Bringing Home Danny (6 page)

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Authors: M.A. Blisher

BOOK: Bringing Home Danny
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Mitch watched Danny fill his spoon and take the first successful bite on his own. When he was satisfied by Danny's progress, he turned his attention back to his own food. A collective sigh was felt throughout the room. Danny half listened to the strained conversation taking place around him, but did not add to it, concentrating instead on getting through his meal. Eventually, the atmosphere became more relaxed and Danny's mind began to wander.

Take a deep breath and drink some milk,” Mitch advised.

Danny blinked and looked up. He had no memory of the glass of milk being placed in front of him. TJ was whistling a happy tune while bringing out dessert. It was the first time Danny noticed that everyone else had finished eating dinner. He wondered how long he had been sitting there with tears in his eyes holding onto his spoon. Danny resented the fact that he was often given milk while the others enjoyed a beer or a glass of wine with dinner. Just because he was a few years shy of the legal drinking age, he couldn't see why in the privacy of his own home it was such a big deal. Danny irritably reached for the milk and almost knocked it over. Mitch reached out and put his large hand over the glass to steady it. He then examined Danny's bowl and saw it wasn't nearly half empty.

Okay,” Mitch said in resignation, “it seems this was harder for you than we thought.”

He placed the bowl and glass of milk out of Danny's reach. “Come to me,” he ordered.

Disappointed in himself, Danny stood up and didn't have far to go when Mitch pulled him to his lap. Danny closed his eyes and braced himself, certain he was in for another spanking. To his surprise, Mitch shifted him slightly to his left thigh, and said, “Let me help you.” He lifted the milk and brought it to Danny's lips. Danny put his smaller hand over Mitch's, and Mitch let him assist in guiding the milk so that he could take a sip. Danny was forced to take two more sips before Mitch put the glass down and brought up the bowl of oatmeal. Danny wiggled as Mitch gave him time to adjust his sore bottom. He felt strangely taller sitting on his lap, until he saw the spoon of oatmeal in his face. Then, he felt so small he wished he could disappear.

The fight had finally gone out of Danny, and he opened his mouth to let Mitch feed him. Danny was confused by his conflicting feelings. Unlike TJ, he did not revel in mischief or find submitting to dominant men arousing. And, unlike Ricky's easygoing peaceful ways, Danny couldn't keep himself out of trouble. Not that he would ever regret his decision to be there. From the first night TJ brought him home he felt a sense of peace he never felt before. There was security in knowing that he didn't have to fight alone. If he were on his own again, he'd be completely lost. He just hated being treated like a child, and it was embarrassing to admit he needed help.

Are you ready for another spoonful? You're almost done.”

Mitch's voice brought him back to the present, and he recognized for the first time that Mitch didn't seem to be angry that he was feeding him. He braved a peek around the table. Everyone appeared to be enjoying each other’s company. Nobody was disgusted with him. If they weren't embarrassed, why should he be? Well, he was still embarrassed, but when Ricky gave him one of his endearing smiles, and TJ turned to wink at him, Danny felt relief.

As if on cue, Antonio walked over, bent down, and kissed him on the forehead. “Are you feeling better?”

Danny nodded his head before remembering to add, “Yes, sir.”

I see you finished your dinner. Would you like some dessert?” Antonio asked.

Danny leaned back to rest his head against Mitch's chest. He answered with a polite “No, thank you.”

Mitch wrapped comforting arms around Danny and requested a cup of coffee to go with his apple pie. After finishing their dessert, TJ and Ricky left to watch TV. Antonio took a seat next to Mitch while they finished their coffee and chatted.

Shortly after, Mitch ruffled Danny's hair and announced, “Night's not over, little one. You still have two apologies to make.”

Danny knew exactly what Mitch was referring to, and swallowed. He had wanted to apologize to Antonio, but it was hard to face what he did.

I didn't...I don't know why...I mean... I'm sorry....”

