Read Burning Up Online

Authors: Marie Coulson

Tags: #Romance, #Adult

Burning Up (18 page)

BOOK: Burning Up
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I gripped the side of the pool and lifted myself out. I wrapped myself in a towel and walked back over to the lounger. Jared swam lazily to the side and rested his arms on the edge of the pool.

“Is that a yes?”

Laying in the sun, I glanced over at him and shrugged.

“I guess we’ll see.”

Opening his mouth to no doubt give me one of his signature cocky responses, Jared was silenced by a frantic looking Daniel rushing through the villa doors. Quickly getting out of the pool, Jared scanned him from head to toe as I swiveled around and watched them both. Daniel was panting and clutching his cell phone tightly.

“What? What is it?” Jared demanded.

Holding himself up against the door frame, Daniel handed Jared his phone.

“Lucy. She’s in labor.”

Wide-eyed, Jared looked at me with panic. Calm and collected, I stood, grabbed the phone from his hand and walked into the villa. Dialing Lorraine, I rolled my eyes as the two men paced back and forth across the living room.

“Hi? Lorraine?”


“Yeah, it’s me. We just got a message that Lucy’s in labor. Is she okay? What’s happening?”

“Everything is just fine. It’s only just started and this could take hours. The pain has her climbing the walls, but between contractions, she’s just fine. Is Jared completely losing it?”

I glanced over and smiled to myself as Jared raked his fingers through his golden hair.

“A little.”

Lorraine chuckled on the other end of the phone. “And Daniel? Suitably concerned also?”

She knew them well. “Of course. Tell Lucy that we’ll be on the next flight home and give her our love. Keep us updated as much as you can.”

“Of course. No rush. Try and calm him down, too, before he arrives and starts throwing his orders around.”

I rolled my eyes as Jared pulled his cell phone from his jacket pocket that was hanging over the back of the dining chair. He was calling the hospital to ensure Lucy had a private suite, and then promptly called the airport to arrange our flight.

“Too late, Lorraine. Sorry.”

She sighed. “It figures. Okay. I guess we’ll see you all soon. Take care, sweetheart.”

I smiled at the term of endearment. “We will.”

Hanging up, I tossed the phone to Daniel, who along with Jared, stared at me expectantly.

“Well!?” They yelled in unison.

“She’s fine. Her labor only just started. It could be several hours before anything really happens.”

Jared let out a long breath. His pants were soaked and dripping water all over the marble floor. I clearly needed to take charge of the situation.

“Daniel, you bring the car around and meet us out front in ten minutes? We’ll pack and meet you down there.”

He nodded and shot Jared a worried look. Why do man panic so much? Women had been having babies for centuries after all.

I took Jared’s hands in mine and kissed his cheek. His eyes were full of anxiety, but staring into mine, I could see I had his attention.

“Jared, go and get changed. Try not to worry so much.”

He shook his head. “She’s my sister. She’s the only family I have, and I will always worry about her.”

I nodded in agreement. “Well right now, she needs you to pack your cases and get on a plane.”

Dragging him behind me, I made my way to the bedroom and pulled out his case. Slowly, he began to come back to Earth, and throwing his things into his case, he mumbled to himself. This was going to be a long trip home.


Chapter 16
Green, Green, Grass Of Home



Gazing out of the small window, I smiled as the plane touched down on American soil once again. It felt as though I hadn’t been there for years rather than months. Beside me, Jared shifted anxiously and reached for his safety belt. Placing my hand on his, I shook my head. Seeing him so worked up and worried was still foreign to me. Jared liked control. He needed it. I had my own suspicions as to why, but felt it was best to keep them to myself.

“What time is it? Where’s my cell? Daniel, call Lorraine.”

Daniel began fumbling in the inside pocket of his jacket as he sat opposite us. I rolled my eyes.

“Will you both calm down?”

We were in the air for over ten hours. Due to my own superstitions about having cell phones switched on when flying, I’d made both Daniel and Jared go tech-free for the entire flight. It earned me a hard stare from them both, and we all spent the hours looking out of the window and mindlessly flicking through the magazines on board. I was glad I remembered my e-reader. Drowning myself in a series about a sweet paramedic who gets caught in a love triangle, I thought about my own triangle. I knew her pain all too well.

Pulling out my own cell phone, I dialed Lorraine. Both men were watching me like a hawk.

“Hi, Lorraine?”

“Layla! Have you landed? All safe and sound?”

I smiled. “We just touched down in L.A. What’s happening?”

She let out a long sigh. “Not much. Poor girl isn’t even half way there. She’s got pain relief, but I think this is all coming as quite a shock to her.”

I bit my lip anxiously and looked at Jared. His eyes widened and he immediately took the phone from my hand. I protested, but it fell on deaf ears.

“Lorraine, it’s Jared. Which hospital are you at? I see. We’ll be there in fifteen minutes.”

