Mrs. Adriana Perkins, had raised her alone. When Jessi was 12 her mother told her a big secret of her life:


Jessi, after a lot of thought and self-debate; I’ve realized that you’ve reached an age when you can understand a few things.


“About what?”


“About your life, about our relationship.”


Jessi looked at her. And there was a strange silence in the room for a while.


“Jessi, you’re not my real child. You were, you were adopted.”


Jessi stared at her blankly.


“You see, there are some misfortunate women, whom God doesn’t give the ability to become mothers. I was one of them. I wanted to be a mother so badly, I tried all medical and spiritual treatments but, God had different plans. One day I was sitting here on this very sofa, cursing my life, crying. It was very late, almost midnight. That’s when I heard a sound outside the door. I went outside and there was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever set my eyes upon. It was you. Someone left you at my door. There was nothing else, accept for a cloth in which you were wrapped. Believe me Jessi, you’re the best thing that has ever happened to me, you’re my life sweetheart.”


Jessi remembered not talking to her mother for two weeks. But after that, she never had someone closer to her heart than her. They both respect and love each other.


“Oh God! These wolves…” mom said.


“W-wolves, what wolves?” Jessi was shocked at Mom’s remark over wolves.


“Oh Good Morning sweetie! You’re early today”


“Good Morning Mom. Yeah I just… err… What about the wolves?”


“Nothing, just another wolf attack, why is God so cruel to them? May He have mercy on this one?”


“Oh!” sighed Jessi, “I don’t understand mom. A wolf attacked someone and you’re praying for the wolves?”


“Oh you don’t know Jessi, these spoilt bastards tease them for fun and they can’t even do anything in return. Or else these self-established wolf hunting heroes will make their life a hell.”


Jessi smiled and started to prepare the coffee. Jessi’s mom had a strange sympathy for wolves. Maybe there was something with the wolves in the family. Maybe Jessi was not the only one who was fantasizing about wolves.


“So, my fighter mom is now going to fight for wolves huh?”


Mom smiled, “I can’t fight now, dear, now I’m old and weak. But yeah, I can still beat the crap out of anyone who bothers my love of life.” she says, trying to know about Jessi’s last night’s behavior.


“So, which spoilt brat was it?” she said sipping her coffee.


“You might know him. He was in your college. Senior by a year, I believe.”


Jessi slowly put down the coffee, a sense of fear rising in her voice. Her heart skipped a beat, as she dreaded to know who it was.


“Who is it mom?” she said in a scared voice


“The Johnsons’ boy. Wayne, Wayne Johnson.”


Oh My God. Jessi ran through the entire last evening in her mind. Even though she did not like Wayne anymore after last night’s encounter, she did not want him to die. After all, she had known him for many years. Her heart sank, as a tear trickle down from her shocked eyes.


“What is it Darling?  Are you okay?” Mrs. Perkins asked her daughter with concern and surprise.


“Mom, I… I... Met him yesterday evening. He was a nice lad. Even though I did not like him like that, he still…” And Jessi started to cry, her mind was still confused and contemplating what it had heard just now.


“Oh my baby, that’s life honey, no one can live forever. Don’t be sad.” She hugged her and consoled her. Now the fear was brimming in her eyes too. She remembered something from the past, which sooner or later will have to be revealed.

Chapter 3

…and in the other news. The Wolf Pack Poachers are set on to yet another mission. It seems the wolf hunting group found another place to be saved from wolves. According to our sources, a boy was attacked by a wolf last night in the small town near Howling Woods. The boy’s name is Wayne Johnson, son of Arthur Richard Johnson, the famous name in women’s clothing industry. The boy was found lying unconscious in his father’s guest house in the town, covered in nothing except for blood. It was Mr. Johnson who called the Poachers and asked them to save the town. The leader of the group Mr.-
” *TV switched of*




“Sir…” said a scared quivering voice.


He turned around and covered his eyes with one hand, as he couldn’t see anything in the blinding light coming from the flashlight, but he had the image of the source in his mind. A young girl holding a shining silver flashlight in her right hand. A beautiful face with horn rimmed glasses but pale as dead. A figure he had been seeing for last 10 years.


“Put that light away, Miss Loupes. I hate lights in my home.”


“S-sorry master Stephen, but it’s difficult for me to carry myself in so much darkness.”


