Broken Vow (22 page)

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Authors: Zoey Marcel

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Broken Vow
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“Please don't ask me that,” she whispered, gulping nervously.

He decided to harass the crap out of her further. “I have to ask myself why you looked so relieved when I faked that orgasm with Demornae, or why you had tears in your eyes when I came all over Delilah.”

Sonya blinked back tears and quickly lowered her gaze. “We're not having this conversation.”

“Yes, we are.” Nimbus turned the water up to reinforce his point.

She came up on her toes and squealed in surprise at the swift rush of water that flowed into her rectum before being expelled from her anus and splashed onto the shower floor.

“You're still madly in love with me. Admit it.”

She squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head rapidly.

He yanked her head back by her hair, thrilling at the way she let out an exhilarated gasp at his rough treatment of her. She reveled in every punishment, humiliation and sexual encounter he hurled at her. She truly was the perfect woman for him. If only she wasn’t so damn stubborn.

“Look me in the eyes and tell me you feel nothing for me.”

Her eyes welled and her tone cracked with grief. “Why are you torturing me? We can't ever be together again.”

“But you'd like to be.”

“It doesn't matter what I want or don't want. I'll burn in hell if I break my vows. God was gracious enough to give me another chance and I can't let him down.”

“What about me? Do my feelings mean nothing to you?”

Her focus dodged away from him as her features twisted with apparent misery. “Don't. Please don't play that card. You said you didn't love me anymore. Don't pretend you do just to get me to fall.”

Nimbus blinked in surprise. She thought this was a clever ploy to stumble her? Certainly he wanted her to fall, but only so they could spend eternity together. Did she really believe that he didn't love her anymore? Perhaps she was merely trying to convince herself that he didn't to make the pain of rejecting him easier to bear.

“You know that's not true. I still care for you more than you can imagine.” He brushed the tan softness of her cheek with his hand, completely in awe of her.

Jude had agreed with him that Sonya was gorgeous and hot, but the soul devourer never understood Nimbus' affection and adamant devotion for the former angel. He told Nimbus before after Sonya broke his heart that he should forsake the bitch and seek his satisfaction elsewhere. Jude was probably right. If Nimbus didn't pursue Sonya, she couldn't ever rip his heart out.

But it was moment's like these when he gazed into her captivating brown eyes that he remembered why he fought so hard to be with her in the first place. The other women were vessels to be used for his pleasure. Sonya was enchanting. A treasured gift that set him on fire inside and out. He couldn't forget her, couldn't replace her even if he wanted to.

He knew she felt the same way for him, but fear and torn loyalties forbid her to be completely honest with him. Someday she would be and then they would both be free.

“Please don't say that,” Sonya begged him. “I want to be good.”

“Stop saying that!” Nimbus shut the water off and pulled the hose from her. He grabbed her by the arm and jerked her against his body. His groin stirred when her heady gasp betrayed her need for him. “You're a fucking demon, Sonya. Everyone around you knows it and after tonight you will know it too.”

“I won't break my vows.”

He felt his eyes changing shape as the fury bubbled inside of him and he gripped her arm tighter. “You already have and you shall break every last one of them by the time I'm through with you. You're a succubus and my true mate. I know your weakness. It's me, Sonya. You burn for me and you crave illicit sex. I can supply all your needs and desires. And believe me I will.”

She held back a whimper when he pressed his hot, rigid cock against her tummy and sandwiched it between their bodies. “I only went along with the encounter earlier to see my daughter again, but you still haven't let me go.”

“I didn't specify when, did I?”

Her eyes narrowed. “You're a liar.”

“So are you. You pretend you're a victim, but you want this.”

“You made me do those things. I didn't have a choice.”

He curtailed her weak attempt at retreat. “There is always a choice, Sonya. Everyone has free will. Religious sects are persecuted across the world and are willing to be tortured to death for their faith. You on the other hand are simply offered pleasure in exchange for your betrayal and you cave like a whore.”

Her expression was one of shock as the reality of his words sank in. “It's not true. Oh god, what have I done? What have you done to me?”