Hanging up, he unclipped his seatbelt before reaching over and doing the same to mine. Taking my hand, he pulled me from my seat and strode fast to the exit door where Daniel was already waiting. Walking down the stairs, I panted as I tried to keep up with Jared. He was frantic.

“Will you please calm down? She’s fine!”

Turning sharply on his heel, Jared gripped my arms tightly.

“Anything can happen, Layla.”

I shook my head and tried to reassure him. “Jared, she’s at the hospital. The doctors know what they’re doing.”

“It’s not the doctors I’m worried about! Have you forgotten whose baby that is!?”

The realization suddenly dawned on me. Jared wasn’t worried about her medical care; he was worried about her security.

“Why would Felix suddenly turn up now? How would he even know?”

Jared let go of my arms and raked his fingers through his hair. “I don’t know, but I can’t take that risk.”

Daniel hurried past us and ran over to the Mercedes  waiting just a few feet away. Opening the passenger door, he gestured for us both to get in. I didn’t hesitate. Knowing what I did about Felix, Jared had every reason to be anxious.


* * * *


Elliot Jared Garrett weighed in at an impressive seven pounds and six ounces a little after eleven at night. He was all red, screaming, and had the slightest wisp of blonde hair. Lucy was a champion. Her brother, however, was almost in pieces the entire time we had been at the hospital, pacing back and forth, up and down the hallway. They made me dizzy. When we finally heard the beautiful sound of the baby crying, I swear I saw Jared’s heart finally swallow back down into his chest. As he held the tiny little boy in his arms, it was hard not to stare. Even Lorraine was beaming as two generations of Garrett men stood before us all. Lucy was crying softly and sliding my arm around her shoulder, I kissed her forehead gently.

“You did great, Lucy.”

She smiled and rested her head against mine. “He has no idea of the life he is about to start. Always looking over our shoulder, waiting for that knock on the door from the man who will hold a damn sword over my head forever.”

I frowned slightly. She wasn’t wrong. Felix was exactly the type of man to come back and haunt us all, especially if he ever discovered that Lucy was Jared’s sister. Tapping gently on the door behind us, Daniel coughed lightly. Lucy jumped a little, but seeing his face, her own lit up like a child at Christmas. Looking from one to the other quickly, one thing suddenly became very obvious … Daniel and Lucy had it bad! Of course, it was no surprise. He’d been spending most of his time taking care of her and ensuring her safety. I knew they’d been spending a lot of time together, and I’d truly hoped something of a spark might ignite. I was unsure how deep into the fire they had gotten yet, but I was fairly confident that they were both ready to be scorched. I glanced over at Jared and was relieved to see he hadn’t noticed them. That’s all they needed, the big brother getting in their way.

Taking her grandson from Jared, Lorraine grinned and spoke to the tiny baby in her arms. “I can’t wait to get the two of you home to grandma’s house. It’s going to be wonderful having a baby around again.”

Lucy gave Jared a pleading look, but he ignored her. Her attention fell on me, and I couldn’t help but feel sorry for the girl. “Actually, Jared, I was thinking Lucy and the baby could move into the house.”

All eyes darted to me. Swallowing hard, I continued. “I mean, we’re not there and the security system could rival the Pentagon.”

Jared shook his head. “No. The security system is one thing, but Lucy needs someone who can be there to help her and make sure everything is taken care of. Who will take her grocery shopping etcetera?”

I smiled and taking him by the arm, I pulled Daniel from the door into the center of the room. “Daniel will.”

“I will!?” he spluttered.

“You will,” I repeated.

Jared eyed me suspiciously. “And what about

I shrugged. “I already have a man watching my every move. I don’t need his friend doing it, too. Besides, I can take care of myself.”

Lorraine shot me a wink from behind Jared. “I think it’s a wonderful idea, Jared. Lucy gets her independence and you get to stop worrying about everyone’s safety.”

Holding his palms over his face, Jared sighed heavily before crossing his arms over his chest.

“I’m not going to win at this, am I?”

Lucy and I shook our heads. “No,” we said in unison.

Holding his hands in the air, Jared conceded.

“Fine. If that’s what you want, but I’m having the security system updated before we leave for New York. And, Daniel, I want both cars to have a complete overhaul to check for any damage or possible problems. Understood?”

Daniel nodded as Lucy gazed up at him. “Absolutely. I swear you have my total devotion in this.”

I bet he does! In fact, I’d bet he’d walk across hot coals for Lucy!

“Great, it’s settled then.”

Walking over to Jared, I took his hand in mine and smiled. “We should go and leave Lucy and the baby to get to know each other a little better. Besides, I’m sure Daniel would love to meet the little guy that he’s going to be babysitting for the next few months.”

Not to mention, he could have some alone time with the two most important people in his life now. Kissing Lucy and Lorraine goodbye, Jared and I left them and headed out to the parking lot and hailed a cab. As we pulled up outside the Garrett mansion, my heart leapt. But that was nothing compared to how I felt as I stepped inside the house. I hadn’t been back since that night with Felix. Walking through the enormous entrance hallway, a thousand memories came flooding back. My eye caught the glass dining table in the room across from where I was standing and I smiled. Standing behind me, Jared wound his arms around my waist and breathed into my ear.

