Read Burning Up Online

Authors: Marie Coulson

Tags: #Romance, #Adult

Burning Up (12 page)

BOOK: Burning Up
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Chapter 10
Familiar Feeling



Lifting my head from the pillow, I looked at the clock through blurred vision. Dinner the previous night had started out like any other family meal
, but after Mel decided we should all head to Benny’s for a night-cap, the rest of the night was pretty vague.

I r
olled on to my back and groaned, and I heard a soft ringing. At first I ignored it, pretty certain that it was the pounding in my head echoing in my ears, but it grew louder and I realized it was my phone.

Dropping my hand to the side of the bed, I fumbled around in my bag for the damn thing
, and without checking the caller I.D, I answered.

“Hello?” I murmured.

“Where the hell are you?”

this was just what I needed, a raging hangover and a pissed off Jared.

“In bed. And my
before you ask another stupid question.”

Uh oh.

“Very funny, Layla. You should watch that mouth of yours before it gets you in to even more trouble. I called the house
, and you didn’t answer. Then, I called Daniel, and he told me you refused to go there. Care to explain?”

“Not really but I’m sure you’ll only hound me until I do.”

“Layla, I’m losing my patience. I’ve been out of my mind with worry. Stop fucking around, giving me a dose of your smart mouth, and tell me what’s going on.”

I r
olled my eyes, irritated by his demanding tone, and I sat up and groaned loudly.

“I’m at home.
home. I decided to stay with my folks. I know you wanted me to go to the house where you could keep track of me, but I really don’t require a babysitter. Last night I went for dinner with my family and then hit the bar with Mel and Amy where we got extremely drunk and danced our asses off. I returned home, to my own bed, stripped down to my undies and slept all night. Anything else you need to know? Maybe what brand of toothpaste I will be using this morning, Mr. Garrett?”

He growled deeply. “So, once again, Layla Jennings simply cannot do as she’s told. Shocker.”

His sarcasm fueled my anger. I was tired, hungry, and in no mood for his attitude.

“I will
do as I’m told. When are you going to learn that? Like I told Daniel, I survived perfectly well before you came along. I think I can make it through a week without falling down a manhole or breaking anyone’s nose …”

I had to press my lips together tightly to stop the snort of laughter that was dying to escape.

“Hilarious, Layla. Do you enjoy torturing me? Not only do you disappear from the radar, but you and your equally underage friends go drinking where anything could have happened to you and then you tell me that you stripped off all of your clothes, and therefore leave me totally focused on your current half naked state. I am completely unable to remove the image from my mind and I have a meeting in less than fifteen minutes.”

I grinned with satisfaction. “What a shame. Well, have a good meeting.”

Throwing the dirty little tactic he had employed at the airport back at him, I bit my lip in anticipation of his next move.

“Touché, Miss Jennings. Touché. Now, enough games
… tell me about this underwear.”

Swinging my legs out of the bed, I stared at myself in the mirror
that hung on the door of my closet. What a mess. My makeup was smeared, my hair resembled that of a scarecrow, and I had a strange bruise on my elbow. But he didn’t need to know that.

“White cotton panties and a bra.”

There was a moment of silence. “Tell me more about this bra.”

lfully slipping off my underwear with one hand, I made my way to the bathroom and began to run a bath.

“I can’t I’m afraid, Mr. Garrett. You see, I just took it all off.”

He groaned. “You’re toying with me, right?”

“I guess you’ll never know. Have a good evening. I miss you.”

He grunted loudly in frustration. “Layla Jennings, you are a dirty little tease, and I will get you for that. Have no doubt. I miss you even harder now. Much, much harder. Behave while I’m gone. I’ll call you later. And, Layla, I love you.”

Smiling, I sighed with content. “I love you
, too.”

Jared’s protective streak was beginning to weigh on me. It was one thing to be concerned but another to be checking up and getting Daniel to watch my every move. I was perfectly capable of existing without the aid of a bodyguard. Sliding into the bath, I examined the bruise on my elbow. Well, not a body guard
, but maybe a minder as I still couldn’t work out exactly how I’d obtained my injury. Shrugging it off, I immersed myself in the hot water and let the tension, marathon drinking session, and inevitable conversation with my mother about my antics, wash off of me.


* * * *


Walking into Lorraine’s gave me the same satisfied feeling I’d felt when I’d pulled into my driveway. I was home. The smell of vanilla, coffee, cinnamon, and cream washed over me and I inhaled it deeply; reveling in the sweet memories. Looking around, I grinned as my eyes fell on the couch in the center of the shop floor.

Still beaming, I approached the counter and waited in line to be served. Peering around the guy in front, I saw what the holdup was. Kate was working like a crazy woman. The shop was currently coping with the morning rush of commuters, and the poor girl was the only person working. The morning shift was usually Kate’s and mine. I missed working, I missed the shop, and I missed Kate. Walking around the line, I breezed around the counter, dumped my bag, and grabbed an apron. Kate swiveled around on her heel and was just about to give me a serious telling off when I pulled my hair back, turned, and gave her a wink. Realizing that I was, in fact, the intruder, Kate immediately dropped everything and pulled me into a warm hug. With the amount of hugs I’d received in the past two days, I was well on my way to being classified officially as a stuffed bear.

“Excuse me, miss? I don’t have all day, you know!”

Releasing me and spinning around, Kate glared at the clearly irritated businessman standing at the counter with his half completed latte.

“So? Leave. Don’t let me keep you!”

Hiding my amusement, I grabbed a cup from the stack, hit the button on the machine and a hot, frothy latte began pouring into the thick-brimmed, grande cup. Handing it to the guy I gave him my sweetest smile. The fact that Kate flipped him off as he turned around was irrelevant.