He stared at her, voice cold and ruthless as he got out of the shower and grabbed a towel. “You may not want to go to hell, Sonya. No one does, but that's exactly where you're going when all is said and done.”

Her bottom lip quivered as she stared back at him.

His vicious nature surfaced, wanting to take his revenge on Sonya for her heartless rejection of him despite her want. “And I'll be there by your side for all eternity, telling you 'I told you so'.”

* * *

Cassiel waited for Blade outside of heaven's gates. He'd summoned the crusnik there to meet him.

“What is it?” Blade asked once he arrived, wearing a black trench coat. He always dressed in all black.

“Sonya's being held prisoner in a sex club in Seattle.”

“Is that
Ane Rouge?

Cassiel nodded. “Yes. Some demons are holding her there.”

“What kind of demons?”

“She didn't say, only that some of them were vampires who would drink her blood tonight to gain immunity.”

Blade appeared uneasy at the news. “They know?”

“Apparently. You have to get her out of there.”

Ane Rouge
is invisible. It's been that way since the demons took over it. Even if we found it, I'm sure it's heavily guarded.”

Cassiel thought for a moment. He couldn't leave Sonya in enemy hands. “I know you can find her. Get her out of there. She said tomorrow night some demons are plotting an attack on Seattle.”

Blade's eyes widened and he smirked. “Seattle? I would think they'd start with Jerusalem since they're so keen on it. What's with all these demon bastards laying siege to cities in the Pacific Northwest all of a sudden? Sorry about the language.”

Cassiel nodded. “Someone interrupted her prayer before I could find out more information. I'll send scouts out to see if we can learn anything more before tomorrow night. In the meantime get her out of there.”

“Yes, Sir.” Blade turned to leave, scratching his head as a thought apparently occurred to him. “You don't think she's shagged any demons, do you?”

Cassiel stiffened. “Why would she?”

Blade shrugged. “Well, you know what could happen when a crusnik who still has the nature of a succubus winds up stuck in the middle of a sex club with a bunch of perverted demons. I would think that might be a strong source of temptation for her. What if she breaks her vow?”

“Sonya will not break her vow,” Cassiel raised his voice before reminding himself to calm down. He sighed in frustration. “Forgive me.”

“No, it's all right.”

“Sonya is a good woman. There is no demon she would compromise for.” Cassiel felt Blade's contradiction in the heavy silence.

“Well, there was one,” Blade reminded him.

Cassiel's eyes closed. “He's encased in rock in the underworld temple. He won't trip her up.”

“True, but what if someone released him? There have been plenty of decades that have come and gone. Nimbus could be roaming the earth right now.”

Cassiel felt a surge of anger. Nimbus was the reason Sonya was a fallen angel now. Hearing the demon's name spoken spiked a strong sense of hatred in him. “Even if that were true, he would have been required to drink from the River Lethe in order to be released. Wherever he is, he doesn't remember her.”

“What about the mating bond they share?” Blade asked, appearing concerned. “What if it leads them back together?”

Cassiel didn't want to hear this. “The longer you stand here talking with me, the longer she's in danger.”

“Sorry, I'll get going.” Blade turned and walked off.


He turned back when Cassiel called his name.

“If you ever hear of Nimbus on the earth, let me know. He must not be allowed to get to Sonya again.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“She will never break her vow.” Cassiel watched him leave and muttered under his breath. “Please.”

God help her if she ever did.

Chapter Eleven:


Sonya swallowed nervously when Nimbus led her by the hand over to an ominous-looking pole with attachments that he referred to as a forced orgasm tower. While the thought of coming was tempting, she knew staying in control around him was a must.

He shackled her to the pole and to her dismay he secured a vibrator in the holder perched near her exposed pussy. Liquid heat flowed through her veins at the lascivious fire in his eyes as he ensnared her with them and slipped the vaginal portion of the toy up inside of her after he lubricated her folds. He positioned the clitoral stimulator so it touched her clit and turned the vibrator on the lowest setting.

“I'm going to make you come, Sonya.” The passionate hush of his virile tone electrified her.