“You have a look on your face that suggests you’re thinking about something very naughty. Don’t keep it to yourself.”

I leaned my head back on his shoulder and kissed him deeply.

“I’m sure you don’t need reminding, Mr. Garrett. After all, you were there.”

The corner of his mouth curved upward and the tip of his nose brushed mine. “Oh, Layla. We have three days before I have to be in New York, and I count at least seven places that I have yet to fuck you on, against, and under. I think I’ll start with right here in the hallway.”

Spinning me around, he urged me backward till my back pressed against the rail of the staircase. Grasping my wrists, he lifted them swiftly above my head and held them firmly in one hand. The other dove into his jacket pocket and quickly produced a red silk restraint. How long had he had that in there? Grinning, he slid it playfully over the rounded curves of my cleavage before trailing it up my neck, arms and tying it gently around my wrists. I was bound and tied to the railing of the staircase. Pulling and wriggling, I gasped as Jared’s hand plunged into the front of my jeans.

“Why are you trying to get yourself loose? We both know that you are exactly where you want to be, my lady.”

The sound of those words, my lady, sent a shiver down my spine. It felt like a lifetime had passed since I’d last heard him whisper those words to me.

“You want this, Layla. Don’t fight. Let me do this. I’m going to make you moan, cry, and scream with pleasure in a way you have never experienced before.”

I closed my eyes and bit my lip as his hand slipped between the fold of my sex, rubbing and teasing my throbbing clit.

“Do you trust me?” he whispered.

I couldn’t form words. His fingers pressed gently on my clit, and his thumb was moving temptingly in and out of my sex.

Halting his movements, he repeated himself. “I asked you a question. Do you trust me?”

I writhed and pulled on my restraints, trying desperately to get some friction from his hand, but he simply withdrew his hand enough so that I was left wanting and desperate.

“Yes!” I cried in frustration.

Smiling, he kissed me. He thrust his tongue into my mouth searching for mine. He tasted like coffee and vanilla, and I was immediately taken back to the first time we had sex. Gripping the back of the couch, grinding my hips on his, it was intoxicating.

“You’re thinking naughty thoughts.”

I opened my eyes and stared at him. He thrust his finger inside me and then quickly withdrew it and swept it across his bottom lip. I could see the slick wetness as his tongue licked up every last drop. “You taste wonderful. It makes leaving you here even harder.”

What!? I gave him a confused and worried look. “You’re leaving me here?”

He shook his head and placed a gentle peck on my cheek. “Only for a moment. I promise.”

Rounding the staircase, he ran up taking two steps at a time. He had a spring in his step, and I could only imagine what it was that he had planned for me that was giving him such enjoyment. I soon got my answer. Walking back down slowly, I could hear a swooshing sound and an odd clanking. Standing in front of me, Jared smiled wickedly. In one hand, he grasped a black leather paddle with a heart on the rounded end. In the other hand was a long silver pole with straps attached. Holding it up, he raised an eyebrow at me.

“Do you know what this is?”

I shook my head.

“It’s a spreader bar, Layla. It’s designed to keep you in place and still. I’m going to strap it to your ankles. It won’t hurt.”

I swallowed hard. “Okay” I said, my voice a little horse.

“And I don’t need to explain what this is for, surely,” he practically purred as he swatted the paddle in the air.

I shook my head. “I know what it is. What I want to know is how good you are at using it.”

My mouth was running away with me. Where did that come from? I was provoking him, and I had no idea why. I had never been so bold when it came to our sex toys. Jared’s eyes widened, and dropping to his knees, he quickly ripped off my jeans and strapped the spreader bar to my ankles. Standing up, he grabbed me by the hips and forcefully spun me around to face the stairs. His fingertips traced the hem of my black lace panties. I bit my lip to stop myself from teasing him further. His shirt fell to the floor beside me, followed by his pants. I wanted to see him. Knowing he was naked and I was completely unable to touch him was punishment enough. His hand slid from my ass and underneath the front of my shirt. He palmed my breast while the other hand tore the fabric and my buttons pinged off in different directions. He continued to tear and rip my shirt until it fell from my body into a heap on the floor.

“You’re quite the vandal, Mr. Garrett. So rough.”

Jared chuckled behind me. “I’m about to show you just how rough I can be.”

Standing behind me, he held my chin gently in his hand and spoke into my ear. “Look straight ahead. You see that mirror?”

I stared through the railings, and across the hall, there hung a stunning full length, golden-framed mirror. I nodded slowly.

“Good. I don’t want you to take your eyes off of it. I want you to watch yourself enjoy this. I want you to see yourself ache and need me. I want you to look into your own eyes as you come, calling my name. Understand?”

BOOK: Burning Up
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