Brie Masters Love in Submission: Submissive in Love (94 page)

Read Brie Masters Love in Submission: Submissive in Love Online

Authors: Red Phoenix

Tags: #Romance, #Anthology, #Brie, #Erotica, #Fiction, #Erotic

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Sir often played the song ‘Cinema’ by Benny Benassi before they began the evening’s entertainment. He said it expressed how he felt perfectly and every time Brie heard it, she was humbled and fell even more in love with him.

Tonight’s pose had her naked on the tantra chair. She was lying on it, facing away from him but looking back over her shoulder. He had draped white silk around her, then adjusted it strategically so it exposed most of her back and just a hint of her ass.

“I like it when you are facing away from me, téa. Your coy expression as you look back at me moves your Master.”

She smiled, a slight blush rising to her cheeks.

“But tonight’s pose is especially erotic. I must applaud myself. Having the beauty that is your ass barely peeking out from the white silk… I could literally stare at you for hours and never tire of it.”

She grinned. “How long has it been tonight?”

He looked at his watch and raised an eyebrow, admitting, “Already two hours and ten minutes. There’s something alluring about having you displayed but not being able to partake of you that has my libido soaring.”

“I feel the same, Master. I just want to turn around and open my legs to you.”

He tsked. “Such a naughty girl.” He pressed down on his slacks, adjusting his hardening cock. Sometimes Sir allowed her to play with herself to completion. On other days, he’d let her suffer.

Tonight was one of those nights when they were suffering together. Instead of driving her crazy, it seemed to draw her closer to him. Sir talked about the day, sharing moments he normally glossed over.

Rather than working hard on projects or having mind-blowing sex together, they were spending time communicating about the little things, which led into broader topics and impassioned discussions about life, politics and the future of society. The entire time, Brie stayed in her pose and Sir watched her from his vantage point.

On occasion, he commanded her to pleasure him with her mouth at the end of the evening. In those rare instances, Brie swore he gazed down at her with a new level of admiration that had nothing to do with her skills as a submissive.

Brie received a text in the afternoon, and naturally assumed Sir was giving instructions for her next pose, but she was in for a surprise when she read:

Limo will pick you up at 7:00. Pearls a must. No undergarments.

She should have been excited, but her two experiences with limousines had both ended in disaster. It was hard to forget, but ever the optimist, she was willing to try again with Sir.

Brie smiled as she picked up the red velvet box that held the black pearls he’d given her for Christmas. Sir had created such incredible memories, despite his aversion to the holiday. She trusted that he would do the same tonight, changing the dread she felt about fancy limousines.

She chose a form-fitting black dress with a high neckline, long sleeves and a short, flouncy skirt that would focus all his attention on her legs. Brie took the pearls from their box and slid them across her lips, imagining where else those pearls might end up that night.

Putting the long strand around her neck, she slipped it under her dress at the back—a little tease for Sir.

Brie was meticulous as she applied her makeup and styled her hair. She wore it up to show off her long neck and added a few inviting curls to encourage him to nibble her throat.

Fifteen minutes before seven, she headed downstairs and found the limousine already waiting for her. She giggled nervously as the driver opened the door, but was surprised that Sir was not inside to greet her.

Brie found a note waiting for her on the leather seat instead.

Tonight we break the curse of the limo.

She kissed the ink of the note, loving his beautiful handwriting. It added a thrill to the adventure knowing he was waiting somewhere else for her to arrive.

Brie stared out of the window as the limousine made its way to the coast. The driver dropped her off at a private beach and instructed her to follow the sandy trail to her destination. He handed her a flashlight. “In case you get lost in the dark.”

Brie thanked him before setting off, ready for the adventure to begin.

Without the moonlight to guide her, she found her little flashlight invaluable as she navigated the thick vegetation out to the beach. When she saw a fire burning, she turned off her light and followed its romantic glow.

Brie was surprised that Sir was not waiting for her as she approached the fire pit, but she found a blanket with a picnic basket and a black sash. She spied another note and picked it up.

Take off your shoes, put on the blindfold.

Kneel towards the ocean and await your Master.

Shivers of anticipation coursed through Brie as she followed his instructions. She knelt on the blanket, the black sash secured tightly, and listened for his approach, but the smell of the ocean and hypnotic sound of the waves overtook her senses and she jumped when she felt his touch.

He chuckled warmly. “Did I scare you?”

“Surprised is more the word.”

Sir paused for a moment, then asked, “Did you bring the pearls?”

“Of course.”

He swept his hand over the material of her dress, finding the pearls she had hidden underneath. “Ah…” Each pearl tickled her skin as he slowly pulled the long strand out from under her dress. He caressed her hard nipples and commented, “I see your body remembers the pleasure of pearls.”

“I have never forgotten,” she purred.

Sir looped the strand several times before placing it over her head and tying a knot, so that layers of pearls rested tight against her throat.

A collar of pearls
, she mused.

“Tonight you will try different aphrodisiacs and tell me which one turns you on the most, téa,” he explained.

She grinned. “Sounds arousing, Master.”

“The first has been an old standby for centuries.” Brie listened as he opened the basket, then Sir growled huskily, commanding, “Open.”

She opened her mouth to take in his treat and quickly regretted it as the salty sliminess of a raw oyster filled her mouth.


With pure determination, she gagged the nasty thing down and opened her mouth again.

“Not a fan?” he asked.

She shuddered. “No. Nothing sexy about that, Master.”

“Maybe this is more to your liking…”

She smelled its sweet scent before he brought it to her lips.
… Brie purred as the skin of the fruit broke between her teeth and its sweet juices washed over her tongue. “Oh, yes. This definitely does it for me.”

