Bringing Home Danny (5 page)

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Authors: M.A. Blisher

BOOK: Bringing Home Danny
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He must have fallen asleep like that. The next thing he knew, TJ had snuck in and was grinning down at him. Opening his sleepy eyes, Danny quickly yanked his thumb out of his mouth.

You okay, kid?”

Surprised that TJ was standing directly behind him, it took Danny a minute to remember where he was and why he was there. He then turned beet red, and nodded his head so slightly, TJ had to be watching for it to see it.

Boy, you sure know how to make trouble for yourself.”

Unable to defend against the statement, Danny shyly nodded his head in agreement.

How long are they going to keep you here like this?”

Danny shrugged.

Shit, you sure look hot leaning up against the wall with your red ass sticking out.”

TJ had the knack of making the most inappropriate comments and having it sound like the most natural thing to say. Danny knew in TJ's own strange way he was trying to make up with him.

I really am sorry, TJ,” Danny confessed.

I know,” TJ said, as if he didn't have a care in the world.

Appraising him up and down, TJ gave a vulpine leer, raised an eyebrow, licked his lips, and then snaked a groping hand down between Danny's legs. Wrapping his other arm around Danny's shoulders and pulling him up against his body, TJ whispered something naughty in his ear. Danny froze as his body flushed with arousal. Encouraged by Danny's physical reaction, TJ grabbed the shaft of his cock and slowly began pumping it. Danny let an involuntary moan escape, enticing TJ to kiss the back of his head, neck, and shoulders. Shivers went down his spine when TJ licked his other ear and said in a husky voice, “Put your thumb back in your mouth.”

Rattled by the comment, and embarrassed that he was caught sucking his thumb, Danny jerked away from him. “Get off me, Jay!" Danny demanded in a regrettably high-pitched voice. "If Mitch and Antonio come back I'm gonna get it.”

TJ loved to tempt trouble, and was sure if caught, he'd be the one most likely to 'get it.' He had also seen Mitch and Antonio engrossed in a private conversation and doubted they would be back any time soon. Confident they were safe, and taking enjoyment in seeing Danny so flustered, he decided to tease him a little longer.

Come on, Danny. You know you like it,” TJ purred. He reached between his legs
again to rub his groin.

I mean it, Jay, go away.”

Why, what am I doing?” TJ asked, feigning ignorance.

You have a way of starting things that gets
into trouble.”

Okay, kid, if that's how you want it.”

With a wicked grin, TJ rubbed the top of his head, gave him a wink, and landed a playful slap to his backside.

Danny yelped and called him an “ass” through gritted teeth. He could hear TJ laughing as he sauntered out of the room.

thought Danny.
Now what the hell am I supposed to do? TJ shows up, and in less than five minutes, he reactivated the throbbing in my ass, and left me with a hard on.

Grimacing at the sight of his fervent erection, Danny wished he had let TJ stay long enough to finish him off and clean him up before Mitch or Antonio came back. He realized that TJ was such a horn-dog that just about anything turned him on, but the request to put his thumb in his mouth had really thrown him. Why TJ took such joy in teasing him, Danny had yet to figure out.

TJ was the stereotypical surfer dude. He was the tall, athletic, blond-haired, beach beauty who everyone was attracted to. Women wanted him, and men wanted to be him (unless they were gay, then they wanted to 'do' him). Wherever he went he was the center of attention. Danny couldn't imagine he ever felt the sting of rejection.

Yet, for some reason, it was Danny he gave his attention to that fateful night a year and a half ago. Watching from afar, Danny assumed TJ was egotistical. Unlike him, he was confident and flirtatious, and skilled at playing to an audience. After spending time with him, TJ proved sensitive and caring. These aspects of his personality, Danny later learned, was reserved for a select few. He was deep in thought when he heard Mitch clear his throat. Caught with his hand on his crotch, and his head wedged between the corners of the wall, Danny startled to a standing position.

Okay, Danny,” Mitch began to say as he walked over to him, “you have been there long enough.”

Inexplicably, Danny felt the lump rise back in his throat and the tears well up in his eyes as Mitch helped him to pull up his briefs and step out of his pants.

I think it’s time to get you back into bed so you can start this day over with a better disposition.” Mitch hoisted Danny over his shoulder and carried him up to their bedroom.

Danny said nothing; he was too tired to resist the pleasure of being carried. As soon as he was tucked into bed and Mitch quietly closed the door behind him, Danny rolled over on his stomach, closed his eyes, sucked in his thumb, and fell into a fitful sleep.

Antonio entered the room nearly eight hours later. By early evening, Danny had awoken and fell back to sleep at least three times. The blanket had fallen off the bed leaving Danny tangled in the sheets. Antonio couldn't help but smile at the sight of him. One hand was in his underpants, and the other was covering his face with his thumb resting on the inside of his open mouth. Laughing silently, Antonio called out to his longstanding life partner. They had checked on Danny several times throughout the day. Each time he was in a different position, but always contentedly sucking his thumb. They wondered if this was a new habit Danny was developing, or if it was an old one they failed to pick up on. Either way, he obviously found it soothing. Although Mitch considered it to be a little worrisome, they didn't mind too much, and Antonio found it rather cute.

Wake up, sleepyhead, it's almost dinnertime,” Antonio called to him.

Startled out of a strange dream, Danny bolted upright. Embarrassed once again, he crossed his arms around his knees, and hugged them to his chest. Mitch stopped chuckling when he saw the red swollen face under the messy mop of hair. Guessing the reason behind the troubling frown that spread across his lover’s face, Antonio stepped in and said, “Why don't you check how dinner’s progressing, and I'll bring Danny down shortly?”

