Burnt (26 page)

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Authors: Natasha Thomas

BOOK: Burnt
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I lay down beside her and pull her into my arms, taking a deep breath in through my nose, and letting it slowly through my mouth. Seriously, there isn’t a strong enough word for how sated I fucking feel right now; my arms and legs are heavy, my muscles are loose and relaxed, bluntly put, my woman wore my ass out.

Giggling, Kendall pats my sweaty chest,

“You know, now you’ve popped the seal, we are soooo doing that all the time right?”

I kiss the top of her head and chuckle at her enthusiasm,

“Damn fucking straight we are. Give me ten minutes, and I’ll be good to go again, Baby.”

Huffing Kendall flops to her back,

“I don’t know if my lady garden can recuperate from that ploughing in ten minutes Dec. I might need more like an hour or something,”

“You’re fucking what?” I need clarification of what I just heard. I hope to fuck she didn’t call her pussy what I think she did. I mean, who calls their pussy a lady garden? I’ve heard some creative names for it in my time, but that sure as hell isn’t one of them.

Kendall crawls over top of me and straddles my thighs, steadying herself by using her tiny hands, and placing them on my chest.

“Mom refused to call it a pussy when she was explaining the birds and the bees, and since the ‘talk’ is called, ‘the birds and the bees’, she thought it was more appropriate to call it a lady garden. Crazy I know, but it kinda stuck.” I laugh out loud, but sober quickly when she says, “Just you wait big guy. You’ve got a daughter, and I’m sure mom would be more than happy to explain it all to her too.”

Not only do I NEVER want to think about Lexi being old enough to have that kind of talk with Brenna, but just the thought of my little girl describing her business as anything at all is hurting my head.

“Shut it Kendall, or I’ll make you be the one to have the talk with her, and I’ll be busy in my man cave having a fucking brain aneurism while you do it, not offering you one fucking bit of support whether you need it or not.”

Leaning down she kisses me lightly on the lips, setting about making me feel better,

“Cheer up big guy. If it makes you feel any better, Billy’s going to have to go through the same thing, so I’ll send Anna to mom too. That will serve him right for picking on me when I got my period in gym class.” Billy would fucking love that, not really, but, he’d deserve every uncomfortable second of it.

I remember the time she’s talking about. It’s the first and only time I’ve laid hands on Billy, and to this day he still feels guilty over what he did. One of the only classes all of us had together was gym. All of us meaning, Kendall, me, Billy, and Lou. Kendall was taking ages to get changed and come out to join us, so Lou went in to check on her coming back out not long after going in, and trying to discreetly tell us Kendall was having lady problems, and has to go home. When Kendall was leaving the gym, a sweatshirt tied round her waist, I know, she might as well have advertised it, Billy yelled out, ‘Tell Aunt Flow I said hello’.

Kendall rushed out, embarrassed as shit, and I turned to Billy knocking him the fuck out with one punch. When he came to, me standing over him breathing heavy, with my fists clenched, he realised his mistake, and spent the rest of semester trying to apologise to Kendall. Never being one to hold a grudge, Kendall forgave the fucker almost immediately, and the incident was never spoken of again.

I don’t know who launched first, and if I’m being honest, I don’t give a fuck who instigated it, but we ended tangled up in each other again. This time, I made slow, sweet love to my woman, and she loved me back just as hard, if not harder. That night we went at each other five more times. Some were hard, fast, and furious, others were soft, gentle, and fucking life changing. I’m not a gentle man by any stretch of the imagination, but I seem to be able to manage for Kendall, and she used her body all night to show me her appreciation for my efforts.

Little did we know that night, and we wouldn’t for a little while to come, something else life changing was about to happen. It would affect people we love, change relationships, and break hearts.

Someone once said, ‘Life is what happens when you are waiting for something big to happen’. They were right. Life was happening. We were all living it, and whether we knew it, or not big things were on the horizon, ready to come and wipe out life as some people know it.

We should’ve known. We should’ve planned for it. We should’ve done things differently. But…

We didn’t, and now… Someone has to pay for those mistakes.


2 weeks before the wedding of Kendall and Declan

Shit just got real.

Planning and organising a wedding for sixty bikers, their ol ladies, well, the bikers that have them anyway, eighteen children, and some non-club friends was no small task. We are up to one hundred and fifteen people and counting. What started out being a small, intimate gathering for Dec and I to exchange vows, rings, and promises of a future together, has been blown out of all proportion. My mom and Aunt Sheila are firmly on board the crazy train, not only driving that train to crazy town, but collecting strays along the way.

I’ve fought with mom and Aunt Sheila more in the last four weeks than I ever have in my entire life leading up to now. Dad, Uncle Pipe, and Dec are trying to reign in the two ‘Crazy Conductors’, that’s their new aptly descriptive nick-name, but it just isn’t working.

Constantly crying on Dec’s broad chest at night, locked in the sanctuary of our bedroom, I’m miserable over this wedding more often than I’m excited. I even have to cry in our bedroom because it’s the only place the Crazy Conductors have yet to infiltrate with their special brand of nuts. I’ve stopped going to, not only mom and dad’s house, but the clubhouse too for fear of being cornered, and asked questions like, which colour napkins I prefer. For Christ’s sake, they’re all freaking white to me. Apparently, I couldn’t be more wrong, and I found this out when Aunt Sheila lectured me for half an hour on the difference between, ivory, egg shell, off white, and cream.

