Broken Love (5 page)

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Authors: Kelly Elliott

BOOK: Broken Love
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Oh Jesus, I’m digging myself into a hole.

“We ran into each other again yesterday when I was attending a meeting at a restaurant in Austin.”

The other guy coughed again and glared at Ryder.

My father walked up and kissed me on the cheek as he looked back at Ryder and said, “What a small world.”

It appeared Ryder had to force himself to pull his eyes off of me and as he looked at my father and nodded. “Indeed it is.”

“Yes, it is for sure,” the guy behind Ryder said.

Walker approached and said, “Well, Ryder, since it appears you already know my sister, Nate Montgomery, this is my younger sister, Ava Moore.”

I smiled and extended my hand over to Nate. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

Nate smiled back a warm smile and a wink, “The pleasure is all mine. Since you’ve had the pleasure of getting to know my brother, I guess that means I get to monopolize all your time this afternoon then.”

Letting out a nervous and very awkward laugh, I said, “I’m afraid I don’t get too excited about talking about cattle and all of that.”

Nate tossed his head back and laughed. “Fair enough.”

Turning, Nate walked over to Layton as my father continued to stare at me like I had just caused a huge shit storm.

I slowly glanced over and stole a peek at Ryder. He was staring at me too, but he still wore that damn sexy-ass smile. I spun around on my heels and headed over to the safe zone.

The baby. No single hot guy wanted to be anywhere near a baby.

After sitting and chatting with Liza, my mother called out and asked me to help get everything ready to eat. As I stood, I leaned over and glared at Liza. “So when I pop a kid out, does that mean I get to just sit there and hold them while everyone else does all the work?”

Liza grinned and said, “Pretty much.”

I worked quick and fast, helping my mother and Whitley get the table all set. Jase brought in all the steaks and set them in the middle of the table as Layton motioned for everyone to take a seat. I wasn’t surprised to see Ryder make a beeline and sit right next to me. Jase took the seat to my left and bumped my shoulder as he sat down. I rolled my eyes and quickly reached for the glass of wine I had in front of me.

“How are you feeling today?” Ryder asked in a hushed voice.

“Fine,” I mumbled back.

“I heard Bloody Mary’s were the thing to drink for a hangover. Did you take the Advil?”

My head turned as I looked at Ryder who was taking a sip of water. The room began spinning as thoughts flooded my mind. The fact that I couldn’t remember anything about last night was driving me insane. And the way Ryder’s leg was brushing up next to me was driving me even more insane. No man had ever affected me like that before.

Pushing back my chair, I set my napkin down as everyone turned and looked at me. “Excuse us, but I need to speak with Ryder in private.”

“Oh shit,” Jase and Walker both said at once as I turned and headed out of the dining room.

I could hear Ryder’s chair move against the wood floor as he said, “Um, if you’ll excuse us.”

I pushed the back door open and quickly began walking down the stairs and away from the house. Ryder’s footsteps were gaining on me when I felt a jolt of electricity zip through my body and settle right between my legs.

Ryder took me by the arm and turned me around. Before he even had a chance to talk, I began poking him in the chest with my finger.

“How dare you. How dare you take me home and undress me and god knows what else you did when I was passed out. Then for you to just act like nothing happened and whisper things in my ear making me go all crazy … and … and …”

Ryder was staring at me like I had two heads as I continued to fly off the handle.

“And what?” he asked in a sexy as hell voice.

My face flushed. “I just need to know if we had sex last night.”

Ryder’s eyes widened in horror as he dropped his hand down to his side, causing me to instantly want his touch back. “What? No, we didn’t have sex last night. What in the hell, Ava? What kind of a guy do you think I am?”

“Well gosh, Ryder, I have no clue seeing as I’ve only seen you three times in my entire life and one of those times I was drunk out of my mind.”

Ryder pushed his hand through his hair and sighed. “I brought you home, you changed into a T-shirt and passed out in your bed. I slept on the sofa just in case you needed anything during the night. After I made a pot of coffee for you, I got your lousy friend’s number off your phone and texted her.”

“Lousy friend?” I said as I put my hands on my hips.

“Yes, you heard me right. You were drunk out of your mind all she cared about was having a good time. She couldn’t have cared less that I was bringing you home and she certainly didn’t try and stop me. So, excuse me for being a gentleman and wanting to make sure you arrived home safely, and that you were okay through the night.”

I began chewing on my lower lip. “So, no sex?”

Ryder narrowed his eyes at me and sighed. “No. Besides, you would have felt the aftereffects this morning if we had had sex.”

All the air left my lungs as Ryder turned and headed back into the house. I placed my hand over my stomach to calm myself and tried to push his last sentence from my mind.



Two weeks later



“RYDER, STOP PACING the floor. Why are you so nervous?”

I came to a stop and turned to my mother. She was sitting in her favorite rocking chair knitting something for my sister Dani’s baby who was due Christmas day.

“I’m not nervous. Why do you think I’m nervous?”

My mother gave me that look. The one that said I knew damn well why she thought I was nervous. “You’re pacing. You don’t pace … ever.”

With a shrug of my shoulders, I sat down and picked up a magazine. “Nah, I’m not nervous. I just want to make sure everything goes well this weekend with Layton Morris and Reed Moore.

“It’s going to be amazing. From what your brother said, it’s already a done deal.”

I let out a curt laugh. “Yeah, well Nate isn’t always right, Mom.”

“Don’t be hating on your brother, Ryder. It is unbecoming of you.”