Stephen’s eyes now adjusted to the light and he could see Miss Loupes’ face clearly. Her look gave him a joy. He knew the meaning of those wide open eyes and a faint smile. It was certainly good news. In his heart he thought, maybe it is the new he was longing to hear.


“Tell me; tell me, Miss Loupes… I know its good news. Just say it.”


“G-good news indeed, sir” said Miss Loupes in a shaking voice, “Its Lucas, he saw her. He said he can swear on his family’s grave it was her. He sounds very sure, sir.”


“Bring him in, BRING HIM IN NOW!!” Stephen could not contain his happiness. We wanted to jump out of the bed and hold Lucas, look in his eyes and seek the truth himself.


Miss Loupes ran like a threatened mouse. A few minutes later, she came back along with a tall young man with long curly hair and thin body. Stephen could recall him from the scar beneath his left eye. Lucas hadn’t changed a bit since the last time he saw him except for longer hair.


“Tell me Lucas, tell me everything.”


“I was in this bar yesterday, in a small town near Howling Woods. There was this spoilt little prick. The Son of a bitch threw a full glass of vodka at me. I couldn’t stop myself. My nails were already coming out. That’s when I saw her. She was with him. She was laughing at me, but I could tell from her eyes that deep down she cared. It was certainly her, Master Stephen. She had the necklace too.”


“Do you know where she lives? Anything else about her?”


Stephen’s dream was coming true. The ray of hope to find her someday was converting into a concrete possibility. He would be with her, the girl of her dreams. He had already started to daydream. His mind wandered into the thoughts of her beauty, he thought of how pretty, charming, polite and seductive, she would be. A perfect match, finally.


“You know me, sir. I don’t leave things undone. I followed them. They stopped at a small house. I presume it was his. They went in and had a little action, I guess. I waited for her to leave and then I went inside. I was about to kill him when I sensed her smell. There was a torn panty lying on the ground. I could recall her smell from the bar. I left the boy there; he had learnt his lesson and went straight, following the smell. I reached her house. Just in time. I saw her stepping out of the car. She looked furious, Sir. She was banging the door madly and then went inside. And that’s when I came here.”


Stephen couldn’t believe his ears. The girl he was waiting for so long was finally found. He was so happy on hearing this that he even forgot that it was Lucas who had endangered the lives of the wolves near Howling Woods for his revenge.


“Great job Lucas, here take this” *throws some gold at him* “go to the Berry Queens and tell them to serve you with their three best whores. You have proved your worth today, I am glad to have you.”


“Thank you sir. Thank you.” Lucas said, gleaming with pride.


“Is there anything else you want me to know?”


After thinking for a while Lucas said, “Err… I don’t think she remembers anything sir.”


“Oh Of course she doesn’t… But leave this to me now. I guess the time has come. Look at the flow of life Lucas; it’s all starting where it ended. We have come full circle. I’m coming Wolf Pack fucking Poachers. Save your guts. Arrgh!!”


He knew that the day was not far off when he would get his revenge on the fucking Poachers and will avenge his father’s, his clan’s murderers. It was because of them that his clan is living a low life, unlike the earlier times, where wolves used to rule Howling Woods.


Stephen made a loud growl. Something Miss Loupes had never ever heard. She fainted and fell unconscious on the floor.