“I know we need to catch up and we totally will but right now, the line is almost to the door. Let me help and I promise to tell you everything!” I offered.

Fisting her hands on her hips, Kate nodded enthusiastically.

“Thank you! You’re a lifesaver!”

An hour later, the rush was over and the shop resumed its usual quiet state. A few college students were all that remained. Seizing the opportunity, Kate grabbed my elbow and dragged me to the empty couch.

“What are you doing here? Girl, I have missed you like crazy! Are you back for good? Tell me you’re back for good!”

I shook my head ruefully. “Sorry, sweetie. I’m just here for a week. Jared had to go to Paris early, so he arranged for me to fly home for a visit before Europe.”

She squealed with excitement. “That guy is amazing. You really hit the jackpot with that one. Rich, handsome,
romantic. Not to mention that he loves you to your very bones! Why can’t I find one of those? Got a spare lying around?”

I chuckled lightly. “Sorry. He’s one of a kind I guess.”

Biting her lip, Kate gave me a look that told me she was dying to ask the one question I knew we wouldn’t be able to avoid.

“I texted him. I know that’s what you wanna know. You wanna know about Ollie. Well, I do, too. We haven’t spoken at all since I texted him. I told him that I was sorry and that I chose Jared. I know it was cold, heartless, and totally cowardly, but what else could I do? Anyway, he probably hates me. Layla Jennings is enemy number one.”

Kate placed her arm gently around my shoulders and rested her head against mine. “Why don’t you call him? Or go and see him? Try and make things right. It seems so sad that a whole friendship dies, too.”

I snorted a laugh. “Kate, I cheated on him, dumped him, told him I loved him, and then chose another man. Would you wanna see me right now? I wouldn’t. No, we’re better off this way. I don’t want to hurt him any worse than I already have.”

She sighed heavily. “Well, I don’t think he’s the delicate and fragile broken heart you think he is. In fact, I bet he’s probably more pissed than devastated. Where there’s anger, there’s feeling, and if you have that, there’s also hope. Think about it. Anyway, I should get back to work, but please say we’ll hang out before you leave.”

Smiling, I pecked her on the cheek. “Of course we will.”

Giving me another quick hug, she stood and walked back behind the counter. Pulling out my cell phone, I dialed Amy, but it diverted to voicemail. The same happened when I called Mel. Hunting through my bag, I pulled out the small piece of paper with the address of their new apartment on it and searched for the location via the internet on my cell. It was only a short walk away, so giving Kate a quick wave, I headed out and began the journey to Mel and Amy’s place.


* * * *


Gazing up at the enormous building, I stared wide-eyed. Amy’s father sure did love his little princess because this place must have cost a fortune. The building was window-to-window tinted glass with a white trim.

The main entrance was also as elegant. It was modern and stylish. It was definitely very Amy-esque.

Walking through the large lobby, I strolled up to the desk and smiled at the attendant. Peering over his thick black- rimmed glasses, the grey-haired man gave me an equally welcoming smile.

“Hi, I’m visiting Amy Brookes.”

“Is she expecting you?”

I shook my head gently. “No, I don’t think so.”

Raising an eyebrow, he picked up the phone receiver on the desk and dialed.

“I’ll call up for you and get someone to come and confirm your access, dear. One moment. Hello? Ah, hello. I have a young woman here who is asking for entry, could you please come and confirm that she is authorized. Thank you.”

Replacing the receiver, he shot me a wink. “On the way.”

sighed and stepped away as I began looking around the huge room. The floor was a beige marble and the walls were magnolia. Three paintings hung on the walls. Two of them I didn’t recognize, but the one on the far wall was one of my favorites. Walking past the marble staircase, I moved closer to examine the piece. Monet’s water lilies were a truly beautiful painting. I was so caught up in the splendor of it when I heard footsteps descending the stairs at a brisk pace.

“Okay, which one of you idiots forgot your key? I’m supposed to be painting your place and you drag me away because you’re so freaking absent minded. It’s never gonna be

Spinning around, my breath caught in my lungs. Standing a few meters away
, his jeans covered in white spots of paint, and his long dark hair speckled with it also, was Ollie. He stared back at me, frozen, and clearly shocked. Raking his fingers through his hair, he bit his lip, and I could see the metal of his lip ring gleaming as his teeth scratched it. Neither of us moving, speaking, or it seemed even breathing. I tried to smile, but he continued to simply gaze at me.

I don’t know what I expected
, but the way he was staring at me with those deep brown eyes was making my insides heat. My voice shook and my breathing became shallow as I forced words from my mouth.

“Hello, Ollie. How’ve you been?”

His eyebrows furrowed and he snorted at me.

“You have to be fucking kidding me. Do you seriously expect me to answer that? How the fuck do you think I’ve been?!”

His fingers raked through his thick dark hair again, and I could see the anger on his face as he turned away from me.

“Fuck, Layla!”

A lump began to form in my throat. I’d never seen Ollie like this, but didn’t I deserve it? I walked over slowly and placed my hand on his shoulder, gently. Shrugging it away as though it burnt him, Ollie snapped at me.

“Don’t. Don’t you fucking dare. Do you have any idea what you’re doing to me just being here right now?”

I choked back the tears that were begging for release.

“Ollie, I
… I’m so sorry. Please talk to me. Please don’t hate me like this.”

Turning to face me, he laughed.

“You’re sorry? You’re sorry!? You told me you love me, then, clawed out my fucking heart and tossed it in a wood chipper! And the best part? You did it in a text! What the fuck!? And I’m supposed to what? Open my arms, hold you close, and say there, there, it’s okay? Fuck no!”

BOOK: Burning Up
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