friends, he said that if the Soviet and the Chinese Communists would discuss such trifles, that discussion would have no end. We must step aside from these small questions and put the emphasis on the main problems. But you and I cannot solve them, so I am expressing only my own opinion. Ambassador Iudin, chargé d'affairs Antonov worked in the PRC, now Chervonenko works here. All these comrades have been received and talked to by deputy ministers, ministers, deputy premiers, the premier, Liu Shaoqi, Mao Zedong. But the ambassador of the PRC to the USSR cannot meet even with a deputy foreign minister of the USSR and talks just with a deputy head of the corresponding department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR. Chen Yi stressed again: "with a deputy head of the department. From this one can see continued he to what extent our friendship has deteriorated. The main thing is the existence of disagreements between our parties; if they are resolved, other questions will be resolved as well." But at the talks between Peng Zhen and F. R. Koslov 23 in Moscow and N. S. Khrushchev in Bucharest unity was not achieved, [neither was it] at the meeting of the fraternal parties in Bucharest. Our party signed the communiqué [from that meeting], but with certain reservations. "As a Communist I hope, and our party hopes, that all these disagreements will be solved during the next meeting."
Having expressed agreement with the opinion that the specialists emphasized the growth of China's power in order not to give a pretext for hostile propaganda in connection with their departure, Chen Yi declared that during the last year some partial and trifling disagreements between the CCP [Chinese Communist Party] and the CPSU [Communist Party of the Soviet Union] "has become known to others. And this is not China's fault." In any case, according to his words, up to 1958 there were no such cases as now, but beginning from 1959 there have been more and more of them. He stressed that the fact that they read the two notes to the specialists was not known to anybody.
Coming back to the question of readings of the notes, Chen Yi repeated, that "at the bottom of all this are your sudden actions unilateral, illegal, violating the treaty and the agreements, breaking friendship" and that it was not fair to blame only the Chinese side. Disagreements on some theoretical questions can be fully settled through consultations and such actions should be avoided for the sake of comradely friendship. We can accept your reproach for the illegitimate unfriendly actions, if you accept that your actions have been unilateral, illegitimate, sudden.
Chen Yi said that he did not want to say much, because all the questions would be raised at the meeting of fraternal parties, but considered it necessary to say that [only] once, in 1948, we (the Soviet Union) had undertaken such action (the recall of specialists) against Yugoslavia. . . .
 |  | 23 Frol Koslov, first deputy chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers and secretary of the CC CPSU.