| 33. Khrushchev Remembers, 24.
 | 34. See Barry M. Blechman, The Control of Naval Armaments: Prospects and Possibilities (Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1975), 32-3.
 | 35. Dismukes and McConnell, Soviet Naval Diplomacy, 18.
 | 36. Li Zhisui, Private Life of Chairman Mao (London: Chatto and Windus, 1994), 261.
 | 37. "Otcbet . . . 1958," 92.
 | 38. Record of conversation, Mao-Iudin, July 22, 1958, Zhonghua renmin gongheguo waijiaobu and Zhonggong zhongyang wenxian yanjiushi, comps., Mao Zedong waijiao wenxuan [Mao Zedong selected works on foreign affairs], (Beijing: Zhonggong wenxian, 1994), 322; for an English translation, see Cold War International History Project (CWIHP) Bulletin 6-7 (Winter 1995/1996): 155-9.
 | 39. Li, Private Life of Chairman Mao, 261-2.
 | 40. "Otcbet . . . 1958," 92.
 | 41. Record of conversation N. Sudarikov-Zhou Enlai, September 5, 1958, TsKhSD, f. 5, op. 49, d. 131, p. 4.
 | 42. Li, Private Life of Chairman Mao, 262.
 | 43. Khrushchev Remembers, 258.
 | 44. "Otchet . . . 1958," 84.
 | 45. On September 5 Zhou Enlai told Soviet diplomat Sudaxikov that Beijing was "just going to inform" Moscow on its motivations. Record of conversation N. Sudarikov-Zhou Enlai, September 5, 1958, 1.