| 6. "Doklad o vneshnei politike pravitelstva Kitaiskoi Narodnoi Respubliki i o vnutripoliticheskom i ekononicheskom polozhenii Kitaya za 1 polugodie 1951 goda" [Report on the foreign policy of the leadership of the People's Republic of China and on the domestic, political, and economic situation in China in the first half of 1951], Archive of Foreign Policy, Russian Federation (AVPRF), fond (f.) 022, opis (op.) 4, papka (pa.) 41, delo (d.) 57, pp. 22-7. Hereafter "Doklad . . . 1951."
 | 7. Khrushchev Remembers, 239-44.
 | 8. Report, B. Beshchev to V. M. Molotov, January 19, 1950, AVPRF, f. 022, op. 3, p. 21, d. 39.
 | 9. "Doklad . . . 1951," 10. As late as January 26, 1950, in one of the last attempts to check Soviet control, Zhou Enlai gave Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Vyshinskii a Chinese draft of an agreement on Lüshun, Dalian, and the Changchun Railway emphasizing Chinese sovereignty. According to that draft, the Soviet side was to decline any rights on Lüshun, Dalian, and the Changchun Railway; Soviet troops were to be withdrawn from China after signing a peace treaty with Japan, or, if a peace treaty would not be signed, in three years after the signing the Sino-Soviet treaty. Yet Stalin, having exerted pressure upon Mao, insisted on the tough Soviet draft of the protocols. Vyshinski to Stalin, January 26, 1950, AVPRF, f. 022, op. 3, pa. 21, d. 39, pp. 36-9.
 | 10. "Doklad . . . 1951," 8.
 | 11. Ambassador Xue Mouhong's speech at Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, D.C., January 31, 1995. Already in May 1951 Gao Gang had told Soviet diplomat Andrei M. Ledovsky that he had to be cautious in his dealings with the Soviets, for it was not recommended to mix with them. "Doklad . . . 1951," AVPRF, f. 022, op. 4, pa. 41, d. 57, p. 21.
 | 12. Khrushchev Remembers, 181.
 | 13. "Doklad . . . 1951," 10.
 | 14. AVPRF, fond sekretariata t. Gromyko A. A., op. 7, pa. 102, d. 30, pp. 5, 7.
 | 15. Edward E. Rice, Mao's Way (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1972), 150.
 | 16. Goncharov et al., Uncertain Partners, 122.