Brie Masters Love in Submission: Submissive in Love (47 page)

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Authors: Red Phoenix

Tags: #Romance, #Anthology, #Brie, #Erotica, #Fiction, #Erotic

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“Brianna, do you plan to come back here to marry?” her father asked.

“Actually, Dad, I have no idea where we’re getting married.”

Her father turned on Sir, his voice tainted with self-righteous venom. “Is this another example of you controlling my daughter, Mr. Davis?”

Sir patted Brie’s hand gently. “No. I enjoy surprising Brie, and in this case it’s strategic. While I devote my attention to the wedding, it gives Brie time to finish filming her documentary.”

Now all her father’s attention was riveted back on Brie, his tone stern. “What documentary, daughter?”

“Dad, I was asked to film a sequel.”

“Not again!” he bellowed. “Didn’t you put us through enough hell the first time? We’ve just barely recovered from the humiliation. What is this, Marcy?” he exclaimed, turning to Brie’s mother. “Why must we continually be disgraced by our only child?”

Her mother wrung her hands nervously. “Another film, Brie?”

“I thought you would be happy for me, Mom. Although the first one met with some resistance, overall it was received positively by the film industry.”

Her father frowned. “It was
a positive experience, young lady. Maybe for you, but certainly not for us.” He turned savagely on Sir. “Why the hell are you letting her do this again? You
what happened last time.”

“Mr. Bennett, this is your daughter’s career, not mine. As her fiancé, I support her decision to do this second film and will help her complete the project in any way I can.”

Her father was not pleased by Sir’s reply and turned to Brie. “Brianna, time and time again you have proven how childish you are. It’s as if you go out of your way to test us. Why? Aren’t you too old to play the rebellious teenager?”

Brie’s lip trembled as she fought to keep back the tears. She wanted to respond, longed to put her father in his place, but she sat there mute—as helpless as a baby.

“Brie,” her mother said kindly, “Are you sure this is the best direction for your career? I know you once dreamed of making romantic comedies. If you do this second documentary, what chance have you got of being taken seriously?”

“Mom, I was a kid when I told you that. Things have changed since then—my dreams have taken a new direction. Trust me when I say that this film is important to me. I’m proud of my work and I believe in it so strongly that I’m willing to face your disappointment,” she turned to her father, adding, “
unfair judgments.”

“I can’t believe we’re being forced to go down this road again,” he growled.

Sir squeezed Brie’s hand. “Family is important to us, Mr. Bennett, and I trust it is important to you.” Brie heard the raw emotion in his voice, and looked up at Sir in concern when he shared, “You know that I lost my father years ago. I can’t tell you what I would give to have him in my life now, and yet here you are, throwing away your relationship with Brie as if it means nothing to you.”

“I believe in tough love, Mr. Davis. You don’t coddle people when they’re making bad decisions.”

“Then I have to ask, who do you see when you look at your daughter? I see an intelligent woman, full of compassion and grace, working hard in her career but also seeking to build a fulfilling life outside it. Isn’t that good enough for you?”

“Damn it, man, I’m not the bad guy here!”

Sir’s voice remained calm, despite the implied insult. “Although your daughter has chosen to pursue a path you don’t agree with, it doesn’t change the fact that she is still your daughter. Is your love and acceptance based solely on what you think she should be?”

Brie’s father’s angry laughter filled the room. “Oh, that’s rich coming from the man who controls my daughter’s every move as her ‘Master’.”

“What you fail to understand is that I hold Brie in the highest regard. If she wanted to stop with the film and move in another direction, I would fully support her in that. Let me be perfectly clear, Mr. Bennett, Brie is in control of her life. I simply enjoy tweaking some of the details.”

“And he’s wonderful at that,” Brie answered, wrapping her arms around him and kissing Sir on the cheek.

Brie knew the show of affection was difficult on her father, and wasn’t surprised when he snapped, “I still maintain that her life would be
different if she hadn’t met you.”

Sir nodded. “I do not disagree. The question you must ask yourself is if that ‘other life’ you so desperately cling to is worth losing your daughter over.”

very happy, dear,” her mother declared bravely, siding with Brie. “And they came to us to ask us to help with the wedding. Weren’t you saying just last week how disappointed you were that we weren’t being included?”

“No need to bring that up in front of these two,” her father huffed in irritation.

Brie couldn’t help but smile. Sir had been right. Her parents did want to be part of the wedding, despite her dad’s bullheaded attitude.

“It would mean a lot to me,” Brie confessed, putting her hand on Sir’s knee. Then she corrected herself, “…to
if you would help plan the wedding.” She turned to her father. “Please, Daddy.”

For the first time that evening, her father’s expression softened.

Her mother dabbed her eyes. “I can’t believe my little girl is really getting married.”

Brie stood up and walked over to her. “I would love it if you’d help me pick out the wedding dress, Mom.” Her mother became a puddle of tears when Brie wrapped her arms around her.

When Brie turned and approached her father, he rose back to his feet. “Dad, having you walk me down the aisle means everything to me.”

He held out his arms, squeezing her hard when she ran into them. “I’m your father—of course I’ll walk you down the aisle.” He kissed the top of her head. “That’s my job, little girl.”

Brie’s mother joined them and they shared an impromptu group hug. “Your happiness is all that counts to your father and I.”

Her father pulled away, furrowing his brow. “But that doesn’t give you permission to become a Bridezilla.”

Her mother laughed. “A what?”

