Brown, Berengaria - Shared Possession [Possessive Passions 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (7 page)

BOOK: Brown, Berengaria - Shared Possession [Possessive Passions 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Chevaunne nodded and rested back in the tub.

Jim dipped the cake of soap in the water to wet it, then rubbed it on the sponge. He handed the soap to Paul, lifted one of her feet out of the water, and rubbed the soapy sponge gently over her heel, along her sole, up the arch, then around her ankle. Finally, he rubbed each toe. Placing the sponge on the side of the tub, he massaged her foot using the soap to help his fingers glide over her skin.

Chevaunne closed her eyes, leaning back against the tub. “Mm, that feels wonderful,” she murmured.

He repeated the process with her other foot while Paul began soaping her hand and arm.

Chevaunne’s eyes flew open as Sam lifted her up and slid in behind her to rub the soap across her shoulders. Then he used the pads of his thumbs to press and soothe his way across her back, releasing knotted muscles she hadn’t even realized were tense.

“So good,” she sighed. “You make a mighty fine team.”

Chevaunne allowed her mind to flow freely and just enjoyed the soothing hands and fingers of her three men as they stroked and soothed and petted her, leaving her feeling totally limp and relaxed.

But not for long. She couldn’t help but notice Sam’s cock had grown very large and was now nestled deep in the crevice between her butt cheeks. Teasingly, she pressed back against him, rubbing his nipples with her back. They instantly grew hard and dug into her.

Her pussy dripped with honey, a thicker, creamier wetness than the water surrounding them all.

She opened her eyes and looked at Paul and Jim. They were both staring at her, lust hot in their eyes and their cocks standing straight up from their black nests of curls.

Deliberately, she licked her lips and pressed her back into Sam, thrusting her breasts upward at the same time.

All three men groaned.

“I’ll cook for you later. Right now, I want to eat you,” gasped Sam.

“Towels,” said Paul almost leaping out of the bath and grabbing a pile of fluffy towels from the shelf under the sink.

Sam lifted her up, Jim took her and held her out, and Paul wrapped a big blue towel around her body.

In moments, she was back lying on the bed, the towel was being rubbed over her skin, and then Sam’s head was buried in her pussy.

Paul and Jim dried themselves perfunctorily then joined them. Jim rested her head on his lap, and Paul curled his length against her side. Each man played with one of her breasts, so she took a cock in each hand and began stroking from root to tip, root to tip, keeping her movements slow and steady. Occasionally, she added a slight twist to her wrist or stopped to press the pads of her fingers over the long vein on their shafts, loving the feeling of the life force pulsing there.

Sam’s long fingers held her nether lips open as he licked the length of her slit and sucked the edges of her labia into his mouth, first one side, then the other. His tongue dove deep into her channel as he swiped it along her walls, gathering her cream. His nose nudged her clit, teasing the little bud and arousing her further.

Gasping a little, Chevaunne concentrated on teasing the two cocks in her hands. She scraped a nail down the lengths then slid a finger under each foreskin, wiping the drops of pre-cum she found there over the heads. After a few more long, tight strokes, she let them both go with no warning, only to cup their sacs and roll their balls between her fingers.

Sam’s attentions had moved to her clit, sucking it into his mouth, pulling it, elongating it, and nibbling across it, making her cream flood from her onto Sam. “Delicious,” he said. The ball of fire spiraling in her belly was close to igniting now, and she moved her hips restlessly.

Paul and Jim took this as a comment on their teasing of her breasts, and each man’s fingers worked harder, teasing and stretching her nipples, cupping the mounds and stroking her skin.

Paul twisted his body to bend his head and place his mouth on her breast, sucking both nipple and areola deep into his mouth. His movements wedged her hand against his body, but somehow she still managed to stroke his cock, tugging the hard shaft and squeezing as she tugged.

Her arm was bent up to reach Jim’s cock because her head was on his knees. With one hand now trapped by Paul’s body, she really had to work her muscles to keep stroking Jim, but she concentrated on matching the movements of both hands, which was more possible than trying to treat men separately.

Sam bit on her clit, and she came in an explosion of feeling, twisting the cocks in her hands hard as she did. Paul groaned deeply and cum spurted over her hand and nearby parts of both her body and his as he came with her.

Sam flipped her legs up and drove his cock into her cunt, stroking deep and hard, two, three, four times, and then she felt his cum blast inside her as he came. He thrust a few more times, and then Paul was lifting her as Jim exchanged places with Sam. Jim surged deep inside her still quivering cunt and came instantly, his seed hot inside her as her walls rippled around him.

Once again, the three collapsed onto the sheets tangled stickily together, sweat sheening all their bodies as they recovered from their loving.

Soon, Sam crawled out from the pile. “I’ll shower first so I can start cooking.”

When he emerged from the bathroom with a towel knotted at his waist, Jim said, “You go next, Chevaunne. Paul and I will change the bedding and tidy up this room while you shower.

She nodded and moved on wobbly legs into the bathroom. Sam had set the hot tub to drain and had laid out the rose soap and several fresh towels for her. They were all so thoughtful. It may just be for this honeymoon period, but she could not fault their treatment of her, even if it had begun with a kidnapping—abduction.

Chapter Five

Kiri, Anh, and Shiloah took Chevaunne around and introduced her to their friends and their favorite stores. As the week passed, Chevaunne got to know people and find her way around the community. Some days she felt blissfully happy and contented, at other times, she questioned her own sanity in accepting her new lifestyle. Wasn’t it called Stockholm syndrome when victims of kidnapping—okay, abduction—thought that they’d fallen in love with their captors? Was that what had happened to her?

Yet—the men were so loving to her. Surely their emotions were genuine.

