Buddy Holly: Biography (69 page)

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Authors: Ellis Amburn

Tags: #Biography & Autobiography, #Composers & Musicians, #Nonfiction, #Retail, #Singer

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“There’s nobody in Lubbock: Author interview with LH.

they were third cousins: Author interview with NS.

“There were about thirty-five:

“Norman Petty was actually: Author interview with LH.

financial issues were one: NS quoted in Miller, “NS,” p. 24.

Niki’s father tried to: NS quoted in G&B, RB, p. 136.

conflicts in the band: NP quoted in Brooks and Malcolm, “NP—Part 2,” p. 9.

handwriting on the wall: Quoted in BG and Bonner, “NS—Part 1,” p. 5.

only thing he missed:

“By the time we: p. xi.

the infant died on: Dodge,
Everly Brothers: Ladies Love Outlaws,
p. 115.

major changes were made: Ward, “Fifties,” ROA, pp. 157–58.

Cochran’s friend Johnny Rowe: Quoted in AC, “Farewell to Eddie Cochran,” p. 36.

Connie “Guybo” Smith:
p. 31.

Cochran was happiest when:
p. 27.

intimate friends and made: EH quoted in Skinner, “Meeting With Mr. and Mrs. Holley on June 12, 1969,” p. 41.

Holly and Cochran carried: Mason City (Iowa) Municipal Airport files, office of the director of aviation, Jerome J. Thiele; BG, “Spotlight on February 3, 1959,” R50, 2/89; JT, “Investigator Offers Theory on Fatal Crash,” MCGG, 2/1/89; P&T, “Lingering Mysteries of Holly’s Fatal Flight,” MCGG, 1/29/89; Scott quoted in AC, “Farewell,” p. 43.

Brenda Lee, who toured: Bufwack and Oermann,
Finding Her Voice,
p. 225.

always get a “first count”:
p. 240.

finances ended up in a mess: JBM quoted in G&B, RB, p. 64.

Buddy was too decent: P. 138.

Buddy probably owed them:

.22 in his shaving kit: LH quoted in BG, “LH,” RM 14, 3/80, p. 8; BG showed me the shaving kit, which was given to him by the Holley family.

a crack shot: Bob Denton quoted in AC, “Farewell,” p. 35.

“He was … into quick-draw: Quoted in Winters, “Old Friends Recall Good Times in Old Neighborhood,”
Albert Lea Tribune,
6/26/94, reprinted in AC, “Eddie Cochran: Legend Continues,” p. 52.

brandishing his gun: Jack Scott quoted in
p. 43.

in front of a bureau: Scott quoted in

Jack Scott, a musician:

Ace, who shot himself: Ward, “Fifties,” ROA, pp. 98–99.

James Dean’s fatal: Hyams and Hyams,
James Dean: Little Boy Lost, passim;
Headrick, Jr.,
Deanmania, passim;
James Dean, passim.

rabbit hunting: Kaye, “Eddie Cochran,” liner notes, double LP,
Eddie Cochran.

“Shrimper, I’m coming home: Quoted in Baenen, “Albert Lee Raises Fuss’n’ Holler Over Summertime Singer,”
6/24/91, reprinted in AC,
Eddie Cochran: Legend Continues,
p. 32.

Cochran at first struck: AC, “Farewell,” pp. 26–27.

“Reserved, intense, he can: Quoted in Behle, “Cochran Exhibit Sparks Memories of ’50s,”
Albert Lea
6/23/94, reprinted in AC,
Eddie Cochran: Legend Continues,
p. 50.

Ritchie Valens was still: BM, RV, pp. 27–28.

“Little Richard of the:
p. 27.

Ricky had fallen in: Bufwack and Oermann,
Finding Her Voice,
p. 230.

their parents objected:

nineteen years her senior:
p. 231.

“Rick Nelson was like:
p. 230.

Ricky would cover many: Selvin,
Rick Nelson,
p. 309.

Elvis Presley’s girlfriends: Bufwack and Oermann,
Finding Her Voice,
pp. 234–35.

“West Coast rockabilly found:
p. 233.

To Sheeley, Cochran was: Sheeley quoted in AC, “Farewell,” p. 34.

Phil Everly told her:

She became Cochran’s girlfriend:

in-crowd included Gene:
p. 39.

gimp-legged, alcoholic Vincent: Stambler,
pp. 720–21.

“Irving and Izzie Feld: Author interview with Franklin E. Fried.

president of Super Enterprises: Mann,
A–Z of Buddy Holly,
p. 51.

