Buddy Holly: Biography (73 page)

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Authors: Ellis Amburn

Tags: #Biography & Autobiography, #Composers & Musicians, #Nonfiction, #Retail, #Singer

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“hyped” them:
p. 120.

bands ended up broke:

Louis Patsy Giordano: Ralph Giordano, “Lou Giordano!” RM 15, 6/80, p. 1.

“B-plus” on both sides: Quoted in AC, “
” No. 1, article dated 2/7/59, p. 42.

The “larks” were Buddy: Ralph Giordano, “Lou Giordano!” p. 1.

do “anything: Quoted in “PE,” p. 14.

“first-rate teen ballad: Cited in Giordano, “Lou Giordano!” p. 2; AC,
No. 1, p. 42.

Karen Oretti:
p. 3.

“hot hotel”: Quoted in TRSI, p. 146.

“was having a drink:

inability to navigate: Mendelson, M.D., and Mello, Ph.D.,
Diagnosis and Treatment of Alcoholism; Alcoholics Anonymous
The Big Book

“strung out,” … “disaster.”: “Everlys,” TRSI, p. 147.

Everly Brothers were drained:
pp. 146.

Wesley Rose’s stranglehold:

exploiting them for money:
p. 147.

“be afraid to take:
Everly Brothers,
p. 40.

“rootless, restless, mercurial: “Everlys,” TRSI, p. 142.

dropping into Manny’s: Henry Goldrich quoted in TGBH, p. 84.

“every guitar I had:

controlled by her producer: Jones,
pp. 70–71, 119; Nassour,
Patsy Cline,
p. 67.

headlining a bill: Robert Linville quoted in BG, “Clovis’ Own Robert Linville,” p. 3.

“had to go to the gym:

The final and most controversial: JBM quoted in G&B, RB, p. 120; JA quoted in

“I did not say: Author interview with MEH.

“bigshot star”: RB, p. 120.

his jealousy of Maria:


balked at the prospect: JBM in RBHS; JBM quoted in G&B, RB, p. 120; JA quoted in

they hit the bottle: JA quoted in

found obnoxious:

“not glamorous: Author interview with MEH.

sometimes led to drama: Robert Linville quoted in BG, “Clovis’ Own Robert Linville,” p. 5.

“No, I am from San Juan:

“irritated with Maria Elena”:

Jerry complained that the: Quoted in G&B, RB, p. 120.

Jerry and Joe B. were drinking: JA quoted in
p. 120.

got loaded before noon:

“all the time.”:

“shucking it.”:

he warned, had better: JA quoted in

“tighten up a little bit,”:

Maria Elena didn’t have: MEH quoted in G&B, RB, p. 134.

left him tired and testy:

Bob Linville noticed: Linville quoted in BG, “Clovis’ Own Robert Linville,” p. 5.
Clovis Music Festival 1988,
p. 5.

into the station house: MEH quoted in G&B, RB, p. 134.

that he was firing Petty: JBM and JA quoted in G&B, RB, pp. 120–21.

“things that he [Petty]: Author interview with MEH.

expected Jerry and Joe B. to go along: JBM quoted in G&B, RB, p. 120.

Joe B. was against it:

cheated by Yankee record:

share of Prism Records: JA quoted in
p. 121.

They did not perform with: G&B, RB, p. 181.

“the most inventive music: MS, “BH: Night Before Music Died,” p. 22.

“perhaps the only instance: MCA’s
Complete BH
appears as No. 67 in the Guterman book.

“I met them after: Author interview with PS.

more effective with violins: NP quoted in Brooks and Malcolm, “NP,” RM 37, 7/85, p. 8.

“going against them,”:

Every time Petty visited: NP quoted in BG, “Spotlight on Dick Jacobs,” pp. 11–12.

Finally Buddy admitted: NP quoted in Brooks and Malcolm, “NP,” RM 37, 7/85, p. 8.

“Buddy was growing up,”: ROA, p. 189.

first major Caucasian rock: Quoted in “Dick Jacobs,” RM 36, 5/85, p. 9.

New York Philharmonic and: BHTLL, p. 102.

One of the songs was dropped: Dick Jacobs quoted in BG, “Dick Jacobs,” RM 11, 6/79, p. 3.

Don and Phil didn’t think it was “right”: TRSI, p. 145.

Paul Anka had just: Dick Jacobs quoted in BG, “Spotlight on DJ,” p. 12.