I mean, I know most women would be over the moon given the opportunity to plan the wedding of their dreams, but this; this is getting, no, it’s not getting, it already is fucking ridiculous. Dad has taken to escaping the house almost entirely, coming over to my and Dec’s house after walking in the front door of my childhood home to mom and Aunt Sheila literally wrestling on the floor over tablecloth choices. What. The. Actual. Fuck. I asked dad in passing one night, when we were all in the living room with beers in hand, sitting in front of the newly acquired sixty inch flat screen, courtesy of Dec, while watching my favourite football team, the Denver Broncos smash the Texas Titans, if he could contact some of his less savoury associates, and take out a hit on them.

Yeah. You heard me. I did indeed inquire about taking out a hit on my own mom and Aunt. Dad may have said ‘no’, but at least he considered my request for a second or two there. Funnily enough, the only one to stick up for the Crazy Conductors is Lexi. She’s so excited she’s tasked with being my flower girl, that I thought we were going to have to update the number of card carrying members of the Crazy Conductors to three instead of two, in the very near future.

Dealing with; contractors ripping out walls, constant hammering, guys in and out of my house non-stop, two middle aged wedding crazed mad women, a best friend, Lou, feeling displaced with the two crazy ladies taking over my wedding, a stressed out Billy, because Lou is stressed out and taking it out on him, a father that’s at my house more than his own, a five-year-old that’s well on her way to wedding diva status, work kicking my ass, and lastly a fiancée that’s seemingly borderline indifferent to my suffering; I’m stressed the fuck out, to say the least. If that isn’t enough, on top of all that, my period is late. LATE!

I’m NEVER late. I’ve been having regular thirty-day cycles since my periods started when I was thirteen; cramps for two and a half days leading up to it, bleed for three days, and voila I’m done. In the beginning, I thought it was the stress throwing me out of whack, but being eleven days late, as of yesterday, I decided it’s time to pee on a stick, and wouldn’t you know it. BANG! I’m pregnant. At what could be considered the worst time in the history of mankind, I, Kendall Bethany Jacobs manage to make matter so much worse.

Not worse in the sense that I’m not thrilled, because I am. I’m not worried about Dec’s reaction either. He’s told me numerous times he doesn’t want to wait to add to our family, and he’s certainly been putting in the effort in the bedroom, hallway, bathroom, shower, on his bike, pretty much anywhere we’re alone for more than twenty minutes; sometimes less if he’s desperate, which is more often than you’d thing for a man that gets laid at least twice a day already. Lexi will be over the moon to have a baby brother, or sister, my mom will be uber excited too.

No, what makes everything worse is; I can’t see our hectic schedules, or stress waning any time in the near future. Currently, I’m working fifty hours a week, taking care of Lexi and Dec, Abel, Monty, our house and the work crew that are constantly sniffing around for coffee, and baked goods which I graciously provide and cook in army size quantities, and lastly; our impending nuptials.

Having a baby is something I’ve wanted since I was a little girl. It might be stereotypical, and possibly considered a prehistoric way of thinking, but I was raised with a mom at home, and a dad that worked. Actually, most of the kids connected to the club that had both parents’ at home had the same sort of set up. There is something about big, bad, testosterone filled, caveman bikers that denote they need a little woman at home, and in this case, Dec would have me at home, barefoot, and pregnant permanently, given half the chance.

Now, I know what you’re thinking, they’re sexist and all that but, you couldn’t be more wrong. These guys don’t adhere to rules and regulations, but they do; skirt the law, fight, drink, smoke, wear leather, and ride chrome showed how much they love their woman and children, and prove this by providing for them. It isn’t a prerequisite, but all the ones I know that have ol ladies, feel it’s their duty to make sure their woman’s needs are taken care of, bills are paid, houses and cars brought, and depending on the couple, the ol lady stays at home to raise their children.

It’s not that I subscribe to this way of thinking exactly, but I do understand what it means to Dec to be able to do it. I also want the opportunity to be able to stay home with our babies, if we have more than one. There would be nothing worse to me; than to only be able to spend early mornings, and late evenings with my child, but my work is an integral part of me. Art to me, is like air to others, and I needed that outlet for my creativity, it channels my passion and determination, and allows me to create something lasting, leave a legacy of sorts. I honestly don’t know how we’ll make this work, all I know is that we will. There’s no way I’ll even consider alternatives, this baby is a part of me and Dec, it symbolises us together.

Running my hand lightly over my stomach, I contemplate how to tell Dec. He’ll be over the moon at this little development, and I can’t help but smile at what his reaction will be. I’m not nervous, or anxious like a lot of woman might be. I’m excited, and it takes all my self-control not to jump up and down like a kid on Christmas morning.

