Burn: Outlaw Romance (Hotter Than Hell Book 3) (19 page)

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Authors: Holly S. Roberts

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Burn: Outlaw Romance (Hotter Than Hell Book 3)
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“You think I’ve been here all these years and want to leave now that things are turning around?” She grabs a scrunched up tissue off the table and blows her nose. “I don’t want to talk about that. Tell me why you left Florida and came clear out here. You tryin’ to get yourself dead?”

I don’t understand why she’s stayed here this long but again, just like smoking, it’s her choice. I stand up and pace a few feet away from the table. “I’ve always dreamed of killing Frank, you know that. It’s all I’ve ever had, Lorene.” I look at her and see pity in her eyes. I wrap my arms around myself. “You told me about that little girl he was planning to sell and I couldn’t take anymore. My mom lived in fear of him since the day she got away. He killed her as sure as he killed the babies she carried. I’m twenty-six years old and lived with so much anger all these years.”

“And that’s why you took a shot at Dagger?” she asks.

I grab my head, which is beginning to ache. “I don’t know what came over me. That’s what I mean about the anger. It blinds me. What the fuck is wrong with me, Lorene? I’ve always been this way.” I can pretend only so long and even though we never met in person, Lorene has been the only sanity that I can remember in my life.

“Aw, honey.” She stands up and places her arms around me again. “I hear you’re with Dagger. You deserve someone strong like him to look after you.”

She doesn’t get it. I don’t need anyone looking after me. I’m a head trip with issues that no head shrink could begin to decipher. I can’t explain all that to her, though. “Being with Dagger wasn’t by choice.” Liar, liar pants on fire. I wanted to fuck him. Still want to fuck him. “Getting passed around by the men or sleep with him. What the fuck was I to do?” I have no idea why I’m saying this shit.

Lorene leans away and looks at me. “You keep telling yourself that, Sofia. My man, Curly, says the two of you have the burn.” My face heats and she laughs. “Dagger’s something else and about as hot as they come. Curly’s pretty hot in a middle-aged kind of way, but he don’t hold no candle to Dagger. Never heard a woman complain about sleepin’ with Dagger either. You can’t fool an old horndoggy like me.”

“You don’t get it. He’s forcing me to stay here and phenomenal sex doesn’t change that.”

“Phenomenal, huh?” Her laughter is so loud I’m surprised she doesn’t wake up the women. When it finally dies down, she gives her opinion. “You fucked with the wrong club, girlie. You’re paying the price, and from the way I see it, that price hasn’t ended with you or me six feet under. We need to appreciate that.”

She’ll never understand. “I need to go. I’ll make extra food and bring it over later. How does that sound?” I say without allowing the anger to swell in my voice. It’s not her fault I’m in this predicament.

She walks me outside. I’m halfway to the back door of the clubhouse when she yells, “I’m Red, hun. That’s my name here. Lorene no longer exists.”

Will I exist when this is over?

I enter the kitchen with a lot on my mind. I’m actually mad that my good mood was ruined. Poking through cupboards for pots and pans calms me somewhat and I begin focusing on cooking. I slice the beef I left in the refrigerator yesterday and place it in two large pans. I’m improvising with everything from pan size to cutlery. The kitchen, including the stove, doesn’t have much to offer. I cut up vegetables next, beginning with onions. Dagger walks in and peeks over my shoulder to see what I’m doing.

“I see those aren’t real tears,” he whispers in my ear and places his hands on my ass.

I’m his possession and it pisses me off when my heartrate jacks up at his touch. “Onions get me every time,” I say evenly.

“Whatever you’re making already smells good.” His breath puffs against my neck and he inhales. “You smell good.”

He gently bites my skin and pulls my ass against his hard dick. I wave the knife. “Cooking here. Sharp knife in hand. Man I wanted dead a few days ago is standing too close. Man keeping me prisoner standing too close,” I say testily.

He ignores the knife and kisses the place he just bit. “Woman who can cook, clean, and wield a knife. My dick will stay hard until I fuck you.”

The thrill of his words pools between my thighs. My body betrays me every time he comes around. The anger dissolves. Hell. “Such a romantic. Leave the kitchen or help.”

He slides his hands from my backside. “Believe me, you don’t want my help. I can barely make scrambled eggs.”

My eyes follow him as he walks to the kitchen door and looks at me over his shoulder. “Thanks for coming with me today, princess.”

I’m horny and the best I can do is grunt. He knows exactly what he does to me. I hear his laugher from the other room. I hope his dick stays hard for hours. It will serve him right.



sizeable chunk of money, but I think we should do this right,” I tell the brothers who are gathered around the table. We’ve moved three tables together so all the men can sit and talk comfortably. I want everyone’s input on this. “The permits will take about four weeks if everything runs smoothly. We need to begin ordering building material and have it dropped here so it doesn’t disappear. I have several building plans and need everyone to voice an opinion. We need to know exactly what we want in order to get started.”

Skull is the first to give his input. “We need a bay for repairs, men and women’s bathroom, along with the store area.”

I lay several pages of designs on the table and point to the one I like. “I agree. We might want to consider having another section to possibly rent out. It wouldn’t cost that much extra and we can leave the inside unfinished for whoever rents it. They can handle the buildout.”

“What kind of renter?” Vampire asks.

“I’m not sure. Maybe some kind of fast food place. I think someone will come to us if the space is available.”

Curly stands and walks around the table until he can look over my shoulder at the printouts. “You plan to keep this place legitimate?”