It was impossible, Jacobs:

three hours: Dick Jacobs quoted in RBHS and Jones, “Dick Jacobs,” RM 36, p. 9.

“fantastic,”: Quoted in Jones, “Dick Jacobs,” RM 36, p. 9.

“pizzicato arrangement for: Quoted in BG, “Spotlight on Dick Jacobs,” p. 12.

Anka burst into the: BG quoted in “Dick Jacobs,” RM 11, 6/79, p. 3.

“I wrote this song: Quoted in BG, “On the Air,” RM 36, 6/77, p. 8.

the atmosphere: Quoted in BG, “PS,” p. 3.

The musicians included violinists: G&B, RB,
op. cit.,
p. 181.

Abraham “Boomie” Richman: Jacobs quoted in Jones, “Dick Jacobs,” RM 36, p. 10.

“real snobbish: “PS,” p. 3.

he posed for a photo: BG, “Spotlight on Dick Jacobs,” p. 12.

“the way he heard it: Quoted in BG, “PS,” p. 3.

“had not been tried before:

“maturity” the twenty-two-year-old:

“beautifully,” she said:

run-through of the: “Spotlight on Dick Jacobs,” p. 12.

“very apprehensive: “Dick Jacobs,” RM 11, 6/79, p. 3.

Brenda Lee’s: Nassour,
Honky Tonk Angel: Intimate Story of Patsy Cline,
p. 260.

Patsy Cline’s “True Love”:

After the playback of: Jacobs quoted in BG, “Spotlight on Dick Jacobs,” p. 12; Jacobs quoted in BG, “Dick Jacobs,” RM 11, p. 3.

“one hour flat”: Quoted in BG, “Spotlight on Dick Jacobs,” p. 12.

changing nothing:

“flipped out”: Quoted in “Dick Jacobs,” RM 11, p. 4.

a surefire hit: Jacobs in RBHS.

deliriously happy: Jacobs quoted in BG, “Dick Jacobs,” RM 11, p. 4.

Jacobs found that: Jacobs quoted in Jones, “Dick Jacobs,” RM 36, p. 9.


turned up the “gain”: Jacobs quoted in BG, “Spotlight on Dick Jacobs,” p. 12.

“out cold in the studio: Quoted in “Spotlight on Dick Jacobs,” p. 12.

Angelic Gospel Singers: G&B, RB, p. 111.

“better to the touring”: Quoted in RB, p. 134.

worried about how the: Jacobs quoted in “Dick Jacobs,” RM 11, p. 3.

her favorite Buddy Holly performances: Quoted in BG, “ME,” p. 7.

Peggy Sue announced: Quoted in BG, “PS,” p. 3.

loved Buddy so blindly: Quoted in BG, “Dick Jacobs,” RM 11, p. 3.

“best record I’ve ever: Author interview with LH.

She singled out “True: BG, “Mrs. Holley,” p. 4.

Ray Charles album: Dick Jacobs quoted in Jones, “Dick Jacobs,” RM 36, p. 10.

“as good a ballad singer: “Spotlight on Dick Jacobs,” p. 11.

“most un-temperamental artist:
p. 13.

Count Basie sound: Jacobs quoted in Jones, “Dick Jacobs,” p. 10; Jacobs quoted in BG, “Dick Jacobs,” RM 11, p. 3.

Buddy promised to make: G&B, RB, p. 98.

objections of Norman Petty: Bob Thiele quoted in

Petty would sue, if: CB quoted in BG, “CB,” RM 20, 9/81, p. 8.

Buddy Holly was finished in show business: JBM quoted in G&B, RB, p. 121. NP’s exact words were “we’ll starve him to death.”

“I’m not championing: Author interview with PS.

writing a book about: Author interview with BG.

“They say husbands and: Author interview with PS.

out of her depth: PS quoted in BG, “PS,” p. 11.

somewhat disconcerting:

When Peggy Sue was asked:
author interview with PS.

“That’s where we’re gonna: PS quoted in BG, “PS,” p. 6.

“accept” him:

Beatles played a doubleheader: Brown and Gaines,
Love You Make,
p. 104.

Mama Leone’s, a tourist: Author interview with PS.

struck Jerry as painfully: PS quoted in BG, “PS,” p. 11.

her clothes were as:

buy some New York clothes:

p. 8.