Chapter 4
"The people at the bar said that you are the one he left with," The Poachers inquired Jessi. They had started their investigation in a full swing now. They knew this was the opportunity they were looking for.
"Yeah, I was with him on that day" Jessi said with sadness brimming her eyes.
"What happened, exactly after you guys left the bar" the man was curious now, he wanted to know each and every detail.
"You know the stuff that happens. We went to his house. Had some fun and I left."
“What kind of fun? Please be a little clear miss.”
Jessi blushed, as this would be odd to explain what kind of fun. She thought that how a good looking man like him could be so dumb. How could he not know the meaning of fun?!
Jessi knew that she was not telling the whole truth, but still she felt the way the Poachers Leader was looking at her was stranger then it should’ve been. When the men looked at her that way, Jessi could think of only one thing - they wanted to fuck her at that moment. The leader was not very old. He actually seemed to be in his mid-30s. He had a tall and well-toned body with black eyes. Jessi had heard that the poachers are strong enough to fight off the wolves bare-handed. In all probability, if the guy asked her out, Jessi wouldn’t mind saying no. So she played along.
“We met in the in the Howling bar last night and had a word briefly. I asked him to finish his drink and then we could go to his house. But he did not want to wait and spilt the drink on this strange looking guy who was sitting next to him.  The poor guy did not say anything. Wayne’s reputation was such. He was a spoilt and rich ass, who did not know how to treat people properly.”
Jessi took a deep breath and went on, her fingers played with the necklace, giving away her nervousness while her eyes gave away the sadness and longing for something even she did not know the answer to, anymore.
“We left for his house straightaway and reached his place in a happy mood. And got to business. We finished the task and I left for my house.”
“What task Miss Jessica, I insist on every detail. Please cooperate with us. This is pivotal to the case.”
“Fine. I changed into a kinkier outfit, and went to him. He was ready to sleep with me. He lay on the bed and he started kissing me as though he would suck the life out of my lips. He took off my lingerie, one by one, and played with me for a while. And then we fucked. Although I was not satisfied with the act and I left him angrily, as he was not that good in bed, but did not want him to die,” Jessi said and started to cry.
“I understand Miss, but did the two of you fight about it?”
“No, I just left.”
“Hmmm… What about the time when you both were coming back to Wayne’s house. Did you both stop anywhere or went near the woods, where the wolves stay? As in it attracted their attention?”
Jessi thought for a while, but then with a firm expression on her face, she said,” Certainly, not”
"Is that it?"
“Very well then Miss Jessica. Thank you for your cooperation. We will get back to you in case we need to know anything else. Please be in the town for a few weeks and present yourself whenever required.”
Ricky Summers, young, enthusiastic leader of the Wolf Pack Poachers, had quite a reputation of having clear priorities. In spite of his looks and physique, and being wanted by a great deal of girls, Ricky didn’t seem to be a guy fucking through his nights. But even his mood on seeing Jessi had started jumping with joy and he urged to have the honor of getting inside and fucking the shit out of her. But there was something else which preoccupied his thoughts.
“Are you sure about it,” asked his personal consultant and uncle. Ricky Summers was talking to his uncle about the brief encounter he had with Jessica.
“You know me uncle; I never go with mere instincts. I look for a concrete proof for it”
“Well, I trust your judgment and your instincts. But…” he hesitated a little and thought about something, when Ricky broke his thought train.
“But what?”
“If you are really right this time, then trust me, we have something really hard against the wolves.”
“By God’s Grace we do. We can finally fulfill our destiny.”
“Yes, and you can get rid of your father’s ill name.”
“Yeah” said Ricky clenching his fists and thinking finally, he would be able to do what he really wanted to.
“But we’ll need a good and effective plan.” Uncle was sure that if this was the catch they had been waiting for, nothing simple or easy would do. They would have to figure out a way to capture the target perfectly.
“Don’t worry uncle, everything’s been thought of,” Ricky smirked and walked out of the door proudly.
There was a knock at Jessi’s door.
“Who is it?”
“Rick Summers Ma’am, Wolf Pack Poachers.”
“Coming,” she said trying to hide the excitement in her voice.
This is something great. Jessi was just having one of her wild dreams where she was having an amazing mind blowing oral sex with a big brown wolf and now, the boy she was planning to hit on was already at her door. The day was unfolding perfectly. If things moved on like this, soon Jessi’s dreams would come true.
“Come in,” Jessi said, opening the door for him, composing herself down.
Ricky sat on a sofa; Jessi sat in front of him with her legs crossed giving him a good view of her white smooth thighs. Ricky got an idea that Jessi was trying to seduce him but wanted to put up a carefree front, although inside, his body was burning.
“Err… Miss Jessica, I-” Ricky tried really hard to not to check out her amazing body and tried to fix his gaze on her face only.
“Yes,” Jessi bent in front of him, revealing her awesome cleavage. The shape of her chest was formed so distinctively, Ricky wanted to immediately lay his hands on it. He could not wait to go inside her. His dick was banging against his jeans, waiting to burst open. Ricky knew what was coming next and thought of being precise and clear without beating against the bush.
“Look, Jessi… I’ll put this straight. Since, the first time I saw you I’ve been dreaming about you. I really want to be with you. I’ve never had such a strong desire for someone before, like this. Jessi, will you go out with me?”
Ricky said all this, pleadingly as if she would have said no; he would have killed himself for being rejected by this goddess. After a few moments’ pause, Jessi contemplated on the offer, while playing with her necklace.
Without any further delay, Jessi smiled, “I’ll change.” She walked normally till she knew he could see her and then as she vanished from his view, she ran to her room.
Ricky kept looking at her and smiled, “That was easy.”

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