Brie Masters Love in Submission: Submissive in Love (92 page)

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Authors: Red Phoenix

Tags: #Romance, #Anthology, #Brie, #Erotica, #Fiction, #Erotic

BOOK: Brie Masters Love in Submission: Submissive in Love
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Sir flipped her over and buried her face in the pillow as he rubbed his hard shaft between the valley of her ass-cheeks. He panted over her. “No lube this time.”

Brie’s frightened whimpers were muffled by the pillow as Sir positioned himself. She braced for his hard cock to thrust deep into her unprepared ass, knowing she had been the one to invite this scene.

She waited for his painful entry, but Sir loosened his grip and pulled away. His ragged breathing slowly returned to normal. “I thought I wanted this…but I don’t.”

Brie turned her head to look back at him. “Why?” she asked hesitantly, unsure if he was rejecting the scene—or her.

He stared at Brie, his expression unreadable. Then his eyes softened as he slid his hand over the curve of her ass. “I need to make love to you, Brie.”

His unexpected answer melted her heart.

Sir gently turned Brie over and lay on top of her, smothering her with his large frame. He propped himself on his elbows and held her face in his hands as he gazed into her eyes. He said nothing, but Brie became entranced by his silent language.

Eventually, tears ran down her cheeks as she whispered, “I love you.”

“I’m lost.”

“We’ll find the way back,” she assured him, lifting her head and kissing him on the lips.

Sir nuzzled her neck. “This moment is the only thing that’s real to me…my anchor in the storm.”

“I will always be your safe haven, Sir,” Brie vowed, trailing feather-light kisses down his neck.

Sir’s impassioned groan reverberated deep in his chest. “Since I cannot make love to you with my cock…” She closed her eyes as Sir moved lower, tenderly kissing her thighs before concentrating on her pussy. In a world of kinky sex, with constant physical and mental challenges, she cherished such loving attention equally as much.

Brie ran her hands through his thick brown hair as his tongue and fingers made love to her for hours. It was his escape from the world, his stolen moment from the mounting pressure around him.

His lovemaking wasn’t about how many orgasms he could elicit or how high he could make her fly—it was about expressing his love using only his touch and tongue.


t was obvious to Brie that Lilly was unhappy Sir had left her to visit their mother alone, because he received a scribbled note as soon as she returned from the hospital.

Thane, must talk.

Meet me in my room.


Sir invited Brie to join him, the tension returning to his face. “Mother’s situation has put a strain on our relationship, but I trust we can move beyond it after this is over.”

After hearing his confession, Brie was surprised when Lilly opened the door with an inviting smile. That all changed when her eyes drifted down and focused on Sir’s arm around Brie’s waist. The light seemed to leave Lilly’s face as her hands dropped to her sides, and she drifted over to the bed, not even bothering to invite them in.

It appeared that seeing Brie had triggered something dark in Lilly. The girl became silent and unresponsive even when Sir questioned her.

“Lilly, what’s happened? Is it Mother? Talk to me.”

The girl just sat on the bed with a blank stare on her face, as if she were a million miles away.

Sir shook his head, looking at Brie in confusion. “I can’t explain it. I’ve never seen her like this before.”

After a few minutes, Lilly seemed to come back to life. She nodded as if she’d made a decision, looking at Sir with deep sadness. In a hushed voice, she asked, “Are you going to tell Brie what happened that night?”

“What are you talking about?” he asked, sounding genuinely concerned.

“I’ve forgiven you, but will she?”

“I have no clue what you mean.”

Lilly slowly shook her head, tearing up as she spoke. “I know you didn’t intend to hurt me, Thane. I know it was the drink.”

“What exactly are you accusing me of?” Sir demanded.

“Don’t make me say it, Thane. Don’t make me relive that moment.” Brie could see that Lilly was visibly shaking, and wondered about the cause.

Brie looked questioningly at Sir.

Sir met her gaze. “I have no idea what she’s talking about, Brie.”

Lilly seemed genuinely distraught and looked on the verge of panic. “I forgave you, Thane. Please let it go…”

His nostrils flared in disgust. “You will not throw around veiled accusations, Lilly.”

“Brie,” Lilly cried piteously, “he must have been thinking of you when he grabbed me and forced himself…” She struggled to speak through her tears. “He…he…” She shook her head, breaking down in heart-wrenching sobs that pulled at Brie’s heartstrings.

Brie looked back at Sir, the icy realization of what Lilly was accusing him of wrapping itself around her heart.

Sir’s gaze remained fixed on Brie. “Even though I can’t remember what happened that night, I could never do what she’s insinuating. Never.”

The look of agony on Lilly’s face came from a place so deep it could not have been faked, but Sir…Sir could never hurt a woman that way, much less his own
. The idea was too revolting to even contemplate.

“I don’t know what kind of game you’re playing, Lilly, but you are most definitely a carbon copy of your mother,” Sir said with abhorrence, unmoved by Lilly’s copious tears.

“How can you say that, Thane?” she sobbed. “You’re the monster here, not me! Damn it, I forgave you. I forgave you that very night, when you broke down after realizing what you’d done.”

Sir shook his head, but he had the look of an animal finding itself trapped. “Do you have any proof?”

Lilly cried, “I don’t need proof! I remember what happened.”

“You had as much to drink as I did…
,” he stated coldly.

“I know what happened, Thane.”

“Then it comes down to your word against mine. I know myself well, and without any evidence proving otherwise, I stand by my assertion that nothing happened between us.”

