Burning Desires (Blue Bandits MC Book 4) (35 page)

BOOK: Burning Desires (Blue Bandits MC Book 4)
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Reaper had called him several weeks ago with Blade’s request and he’d agreed to meet the man alone but told him he would decide when and where. Blade had quickly agreed. After Reaper’s second call to him about Reaper’s gut telling him it was possibly a trap, he’d chosen to set the meet here because there were three exits and one window he could fit through if shit hit the fan. Death trusted Reaper’s feelings and maybe he’d been right because Blade hadn’t showed.

Rubbing the back of his neck hoping to release the tension there, he leaned back on the bar still watching the door. It was about time for him to get out of here; he had waited long enough for Blade to show. Death drank the last of his beer and set the bottle back on the bar.

Digging in his pocket for some credits, he heard the door open and glanced towards it. He saw a pretty brunette in a green dress that fell to her mid thighs step into the bar. The dress was cut low in a deep fitted V that showed off her moderately large cleavage; the skirt was flared and when she moved it swayed back and forth across her sleek thighs. Her waist wasn’t skinny but she wasn’t heavy either, just womanly. Something about her drew his attention strongly and unexpectedly he was transfixed, his gaze following her as she shifted slightly. 

At first he thought that she was the type of woman you would see in a place like this but as he watched her, his assessment changed. He thought that she was the type of woman who knew the score and didn’t mind a good hard fuck, but the way she held her body seemed off. He noted how she seemed to look around as if searching for someone but by the way her fingers worried the hem of her dress, he could tell she wasn’t used to wearing revealing clothing. Death tilted his head watching her, trying to put his finger on why he seemed fixated on her.

She stiffened her shoulders, her eyes moving over to the bar before she moved in his direction. When she neared, he thought she would sit down on the stool next to him but she kept going past him, sitting three stools down. Death sat back down on his own stool now with one eye trained on her. She wiggled a little and raised her hand for the barkeep, who moved towards her.

“What’ll you have?” the bartender, a husky man in his early forties with a thick beard and a bald head, asked her.

“A whiskey please,” she replied and Death felt her husky, almost shaky voice send a hard rush of desire to his cock. He knew what it was about her that drew him then. It was her lack of carnal knowledge. No woman who spoke like that and worried the hem on her garment was experienced enough to handle a place like this and men like him.

A man was already advancing on her but he caught his attention and tapped his gun, shaking his head. The man stared at him for a long moment before nodding and moving away. The woman was still shifting awkwardly on the stool and didn’t notice the man or his warning him away, which let him know he was right about her being inexperienced. Death observed her lift the drink the bartender had set in front of her and take a large gulp, her cheeks pinking a little as she set it back on the bar. It was obvious that she didn’t drink much when she coughed a little and Death tapped the bar, letting the bartender know that he wanted another beer.

He waited to see what she would do next, his whole focus on her now. He would bet that she was the straight-laced type who wanted a bit of a walk on the wild side. She likely didn’t know the dangers of what she was doing in coming here tonight but he did. If she chickened out at some point most of the men who frequented this place wouldn’t be allowing her to just walk away, which was why he would have to be the man she left with, Death decided.

Death told himself as he gazed at her, his hand lifting the beer he’d just ordered to his lips and taking a long swig before setting it back down, that it had nothing to do with his hardened cock or the desire that now thrummed through him. She leaned back, her eyes casting around the room and landing on several men before coming back to him. She smiled tentatively at him then turned back to her whiskey.

Death stood and she glanced at him, her face falling slightly when he tossed credits on the bar for his drinks. He saw her finger sliding around the top of her glass and thought perhaps she was worried he would leave and she’d be stuck with the other offerings in the bar for bed partners. He wasn’t conceited, he just knew that the men who were here tonight weren’t very good looking and many of them didn’t bath frequently. An inexperienced woman like her wouldn’t want to be with those types of men.

He moved towards her to stand close behind her, watching as she pulled a tube of lip gloss from her bag and began applying it to her lips. It made them glisten when she turned to look at him behind her when his hand landed on the bar near her.

“You want to go home with me?” Death asked softly. His mind was made up and if she was here for the reasons he suspected, it would be easer for her to just get the show on the road so to speak rather than make her wade through awkward conversation that might make her more nervous than she already was. Her eyes widened and she looked him up and down, her cheeks suddenly pink, and she glanced around before she nodded hesitantly. She slid off the stool to stand next to him.

“You don’t want to finish your drink?” he asked, thinking she might need the liquid courage it would give her to walk out of here with him. She glanced at the drink as she shoved the lip gloss back into her purse and shook her head. Death nodded; if she was ready then they were out of here. He took her arm guiding her towards the door with his hand cupping her elbow. She seemed a little scared and her arm trembled where he held it, making him grin.

Once they were outside he tugged her towards his bike but she hesitated, pulling at her arm, and he released it to turn and face her. She was nervously running her fingers along the hem of her dress again, her hand clutching her purse.

“You change your mind, sugar?” he asked, hoping that she hadn’t because his cock was throbbing with his need to take her now that he was almost to his goal.

“No,” she huskily replied and he felt the word in his groin. Fuck, her voice was sexy.

Death waited to see what else she would say or do. They were standing near the alley and she glanced into it as if afraid someone was going to jump out at them. Death watched her as she stepped toward him, her hands on his upper arms as she moved closer. Death realized she wanted to kiss him when she stood on her tiptoes, her body pressing against his.