“The executives of the company: p. 124.

“The way the agency:

They didn’t like rock:

Dick Clark Caravan of:
p. 125.

“If you had seven hundred fifty:
pp. 124–25.

“It was almost a guarantee:
p. 125.

“Peggy Sue” for the first: Author interview with PS.

“Here comes ‘Song.’”:

they were to reconcile:

“Buddy played Cupid,”:

“Yes, I’m twirling”:

“I love writing and:

call both sides “classics,”:
Rolling Stone Album Guide,
DeCurtis et al, eds., p. 324.

Rock ’n’ roll’s port: Brown and Gaines,
Love You Make,
p. 19.

sailors—known as “Cunard: PN,
p. 50.

Liverpool College of Art: Goldman,
Lives of John Lennon,
p. 73.

Radio Luxembourg: Brown and Gaines,
Love You Make,
pp. 19–20.

“cool”: BG, “New … Buddy Holly Interview!” RM 16, 9/80, p. 5.


He gave it about half a year:

songs that didn’t require:

Critical of “That’ll:

going to butter him up: Freeman Hoover interview, 11/2/57.

Freed’s manager Jack Hook: NP quoted in G&B, RB, p. 117.

could go to hell:

turn them against him: JA quoted in

little sign of it: Dale Lowery interview, LP,
Buddy Holly Story,
Vol. II, MA 201185.

London’s Royal Albert Hall: Smith and Diagram Group,
Rock Day by Day,
p. 54.

“In late 1957,”:
p. 51.

Chapter 8

Sullivan filmed the Crucifixion: Quoted in Leonard,
Really Big Show,
p. 40.

“Ed’s the only man: Quoted in
p. 42.

ended up feuding: BG, RM 20, 9/81, p. 12; BG, “Tour Schedules,” p. 9; G&B, RB, p. 87.

a total farce: NS quoted in ACOB.

lose money on the deal:

grim cells:

returned to Studio 50:

all-American football team:

“petrified” them:

“Buddy Holly, Buddy, Buddy: BG, “Ed Sullivan Show,” RM 2, 3/77, p. 8.

leaped ten points:
BH: Reminiscing,
Brooker, producer, IPBN Public Affairs Presentation, 1979.

the most promising: Quoted in BG, “Bits and Pieces,” RM 6, 3/78, p. 8.

Crickets were not a vocal: Robert Linville quoted in BG, “Clovis’s Own Robert Linville,” Clovis Music Festival Official Program.

the Picks—whose work:
p. 5.

rented a limo: EH quoted in BG, “More Bits and Pieces,” RM 19, 6/81, p. 11.

He was disappointed:

completely wasted:

all the “Negroes” on: Quoted in RB, p. 75.

Larry told Buddy that: BG, “LH,” RM 14, 3/80, p. 10.

Buddy looked terrible:
p. 8.

have been an ordeal: TBIK.

slept for three days: LH quoted in BG, “LH,” p. 8.

Mrs. Holley once confessed: EH quoted in BG, RM 11, 7/79, p. 8; Skinner, “A Meeting,” RM 43, 7/86, p. 4.

first royalty check, $192,000: G&B, RB, p. 136.

wondered, were their $50,000:

Petty said they’d spent: JBM quoted in
p. 137.

offered no records to: NS quoted in
p. 136; JBM quoted in
p. 137.

trying to impress the waitress: LH quoted in BG, “LH,” p. 8.

he’d be washed up: EH quoted in BG, RM 33, 11/84, p. 7.

he paid Larry back: LH quoted in BG, “1981 BHMS Convention,” p. 23.

He promised his parents: Larry Corbin quoted in BG, “KLLL Radio,” RM 7, 6/78, p. 8.

red-and-white Impala: G&B mentioned the Impala in RB, p. 104; BG revealed that it was red and white in “Bits and Pieces” in an early issue of RM, p. 3 (unpaged, undated clipping, probably the seventies).

“I really respect a: BG, “KLLL Radio,” p. 8.

“I appreciate your carrying:

wanted to bother with: RBHS.

symbiosis achieved by Buddy: Quoted in WJRBH.

If Niki wants to go: JBM quoted in G&B, RB, p. 83.

Niki returned to Clovis: NS quoted in
p. 137.