“A Bridezilla. I’ve seen them on TV. It’s disgusting.”

Her mother shook her head, playing with a strand of Brie’s hair. “Our little girl is no Bridezilla, Bill. I don’t know why you even brought that up.”

“Mr. and Mrs. Bennett,” Sir interrupted, “I would like to fill you in on the specifics without Brie being present. Can we retire to the study?”

Brie refrained from whining when the three headed towards the study, but she was delighted when her mother looked back and announced, “Bill can fill me in later. I’ll just spend time with Brie while you men talk.”

“But Marcy…” her father implored.

She laughed, patting his arm. “You don’t need to be afraid of your future son-in-law, honey. He isn’t going to bite.”

Brie wondered what Sir thought of being called ‘son’, but his expression didn’t change as he followed her father into the room and shut the door. She trusted the conversation would be far more agreeable than the last one they’d had in that study.

“So, sweetie, tell me all about this second film…”

Brie spent the next half-hour nervously glancing at the door as she shared about Tokyo and Denver, the LA sessions and the Montana commune with her mother.

Her mom took it all in, shaking her head in disbelief. When Brie finished, she replied hesitantly, “It sounds fascinating, dear.” Brie found the response cute coming from her mother.

Both women jumped when the study door finally opened.

Brie looked to Sir first, and was glad to see a pleasant expression on his face. “Then we’re agreed. We’ll have Mrs. Bennett fly down in a month to help Brie pick out a wedding dress.”

“What’s this?! I get to visit you in LA?” her mother asked with glee, then she immediately scolded Sir. “You really have to start calling me Mom.”

Brie thought she saw a flush of color on Sir’s cheeks when he answered, “Yes…Mom.”

“That’s more like it, dear,” she said, giving him a maternal hug.

The bemused expression on Sir’s face when he looked over her shoulder at Brie was freaking adorable.

Before they left for the airport, Sir handed her father a memory stick. “This is a piece Brie filmed that will not be included in the documentary. It involves a flogging scene with Marquis Gray. Your daughter not only filmed it, but was part of the scene itself. I hope you will consider watching so you can see the beauty of the exchange.”

Her father hesitantly took it from him.

Sir continued, “Marquis Gray is an undisputed expert with the tool, but you’ll see how exceptional your daughter is as well.”

“He doesn’t have sex with her, does he?”

“No, it’s simply a flogging scene,” Sir assured him.

Her father stared hard at the memory stick. “Mr. Gray did say it’s therapeutic, that flogging ‘thing’ he does…”

“Therapeutic and breathtaking,” Brie agreed.

Her father set it on the coffee table. “I’ll consider watching it.”

“Good.” Sir held out his hand to him. “Until we meet again, Mr. Bennett. Before we leave, can you tell me if there’s a carwash nearby?”

Brie was pleased that her father didn’t hesitate to shake his hand this time as he answered, “Yes, a new one just opened two blocks south of here. You can’t miss it.”

“Perfect.” Sir hugged Brie’s mom, telling her, “And I’ll see you in a month, Mom.”

Brie’s mother giggled like a young girl. “Oh, I can’t wait!”

When they got into the car, Brie let out a long, happy sigh. “That went
better than I thought it would.” She snuggled up to Sir before he started the car. “But only because you’re brilliant, Sir.”

“Brilliant may be overstating things a bit. The truth is your parents are easy to read. It’s apparent that they love you, so my mission is to remind them of that whenever we steer off-course.”

“Like I said, brilliant!” Brie insisted. He brushed his hand against her breast as she leaned over to playfully kiss him on the nose. The light touch caused tingles throughout her body.

Sir stared at her for a moment and then looked back at the house. “There’s one more stop we need to make before we head off to the airport.”


ir pulled up to an automated carwash and Brie broke out in giggles as he painstakingly inserted his change, hitting the Deluxe Wash setting after he was done.

“Why are we washing a rental car, Sir?”

“Due to the lack of time before the flight
the lack of privacy on this particular plane, I have a challenge for you, téa.”

She raised her eyebrow, smiling seductively at him. “Your wish is my command, Master.”

Sir pulled the car onto the rails and set the vehicle in neutral. The machine gently guided the car along without the need of assistance.

He took his hands off the wheel and adjusted the seat back. Then he slowly unbuttoned his pants. The tingling she’d felt earlier traveled lower as she watched him free his cock from his boxers.

“Do you think you can bring me to completion before the car finishes the cycle?”

“It would be my honor.” Brie got on her hands and knees, straddling the console to lean over Sir’s rigid shaft. She looked up just as the soap bubbles covered the car in their rainbow colors. Giggling softly, she took his cock into her mouth, licking his frenulum teasingly before taking him deeper.

Sir groaned and pressed her head down farther onto his shaft. Knowing her time was limited and Sir’s restraint was legendary, she began rapidly bobbing up and down, taking him deeper each time until her lips were nestled against his dark pubic hair.

She held herself there for several seconds, then pulled up to take a breath. Without missing a beat, her lips were back on his shaft. She started gagging as she tried to force it down too quickly.

“Slower, babygirl…I don’t want you hurting that pretty throat.”

She wiped away the tears that had formed from her efforts and tried again, being more careful to relax as she deep-throated him.

“Time’s almost up,” he warned gently.

She arched her back, thrusting her ass in the air. It was more enticing for Sir and gave her throat a new angle. In addition, she began moaning on his shaft, remembering what Mr. Gallant had taught her at the Training Center.

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