Brown, Berengaria - Shared Possession [Possessive Passions 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (9 page)

BOOK: Brown, Berengaria - Shared Possession [Possessive Passions 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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He took the pan to the sink and filled it with warm water to soak clean. “I don’t know why you don’t get indigestion, Paul. You move around so much while you’re eating.” She laughed.

“Youngest child syndrome. I had to eat fast, or my brothers would have stolen my share,” he said, laughing.

“As if our fathers would have let us do that. You were ever the spoiled baby,” scoffed Sam.

Soon they were all laughing and telling stories about each other. Sam and Paul insisted Jim, as eldest, had always had extra privileges. Sam said that as the middle child he was never the special eldest nor the spoiled youngest but rather the neglected middle one. Paul asserted the older two boys had never let him join in their fun. While Jim said he’d always had to look after the younger two and give up his favorite toys to them.

But it was all said with fun and laughter. There was no bitterness or malice. Instead, they had tears rolling down their faces from the wild stories as each tried to go one better than the others with their embellished tales.

Chevaunne wrapped her arms around her waist as she laughed and laughed. Their stories were so deliberately exaggerated yet told with a flair for fun and drama.
I haven’t laughed this much in years
I do love them all so much, and it’s awesome fun just sharing a meal with them. Living with them here is so much better than anything I’ve ever experienced before.

* * * *

The three men quickly tidied the kitchen, and then they all moved to their bedroom. This part of the day was wonderful, too. They always made love to her so completely, so fully that she was cherished and possessed beyond her wildest imaginings. They were inventive, considerate lovers, always ensuring her pleasure and constantly amazing her with their wicked mouths and hands. They aroused all her senses, sometimes playing soft background music, sometimes lighting scented candles or incense sticks, sometimes putting colored light bulbs in the lamps so the room was bathed in blue or green or pink light. Each night was a new sensual feast. Tonight’s new adventure would be the condoms.

While she’d finished the meal preparations with Sam’s help, and Paul had set the table and made their coffee, Jim had hurried to the community center and purchased a large box of condoms. Textured condoms.

“If we have to cover up, we might as well make it extra good for you,” he’d said as he showed her his purchase.

Now, in the bedroom, Paul upended the box on their bed, and the four of them sifted through the contents, feeling soft bumps, big bumps, ridges, and other patterns and textures. “We should have thought of this ourselves. What a magnificent way to rev your engines, beautiful lady,” he said.

“Mmm,” she agreed, stroking her finger along a series of bumps and feeling matching goose bumps break out on her skin as she did so.

“Thank you for being so understanding and patient with me. I do want children, but just not yet. Everything has happened so fast. My whole world changed in a nanosecond, it seems.”

“Chevaunne, your happiness is the most important thing to all of us,” said Jim, kissing her lips softly.

Cream dripped onto her panties as her belly clenched with need. She really was the luckiest woman in the whole world. She’d been abducted by three extremely handsome and incredibly loving men. They’d taken her to a whole new world where she was cherished and adored, allowed to work or not as she chose, and when she’d asked for time and space to make her own decisions, they’d unhesitatingly agreed.

She grabbed Jim and kissed him, then Sam, then Paul. “I love you all so much,” she said, then kissed them all again.

“You do? Really?” asked Paul, kissing her back heartily.

“You’ve forgiven us for abducting you? You understand it’s the way of our people to capture our bride?” asked Sam.

“Yes, I understand. You chose me and followed your traditions. Why do your people kidnap—abduct—their brides though? Please tell me that story.”

“You know all the brothers must agree on the choice of the bride. The woman must be one they all love and respect and are prepared to cherish,” began Jim.

Chevaunne nodded. They’d explained that to her several times before. She understood it was a very important part of their culture.

“An abduction is something that needs to be planned carefully and carried out cooperatively. The men must fuck their woman, but she has to agree to the fucking. She has to give the men permission to enter her body,” continued Sam.

Chevaunne nodded thoughtfully. The men had asked her that. They’d aroused her, teasing and tormenting her sexually, but had not instigated sex until she’d agreed to the fucking.

“All this takes time and much preparation,” said Jim.

“In days of old, you grabbed your woman and threw her over your horse, then galloped away. But you needed to have somewhere safe ready to gallop to. If you dropped her in the nearest field, likely she’d tell you to go to hell rather than to go ahead,” contributed Paul.

Chevaunne grinned. “Yes, so not romantic.”

“So by the time the brothers agreed on a woman, planned the abduction, and prepared everything for the ravishment of the maiden, they had to be wholeheartedly on board with the idea. No one would go to so much trouble just for a few minutes of sexual relief. Mostly they’d have the house and bedroom ready for her, so they could show her how good a match they would be,” added Sam.

“Okay, I see that. It all makes sense.”

“So can we ravish you now?” asked Paul, undoing her sandals and dropping them to the floor.

“I’m not sure. Let me think it over.”

“While you’re thinking, I’ll help you out of this very pretty blouse. It’s in the way.” Sam’s fingers were already sliding the buttons through the holes.

Jim didn’t even ask. He slid the zipper on her jeans down and tugged them over her hips. Paul helped by pulling them down over her feet, and they joined her sandals and blouse on the floor.

“I love this black lace. It’s delicate and feminine like you are, yet strong, too, as you are. And the color is perfect against your creamy skin.” Jim’s hot mouth was on her breast, sucking her nipple through the lace.

