Brother Tariq: The Doublespeak of Tariq Ramadan (39 page)

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95 Le Courrier, November 25, 2003-

96 Sylvain Besson, "Sur la piste des chefs
d'Al-Qaida [On the trail of the Al-Qaeda leaders]," Le Temps, December 4,

97 Dictionnaire mondial de l'Islamisme, p.

98 Le Courrier, November 25, 2003-

99 Sylvain Besson, "La societe Al-Taqwa,
au coeur de l'Islamisme radical [AlTaqwa at the center of radical Islamism]," Le Temps, December 23, 2003.

10o Sylvain Besson, "La vie secrete de
Youssef Nada, ambassadeur de
l'ombre des Freres Musulmans [The
secret life of Youssef Nada, the Muslim Brotherhood's shadow ambassador]," Le Temps, November 20, 2002.

101 Cited in the Dictionnaire mondial de
l'Islamisme, p. 454-

102 Interview with Richard Labeviere,
May 15, 2004-

103 Richard Labeviere, Les dollars de la terreur [The Terror Dollars], Paris, Grasset,
1999, P.148.

104 Pierre Pean, L'extremiste Francois Ge-
noud. De Hitler a Carlos [Francois Ge-
noud, the Extremist: From Hitler to Carlos], Paris, Fayard, 1996.

105 Telephone interview with Ahmed

io6 Cited by Labeviere, Les dollars de la ter-
rear, p. 149-

107 Interview with Yann Gessler, Le Nou-
velliste, January 25, 2003.

io8 Le Courrier, November 25, 2003-

ion"Le vrai danger vient des Freres musulmans [The real danger comes from
the Muslim Brotherhood]," La Croix,
April 6, 2004-

110 Statement published in La Tribune de
Geneve, July 16, 2003.

iii He served as general editor for several
volumes ofthis encyclopedia, which is
a reference tool for fundamentalists,
in particular Mary Martin and Scott
Appleby (eds), Fundamentalism and
Society: Remaking Politics, Economics,
and the Military, Chicago, University
of Chicago Press, 1997.

112 Lyon Mag, no. 134, March 2004-

113 Ibid.

114 Scott Appleby, "Job description for the
next pope," Foreign Policy, 13-19 February 2004, available at www.foreign-

115 Toby Helm, Daily Telegraph, September 12, 2005.

116 The following articles on Tariq Ramadans doublespeak are worth consulting: Dominique Avon, "Une reponse
a `l'Islam reformiste' de Tariq Ramadan," Nunc, no. 4, October 2003;
Jacques Jomier, "L Islam et sa presence
en Occident suivant les perspectives
d'un Frere musulman," Esprit et Vie,
February 17, 2000; Michel Audetat,
"Les habits neufs du fondamental

isme," L'Hebdo, December 4, 2003;
Cynthia Fleury and Emmanuel Lemieux, " Lentrisme de Tariq Ramadan,"
Liberation, November 19, 2003.

Chapter three

i Tariq Ramadan, Etre musulman europeen: etude des sources islamiques a
la lumieres du contexte europeen [To Be
a European Muslim: A Study of Islamic Sources in the Light of the European
Context], Lyon, Tawhid, 1999, tr. from
English by Claude Dabbak, p. 452.
This book is a translation of the English original, To Be a European Muslim,
published by the Islamic Foundation
of Leicester in 1999.

2 Tariq Ramadan, Les musulmans
d'Occident et l'avenir de l'Islam [Western
Muslims and the Future of Islam], Arles,
Actes Sud-Sindbad, 2003, PP. 55-56

3 T. Ramadan, Etre musulman europeen,
P• 397.

4 Ibid., p. 397.

5 Tariq Ramadan, Les musulmans
d'Occident et l'avenir de l'Islam, p. 56.
The same statement occurs in Etre
musulman europeen, but with a slight
difference. In 1999 the reference is
to "Europe"; in 2003 it is a question
of the "Occident." The later work, Les
musulmans d'Occident, was greeted as
representing a certain evolution in Ramadans thinking. But an evolution in
what direction? In 1999 it is Europe
that is the target, in 2003 the Occident
as a whole...

6 T. Ramadan, Les musulmansd'Occident,
p. 56.

7 Leila Babes, "Lidentite europeenne
d'apres Tariq Ramadan [Tariq Ramadans concept of European identity],"
Islam de France, no. 8, October 2000,
p. 16.

8 Tariq Ramadan cassette, "Islam et
Occident. References et valeurs [Islam and the West: References and values]," part 2, lecture recorded in Abidjan, QA 15, Tawhid.

9 T. Ramadan, Etre musulman europeen,
PP- 389-403-

1o Alain Gresh and Tariq Ramadan,
L'Islam en questions [Questioning Islam], a debate organized and presented by Francoise Germain-Robin, Sindbad, 2002, p. 36.

ii Cited by Martine Nouaille, "Tariq Ramadan, personnalite influente et con-
troversee [Tariq Ramadan: An influential and controversial figure]," AFP,
November 15, 2003-

12 This symposium was organized by
the ADICR (Association du dialogue
interculturel et interreligieux) on the
topic "Religion and democracy."

