Brie Masters Love in Submission: Submissive in Love (100 page)

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Authors: Red Phoenix

Tags: #Romance, #Anthology, #Brie, #Erotica, #Fiction, #Erotic

BOOK: Brie Masters Love in Submission: Submissive in Love
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Mary had a superior look on her face when she fished out a long, thin box from her purse and handed it to Brie. “I happen to have a gift for you, although I am unsure now if you deserve it.”

Brie smiled as she opened the box and took out two fingerless gloves made of delicate lace. “They’re exquisite, Mary.”

She shrugged. “I bought them just in case you wanted to play by the rules, but feel free to use them with Sir if you prefer.”

Brie giggled as her mother turned a deep shade of red. Brie could only guess what she was imagining. The funny thing—whatever it was—she was probably right.

Lea slipped both gloves onto Brie’s hands, stating, “Let’s play by the rules, then. ’Cause you’ve got to see yourself in this dress.”

She took off one glove and held it in her hand as her mother pulled away the cover from the mirror.

Brie was stunned by her own reflection. The princess neckline accentuated her full breasts, making a beautiful backdrop for the Italian lace that covered the entire dress. She turned to the side to admire the back of the gown. It was even more beautiful than she’d imagined. The strands of pearls accentuated her back and seemed to direct the eye downward to her shapely bottom, but Brie suspected it was really meant to draw the eye to the brand that barely showed. She knew with certainty that Sir’s eyes would be riveted to that particular spot.

“Wait, the dress is too short,” her mother lamented as she examined the hemline.

“Nope!” Lea announced, handing Brie a small silver box. “Your fiancé has something he wanted you to wear instead of heels.”

Brie giggled with delight as she lifted the lid. Inside was a set of golden jewelry for her feet, accented with tiny pearls.

“He says he wants you barefoot for the wedding.”

Barefoot and pregnant?
Brie wondered, smiling to herself.

“What an odd request,” her mother complained.

Lea helped Brie to take off her heels and stockings, replacing them with the jewelry that looped around her second toe and attached around her ankle. It made an enticing jingling sound when she moved her feet.

Brie knew it was slave jewelry and loved the symbolism behind his gift, even though she still wore her collar. On this most vanilla of ceremonies, Sir was reminding her that she was his beloved submissive.

“What girl gets married in bare feet?” her mother protested.

“I’m sure it’s an ancient Italian custom, Mom.”

Mary piped up, “No one will think it strange but us, and we’re the only ones who know.”

Her mother nodded. “I suppose you’re right. The dress
cover her feet.”

“It makes your feet look so darn adorable with your pink toenails, girlfriend,” Lea squealed. “I could just kiss those cute little piggies.”

“Probably what Sir plans to do tonight,” Mary said, adding under her breath, “among other things.”

Brie’s mother blushed again and awkward silence ensued.

Luckily, there was a knock on the door and Sir’s grandmother entered the dressing room. She took one look at Brie and tears came to her eyes.

Brie reached out to her. “

The old woman held a small silk pouch, which she handed to her. “
Qualcosa di blu.

Brie caught the word ‘blue’ and opened the pouch with excitement. Inside was a tiny antique stick-pin made of gold with a single blue crystal. Brie smiled at her, knowing it was meant as good luck. It seemed some traditions were universal.

Sir’s grandmother took it from Brie with her frail hands to pin it on her wedding dress. To Brie’s surprise, she let out a small gasp while she was pinning it. Sir’s grandmother touched the lace of the gown with a look of wonder. She called out excitedly, and called out again when no one came.

Aunt Fortuna ran into the room, looking upset. “What,
? Why the big fuss?”

Sir’s grandmother pointed to Brie’s dress, speaking excitedly.

Aunt Fortuna had the same look of amazement as she lovingly stroked the lace. She gazed up at Brie, shaking her head in disbelief. “Where did you get this?”

“I found the dress waiting for me at a little dress shop in Los Angeles.”

Aunt Fortuna put her hand to her lips, looking like she was about to cry. “I made this lace, Brianna. The fact that this dress found you…that is

Brie threw her arms around her. “Then I must thank you for helping to create my gown.”

Sir’s grandmother joined in on the hug. If there had been any misgivings before about the wedding, they all seemed to wash away in that moment.

