Read Bridge to a Distant Star Online

Authors: Carolyn Williford

Tags: #bridge, #cancer, #Women’s friendships, #Tampa Bay (Fla.), #Sunshine Skyway Bridge, #Fiction, #Christian colleges, #Missionary kids, #Sunshine Skyway Bridge (Fla.), #friendships, #Bridge Failures, #relationships, #Christian, #Disasters, #Florida, #Christian Fiction, #Marriage, #Missionaries, #missionary, #women, #Affair, #General, #Modern Christian fiction, #Religious, #Children

Bridge to a Distant Star (41 page)

BOOK: Bridge to a Distant Star
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A Final Note from Carolyn

On December 23, 2010, one of the brightest lights in my life went out.

I’ve often spoken about my fierce love for my three guys: my husband, Craig, and our wonderful sons, Robb and Jay. For a woman who expected to be the mom of girls, with their frills and dolls, I was surprised when God blessed us with boys—and the accompanying bats and balls, cars and trucks and trains, and military paraphernalia everywhere. But what joy I discovered in that all-male atmosphere, for I was treated like a queen. And oh, how I adored my guys, through every season of life, through every stage of life. And now … now I must learn how to live without knowing Robb’s tender care (Need something? Need anything fixed? Robb would be there in a heartbeat), without hearing his laughter (I can still hear it in my head, but how I wish I could hear it for real), without watching him love his wife and play with his sons (Tricia, Tucker, and Tyler, he loved you dearly, and I loved watching him love you), without listening to him share his heart with Craig and me—his compassion compelling him to serve his Lord and Savior.

Robb needed emergency surgery to remove a ruptured spleen when he was a teenager. During his recovery, the nurses told us the first thing he uttered when regaining consciousness was
“Where am I, God?”
I believe that was a picture of Robb’s faith: He trusted God, and trusted
God, knowing he was ever in God’s care.

I have complete assurance that Robb is resting in God’s care right now, and yes, that is so very comforting to me. But there is now a painful hole in my heart, and I will miss my sweet son until the day I draw my last breath.

I miss you, Sweetie.

TNT: How you were pushing Dad to get me a new high-tech cell phone …

Love from Mom, forever

BOOK: Bridge to a Distant Star
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