Leaning forward, he pulled her closer, his hands on her waist, ready to give her exactly what she wanted. He pressed his mouth to hers, his tongue having to run over her lips, but she didn’t open hers for him. Death pulled back, looking down at her wondering suddenly if she was completely innocent, like as in a virgin, because that kiss was not one even an inexperienced woman would have given unless she’d never been kissed before. Death felt a little disoriented suddenly as he stared at her and his hands caught her arms as she frowned at him.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered and Death wondered why she was apologizing to him. He didn’t care if she was a virgin, if she was willing he would fuck her. His head felt heavy and his arms seemed to be becoming limp and kind of unresponsive. His knees gave out and he was suddenly kneeling on the pavement, her arms still clutched in his hands as he stared at her in shock. His hands fell away from her arms as they stopped working completely.

Fuck, she’d just drugged him. How the fuck had she done it, he wondered? She was wiping her lips with a cloth she’d removed from her purse and suddenly the tube of lip gloss popped into his head and he wanted to yell but he was already too disoriented to do so.

He did manage to utter coldly, “You fucking bitch.”

“Death, Death, my dear boy. I bet you’re wishing now that you weren’t so keen on being a white knight for Becky’s damsel in distress, aren’t you,” Blade said, stepping out of the alley.

“You don’t have to be so cruel about it,” Becky snapped at him, but he ignored her.

Death wanted to hit him but his arms still wouldn’t work and his body was becoming heavy as he watched Blade move closer. His head spun as the drug took more control over his body and he shifted forwards, headed towards the hard concrete.




Burner rolled over, careful not to jostle Kelsey too much as he picked up his phone from the nightstand, sitting up on the edge of the bed. He glanced at her, seeing her red hair spread across the pillows and the soft look on her face as she slept peacefully, and a feeling of satisfaction ran through him. Having Kelsey in his life was making the scars he’d held so tightly hidden begin to fade. They would never be gone but she managed to sooth them even when he hadn’t told her some of the heavier burdens he bore. He knew that he wanted to spend the rest of his life making her happy because she was perfect. She brought him out of the dark corner he thought he would never leave and over the past few weeks with her he saw another man emerging. A man he could be proud of, one who would be good to her and any children they may decide to have in the future.

Turning away, he answered his phone knowing that if Reaper was calling him at two am it was important.

“Yeah,” he said softly, not wanting to wake Kelsey.

“We have a problem. Death went to meet Blade alone and he hasn’t shown back up. He went to the meet at five this evening and it’s two. Max has been to the bar and found his bike and his phone there but there isn’t any sign of him. The bartender said he left with a woman but no one there had ever seen her before,” Reaper informed him.

“Fuck, how did this even happen?” Burner asked, feeling a dark fury burning inside him. “Even if it involved a woman, we both know he’s damned good at getting out of sticky situations. He always has a backup plan for his backup plan.”

“Yeah, but the fact remains that he wouldn’t have left either his bike or his phone at that place. Damn, I told him not to go by himself,” Reaper muttered, likely pulling on his hair in agitation. Burner ran a hand over his face, his mind racing as he worried their friend was already dead.

“Shit, I’ll see what I can find out from my contacts.”

“They better keep him alive or I will raze that club to the ground. Nobody fucks with the Blue Bandits this way. Work your contacts and let me know what you find out.”

“All right, will do.” Burner hung up, letting out a hissing curse.

“What’s wrong?” Kelsey asked sleepily.

Burner turned to see her sitting up slightly, her bare breasts revealed by the shift in position drawing his gaze to their perfection. His hands reached out to cup them, his thumbs sliding over the tips as he leaned down to place a light kiss on her lips.

“Nothing, baby. Everything is fine, just go back to sleep, okay,” Burner whispered as he pulled away from her.

“You sure? I might be able to help,” Kelsey said, her hands running over his chest in a light caress.

“I’m sure, babe. Just try to go back to sleep. It’s just some club business and I will have to make some phone calls. I might even need to take a ride. Do you want me to come back in and let you know if I do?” Burner was still rubbing his fingers over her nipples, feeling their hard tips poke at him. He couldn’t help leaning forward and covering one with his mouth, making her moan softly. He lifted his head, seeing her nod.

“Okay, then I will. Now go back to sleep.” He pulled away from her, grabbing his phone off the bed where he’d laid it.

“You tease me like that and then tell me to go back to sleep? You’re an evil man. Go take care of whatever it is and then come back to bed. I’m feeling a bit neglected and need some attention,” Kelsey whispered, making him wish what he needed to do wasn’t so damned important so he could crawl back under the covers and make love to her again. 

Getting up before he gave in to the temptation to stay, he growled, “I will, but you try to get some sleep, okay.”

“Okay,” Kelsey said and before he left the room he saw her snuggle into his pillow with a little sigh and close her eyes. Damn, that woman had a hold of his heart and he was damned glad he hadn’t fucked it up like he’d tried so hard to do. Otherwise this happy feeling inside him that was starting to grow wouldn’t even be a seed and that would have been just tragic.




Other Works








Blue Bandits MC


Reaper Unleashed

Book 1: Reaper and Sarah’s story

Out now at Amazon


Animal Passions

Book 2: Animal and Sammy’s story

Out now at Amazon


Melted Iron

Book 3: Iron and Roz’s story

Out now at Amazon


Death Ride

Book 4: Death and Amber’s story

Out Summer 2016

BOOK: Burning Desires (Blue Bandits MC Book 4)
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