Before Danny could finish his sentence, Mitch scooted him forward, tapped him on the hip, and suggested, “Why don't you go over to him and tell him.”

Danny slid off Mitch's lap to stand in front of Antonio. His stomach flip-flopped when he detected the bandage on Antonio's arm where he bit him. Antonio noticed Danny staring at his arm and took both of his hands in his.

I'm sorry I bit you.”

Thank you, Danny. I'm sorry if I frightened you.”

Thanks.” Danny didn't not know what else to say.

Antonio smiled and gave him a hug. Danny melted into his arms and managed not to cry.
Antonio patted him on the backside.
“Why don't you go make your apologies to TJ.”

Yes, sir,” Danny answered, trying to please and not letting on that he had already apologized to TJ.


Chapter Five

A Goodnight


Danny found TJ in the family room sitting on the couch with Ricky. He walked tentatively up to him.

They let you loose?” TJ grinned while patting the empty spot next to him on the couch.

Danny sat down carefully and asked, “Whatcha' watching?”

I dunno, some movie Ricky picked out.”

Ricky leaned over TJ to kiss Danny. “How you doing, sweetie?”

Okay,” Danny said simply.

Then, remembering why he was there, he gave an impish smirk and said, “TJ, I promise never to throw a bowl of oatmeal at your head again.”

No? What are you planning on throwing next time?”

I can't say for sure. It depends on what I'm near when you piss me off,” Danny joked back.

Oh, it does, does it?” TJ wrestled Danny over his lap swatting him lightly on the backside.

Ow! Stop!” Danny whined through giggles. “Why do you like spanking me so much?”

Because you got the best little ass made for spanking.”

Oh, is that why everybody's had their hands on it today?” Danny fought his way off TJ's lap and crawled over to Ricky. “Except for Ricky,” he acknowledged.

I think you must like it. Why else would you work so hard to get it spanked so often?”

Ricky pulled Danny away from TJ's groping hands and into a protective hug. “I won't let that big bully get you,” Ricky promised playfully.

Danny stuck his tongue out at TJ, who responded by tickling him. Danny tried kicking him away through belly laughs.

Hearing the commotion, Antonio entered the room to check on things. “Okay, boys, settle down,” he cautioned.

Yes, sir,” TJ and Ricky answered in unison.

Danny blushed guiltily knowing he was sent there to make an apology. He added a quick "Yes, sir," fearing he was in trouble again.

So, what's on TV?” Antonio asked. No longer worried about things getting out of hand, he relaxed into a nearby chair. It was good to see Danny in a lighter mood and his boys getting along.

While the three young lovers cuddled, Ricky explained to Antonio what they were watching. At the commercial break, Antonio informed Danny that he was to go upstairs, brush his teeth, and get ready for bed. Danny's swollen lip went out in a pout before he heaved himself off the couch.

Sorry, Danny. I think a little extra sleep will do you good.”

I slept all day,” Danny complained.

And you needed it. Make sure to come back down to say goodnight.”

Danny decided it wasn't worth arguing about, and sulked upstairs like a dismissed child. He arrived back downstairs fifteen minutes later wearing loose-fitting boxers and an oversized tee-shirt that belonged to one of the other boys. He waited sheepishly by the family room entrance for Antonio to call him over to say goodnight. Danny went to him first, and was given a hug and a kiss on the cheek. He then turned to TJ, who pulled him down on his lap and pretended to assault him with a ravishing kiss. After giving him a quick kiss in return, Danny pushed away no longer in the mood to play.

Goodnight,” Ricky said, when he leaned over to offer him another soft kiss on the lips.

G'night,” Danny said in return.

Danny saw Mitch sitting in his favorite recliner he often referred to as 'The Man's Chair' and slowly shuffled over to him.

Goodnight,” Danny blushed in a soft voice.

