guarantee is the unshakable leadership of our CC, the unshakable leadership of our great leader, Comrade Stalin. . . . We will annihilate our enemies without a trace to the last one and will scatter their ashes in the wind."
Later, for example on June 8, 1938, while speaking at the fourth party conference of the Kiev oblast', Comrade Khrushchev said: "Yakiry, balitskie, liubchenki, zatomskie, 36 and other bastards wanted to bring Polish nobles to the Ukraine, wanted to bring German fascists, landowners, and capitalists here. . . . We have destroyed quite a few enemies, but not all. For that reason one must keep one's eyes open. We must firmly remember the words of Comrade Stalin, that as long as capitalist encirclement exists, they will send spies and provocateurs to us. . . ."
Frankly speaking, on the issue of criticism and self-criticism you are inferior to Stalin. Having made mistakes, Stalin sometimes still practiced self-criticism. For instance, Stalin gave some mistaken advice relating to the Chinese Revolution. After the victory of the Chinese Revolution, he recognized his mistakes before Chinese comrades and friends. And how are you acting? You know well that .you slough off all of your mistakes onto others and ascribe all successes to yourself. . . .
Suslov: Our delegation states a decisive protest against the distortion, falsification, and slanders made in relation to the leadership of our party and to Comrade N. S. Khrushchev, against our party and the decisions of its congresses. The delegation of the CPSU also states its protest against the sort of propaganda that has begun in the last few days on Beijing radio. We consider that the entire responsibility for these actions rests with the leadership of the CCP. . . .
Deng Xiaoping: Comrade Suslov has expressed some sort of protest. If we are talking about protest, then we have an even greater basis for voicing even more protests. . . .
Already two weeks have gone by since our meeting began. At the meeting both sides stated their views. Although as of yet it has been difficult to attain a unity of both sides' views right away, still, a frank exposition of views by both sides in this circle where the representatives of the two parties have been meeting is very useful for mutual understanding, for gradually finding a common language, for searching out a way to eliminate disagreements and strengthen cohesion. For that reason we consider that it serves as a good start . . . our delegation is introducing a proposal temporarily to adjourn the current meeting; the representatives of the CCP and the CPSU, both sides, can continue their meeting at another time. The time and place of the next meeting will be set through a consultation between the Central Committees of our two parties. . . .
Our delegation once again expresses the sincere hope of our party that we and you will not spare our efforts toward an all-around, repeated, and most careful discussion of the
 |  | 36 Peter Iakir, V. A. Balitskii, Iridor Liubchenko, Vladimir Zatomskii, Ukrainian Communists who were killed on Stalin's orders during the 1930s purges. Reference here is to their names in plural form.