Looking in the mirror, I finish braiding my hair and walk out of the bathroom. I’ve only gotten as far as putting on my underwear, one of my favourite sets that consist of an emerald green demi-cup lace bra, and matching, barely there thong, when I stop in my tracks. Dec’s lying on the bed, fully naked, covers around his ankles, and his hands linked behind his head. There’s nothing that turns me on, makes me hot and bothered, as quickly as Dec can naked. He’s divine.

Dec’s skin is tanned all over, and hot to the touch; he’s like my personal furnace when he wraps himself around me at night. His chest is almost completely hairless, and that trail of hair that leads to the biggest cock I’ve ever seen is a tease. I love the pronounced V that leads to his groin, it’s like my own personal arrow pointing straight towards heaven. Muscled thighs and his legs long are perfectly proportioned, even the man’s feet are fucking sexy. I love Dec’s arms the most though. Covered shoulder to elbow on both sides with tattoos, one arm is dedicated to a bio-mechanical Harley engine with rods, pistons, carburettor, hoses, the works. Its phenomenal work, and Uncle Max outdid himself on that one. The other arm is all my work.

A large American Bald Eagle, wings spread and head tipped to the sky sideways features front and centre, behind it is a tattered American flag on the upper portion of his arm, directly below the Colorado Rockies. Dec’s tattoo took two sittings and sixteen hours to complete. It’s extremely detailed, and to this day some of my best work that I’ve actually featured in my portfolio. I’ll never recreate it for anyone else though, that was all for Dec.

The hot tattoos, massive biceps, that I can’t even get both hands around, they’re that big, veined forearms, and strong work roughened hands, aren’t what I love the most however. No. What I love is; every time I’m in Dec’s arms I feel safe, protected, cherished, and loved. There isn’t another place in the world that makes me feel more at home than when I’m curled into his side, his arms wrapped around me holding me close.

Spotting me standing at the threshold of our bedroom, Dec lifts his head and grins at me.

“You ok babe?” It’s a valid question, I am just standing here staring at him after all. I make the decision that there’s no time like the present, running to the bed, and jumping on knees first.

Crawling over to him, I straddle his powerful thighs, and place my hands on his waist before speaking.

“Yep. I’m more than okay.” He smiles at me fully now. I love Dec’s smile. It’s slightly crooked and more than a little wicked. It promises dirty, naughty things, and never ceases to make me wet.

“Good to hear, Sweetheart. What’s got you so excited this morning, not that I’m complaining?” I suppose it has been awhile since I’ve been happy to face the day. Most days I dread leaving the house for fear mom, or Aunt Sheila will catch up with me. Not today though.

Today, I’m more than happy.

“I have something to tell you.” Cocking a brow at me he waits for me to go on. “I don’t know if this is a good time, I know we’re so busy, and the wedding is coming up, and we have…”

He cuts me off by laughing, and squeezing my hips with his hands.

“Take a breath, Baby, and tell me what’s got you so worked up.”

I do just that. I take a deep breath letting it fill my lungs, and on the exhale I feel the weight of our situation ease a little.

“I don’t know how to say this, so I’m just going to come out with it.” Dec’s brow furrows with a look of concern. I try to give him a smile, but I think it comes out more like a grimace. “Relax honey, it’s nothing bad.” Taking another deep breath, I put my man out of his misery. “I’m pregnant Dec. We’re goi…”

I get cut off on a squeak, and before I can blink I’m flying through the air, landing on my back on the bed with an obviously ecstatic Dec looming over me.

“Did you just say you’re having my baby, Sweetheart?” I nod softly, and Dec continues, “You’re telling me, I planted my baby in you? That you’re going to make me a dad again?”

Reaching up, I take his jaw in my hands and stroke my thumbs up and down it. His eyes are huge and bright, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say there’s tears behind them. Bikers don’t cry though, they get dirt in their eyes.

“Yes honey, you’re going to be a daddy again in about seven and a half months.”

Dec doesn’t hesitate, he slams his mouth to mine, taking it in a brutal kiss. This isn’t one of his soft, slow kisses. No. It’s possessive, filled with heat, hunger, and love. He plunders my mouth, spearing his strong tongue into its depths, doing duel with mine. Even though the kiss is brutal, it’s beautiful too.

Roughly pulling his mouth from mine, he looks straight into my eyes.

“You just made me the happiest fucking man alive. I didn’t think it got better than you agreeing to marry me, Baby, but you just blew that out of the water.” Stroking my still flat belly he adds, “Thank you, Sweetheart. Thank you for giving me, us, this. I’ll never want anything else from you Kendall after you’ve given me this.”

Kissing his lips lightly I reply,

“I hope that’s not the case big guy. I want at least two more after this one, so you better prepare yourself to be a very busy man.”

Smiling hugely at me he chuckles,

“More than happy to oblige there, Sweetheart. Four kids, hey? By my calculations, that’s a lot of practice making them we’ve got to get in there.” Trust him to think of that, not that I mind. Nope. I wouldn’t mind practicing with him at all. On that thought, he strips me of my bra and panties, and goes about proving just how perfect we are together. Our love making is different this time; it’s reverent, slow, and full of passion. Dec worships my body, spending time kissing, and licking every inch of my body until he eventually slides inside me, filling every inch of me. In doing so, my body, my heart and my soul sings.

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