Chevaunne was so confused, some days she tied herself in knots trying to make sense of what had happened to her.

She arranged to have lunch with the closest of her old friends the day she handed in her resignation. Jim accompanied her to town, driving her car, showing her the Green Ridge store, letting her wander around there and talk to George and Wang about the stock before they headed into the city. Her friends were happy about her new romance, approved of Jim, and were excited about the new job she was to start soon, working with the seniors in the new specially designed wing of the hospital.

She didn’t mention she was married or say anything about New Thimphu, and although she wore the heavy gold bracelet, no one commented on it, which both saddened and relieved her simultaneously. Saddened that her friends either didn’t notice or didn’t consider it interesting enough to mention and relieved because she wasn’t quite sure what to say about it. Chevaunne understood that, although these were her friends and likely they’d have lunch together from time to time, both she and they had already moved on, her to new friends at her new home and them tightening the circle, filling the gap that once had been her place. It was a very strange feeling yet not a bad one, nor a good one. Just weird.

“Are you okay about the changes?” Jim asked her as he drove her back.

She nodded. Already, New Thimphu was home. The thought had flashed into her mind out of nowhere, but she instantly recognized its accuracy. She was welcomed there, accepted, had a place. Her old life was a door that had closed behind her, and although she may miss her friends and visit with them from time to time, she didn’t want to return to that old life.

“Yes, my life lies with you, Sam, and Paul now, and I’m good with that,” she replied. As she said it, she knew it was true. She was all right with the idea of living in the new world the men had taken her to.

So much had happened in one short week. She spent time most days with Anh, Kiri, and Shiloah, and their friends. She really liked Shiloah’s mother, Orna, and loved spending time in their garden.

Dr. Russell, who seemed to be interested in Anh, was eager for Chevaunne to start work with the seniors. Construction of the new wing of the hospital was finished, but it was only semi-furnished and as yet unnamed. However, some of the seniors had already moved in, including Honored Grandmother. Occasionally, Chevaunne wondered if, had Dr. Russell not been there, Anh would have moved her great-grandmother in so quickly, but it was plain the old lady approved of Russell as well. He had two brothers and several sisters. She must ask Anh their names.

Two new settlers, brothers, were going to plant the courtyard garden for the seniors, and Shiloah and Orna would be involved in that, too, so Chevaunne knew she would be seeing more of all of them at work as well as in their free time.

True to their promise, one of her husbands was always around to help her and support her. Sam went into the office building each day, where he ran a small online financial services business. Paul managed the day-to-day accounts and bills for the family, but Sam handled their investments. Sam’s business had started off when he took over managing the family finances and had grown as it became apparent he had a flair for knowing when to buy and sell.

True to the ethos of the community, he made a small profit on transactions for community members and a much larger one from his online clients. But that, too, was fair. His results were much better than those of many other financial managers, and he hadn’t lost money during the global finance crisis. This meant that, financially speaking, her new family was very secure, and she really could choose whether or not to work and what career to follow.

Chevaunne helped Paul with household tasks, cooked a little with Sam, and spent some time out on the farm with Jim.

Her life was balanced and fulfilling both by day and by night.

As of next week she would work each morning with the seniors, helping them to shower and eat breakfast, then reading with them, talking to them, or doing some craftwork with them. Many of the seniors remembered traditional art, which was very stylized with certain shapes and patterns being very popular and therefore ideally suited for them to do. Although some of them had great difficulty remembering things that had just happened, traditional art from their youth was something they remembered clearly and enjoyed. Other grandparents still living out in the community would join in these sessions, too, so they would become a special social time for the elderly.

Chevaunne would stay to help the residents eat their midday meal then return home in the midafternoon with Sam, as their families would visit the seniors in the evenings and share the final meal of the day with them, and they napped in the afternoons.

Family menu-planning was a lot of fun as Chevaunne and the men explored favorite meals, and she and they learned to cook new dishes. Much of their food was no different from what she was used to, but every now and then, a vegetable, fruit, or dish would be mentioned that was new to her.

And every night the men made love to her. And it was very definitely making love, not fucking. Always they put her pleasure first, arousing her to new heights, ensuring she had more orgasms each night than she was used to having in a week.

From time to time, she’d had the opportunity for sex one on one with one of the men, but this early in her marriage it didn’t seem right. Not when all of them were always there at night and multiple penetration was so very, very good.

In some ways she was really loving the bareback sex, too, the slide of a naked penis inside her, touching her nerve endings, the hot splash of the cum burning a path inside her.

But in other ways, it was a worry. So much sex with three men could only mean a baby was in her future. And what would happen then? How would she keep their attention when she was the size of an elephant waddling around, or worse still, vomiting all day long as some women she’d cared for in the hospital had done. Sure, they’d said marriage was for life, but plenty of people in mainstream society said that, too, then divorced in the blink of an eye. What would happen to her if they no longer desired her, or worse, if she bored and annoyed them with pregnancy-related illnesses? And what about after a child was born? How would she cope with three hourly feeds and still have the strength to cope with three lusty men.

What would she do if they no longer wanted her?

How could she return to the city after being so much a part of New Thimphu? As well as finding a place to live, a new job, and all the usual things, she would have a child to support. Or worse still, how could she live on here without them, working to support herself and the child, and never seeing the men again. Never seeing Paul’s laughing, dancing eyes. Never feeling Sam’s long, talented fingers slide deep inside her cunt and scrape across the place that always drove her wild. Never walk around the barn looking for eggs with Jim while he told her stories from the men’s childhoods or the community’s traditions.

BOOK: Brown, Berengaria - Shared Possession [Possessive Passions 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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