“But it did!” Lilly whimpered, covering her face with her hands as she sank to the floor.

Brie craved to comfort her, instinctively responding to her pain, but she didn’t make a move. To do so would be a betrayal of Sir if Lilly was lying.

So she stood anchored to her spot, unable to think.

“Brie, I wouldn’t do that to a woman, no matter how drunk I was. You know that.”

“Normally you wouldn’t…” Brie agreed, trailing off as her throat closed up, an image of him with Lilly coming into her mind.

“Don’t go there,” he warned. “Don’t allow what she’s said to filter through your thoughts. She’s lying, Brie. There’s no other explanation.”

Lilly looked up at him, her eyes red and swollen. “Even now, I forgive you. I know you didn’t mean it.”

The response struck Brie as odd. If Sir had really done the horrendous thing she was implying, there was no way Lilly could still forgive him after he’d just accused her of lying about it. No woman would let a man get away with that. It made Brie wonder if this was all an act to garner her sympathy so she would take Lilly’s side against Sir’s.

If so, what possible benefit would Lilly gain by this vile ruse? She’d just alienated Sir, her only sibling, and she’d never shown any interest in Brie until now.

None of it made sense.

“I don’t know what I think,” Brie muttered, looking down at Lilly crumpled on the floor. The girl looked emotionally shattered.

“You have to believe me, Brie,” Sir asserted. “I didn’t… I wouldn’t hurt her.”

Brie couldn’t leave Lilly lying there weeping, her pain too raw and real to be ignored. She lifted the girl to her feet and helped her into bed, covering her with a blanket. As they were leaving the room, Lilly called out to Sir with a look of regret. “I know you didn’t mean to.”

Sir snarled angrily. “Stop. Whatever game you’re playing, just stop.”

Brie was stunned. If Sir were guilty, his reaction to Lilly was unforgiveable. But if Lilly were lying—the betrayal to Sir was of horrific proportions.

Either possibility was unbelievably terrible.

They left Lilly’s room, but when Sir reached out for Brie, she unconsciously stepped away, an unwanted image of Sir violating Lilly crowding her mind. “I have to get out of here,” she cried. “I need time alone.”

The look of hurt in Sir’s eyes cut Brie to the quick, but it didn’t stop her from running out of the hotel.

Brie walked the crowded streets of Chengdu, oblivious to the people around her. It terrified her that in one fell swoop, everything she’d believed in had been shaken to its foundation. Sir was an honorable man. Brie knew he would never do such a thing…and yet he had admitted to her on the phone that he had no recollection of that night, after liberally ingesting a local brew.

Was it possible that it had made him momentarily insane—unstable enough to hurt his own sister?

Brie couldn’t get over the fact that Lilly had looked genuinely traumatized. Something terrible must have happened to her. Still, the girl kept insisting she’d forgiven Sir. Why? And why would she continue to stay with Sir if he’d hurt her like that?

to be something more—something Lilly was hiding.

Yet visions of what Lilly had accused Sir of flooded Brie’s mind, and once the tears started, they wouldn’t stop. People began to stare. Out of desperation, Brie sought escape, finding an isolated wooden bench. Once she sat down, she held her head in both hands and sobbed uncontrollably, oblivious to everything and everyone.

Breathe, Brie, breathe
… she reminded herself.

Eventually a strange but welcome calm took hold, and her heartrate slowed as her breaths became deep and soul-satisfying. Once the panic fled, clarity took over.

Sir would never do such a thing.

With shaking hands, she pushed herself up and wiped away her tears. It wasn’t until then that she realized she was hopelessly lost. She hadn’t brought her phone and couldn’t remember the Chinese name for the hotel.

A fresh sense of panic took over as she glanced around, unsure from which direction she’d come. That was when her eyes landed on Sir. He stood a little more than a block away, ever her protector, even when she was questioning his integrity.

Without hesitation, she started running towards him, but before she reached Sir she stopped, suddenly feeling ashamed.

“Come to me, Brie.”

She melted into his forgiving embrace and immediately apologized. “It was wrong of me to leave.”

“No,” he insisted. “While it was foolish to walk the streets of an unfamiliar city alone, I respect your need to process. You and I are not that different.”

Brie looked up at him. “I know you never could…”

“No,” he assured her.

“But why would Lilly do such a thing? It doesn’t make any sense.”

Sir shook his head. He seemed gutted when he answered her. “I was an idiot to believe she was any different.”

Brie hugged him tighter. “I’m sorry I encouraged you to trust her.”

“I have only myself to blame,” Sir closed his eyes, a look of agony on his face. “… and now I understand what I must do.”

He did not explain as he took Brie’s hand and guided her through the streets, leading her back to the hotel. It felt to Brie as if he were facing a firing squad, but instead of losing his life he was going to lose the last living connection to his mother. Now Sir would never know closure or peace.

Once they reached the hotel, Sir headed directly to Lilly’s room. She immediately answered when he knocked. Although her eyes were still bloodshot from crying, she stepped to the side and invited him in as if she was relieved to see him.

“We can talk this out, Thane. Despite what happened, I can’t bear losing you.”

Sir was not swayed by her heartfelt plea.

“I came to tell you that I’m going to issue the order to stop all life-support. There’s no point pretending she’s going to recover after the results of the latest scan.”

“Don’t, Thane… Don’t punish Mother for this.”

“It’s not an act of punishment.”

“But she opened her eyes. I saw it! Are you trying to get back at me for daring to talk to Brie about what happened between us?”

His voice was as cold as ice. “You can stop with the act. I never hurt you.”

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