Broken Star (2006) (11 page)

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Authors: Terry Murphy

Tags: #Western

BOOK: Broken Star (2006)
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‘What are you doing, Gloria?’ Raya gasped.

‘I won’t see Ken Klugg shot down in the street like a dog,’ Gloria answered.

Lowering his rifle, Harker used a movement of his eyes to have Raya look to her left out of the window. Her heart missed a beat as she saw Vejar and Dr Thurston heading their way.


A feeling that was a blend of expectation and apprehension had been growing stronger in Vejar on his way along the street, reaching a peak as the teashop neared. His reflexes came instantly into play when he heard Harker’s voice shout a warning.

‘Fallon. Klugg is in the mouth of the alley beside the church.’

‘Get into Chua’s place fast, Doc,’ he ordered, Thurston who had removed a bullet from Jonathan, whom they had left at the bank.

Halting, Vejar turned to face the passageway and Ken Klugg. The right side of his face was swollen and as red as raw meat. Taking a step forward, Klugg said, ‘This hasn’t been a good day, Fallon.’

‘Not for you, Ken,’ Vejar agreed. ‘I guess you’ve lost.’

Shaking his head, Klugg said, ‘No, that’s what
is bothering me. There is no winner or loser here, and that just ain’t right.’

‘What are you saying, Ken?’ Vejar asked, as they shortened the distance between them. ‘It’s simple, Fallon. There’s my money there, packed on my horses. The problem is that I can’t take it because you will stop me, and I can’t let you stop me.’

‘So, this is a showdown between you and me?’

‘That’s what I’m saying,’ Klugg said with a nod. ‘But I want a gentleman’s agreement. If you get me, then I want to be buried on that little hill just outside of town. If I get you, I want to be free to take my money and ride out of here.’

Keeping his eyes on Klugg, Vejar called to the sheriff, ‘Do you hear that, George?’

‘I hear, Fallon. I’m out of this, anyway. The Malone girl is holding a gun on me.’

Old loyalties die hard, Vejar acknowledged, as he thought of Gloria. Then the situation he was in suddenly hit Vejar hard. This was a long way from being the first time he had faced a man in a shoot-out, but Klugg’s speed on the draw meant there was nothing between them. Vejar was vividly aware that within minutes one of them would die.

Klugg made his move, lightning fast. Vejar drew, certain that he had shaded the outlaw leader, but a bullet hit him, the impact knocking
him off balance. Staying on his feet, Vejar realized that he had been hit in the left shoulder. There was no pain yet, but when he put his hand to the shoulder it came away covered in blood. Bracing himself for Klugg’s finishing shot, he turned, determined to be facing the man who killed him. But Klugg lay dead in the dust. A small stain on the front of the outlaw leader’s shirt made it evident that Vejar’s bullet had found his heart. Clutching his shoulder as pain kicked in, Vejar walked to the teashop, feet dragging.


Early the following morning, Sheriff Harker made his way towards the Alcotts’ home. There was a slight break in the rhythm of his walk as he came closer to the house. It was as though the sheriff had lost confidence in himself. Yesterday had ended better than anyone could have wished. Randall’s nephew was already on the mend, and the bank raid had failed. But the death of young Len had marred the day. His own injuries all but forgotten, he had locked up Gloria Malone in the jail while Doc Thurston had attended Vejar’s shoulder wound. That wound had been serious enough for the doctor to insist that Vejar remain in the Chua place for the night.

Herbert Alcott opened the door to Harker, inviting him in. He found Raya in the kitchen cooking breakfast. Turning to greet him with a
smile, her face paled and her expression changed when she saw the look on his face.

‘What is it, George?’ she enquired, her voice shaky.

Harker beckoned to have her walk out to the front door with him, not wanting any of the Alcott family see Raya’s reaction to his reply. He told her, ‘Fallon had gone when I got up this morning.’

‘Oh,’ Raya said unhappily. Then she
. ‘I’ve heard that he killed the Poole brothers. He probably wanted to get away because of that.’

‘That was self-defence. Fallon wouldn’t have faced any charges,’ Harker explained. ‘There is something else, Raya. I found Gloria Malone’s cell unlocked this morning, and she had gone. Fallon had a key to the jail.’

Raya bit her bottom lip and fought back tears as understanding dawned on her. She looked to where the worn trail out of Yancey meandered off to the foothills. She wondered wistfully, ‘Do you think that we’ll ever see either of them again, George?’

‘Maybe not. But they are two of a kind, Raya, and I’m sure we’ll often hear about them,’ Harker said, tentatively placing an arm round her shoulders. He waited anxiously, then
his arm as Raya cuddled against him.

Badge of Dishonour

Breakout at Salem Gaol

Canyon of Crooked Shadows

Danger in the Desert

Death Dances at Yuma

He Rode With Quantrill

Logan’s Legacy

Midnight Lynching

Missouri Blood Trail

Railroad Rangers

San Carlos Horse Soldier

The Forgotten Man

The Hunting Man

The Long Journey

The Peaks of San Jacinto

The Protector

© Terry Murphy 2006
First published in Great Britain 2006
This ebook edition 2012

ISBN 978 0 7090 9828 7 (epub)
ISBN 978 0 7090 9829 4 (mobi)
ISBN 978 0 7090 9830 0 (pdf)
ISBN 978 0 7090 7911 8 (print)

Robert Hale Limited
Clerkenwell House
Clerkenwell Green
London EC1R 0HT

The right of Terry Murphy to be identified as author of this work has been asserted by her in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988

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