Rytsar walked in on them, looking devastatingly handsome in his smoky gray suit with matching vest and light-gray tie. The refined Italian suit took Rytsar’s rough, masculine charm to a higher level.

“Well, you certainly look handsome, Mr. Durov,” Brie complimented.

A slow smile crept over his lips. “
Radost moya
, you are perfection.”

Brie gave a little bow. “Thank you.”

She noticed that all the women were staring at him, the younger ones in playful longing and the older ones in open admiration.

“Did you need something, Mr. Durov?” Brie’s mother finally asked, breaking the spell he had created with his presence.

Rytsar snorted. “Your future husband wanted me to ask if you received his gift.”

Brie lifted her gown to show off the slave jewelry gracing her feet. “Tell my future husband that I love his gift and will walk out to meet him wearing them proudly.”

Rytsar looked down at her delicate feet decorated in gold and pearls, then gazed up at her. “I will inform him that they enhance the perfection that is you.”

Brie blushed and looked away, embarrassed by his praise. Rytsar gave her a little bow and then did the same to the ladies in attendance before leaving the room.

“Such a fine Russian gentleman,” Aunt Fortuna said, fanning herself. “He could teach me a thing or two in the bedroom…”

Mary smirked. “You have

Brie shook her head at Mary in warning. Aunt Fortuna did
need to know about Rytsar’s uncommon tastes.

The sound of violins began, letting them know the ceremony was about to begin. Sir’s grandmother and aunt gave Brie another hug before leaving the room.

Brie took the opportunity for one last look in the mirror, her stomach fluttering as she gazed at herself. The woman before her stood confident and proud in her gown of white lace. From her pink lips down to her pink toes hiding under the dress, she was the picture of femininity and elegance.

She knew Sir would be pleased when he saw his bride walking down the aisle. She touched the beautiful flowers Autumn had placed in her hair and thought of Tono. The love and confidence the Asian Dom had instilled were a permanent part of her now. She was the direct result of all of the Doms who had played a role in shaping her into who she was today.

Brie became teary-eyed at the thought, and hoped someday she would be able to properly thank all of them for this moment.

“Are you ready, Brianna?” her mother asked.

She smiled at her mother, dabbing her eyes, before putting her glove back on.

“For the best day of my life? Absolutely.”

Her mother leaned in and whispered, “This may be the best day of your life for now, but I guarantee the day you bring new life into the world will top even this.”

Brie’s lip trembled and she had to fight back more tears, knowing her mother was referring to the day she’d been born. “I love you, Mom.”

“You’re so elegant and accomplished, Brianna. I couldn’t be prouder.”

Brie gave her a hug, bursting with overflowing love for her mother. She heard a click and saw that Autumn was taking a picture.

“You want to preserve moments like this,” Autumn explained, sounding apologetic.

“Thank you,” Brie told her, grateful to have these private moments recorded. “I don’t want to forget anything about today.”

“My pleasure, Brie. It’s a joy to be part of such an important event.”

There was a knock on the door and her father entered. He was dressed in the same stylish suit as Rytsar and looked like a completely different man because of it.

“Dad, you should wear suits more often.”

He fussed with his tie. “I can’t stand these monkey suits.”

Her mother walked over and straightened his tie for him. “I wish you did, honey. You look absolutely dashing.”

He grumbled, but gave her a kiss when she was done. “Thank you, dear.”

Her father took a long look at Brie, shaking his head in gratified disbelief, looking every bit the proud papa.

“I’ve come here to collect the bride.”

“Oh, my goodness, it’s time!” Brie cried, throwing her arms around her father.

“Whoa, you’re going to mess up your pretty hair,” he cautioned.

“It’s okay, Dad,” Brie said, squeezing him tighter. She heard Autumn taking more pictures and was glad for it.

When her father let go, he looked at her mother and sighed deeply. “Are you ready for this, Marcy?”

She nodded, wiping away tears as she smiled at Brie.

Brie was anxious for the wedding to begin and asked Lea, “Where’s the bouquet?”

Lea looked heart-stricken. “I don’t have it, Brie! I’ve never seen it. Oh, heck, what does it even look like?”