“I gathered as much.”

His dark, sexy chuckle got her juices flowing. “Such a wise ass. You may think you're in control of the situation, but I know you better than that. You're still part succubus, Sonya. There is no way you'll remain in control tonight. You will fall hard and you will come even harder.”

His licentious grin stoked her desire and she flinched when he flipped up the speed on the toy. “No.”

“Yes,” he whispered, dragging his fingertips down the front of her body with shameless lust in his eyes.

She shivered at the intimate contact on her skin and the insistent buzzing in her center. “You may be able to make me come from this toy, but it doesn't mean I will with all those men.”

His face glowed with perversion. “Trust me, you will.”

“It doesn't matter. It won't damn me. I didn't break my vow,” she protested, wondering which of them she was trying to convince. “You forced me into this. I'll be forgiven.”

His eyes darkened with exasperation and he increased the toy's speed, making her whimper. “Keep telling yourself that.”

She gasped, becoming startled by the rush of feeling that commenced when he yanked her head toward his face by her hair.

“I'll damn you yet. By the time this night is through, I'll see you break every one of your vows and you will come hard at the knowledge of your unholy betrayal.”

“No, I won't.” She shook her head, struggling against her building climax.

Nimbus smiled, lowering his voice to a sensual whisper she was no match for. “You're coming now. Come for me, my pretty cow.”

Self-control was stripped away when his hands cupped her milk-filled breasts and the vibrator beat down her shields of resistance. The orgasm rolled through her, steady and constant. She choked on a mangled cry of torment when her pussy clamped down on the inserted dildo that rotated inside of her.

Voices came from the other room and he smiled, upping the speed on the vibrator.

“Oh, don't!”

“I shall do what pleases me. Your first guests are here. Now be a good girl and give into your sexual urges. The vampires have come for your blood and some other demons want your milk, but all of them want your body.”

Sonya panted against the wicked instrument playing her privates like a deviant musician. “No, I won't submit. You can't make me.”

He grinned and threw her a wink before going to greet the guests. “I'll make you eat those words, slave.”

She heard the guests arriving gradually over the course of the next hour and tried to silence her defeated noises of pleasure as orgasm after torturous orgasm was forced upon her body. The men conversed in the other room, acting as though she wasn't being tormented by this devilish vibrator. Her knees shook violently and she longed to be free of the too-good sensations that sent her release pouring down her legs in a never-ending stream.

After what seemed like an eternity, a stranger walked in and ogled her naked body as the toy worked her toward abandon. It embarrassed her immensely, particularly when two more men came in and leered at her while she blushed beneath their stares.

“Now that's what I like to see – a happy cow with a full udder. You want to be milked, darlin'?”

Sonya shook her head and struggled through a whimper as she attempted in vain to hide her climax. It surprised her that being referred to as a cow bred to service them should turn her on, similar to the way being trained as Nimbus' pony long ago had.

“Fucking gorgeous,” one of the men breathed as he fondled her sweating labia. “She's soaking wet. You've only got one thing on your mind right now, don't you, whore?”

She gaped, unable to believe the sudden rush of heat as the offensive word burned through her defenses and smote her with lust. This was bad. Why did she have to be part succubus? How the hell was she supposed to stay strong when these men appealed to her need to be dominated and used?

No, she must be strong. She would be. They would use her to sate their obscene urges and she would endure and then beg forgiveness for the sin she'd been forced into.

“Don't call me whore,” she protested in a weak voice.

The man looked irritated and his weathered face taunted her inability to escape his intentions as he turned up the vibrator, looking smug when she wailed with euphoric suffering. “You are whatever I say you are. You're writhing against a pole in the buff in front of strangers, squirting your release all down your legs and about to get fucked by a mob of men you've never met. And you don't think that makes you a whore?”

The insult irritated her, but there was a subtle appeal at being taunted by someone determined to have his way with her whether she wanted him to or not.

“Please turn it off. It's too much. I can't come anymore,” she pleaded.

The men grinned and the jerk next to her shook his head with an evil smile. “You're a woman. My money says you can.”

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