Unbeknownst to the other:

received 10 percent of all:

Petty went back on the deal:

Crickets gave Niki $1,000:

“get along perfect.”: Author interview with NS.

he blamed Petty for: G&B, RB, p. 83.

they wanted Niki out:

remained on the show: BG, “Spotlight on Dick Jacobs,” R50, 10/92, p. 14.

Petty hadn’t miked him: Quoted in G&B, RB, pp. 83–84.

swivel-hipped, Elvis-inspired:

Buddy liked his company:
p. 84.

twenty thousand teenagers started forming: BBH, p. 179.

grade-B British movie:

“I’m the king: GBOF, p. 140.

“Fats on top,”

When Buddy got wind: BBH, p. 178; GBOF, p. 140.

way to Buddy’s heart: GBOF, p. 141.

At $5,000 per week: Author interview with SC.

“I’ll get you more: GBOF, p. 141.

Buddy always went for: JBM quoted in G&B, RB, p. 88.

the orchestra played Chuck Berry’s: GBOF, p. 141.

resplendent in a garish tartan:

“Hello, New York, and:

Lubbock newcomer politely but:

Paul Anka sang “I Love: BBH, p. 178.

then played a frenzied: GFBOF, p. 141.

“supported Buddy’s contention: BBH, p. 178.

The Everly Brothers appeared:
GBOF, p. 145; Dodge,
Everly Brothers,
p. 46.

Jerry Lee got everyone: BBH, p. 179; GBOF, pp. 142–143; Dodge,
Everly Brothers,
p. 46.

left or were on their way: GBOF, p. 143; Dodge,
Everly Brothers,
p. 46.

Fats told Freed he’d never: BBH, p. 179.

Freed immediately changed the: GBOF, p. 143.

breaking the attendance record: Tosches,
p. 142.

ripping their clothing: Dodge,
Everly Brothers,
p. 48.

the police laughed and:
p. 48.

center on Eddie Cochran: JBM quoted in AC, “Farewell,” p. 39.

rooming with the Everlys: Noland quoted in BG, “TN,” RM 27, Summer/83, p. 8.

head for the Paramount: JBM quoted in AC, “Farewell,” p. 39.

the pinnacle of Freed’s: BBH, p. 179.

record manufacturers and distributors: BBH, p. 104.

companies were so corrupt:

“had written the song: Berry,
p. 108.

including Terry Noland: Quoted in BG, “TN,” p. 7.

“a cotton farmer from: RM 16, 9/80, p. 7.

Guild F-50: Bush, TGBH, p. 86.

“Here, man, you keep:

bring happiness to the:

fame had altered him: JA and JBM quoted in G&B, RB, p. 85.

He wouldn’t horse around: JA quoted in

almost knocked Buddy’s glasses:

Buddy ordered everyone:

could indulge in asinine: JA quoted in
JBM quoted in
p. 92.

dignity and perquisites of:
p. 85.

“When Buddy went to: Author interview with Jerry Coleman.

Dermabrasion … chemosurgery: Reardon, M.D., and McMahon,
Plastic Surgery for Men, passim;
Sutton and Lyon,
Cosmetic Surgery, passim.

Arthur Murray Party:
BG, “Bits and Pieces,” RM 15, p. 12.

on top of the Paramount: JA quoted in BG, “JA—Part Two,” p. 8.

Cochran would soon come: Shriver, “On the Road With Eddie Cochran,” p. 12; Kaye, liner notes, LP
Eddie Cochran.

Don and Phil would hit: Loder, “The Everlys,” pp. 146–47.

Little Richard renounced: Smith and the Diagram Group,
Rock Day by Day,
p. 54; Lazell et al,
Rock Movers & Shakers,
p. 301; T. White,
Rock Lives,
pp. 32, 35.

Jerry Lee would be: GBOF, pp. 190–200.

make a pass at a ninth grader: Presley,
Elvis and Me,
p. 28.

give her Dexedrine pills:
p. 52.

disaster and divorce: Ibid., pp. 193–94, 200, 280, 298, 303.

Echo McGuire was now: G&B, RB., p. 25.

Echo still loved Buddy: Echo McGuire quoted in

wife of a rock ’n’ roll star:

Jackie Wilson’s Producer: BG, “Spotlight on Dick Jacobs,” R50 38, 10/92, p. 10.

who suggested that Buddy: Dick Jacobs quoted in Jones, “Dick Jacobs,” RM 36, 5/85, p. 8.

they would often joke:

Rock stars, Petty kept harping: NP quoted in G&B, RB, p. 109.

“Naw,” Buddy said: Quoted in

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