Brothers in Arms (40 page)

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Authors: Odd Arne Westad

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Page 112
11. On September 28 Malik's assistant, Tsarapkin, was instructed to inform an American intermediary named Lancaster that Soviet UN Ambassador Adam Malik would meet with a representative of the U.S. State Department to discuss the situation in Korea. The order specified that "Malik must listen to the State Department representative, and if it becomes obvious that the Americans are making a step toward a peaceful settlement of the Korean question, [he must] tell him that he [Malik] will consider the questions raised in the conversation and will give an answer at the next meeting." Ciphered telegram from Andrei Gromyko, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, to Andrei Vyshinskii in New York. Archive of the President of the Russian Federation (APRF), fond (f.) 3, opis (op.) 65, delo (d.) 827, p. 97.
12. For a discussion of and documents concerning Stalin's communications with Mao Zedong and Kim Il Sung about Chinese entry into the war, see Mansourov's
CWIHP Bulletin
article; Chen,
China's Road to the Korean War;
Goncharov, Lewis, and Xue,
Uncertain Partners.
For Stalin's communications with Kim Il Sung in September and October 1950, see Weathersby, "Soviet Role in the Early Phase of the Korean War."
13. Politburo directive to Vyshinskii, December 7, 1950, Archive of the Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation (AVPRF), f. 059a, op. 5a, [pa.] 11, d. 5, pp. 7-8.
14. Among several exchanges between Moscow and Beijing during this victorious period, one of the most interesting is a telegram Stalin sent to Mao on December 1 thanking him for the information he sent about
the successful offensive of the Chinese People's Liberation Army [
the People's Volunteers] in Korea. Your successes gladden not only me and my comrades in the leadership, but also all Soviet people. Allow me to greet from the soul you and your friends in the leadership, the People's Liberation Army of China and the entire Chinese people in connection with these enormous successes in their struggle against the American troops. I have no doubt that in the war against the up-to-date and well-armed American army the Chinese army will receive great experience in contemporary warfare and will turn itself into a fully up-to-date, well-armed, formidable army, just as the Soviet Army in the struggle with the first-class-armed German army received experience in contemporary warfare and turned into an up-to-date well-equipped army.
APRF, f. 45, op. 1, d. 336, p. 5.


Page 113
15. Ciphered telegram to Moscow from Soviet Ambassador in Beijing N. V. Roshchin, December 7, 1950, APRF, f. 45, op. 1, d. 336, 17-19; AVPRF, f. 059a, op. 5a, pa. 11, d. 3, pp. 193-5. See also
CWIHP Bulletin
6-7 (Winter 1995/1996): 51.
16. Ciphered telegram from Deputy Foreign Minister Gromyko to the Soviet ambassador in Beijing, relaying the message from Stalin to Zhou Enlai, December 7, 1950, AVPRF, f. 059a, op. 5a, pa. 11, d. 3, pp. 196-7.
17. Chen Jian, "China's Strategies to End the Korean War," paper presented at the Cold War International History Project conference, Hong Kong, January 1996, 9.
18. Ciphered telegram from Soviet Ambassador Roshchin in Beijing to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, communicating Zhou's "great thanks to comrade Filippov [Stalin] for the advice and consultation," AVPRF, f. 059a, op. 5a, pa. 11, d. 13.
19. Foot,
A Substitute for Victory,
20. For a discussion of Mao's motives, see Chen, "China's Strategies to End the Korean War," 8-12.
21. In a telegram to Peng Dehuai on January 28, 1951, Mao referred to this campaign as "the last, fifth, operation of decisive importance." For the texts of this telegram and other communications regarding the preparations for the spring 1951 offensive, see the translations by this author in
CWIHP Bulletin
6 (Winter 1995/1996).
22. Chen, "China's Strategies to End the Korean War," 13, citing Shen Zhonghong and Meng Zhaohui,
Zhongguo Renmin Zhiyuanjun kangMei yuanChao zhanshi,
[A history of the war to resist America and assist Korea by the Chinese People's Volunteers] (Beijing: Junshi Kexue, 1988), 93.
23. Ibid., 13.
Foreign Relations of the United States
), 1951, vol. 7, part 1, 507-11.
25. In his telegram to Stalin on June 5 requesting permission for Gao and Kim to travel to Moscow, Mao Zedong asked that they discuss "the financial question, the question of the conduct of military operations directly at the front, the question of the danger of a possible enemy landing on the sea coast in our rear," APRF, f. 45, op. 1, d. 339, p. 23.


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