13 Tariq Ramadan cassette, "Islam et le
fondamentalisme religieux [Islam
and religious fundamentalism]," QA
11, Tawhid.

14 Sura IV, "Women," 24. The Meaning
of the Holy Koran, ed. Abdullah Yusuf
Ali, new ed., rev. tr., Beltsville (Md.),
USA, 1989, p. 19o.

15 According to the statistics provided
by the Minister of Health, 3,600 little
girls undergo circumcision every day
in Egypt; only 15 percent of the operations take place in clinics or hospitals.

16 Tariq Ramadan cassette, "La femme
musulmane. Realites et espoir [The
Muslimwoman: Realities andhopes],"
part 2, recorded in Senegal in 1998,
QA 20, Tawhid.

17 Cited in Azadeh Kian-Thiebaut,
"LIslam, les femmes et la citoyen-
nete" in "Islam et democratie," Pou-
voirs, no. 104, January 2003-

18 Sura IV, "Women," 38, Meaning of the

Holy Koran, p. 195.

19 Tariq Ramadan cassette, "Islam, moderate et modernisme [Islam, modernity and modernism]," TAW 07,

20 Tariq Ramadan cassette, "Le renouveau islamique [The Islamic revival],"
QA 23, Tawhid.

21 Le Monde des Debats, January 2, 2002.
Sophie Gherardi and Jean-Luc Pouthi-
er, Interview with Alain Boyer and Tariq Ramadan.

22 Babes, "Lidentite europeenne d'apres
Tariq Ramadan," p. 9.

23 Tariq Ramadan, Peut-on vivre avec
l'Islam? [Can One Live with Islam?],
an exchange between Tariq Ramadan
and Jacques Neirynck, Lausanne, Fa-
vre, 2004 [1999], p. 121.

24 As recounted by Sakina Bakha, "Tariq Ramadan, cheval de Troie de
l'Islamisme [Tariq Ramadan: Islamisms Trojan Horse]," address given
on the occasion of the symposium organized by the journal POUR, April

25 T. Ramadan, Peut-on vivre avec l'Islam?,
p. 146.

26 Ibid., p. 148-

27 Sura IV, "Women," 34, Meaning of the
Holy Koran, p. 195-96.

28 Youssef al-Qaradhawi, "Ce qu'on doit
faire quand la femme se montre fiere
ou rebelle [What must be done when
a wife is too proud and rebellious]," Le
licite et l'illicite [The Lawful and the Unlawful], Paris, Al-Qalam, 2002 [1992],
p. 207.

29 Tariq Ramadan cassette, "La vie conjugale en Islam [Married life in Islam],"
recorded in Mauritius, Tawhid.

30 T. Ramadan, Etre musulman europeen,
p. 166.

47 T. Ramadan, "Islam, modernite et


48 Tariq Ramadan cassette, "Vivre en Occident. Les cinq fondements de notre
presence [Living in the West: The five
grounds for our presence]," part 1, QA
39, Tawhid.

49 T. Ramadan, "Islam et Occident.
References et valeurs."

Chapter four

I Yasmina, no. ro, July 2003, interview
with Nadia Khouri-Dagher.

2 But then he adds: "Since it is disgraceful for a wife to cut off her hair
or shave her head, let her cover her
head." i Corinthians 11.

31 On the program A ioo minutes pour

32 On this subject, see Juliette Minces,
Le Co ran et les femmes, Paris, Hachet-
te, 1996, p. 116.

33 Liberation, November 25, 2003-

34 Des filles comme les autres [Just Ordinary Girls], a book of interviews with
Lila and Alma Levy, Paris, La Decou-
verte, 2004-

35 T. Ramadan, Peut-on vivre avec l'Islam?,
p. 131-

36 Tariq Ramadan cassette, "Lidentite
musulmane. Construire notre discourse [The Muslim identity: Developing our discourse," Abidjan, July
1999, QA 28, Tawhid.

37 T. Ramadan, Lesmusulmansd'Occident,
p. 113-

38 Tariq Ramadan cassette, "Islam et
politique, entre confusion et separation [Islam and politics, between
confusion and separation]," QA 48,

39 Ibid.

4o T. Ramadan, "Islam et le fondamentalisme religieux."

41 "La democratie est une donnee con-
stante chez les Musulmans [Muslims
have always stood for democracy],"
interview in an Ivory Cost newspaper published on Tariq Ramadaris

42 T. Ramadan, "Islam et le fondamentalisme religieux."

43 "La democratie est une donnee con-
stante chez les Musulmans."

44 T. Ramadan, "LIslam et le fondamentalisme religieux."

45 Ibid.

46 Ibid.

3 St. Paul specifies, in fact: "For a man
ought not to cover his head, since he is
the image and glory of God, but woman is the glory of man. For man was
not made from woman, but woman
from man. Neither was man created
for woman, but woman for man. That
is why a wife ought to have a symbol of
authority on her head." i Corinthians

4 "The women should keep silent in
the churches. For they are not permitted to speak, but should be in submission, as the Law also says. If there is
anything they desire to learn, let them
ask their husbands at home. For it is
shameful for a woman to speak in
church." i Corinthians 14.