Mitch gazed up at him and took a pause. The boy looked so sweet and innocent; it stirred every protective fiber in his body. He maneuvered the recliner into an upright position and gently guided Danny to his lap. Much to his dismay, Danny started to well up again.

What's the matter, baby?”

Not sure why he was upset, Danny said the only thing he could think of. “Why do I have to go to bed so early? I'm not a baby.”

But you are a baby,” Mitch corrected. “You're

Oh,” Danny said, unsure of what else to say. Somehow Mitch's words hit a nerve that left him feeling both comforted and frightened as persistent tears began to leak down his face.

Mitch held Danny against his chest. “I love you, Danny,” he said, as he wiped away his tears.

Drawn into Mitch's dark grey eyes, Danny took a deep breath, releasing all the tension and anxiety that began his day.

I love you too,” he whispered. Danny closed his eyes and gave into the soothing rhythm of Mitch's heartbeat. In between sleep state and consciousness, Danny acknowledged for the first time that it felt good being babied, even if he hated to admit it.

Convinced that his boy was finally at peace, Mitch leaned back in the recliner bringing Danny down with him. Smiling happily, Antonio retrieved a quilt from the den and draped it over his oldest and youngest lover. Enveloped in a feeling of warmth and safety, Danny yawned contentedly, put his thumb in his mouth, and nodded off to sleep.

Mitch smiled down at the precious bundle on his lap and couldn't believe his luck. What had started out as a trying day ended with feelings of great satisfaction. Mitch was relieved that his little man was able to trust him enough to fall asleep in his arms.


Chapter Six

Adding Spice to Nice


Antonio lifted Danny from Mitch's arms. "It was a long day. What do you say we go upstairs with the baby, while the boys stay up to finish their movie?"

Mitch laughed inwardly at the irony of his life.  He was a man destined to be alone, or so he thought, a decade ago. Had it not been for Antonio, he would have been content to live his life as a solitary man. Aside from casual affairs, it was all he had wanted. Antonio changed all that. He changed him. And Mitch was eternally grateful.

From his chair, Mitch studied the contours of Antonio's body. His eyes followed the rock-hard calves, glutes, and back muscles that flexed as he skipped each step. But, it was the way his lover effortlessly carried their youngest in his protective arms that made Mitch quiver with desire. He eased out of the recliner, kissed TJ and Ricky goodnight, and joined Antonio upstairs. On his way to his bedroom, Mitch reflected on what brought him to this moment in time.



"Mitch, we've been together going on five years. Our gym is up and running, practically on its own. I have a dozen clients on a waiting list. I think it's safe for us to take a few days for ourselves and go on vacation."

"How about ten days?"

Antonio tilted his head and squinted his eyes as if it could help him to understand his lover better.

Mitch shifted uncomfortably under his gaze. Romance wasn't his forte, but he was trying. Anything for Antonio. The man was his rock. "We'll have been together exactly five years next Wednesday." Mitch smirked at the glorious expression of shock and gratitude, knowing he had one more surprise up his sleeve. He pulled the travel
itinerary from his back pocket and handed it to his partner. "We leave on Monday to a private resort off the east coast of Florida. Happy anniversary."

"You can't be serious."

"Unless you don't want to go. Maybe I should've asked you first…"

"You're crazy," Antonio laughed. "I'd be even more insane not to go."

"Is that a yes?"

"That's a hell yes!"



On the second day of their vacation, Mitch and Antonio were relaxing with early evening drinks on the beachfront of their resort. As the sun was setting, a striking young surfer with sun-streaked hair rode in on a high wave. His lean, tan body was arching to the ocean breeze.
While discussing dinner plans, Mitch became distracted. Antonio cupped his brow, turning in the direction of his preoccupation.

"Enjoying the view?"


"He's a spectacular sight in his tiny blue swimsuit."

"I think the kid has been checking us out."

"What makes you say that?"

"Maybe it has something to do with the way he keeps strutting his little backside in front of us every time he comes on shore with his surfboard."

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