“You’re right, that’s Nate’s way of doing things.”

She dropped her knitting in her lap and slowly shook her head and giggled. “Oh, how the two of you used to fight. I’m so glad those days are over.”

With a crooked smile, I nodded. “Well, we don’t have anything to fight over anymore.”

Janet, my parents’ housekeeper, walked into the room. “Mr. Montgomery, the guests have arrived.”

With a quick jump up, I smiled as I walked up to Janet and kissed her gently on the cheek. She blushed each and every time. “Thank you, Janet.”

“Oh, stop that, boy!”

My mother chuckled from behind me as she walked up and laced her arm with mine. Janet had been working for my parents for as long as I could remember. She had been like a second mother to me growing up.

“Janet, darling, would you mind asking MaryLou to get some tea ready and bring it into the parlor?”

With a warm smile, Janet nodded. “Yes, Mrs. Lucy, right away.”

I guided my mother out of her sewing room and headed to the front door. “I can’t wait to meet this family. I’ve heard so much about them.”

“It’s two families, remember, Mom.”

Giving me a friendly swat on the arm, my mother said, “I know it’s two families. I may be getting older, Ryder, but I’m not that old.”

With a toss of my head back, I shook my head. “No ma’am, you are far from it.”

As we stepped outside, the first thing I saw was Nate helping Ava with her bag.

That bastard
. The way he was smiling at her boiled my blood. Neither one of us brought up Ava after we left Layton’s house two weeks ago.

“Welcome! Oh, welcome to the ranch,” my mother called out as she headed down the stairs. “There is a baby! Oh, how exciting!”

I couldn’t help but smile as my mother took Nickolas out of Liza’s arms.

“How did he do on the plane?”

Liza grinned from ear to ear as I walked down the stairs and headed to the back of the second car.

“He did amazing. The perfect baby!” Liza gushed.

“Come, darling, let’s you and I make our way into the living room while they get the luggage all situated.”

Liza smiled as she glanced over her shoulder toward Ava, who stood there with a stunned expression.

“Ryder, how are you doing?” Reed asked as he reached his hand out for mine.

“I’m doing well, Mr. Moore. I take it your trip up here was good?”

Reed slapped me on the side of my arm and gave me a smile. “Call me Reed. Yes, the trip was great.” Taking a look around, Reed shook his head. “Good Lord, this place is breathtaking. I mean to tell you I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything as beautiful as this place.”

With a smile, I took in the surroundings. “It is beautiful.”

“Why in the world did you want to leave this place?” Walker asked as he walked up next to us and gazed out to the mountains.

“It’s only temporary. I’m actually planning on moving back and slowly starting to take over the ranch.”

Reed turned and looked at me. “Really? You’re not making Texas your home?”

Pursing my lips, I shook my head. “Nah. I love Texas, don’t get me wrong, but my heart belongs here in Montana.”

I glanced over to see Ava standing there staring at me with a stunned look on her face. She quickly snapped out of it when Nate told Courtney, her mother, to follow him.

Layton walked up with his wife, Whitley. “I think I need a horse and some fresh air,” Layton said with a whistle.

I let out a chuckle and motioned for them to follow me. “Let’s show y’all to your rooms.”

Jase walked next to me as he looked up at the giant house and said, “Damn … the cattle business must be good up here.”

“Jase Morris,” Whitley said from behind me as I laughed.

“It’s not bad, but my father earned most of his money in real estate.”

Jase raised an eyebrow. “Really? I can’t wait to meet him.”

As we headed into the house, Nate, Janet, MaryLou, and myself all showed the Moore and Morris families to their respective rooms.

All but, Walker, Liza, and Whitley, stayed back with my mother and Nickolas. Everyone else set off for the barn. Layton and Reed occupied most of my time with questions about the day-to-day operating of our cattle ranch. Glancing up, I couldn’t help but notice how Nate walked further ahead with Ava and Jase.

Monk, who was in charge of my father’s stables, stepped out of the barn right as we walked up.

“Ah, there is the man who takes care of this whole place,” Nate said as he shook Monk’s hand.

“Well, I don’t know about this whole place, but the horses and the three stables, yes. That would be me.”

“Three? Wow. How many horses do y’all have?” Ava asked as she peeked around Monk’s shoulder. I could see her body practically bouncing with excitement.

Monk laughed as his hand went through his hair. “A lot. The Montgomery’s own about forty-five horses and about seventy-five more are boarded or here to breed.”

“Wow!” Courtney and Ava said at the same time. Nate leaned over and whispered something to Ava, causing her to giggle.

I’m going to pound his face in tonight when he’s sleeping.

“Ryder? Did you hear what I asked?”

I shook my head to snap out of it as I looked over to Monk. “No, what was that?”

“Your father requested you show Mr. Moore and Mr. Morris around. I have Juniper, Rascal and Monty all ready for you.”

“Oh um … yes! Great. Sounds good. Thanks so much, Monk.”

I turned to Reed and Layton and smiled. “My father is an all-work no-play kind of man.”

Both men laughed as they headed into the barn. Nate was talking to Jase, so I took the opportunity to make my way over to Ava. “Ms. Moore, this is Trinity Rose. She’ll be your horse,” Monk said with a tip of his hat.

Ava’s hands began to run down Trinity’s strong back as she smiled and began talking to her. “Hey there, beautiful girl.”

I placed my hand on Trinity’s side and gave her a good pat. “Trinity is one of my favorite horses. Gentle, but isn’t afraid to let go every now and then.”

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