He kissed her juice-covered lips after he fed the last of it to her. “So sweet.”

Sir acquired a new item from the basket and explained, “Like the oyster, this has a
history of increasing desire.”

Brie closed her mouth, now suddenly wary. She’d read once that balut, a fertilized duck egg, was considered an ancient aphrodisiac. After the oyster, she couldn’t stomach the thought. “Please, Sir. It’s not balut, is it? Please say it isn’t.”

His amused laughter was not promising. “Open, téa.”

“Please don’t make me swallow it if it is, Master.”

“You will swallow everything I give you.”

She opened her mouth to please him, but she could not stop from whimpering as she did so.

“Wider, téa. Stick out your tongue.”

With trepidation, she did as he asked. The seconds dragged by as she waited, her innocent tongue defenselessly exposed to the mysterious aphrodisiac he was offering.

Brie cried out the moment the first drop made contact with her tongue, then giggled as sweet honey covered it. The complex flavors of the golden liquid teased her mouth, delighting her taste buds. Sir dribbled some onto her bottom lip so that it slowly dripped down to her chin, then he moved in and seductively licked it off.

Brie moaned in pure pleasure.

“I take it honey agrees with you?”

“Very much, Master.” She sought out his lips again, kissing Sir deeply as she shared what was left of the honey.

He broke the kiss, mumbling to himself, “And you thought I was going to feed you balut…”

She felt his warm breath against her ear when he commanded again, “Open.”

This time she willingly offered her mouth to him. The texture of the next food was creamy and smooth, although it was not sweet like the honey. “I didn’t realize avocados were considered an aphrodisiac.”

He growled into her ear. “Oh, but they are… Avocados are the only fruits that look like a testicle hanging from the tree and female genitalia when they’re halved and pitted. Certain religions even banned them to protect their parishioners from sinful thoughts.”

Sir placed another piece of it in her mouth. Brie appreciated the seductive feel of the flesh and its sinful creaminess.

“Your thoughts?” he asked.

“I have new respect for the naughtiness of the fruit, Master.”

“Now for one that is a personal favorite.”

Brie leaned closer to him, excited to know what he enjoyed most.

“Tilt your head up and part those pretty lips.”

She moaned when she felt his warm lips on hers as he kissed her with wine in his mouth. She remembered the distinctive flavor of berries and vanilla, and it took her straight back to that day on the island when he’d ‘kidnapped’ her.

“Your father’s wine,” she said when he broke the kiss. “Definitely a powerful aphrodisiac.”

“Brunello di Montalcino
a powerful force,” he agreed. Sir left a trail of light nibbles on her neck before murmuring into her ear, “And to think one day I will be celebrating our child’s rite of passage with it.”

Brie’s heart fluttered at the thought.

Our child…

Sir spoiled Brie with several long kisses, imparting more of the red wine and stoking the flames of her desire.

“I need you,” she whispered.

Sir lightly caressed the pearls around Brie’s neck. “Patience, téa. We still have one left.”

He collected it from the basket, telling her to open her mouth. “Women swear by this,” he said in a low, sultry voice.

Sir placed a small morsel in her mouth, and she closed her lips around it as the decadently rich taste flooded her mouth. “Chocolate…”

“Does it turn you on, téa? Does it make you want to throw all caution to the wind and give in to your desire?”

Brie moaned as she felt his teeth graze her neck just above the pearls before he bit down.

“I’m burning with desire,” she groaned.

“Then I think it’s time to christen these black pearls.” Her breath quickened as he untied the blindfold and let her watch as he carefully loosened the knot, removing the pearls from around her neck.

Sir lifted her dress over her head, leaving her naked before him. He then began to undress himself, his hard cock announcing the level of his arousal. He lay down beside Brie, holding the long strand of pearls. “Pearls are said to represent purity and harmony.” He interlaced the fingers of his right hand with the fingers of her left. “Both attributes speak to your character. The purity of your love sustains me and the harmony of your spirit heals me.”

Sir slowly wrapped the necklace around their wrists once and slipped one end through the opposite loop, pulling it tight. He then continued binding her to him, using the necklace like rope. When he reached the end, he laced the pearls back through the binding, securing it tightly.

“I have bound us together for a reason, téa.”

She looked at their wrists joined by pearls, charmed by his creativity. “Why, Master?”

“I plan to show you how quickly a goddess becomes a slut.”

Brie’s loins contracted in pleasure as he placed her free hand on his rigid cock. “Your challenge is to make me come before you do.”

She leaned closer and growled in his ear, “I
this challenge, Master.”

“Whoever wins gets to decide where we will honeymoon.”


“Anywhere your little heart desires—provided you win, of course.”

Brie frowned, realizing his strategy. “Did you just stack the odds in your favor by feeding me aphrodisiacs?”

Sir winked at her.

“You’re playing dirty.”

“It’s about to get a whole lot dirtier, princess.” Sir grabbed her throat with his unbound hand and started nibbling on her ear.

She felt a trickle of wetness between her legs, her body reacting favorably to his dominance. Determined to win, she started stroking his cock.

Sir held his bound wrist above her head, effectively pinning her left arm there as he moved out of reach, leaving a trail of kisses from her throat down to her breasts.

“Not fair,” she cried as his tongue rimmed the outline of her areola, before he took her entire nipple into his mouth and started sucking. “Really not fair…” she moaned.

Brie reached out blindly with her right hand, stretching to find his cock. To his credit, Sir did not move once she found it. She wrapped her fingers around his hard shaft. Apparently he liked this game as well…

Maybe a little too much
, she thought gleefully, when she felt the wetness of his pre-come dripping from his cock.

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