I glance at the men. “Eventually, illegal drugs will land us back in prison. Fox scrambled to keep the cops off our back constantly. Laundering the money is a huge problem too. Until we’re out of the drug business completely, we need a way to show the money. That way everyone who works the store and garage receives a paycheck. I have some ideas for other ways to make us money too. Right now we need to come to a decision about the building.”

Curly picks up the larger building design. “I vote for this one.”

The other men give their approval. I’m gathering up the papers when Rufus and Sofia walk out of the kitchen carrying actual dishware. Our usual is paper plates, so this is kind of nice. We pass around the plates and utensils. Rufus and Sofia head back to the kitchen and a few minutes later bring in bowls and platters of food. Fuck does it smell good.

I glance around the tables and watch the men. If the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, Sofia will win each one of them over. Prison food was the worst food I ever tasted. When I got out, I gained ten pounds before I got my appetite under control.

“I’m taking food over to the women and then I’ll be back to eat with you. I hope someone’s willing to make room for me and Rufus or you can bet your ass I’ll spit in the next meal.”

Bear stands and grabs another chair from behind him. He places it next to his. “Right here, princess. If this tastes as good as it smells, you have a place by me every night.”

They all laugh and I realize Sofia is on her way to being one of us. My heart swells. I told her she almost ruined my plans for the club, but maybe a dose of her Latina smartass is exactly what we need.

She leaves the room with Rufus on her heels. We begin passing around bowls and then start stuffing our faces. The men eat the fajitas and no one complains about the ethnic food. Fox kept everyone in check when it came to anything non-white, even food. Fucking made no sense.

We’re halfway done with the meal when Sofia rejoins us. Rufus pulls up his own chair and I make room for him. I don’t mind Sofia sitting next to Bear. I need him on my side and the men look up to him. He had a bur up his ass and that’s understandable. We’re ex-cons and people like to think that PTSD is fully related to military service. Every man here has a horror story about prison. We drink and party hard enjoying every minute we have outside prison walls. Because, I know, each of us can’t run fast enough from the fear of going back.

“Food’s good,” Bear says between bites.

“Good? After the shit you fed me last night, you call this good?” Sofia challenges.

“Better than good,” he adds.

She laughs and I enjoy watching her. It’s hard to believe she has Fox’s blood running through her veins. She looks over at me and flushes. I like that too. If she were sitting next to me, I’d be fingering her pussy. I’m not sure how she knows that, but she picks up her plate and walks over to Rufus. “Switch places. Bear’s planning to steal my food and I’d hate to stab him with a fork.”

Everyone laughs again. My dick is hard by the time she’s sitting beside me. She continues eating with her right hand and slowly slides her left to my crotch.

Dirty girl.

She knew I’d be hard. The guys start talking about the building and it’s as if Sofia and I are in our own little world. I lean in and whisper, “Best fucking food I’ve ever had.”

Her fingers tighten on my dick. “I’ll give you something better for dessert.”

Two more bites are all I can handle. “You aren’t that hungry are you?” I ask in desperation. I need to sink balls deep in her hot pussy.

She rests her fork on the side of her plate and stands. The guys look over when I stand and follow her.

“If she fucks as good as she cooks, you’re a smart man,” AJ calls out.

I flip the guys the finger and follow my hot Latina. I enter the bedroom a few feet behind her and grab her hips bringing her against my body. “Stop right there,” I say into her hair.

“You sure are bossy.” She moans when I bite her collarbone.

“I know what I want and how I want it. I’ve been thinking about your tight ass all day. I want to shove my dick in and hear you scream,” I whisper between nibbling kisses across her skin. She’s salty with sweat and I love her taste. I reach my hands to the bottom of her tee and draw it up and off. Her bra is next. This leaves her in skimpy shorts and panties. I move my hands back to her ass. God, it’s perfect. I shove the elastic waist of her shorts down, taking the panties with them as I drop to my knees. She steps out of her shoes and kicks them aside. I slide my fingers along the crevice of her ass and smile when I hear her suck in air. My tongue follows my fingers as I lick a slick path down the seam of her ass cheeks.

“Fuck, I can’t stand up,” she moans.

I give her a hard shove and she falls face first on the bed. “Stay there,” I tell her as I step two feet back and slam the door. “I’m going to fuck you just like that.”

“Please tell me you have lube,” she groans against the sheets while I divest myself of clothes. I have no lube but once we get started I think she’ll forgive me.

I kneel down and separate her ass cheeks. They feel so damn good in my hands, and I massage her while I check out her dark hole. Not that I can really see anything but puckered skin. Fuck she’s beautiful here. This morning my thumb told me how tight she is. I lean in and lick one ass cheek before sinking my teeth into her wicked flesh.

The groan that escapes her is half pain, half desire. “My naughty, naughty princess,” I whisper as my tongue swirls across the teeth marks. Fuck I love her ass. I slip my finger lower to her pussy and slide through the wetness I knew was waiting for me. I glide my wet finger upward to her ass and circle it around the entrance. I add more of her silky heat before flicking my tongue over the hole.

She cries out and her fingers dig into the mattress.

I rise up and position myself above her and then sink into her pussy. She lets out a growl of frustration and I half groan, half laugh as I slowly slide in and out. She’s tight and wet. I need wet. I strain to keep it slow until her pussy floods with silky lube. I pull out and move my dick to the only hole I’m interested in right now. I gather more wetness on my fingers and slide one in.

“God, oh God,” she moans.

I work another finger in and her words become unclear. I slap my dick against her ass cheek as I slide my fingers in and out.

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