Chevaunne groaned and tangled her fingers in Jim’s thick, black hair. It was just a fraction longer than Sam’s, resting on his collar in back and so dark it shone blue-black in the lamplight.

Paul’s head joined Jim’s, his mouth on her other breast. His hair was just as dark but a finer texture and baby-soft. She rested a hand on each head and enjoyed the differences in texture, but it was so hard to concentrate when their sucking on her breasts was arousing her to a fever pitch of need for a cock inside her.

She felt Sam’s weight on the bed at her feet and saw he was naked except for his condom. He pulled her panties down her legs and off her feet, then lowered his head and licked the length of her slit. Oh, that felt wonderful. He had a devastatingly effective tongue. He knew just when to press hard and when to let it glide across her skin to arouse her the most. As Paul and Jim kept sucking her breasts, Sam slid his tongue round and round her clit, teasing it but never touching it. She thrust her hips up into his mouth and pressed the men’s heads harder to her breasts, wiggling her body, trying to ease the tension building inside her.

Paul and Jim sat up and pulled her upper body off the bed to unsnap her bra and take it off. Paul twirled it in one hand then threw it onto the nightstand while Jim slid off the bed to get undressed. As soon as he climbed back on the bed, Paul undressed. All the while, the men licked and sucked her skin, keeping her highly aroused but not enough to orgasm.

Sam lay on his back, and the other men lifted Chevaunne onto him. Gratefully, she sat up then sank down on his cock, gradually sinking deeper and deeper on it until his balls pressed hard against her body and her pussy was deliciously full and stretched. For a moment, she rested there, sitting upright, and wiggled her hips to let his cock slide all around her walls, teasing them both with the promise of what would come next.

Then she relented and lay flat on his body, allowing Paul to drizzle the oil into her anus. Chevaunne loved the anal play that preceded one of the men entering her. Often, all three engaged in vaginal and oral sex, but she particularly enjoyed sex with all of them inside her simultaneously. Somehow it seemed to bind them all together much more tightly than any other kind of sex.

While Paul stretched and teased her ass, Jim kneeled at her head and held his cock near her mouth.

Yum. Each man tasted slightly different, and she delighted in their different scents and tastes. Today, Jim had used a very masculine soap, and the male musky spice of him had an erotic carnality that drove her need higher the moment she licked his flesh. His cock was red with need, engorged, and the vein throbbed visibly.

Slowly, she pushed her tongue under the foreskin to taste that first drop of pre-cum. Salty, tart, spicy. Totally delicious.

She sucked his head in her mouth, wiggling her hips a little as she did so to tease the other two men. Beneath her, Sam groaned.

Smiling around Jim’s cock, she relaxed the back of her throat, tilted her head back, and sucked him deep, taking in as much of him as she could, then gradually letting him slip out so she could trail her tongue along his stalk and rub it down inside his foreskin and over the sensitive cockhead.

Paul separated her butt cheeks and pressed his cock at her entry. The other men held still as he pushed against the muscles. With a slight pop, they opened for him and he sank inside, sliding deep into her dark channel and making them all sigh with fulfillment.

As always, she felt totally possessed, fulfilled, and cherished in this position, surrounded by her men, every opening filled.

Then with a single push, they all started to move together. All three of them sliding out a little way, then all of them thrusting in again in perfect unison. It was the first time the men had used this particular technique, and Chevaunne’s senses were on total overload, every nerve firing, every inch of her skin sensitized, heart pounding, sweat breaking out on her brow, belly clenching again and again with desire.

She tried to concentrate on sucking Jim, but it was a hopeless, losing battle. Hands and mouths were on her everywhere, tweaking her nipples, stroking her skin, kissing her face. She patted and touched in return, but her brain was fried, her nerves screaming for release. The orgasm coiled in her core was rising fast and hard. With every pistoning stroke in and out, she grew closer and closer, less coherent, more desperate. She rolled Jim’s balls between her fingers with one hand and petted Paul with the other while her legs gripped Sam’s sides.

Then she couldn’t think, couldn’t move as the orgasm exploded through her body, crashing up her spine and out the top of her head with the force of a charge of dynamite. Her whole body seemed to blow apart for long moments as waves of release crashed through her. All three men climaxed with her, jets of hot cum burning through the latex in her pussy and ass and hitting the back of her throat.

Quickly, she swallowed as she gasped and panted while more aftershocks hit her, and her arms and legs thrashed wildly in reaction.

Gradually, they sank down onto the mattress in a pile of sweaty, tangled limbs, the men rolling her onto her side and all of them wrapping her inside their arms.

“I love you all so much. It just gets better and better,” she whispered.

“Beautiful lady, you haven’t seen anything yet,” said Paul.





Berengaria is a multi-published author of erotic romance: contemporary, paranormal (ghosts, vampires, fairies and werewolves) and Regency-set historical. She loves to read all different kinds of romance so that is what she writes: one man/one woman; two women; two men; two men/one woman; three men, two women/one man…. Whatever the characters need for their very hot happily-ever-after, Berengaria makes sure they get it.

Also by Berengaria Brown

Ménage Amour: Forever Yours 1:

Ménage Amour: Forever Yours 2:

Ménage Amour: Forever Yours 3:

Ménage and More:

Ménage Amour

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BOOK: Brown, Berengaria - Shared Possession [Possessive Passions 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
11.74Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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