A little taken aback, yet appreciative of the support, Mitch muttered in agreement. Allowing Antonio to take charge, he headed back downstairs. Antonio fetched a washcloth from the bathroom and ran it under cold water. With a gentle smile he walked over to the bed and sat next to Danny. “How are you feeling, sweetheart?”

Danny leaned sideways and rested his head on Antonio's shoulder. Antonio wrapped his arms around him and pulled him to his chest while gingerly placing the cold compress to his face.

What's the matter, baby? Did I wake you from a bad dream?”

Unable to explain his current level of distress, Danny nodded his head against Antonio's shoulder as tears slid down his face. Mad that he couldn't seem to stop his eyes from leaking he rubbed them with an agitated fist.

It's okay, baby, it's okay to cry,” Antonio crooned.

Danny let his fist drop as Antonio brushed away his tears with the cloth. Antonio soothed the boy by running his fingers through his hair. They sat like that for almost fifteen minutes until Antonio told him it was time to join the others for dinner.
He walked Danny to the bathroom so he could relieve himself and wash his tearstained face. Antonio then brought over another pair of soft flannel pants and helped Danny to step into them.

"I don't wanna go down there," Danny confessed.

Antonio gave him a sympathetic side hug. "You have to face everyone some time. Better sooner than later."


Chapter Four

Eating Like a Big Boy


Danny entered the dining room behind Antonio feeling more than a little self-conscious.

Hey, sleeping beauty,” TJ called, with a wink.

Danny averted eye contact and lowered his head.

Ricky smiled anxiously as he took in the fading red mark on Danny's face and the delicate way he walked to the table. He was at least glad that the tension from the morning had dissipated. “We made fried chicken tonight,” Ricky said brightly, knowing it was one of Danny's favorites.

We made fried chicken tonight,” Ricky said brightly, knowing it was one of Danny's favorites.

Although he hadn't eaten all day, Danny didn't have an appetite and would have welcomed the opportunity to skip dinner altogether. But he didn't have the heart to disappoint Ricky, so he returned a small smile and a meek “Thanks.”

Sorry, but Danny has a bowl of oatmeal he is still expected to eat.”

Danny cursed to himself.
When was this day ever going to end?

I hope you didn't think that by throwing a tantrum you would get out of it?” Mitch chided.

Taking a deep breath, Danny told himself,
I can do this. It’s no big deal

You may have what the rest of us are eating after you have finished your oatmeal.”

Danny rolled his eyes and gave a shrug to indicate his indifference. Discouraged by his response, Mitch decided it was time to teach Danny the importance of maintaining a respectful attitude.

Seeing as how you had such a hard time eating your breakfast like a big boy, I'm going to help you with dinner.” Mitch pointed across the table. “Go get your bowl and bring it here.”

Red-faced, Danny quickly contemplated his options. Biting his upper lip as his lower one was swollen, he glared up at Antonio who gave him a sympathetic look, but showed no evidence of intervening. Recognizing he was on his own, Danny picked up the bowl of oatmeal placed beside his plate, and brought it slowly to Mitch. Assuming correctly that he was once again the center of focus in the room, Danny kept his eyes to the floor. Mitch pulled a chair from the table, placing it directly to his right at the head of the table.

From now on, your spot is right here next to me. Take a seat.” Mitch took the bowl from Danny and placed it in front of him.

Without thinking, Danny angrily slumped down into the chair. Wincing, he slid slightly back up before gently easing back down. TJ choked trying to stifle a laugh. Danny rewarded him with a seething glare causing TJ to pucker his lips and give him a kissy face. Ricky elbowed TJ in Danny's defense while Danny covertly scratched his eyebrow with his middle finger.

Do you have something you wish to say?” Mitch directed his question at TJ.

No, sir, I'm fine,” TJ said, unfazed by his slight reprimand.

Good, let's keep it that way,” Mitch warned.

Talk about being on the hot seat, Danny felt like his ass was on fire sitting on the hard dining room chair. Mitch picked up the bowl of oatmeal and turned to Danny. “Since you were unsuccessful in eating your oatmeal this morning, I am going to help you get started.” He scooped up a spoonful and held it to Danny's mouth. “If you can show me how well you can cooperate, I'll let you try it on your own. Open up.”

Danny understood that Mitch was putting him in his place. He just wished he didn't have to do it in front of everybody. He wanted to rebel against his treatment. But what could he do? Cross his arms and turn his head like a toddler? Or, tell him to fuck off and run out of the room? He already tried that. And what did that get him? So, with as much self-constraint as he could gather, Danny turned his head to avoid seeing Mitch's stern face, and slowly opened his mouth.

Good boy,” Mitch encouraged.

When his big Daddy slipped in a mouthful of creamy oats and sugar, Danny didn't think this day could get any worse. Mitch fed him two more spoonfuls before presenting him with an empty spoon. “Do you think you can handle the rest on your own?”

Danny gave a quick nod and reached for the spoon. Had he not grown to have so much disdain for oatmeal over the course of the day, he would have noticed it didn't taste too bad.

Mitch jerked the spoon away. “Are we going to need a lesson in manners first?”

No.” Danny pouted in frustration.

That's 'no, sir' to you, young man.”

Yes, sir. I mean, no, sir.”

Good. Now let's try it again. Do you want to eat like a big boy?”

Danny cringed. He bit his upper lip to keep from answering without cursing or crying. Mitch patiently held out the spoon waiting for Danny to collect himself and make the right decision. He knew this was difficult for him, but it was important.
Unless Danny wanted things to continue to escalate as they had this morning, he needed to learn to accept his place in the household.

Danny was afraid he was taking too long to respond, and didn't want Mitch to make the choice for him.
“Yes, sir,” he spat out.

I'm glad to hear that,” Mitch acknowledged.

Danny took the spoon from him and placed it in the oatmeal.
, he fought to understand,
was it so hard to eat oatmeal?

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