“five years older than:

“Buddy only knew her:

pocketbook strap, a solid: Author interview with PS.

struck a cabinet in:

the unfamiliar tight skirt: PS quoted in BG, “PS,” p. 11.

stuck in a subway grate:

She fell on the:

he seemed as embarrassed:

awkward impasse:

matured faster:

searching for her identity:

When Buddy saw her:

into the theater barefooted:

protested that she:

“going to the movie:

“Buddy was gifted with: Author interview with PS.

“There’s always a:

had no children:

opulent house: Author interview with BG.

owned the Rapid Rooter:

their divorce in 1993:

for her ailing mother:

sang “It’s So Easy.”:
TV Guide,
10/25/58, reprinted in AC,
no. 1, p. 32.

blocked the strings: “Robin Luke,” RM 5, 12/77, p. 3.

8.4 million: BG, “Browsing Through
” R50, 6/92, p. 23.

They lip-synched: BG, “Interviews, Jingles, & Live Performances on Records,” RM 26, Spring/83, p. 20.

“a lot of dirt”: Dick Clark quoted in

“where I can be: JA and JBM in RBHS.

“start our own publishing: JA quoted in G&B, RB, p. 121.

Buddy was under the impression:
p. 120; author interview with LH.

Buddy was being “headstrong”: JBM in RBHS.

would rob him if: G&B, RB, p. 120.

Jerry and Joe B. went to:
p. 121.

“The boys went to: Author interview with LH.

bank account contained $50,000: Denisoff,
p. 62.

knew where he stood: G&B, RB, p. 121.

who revealed that they: Author interview with JA; JA quoted in G&B, RB, p. 121.

“Buddy ain’t ever’thing: Author interview with LH.

could make recording stars: JBM quoted in G&B, RB, p. 121.

calling themselves the Crickets:

they fell for Petty’s blandishments: Author interview with JA, who said, “Really the reason we split was because we decided to stay in Texas. We wouldn’t have decided to stay there but Norman Petty talked us into staying there and working as the Crickets”; author interview with MEH, who said, “Norman convinced them that they did not need Buddy Holly, that they were the Crickets and that they would make it on their own, and that Buddy was not being fair to them. They believed Norman and felt that that was the way to go.”

Buddy’s money locked in: RB, p. 121.

“would produce himself: “NP (Part 3),” p. 6.

“We’ll starve him to: JBM quoted in RB, p. 121.

Buddy called Jerry’s house:

Jerry and Joe B. had not:

“Where’s Jerry and Joe B.?”: Author interview with LH.

“They went over to:

who confronted Petty: NP quoted in G&B, RB, p. 121.

in front of the Crickets: Author interview with MEH.

“We went to Clovis:

“do better”: NP quoted in G&B, RB, p. 121.

“not fit”:

started making fun of her: Author interview with MEH.

“He got mad and told:

“in Spanish.”: RB, p. 119.

“but you don’t know:

Petty demanded an explanation: NP quoted in
p. 121.

it wasn’t what:

asked him if he’d definitely: MEH quoted in

Buddy continued to press: Author interview with MEH.

Petty dropped his bombshell: MEH quoted in G&B, RB, p. 121.

“betrayed,” stabbed in the:
p. 122.

“I said, ‘Well, Norman: Author interview with MEH.

wished the Crickets would: JA quoted in G&B, RB, p. 121.

were going to regret:

welcome to the Crickets’:

“Buddy got real hurt: Author interview with MEH.

give up his singing: LOH and EH quoted in G&B, RB, p. 122.

“Listen, Buddy,”: Author interview with MEH.

“real perturbed and real:

“Of course, everybody knew:

“Really the reason we: Author interview with JA.

“blacks and Mexicans,”: MEH quoted in G&B, RB, p. 134.

loathed Lubbock’s bigoted:


Buddy gave his brother: TGBH.

Buddy remained with Snuff: Snuff Garrett quoted in BG, RM 10, 3/78 (unpaged clipping).

“the station that other stations: BH quoted in BG, RM 19, Spring/83 (unpaged clipping).

to obtain legal counsel: Author interview with MEH.

Apartment 4H: Author interview with MEH.

No. 11 Fifth Avenue: Author interview with BG, who noted the address when he saw a greeting card that Buddy had sent to Lubbock. However, in my interview with MEH, MEH said their New York address was No. 10 Fifth Avenue.

designed by Stanford White: Hahn,
Romantic Rebels,
p. 188.

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