Brothers in Arms (28 page)

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Authors: Odd Arne Westad

Tags: #Political Science, #International Relations, #General, #test

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Page 80
34. "Zhongyang guanyu jizhong zhuli ju jiangjun denglu gei Dongbei ju de zhishi" [Instruction of the CCP CC to the Northeast Bureau on preventing Jiang Jieshi's forces from landing], October 19, 1945; "Zhongyang junwei guanyu shiyi yuefen zuozhan bushi de zhishi" [Instruction of the Military Committee on military planning in November], November 1, 1945, both in
Zhonggong Zhongyang wenjian xuanji,
vol. 15, 364-5 and 394-6.
35. "Jia Yi dui Bing Ding guanyu yu Zhang Shao xutan qingkuang de baogao de fu-dian" [Jia and Yi's reply to Bing and Ding regarding the report on further talks with Zhang Shao], October 22, 1945; "Yaoqiu Sulian Hongjun zai liuzhu rehe lianggeyue" [Request the Soviet Red Army to stay in Rehe for another two months], October 25, 1945; "Yu Guomindang huitan fangzhen ji yaoqiu Hongjun huanche" [The policy for negotiations with the GMD and request for postponement in the withdrawal of the Soviet Red Army], October 26, 1945; "Zi Chou guanyu jianjue zhengduo yu kongzhi Dongbei wenti gei Yan Mao de zhishi'' [Instruction of Zi and Chou to Yan Mao on firm struggle for the control of the Northeast], October 27, 1945, all in CCA.
36. "Zai bi suo zhi qingkuang" [Information to your area], November 6, 1945, CCA.
37. "Wei Demai zai Hua renwu" [Wedermeyer's mission in China], November 12, 1945, CCA.
38. "
Zhonghua Minguo zhongyao shiliao chubian
" [A preliminary collection of important historical documents of the Republic of China], (Taipei: Yuhua, 1985), vol. 7, part 1, 154-6; Donald G. Gillin and Ramon H. Myers, eds.,
Last Chance in Manchuria: The Diary of Chang Kia-Ngau
(Stanford, Calif.: Hoover Institution Press, 1989), 126-7.
39. Jiang Jieshi [Chiang Kai-shek],
Su'er zai Zhongguo
[Soviet Russia in China] (Taibei: Liming wenhua shiye, 1985), 124.
40. "Manzhou buzhun zuozhan" [No fighting in Manchuria], November 20, 1945, CCA.
41. "Dui Manzhou gongs de jidian yijian" [A few comments on the work in Manchuria], November 30, 1945,
Chen Yun wenxuan
[Selected works of Chen Yun] (Beijing: Renmin, 1984), 221.
42. For more on Stalin's China policies in 1945-1946, see Westad,
Cold War and Revolution,
chaps. 2 and 3.


Page 81
43. "Wu Xiuquan tongzhi huiyi lu" [Memoirs of Comrade Wu Xiuquan],
Zhonggong dangshi ziliao,
2 (1982): 213, 215.
44. "Zai Sujun yuding fangzhen bubian de qingkuang xia congxin bushu liliang" [Re-deploy our forces should the Soviet military not change its plan], November 13, 1945; "Zhongyang guanyu Dongbei de gongs fangzhen deng gei Dongbei ju de zhishi" [Instructions of the CC to the Northeast Bureau regarding its Northeast policy], November 19, 1945, both in
Zhonggong Zhongyang wenjian xuanji,
vol. 15, 429-30.
45. "Zhongyang guanyu rangchu da chbengshi ji Changchun tielu hou kaizhan dong-Man, beiMan gongs gei Dongbei de zhishi" [Instruction of the CC to the Northeast regarding the work in east and north Manchuria after the withdrawal from the major cities and the Changchun railroad], November 20, 1945,
Zhonggong Zhongyang wenjian xuanji,
vol. 15, 431-2.
46. "Zhongyang guanyu chechu da chengshi ji zhuyao tielu hou Dongbei de fazhan fangzhen gei Dongbei ju de zhishi" [Instruction of the CC to the Northeast Bureau concerning the policy of development in the Northeast after the withdrawal from the large cities and major railroads], November 28, 1945; "Dongbei ju guanyu chechu da chengshi hou gongs renwu de zhishi" [Instruction of the Northeast Bureau on the work following the withdrawal from the major cities], November 26, 1945, both in
Zhonggong Zhongyang wenjian xuanji,
vol. 15, 447-8, 434-6. To the Politburo, one incident appeared to have confirmed this belief. On November 29 Zhang Jia'ao, a key official of the Northeast Headquarters of the GMD government, met with CCP representative Dong Biwu, requesting the CCP to hand over the Beining highway to the GMD. In light of Zhang' s request, the CCP Politburo guessed that the gist of Soviet Northeast policy was to prevent U.S. forces from entering the Northeast and, at the same time, to facilitate talks between the CCP and the GMD. Accordingly, it instructed its Northeast Bureau to seek Soviet intervention so as to realize joint takeovers of the large cities in the Northeast by the GMD and the CCP: see ''Zhongyang guanyu zai kai tanpan zhimen gei Dong Biwu, Wang Ruofei de zhishi" [Instructions of the CC to Dong Biwu and Wang Ruofei regarding the question of reopening negotiations], December 1, 1945, in Zhongyang tongzhanbu and Zhongyang dang'anguan, comps.,
Zhonggong Zhongyang jiefang zhanzheng shiqi tongyi zhanxian wenjian xuanbian
[Compilation of selected documents of the CCP CC on the united front during the war of liberation] (Beijing: Dang'an, 1988), 33; "Zhongyang guanyu Dongbei gongs fangzhen yu renwu gei Dongbei ju de zhishi" [Instruction of the CC to the Northeast Bureau on policy and work in the Northeast], December 7, 1945; "Zhongyang guanyu zhengqu wodang zai Dongbei de diwei ji celue wenti gei Dongbei ju de zhishi" [Instruction of the CC to the Northeast Bureau regard-


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