“I don’t know!” Brie whimpered. She scanned the dressing room while everyone else tore the room apart looking for the bridal bouquet.

“You wouldn’t happen to be looking for a bouquet, would you?”

Brie knew that calming voice and looked up to see Tono. He looked swoon-worthy with his chocolate brown eyes, long bangs and sexy Italian suit.

“I was sent to inform you that a bouquet is waiting for you outside.”

“That’s highly unusual, isn’t it? Do you want one of us to get it for you, honey?” her mom asked.

“That’s not necessary,” Tono assured Brie’s mother. “It’s being delivered personally.”

“Thank you, Tono. That sounds lovely,” Brie said, smiling at him.

Tono bowed his head slightly. “I must return to the groom and let him know the message has been delivered.”

After he’d left, her father held out his arm. “I guess it’s time, my little girl.”

“Oh, man, I’ve got to get myself out there, girlfriend,” Lea squeaked. She gave Brie a quick peck on the cheek before she left the room.

Mary came up next. “I always said you were a fool…”

Brie waited, ready for the worst.

“But you’ve done well, Brie.”

Brie’s jaw dropped.

Mary leaned in and whispered, “I really said that for your parents, Stinky Cheese. You’re still an idiot in my book.” She laughed as if she had shared a humorous joke with Brie as she followed behind Lea.

Brie loved Mary for it.

Her mother gave her one last kiss before leaving her to get in line.

Brie took a deep breath, looking at her dad. “This is really it.”

“Want to run?”

She giggled. “Actually, I can’t wait to tie the knot.”

“Figuratively or literally?” he asked with a straight face.

Brie glanced at him. “Did you just make a joke?”

He looked ahead solemnly, refusing to answer.

“I can’t believe you just made a joke,” she said, smiling to herself.

They exited the room and followed the procession as they walked up a long flight of stone stairs. Brie noticed that every other step was decorated with lemons, greenery and baby’s breath. She was so enchanted by the simple elegance that she didn’t even notice who was waiting for her at the top.


Brie looked up to see Sir holding a bouquet in his hand.

The sight of him took her breath away. He wore a black suit, with a dark vest covered in a silvery vine pattern that matched the pattern of his bow tie. Sir was stylish perfection, all the way down to his polished Italian shoes. On his lapel he wore a single magenta flower that matched the ones in the bouquet he was holding out to her.

Sir smiled charmingly as he explained, “It’s tradition in my family for the groom to present his bride with her flowers.”

Brie took the stunning bouquet, admiring the white calla lilies and freesias with accents of greenery, baby’s breath and the bright pink bougainvilleas she’d admired on Isola d’Elba.

She lifted the bouquet to her nose, taking in the sweet scent of freesias. “It’s so beautiful.”

“As are you, Brianna.”

The sound of her full name rolling from Sir’s lips was like a song. He walked away to take his position for the wedding, looking so unbelievably handsome that Brie wanted to cry.

The wedding party waited until the traditional wedding march began. Brie felt the tingling start. This had been fated from the moment she was born. Everything she’d experienced, everything that had transpired since—all of it had led to this point in time.

Brie held her head a little higher but kept it at a respectful angle, eager to walk down the aisle to meet her husband and Master.

“Ready, my little girl?”

“Yes, Daddy,” she said with conviction as they took their first step to the rhythm of the song.

The courtyard was filled with people, far more than Brie would ever have imagined. She glanced around in surprise, recognizing many familiar faces she hadn’t expected to see. It seemed Sir had invited most of the Training Center to join them for this momentous day.

Brie’s eyes traveled to the end of the aisle, where she spotted Sir waiting under a simple wooden trellis covered in the same flowers as those in her bouquet. Beside him stood Rytsar, Master Anderson and Tono, and on the left stood Lea, Mary and Autumn—the girls looking stunning in their sleek magenta gowns that harmonized with the bougainvilleas in her bouquet.

Brie was so mesmerized by Sir’s smile as she came down the aisle that she could barely breathe.

Oh, Sir…

Her father released his hold and physically placed her hand in Sir’s open palm, nodding to him before joining Brie’s mother in the front row.

Brie looked up into Sir’s eyes, stunned that she was actually standing beside him, about to take her wedding vows. Her smile faded as the importance of this moment suddenly hit her full-force.

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