5 The context in which the verses recommending the wearing of the veil
were written, and their unwarranted interpretation, are brilliantly analyzed in Leila Babes, "La voile comme
doxa [The veil as doxa]," MSR, JulySeptember 2002. See also Leila Babes
and Tareq Oubrou, Loi d'Allah, lois des
hommes. Liberte egalite et femmes en Islam [Allah's Law and Man's Law: Liber ty, Equality and Women in Islam], Paris, Albin Michel, 2002.

6 Sura XXXIII, "The Leagues," 59, The
Meaning of the Holy Koran, ed. Abdullah Yusuf Ali, new ed., rev. tr., Beltsville (Md.), USA, 1989, p. 1077.

7 Sura XXIV, "Light," 31, The Meaning of
the Holy Koran, pp. 873-74-

8 Youssef al-Qaradhawi, "Que doit faire
une femme pour rester en dehors de
l'exhibitionisme [What a woman must
do to avoid exhibitionism]," Le licite et l'illicite en Islam [The Lawful and
the Unlawful], Paris, Al-Qalam, 2002
[1992], p.171.

9 Cited by Azadeh Kian-Thiebaut, "Islam, les femmes et la citoyennete," in
"Islam et democratie," Pouvoirs, no.
104, January 2003-

io Tariq Ramadan cassette, "La femme
musulmane face a son devoir
d'engagement [The Muslim woman
and her duty to participate]," part 2,
recorded in Abidjan (Ivory Coast), QA
22, Tawhid.

ii Babes, "Le voile comme doxa."

12 Scheib Bencheikh, Marianne et le
prophete [Marianne and the Prophet],
Paris, Grasset, 1998, p. 145.

13 Tariq Ramadan cassette, "La femme
musulmane. Realites et espoir [The
Muslimwoman. Realities andhopes],"
part 1, QA 19, Tawhid.

14 Ibid.

15 Ibid.

16 Tariq Ramadan cassette, "Relations
hommes-femmes [Relations between
men and women]," QA 5, Tawhid.

17 Hassan al-Banna, "Les cinquante demandes du programs des Freres Musulmans (1936) [The fifty demands of
the Muslim Brotherhood program of
19361," Islam de France, no. 8, October


18 T. Ramadan, "La femme musulmane
face a son devoir d'engagement'.

19 Tariq Ramadan cassette, `Vivre en Occident. Les cinq fondements de notre
presence [Living in the West. The Five
Grounds for our Presence]," part i,
QA 39, Tawhid.

20 T. Ramadan, "La femme musulmane
face a son devoir d'engagement."

21 Ibid.

22 Ibid.

23 Interview with Jacqueline Costa-Lascaux, February 2004-

24 Asma Lamrabet, Musulmane tout simplement [A Muslim Woman, No More,
No Less], Lyon, Tawhid, 2002.

25 "We are confronted by oppressive
powers that are prepared to exceed the
limits of humanity. It is thus necessary that we also prepare women for
our defense." Sayyid Mawdudi, Come
Let Us Change This World, Markazi,
Maktaba Islami, Delhi, 1975, pp. 11213. (Translated back from the French.)
26 Ibid.

27 LUnion feminine pour le respect et
l'aide a la maternite [Feminine Union
for Respecting and Supporting Maternity], an anti-abortion French association, explains that "a true feminism
must respect our femininity and our
maternal vocation." Extract from an
information bulletin of the UFRAM,
undated but probably 1991, private

28 Tariq Ramadan, Les musulmans
d'Occident et l'avenir de l'Islam [Western
Muslims and the Future of Islam], Arles,
Actes Sud-Sindbad, 2003, P. 244-

29 Tariq Ramadan cassette, "Le renouveau islamique [The Islamic revival],"
QA 23, Tawhid.

3o T. Ramadan, "La femme musulmane.
Realites et espoir."

31 "Feminist movements conceive of the
relations between men and women in
terms of strength. We think of them
in terms of complementarity." Bulletin
du CNFE, March 1986.

32 A Bangladeshi woman doctor, condemned for apostasy by the Islamists on account of her stand in favor of
feminism and secularism.

44 Given, as an example of the openmindedness of the Muslim Brotherhood in regard to women, by Tariq
Ramadan, Aux sources du renouveau
musulman. D'al-Afghani a Hassan
al-Banna, un siecle de reformisme islamique [On the Origins of the Muslim
Renaissance: From al-Afghani to Has

san al-Banna; a Century of Islamic Reformism], Lyon, Tawhid, note, p. 331-

45 T. Ramadan, "La femme musulmane.
Realites et espoir."

46 Ibid.

47 Ibid.

48 T. Ramadan, "La femme musulmane
face a son devoir d'engagement."

49 Cited by Claudie Lesselier in "De la Vi-
erge Marie a Jeanne d'Arc. Lextreme
droite frontiste et catholique et le
femmes (1984-90)," in Claudie
Lesselier and Fiammetta Venner (eds),
L'extreme droite et les femmes [Women
and the Radical Right], Villeurbanne,
Golias, 1997.

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