Burnt (27 page)

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Authors: Natasha Thomas

BOOK: Burnt
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The day of Declan and Kendall’s wedding…..

Standing in the centre of the courtyard at the clubhouse, I can barely believe my fucking eyes. Not only is the place almost unrecognisable as a biker compound, it’s been transformed into a goddamn circus, complete with emcee’s, Sheila and Brenna, apes doing tricks, my brothers’ doing heavy lifting and shit, and hyperactive monkey’s, that could only be Lou and Priss. I feel like screaming that this isn’t a fucking Broadway production, it’s the start of the rest of my life with Kendall, and this shit is going past ridiculous, but I don’t,

Sheila and Brenna are running around putting last minute touches on shit, directing traffic. Priss and Lou have been yelling at every fucker about every-fucking-thing for the last hour, and are fucking practically jumping around the place. They only just went inside to one of the dorm rooms to finish getting ready, I think everyone was about ready to lock them in cages if they hadn’t fucked off when they did. Brothers are carrying flowers, and white timber folding chairs that are being placed around ten seater circular tables, surrounding the courtyard. Sheila finished the table setting’s a couple of hours ago, and threatened death to anyone that messed them up.

I have to say, it’s a pretty sweet setup, regardless of the drama it’s taken to get it looking this way, and I’m positive Kendall will love it. At the end of the day, that’s all that matters anyway. As long as my woman is happy, I’m over-fucking-joyed.

The tablecloths are silver, and drape until they hang about half a foot off the floor, cream coloured napkins, or so I’m told, and I’ve also been instructed by Kendall not to comment on it to Sheila, for fear of an in depth conversation about the exact shade of cream they are, in round silver holders with matching place card holders sit above square plates, and gleaming silver cutlery. In the centre of each table is a tall vase filled with Calla Lilies and green fern leaves. Little sparkly things, who knows what the fuck they are actually, are scattered all over the place, and the chairs are now being tied with matching silver sashes. Seeing brothers tying sashes is pretty fucking hilarious. All decked out in boots, leather, and denim, fussing with bows and shit makes me chuckle to myself. I should take pictures of this, and use it for leverage is I ever need it.

The head table has the same shit on it with the exception being, it’s a rectangular table, and the vases are actually long rectangular ones that look more like mini planter boxes. The Lilies are without their stems floating in water, and the bases are filled with the same shiny shit as the other tables hold. I doubt Brenna, and in turn Priest spared any expense in setting this all up, after all they only have one daughter, and this will be their ONLY fucking shot at this.

What takes my breath away, is where Kendall and I will actually tie the knot. Its crazy beautiful, and something I never would have thought of, but it’s perfect for us. This is the one thing Kendall refused to budge on. She let her mom and aunt do pretty much whatever the fuck they wanted with the rest, but with this she told the two Crazy Conductors it’s non-negotiable, and they had no fucking say in how it was set up.

Under the Oak tree I fell in love with my woman, is a distressed, rusty, old looking wrought iron gate, held up by translucent wires attached to one of the lower overhanging branches. Woven in wire, and mesh to support the weight, is a phrase in cursive script, made out of mosaic tiles saying, ‘Magic is all around you every day’. The colours are fucking phenomenal. Deep reds, forest green, silver, gold, sapphire blue, and Kendall’s favourite plum purple, tiles have been painstakingly broken and arranged to form words that are about half a foot tall, and slanted to look like they were drawn, not created from scraps of glass. My woman IS the fucking magic. While all this shit is nice, it’s just the icing on the cake. Nothing will outshine my girl today. In saying that, I can assure you that gate is coming home with us. I’ll find a way to work it in to the back garden at home, if it’s the last thing I do.

The last two weeks since finding out my woman is carrying my baby have been fucking great. Aside from the shit from her mom and Aunt regarding the weddin, her dad practically living at our place, Lexi being excited about getting a little brother or sister, Kendall’s girls taking up a lot of her spare time, my poor woman doesn’t have much of it begin with, the construction crew asking me endless fucking questions about paint, carpet and other shit; everything has been smooth sailing.

Kendall takes everything in her stride. She rarely bitches, doesn’t miss a beat when it comes to feeding the hordes of people, including Lexi and I, her dad, and the construction guys, she works insane fucking hours at Skin Fusion, makes our house a home, and still has a smile on her face most of the time. I watch her sometimes when she’s not looking, and she’s rushing around the place doing all this shit, and it just blows my mind how fucking incredible my woman is. The second she told me she was making me a dad again, something in me changed. It’s hard to explain, but it was like a light was thrown on after years of darkness. That feeling settled deep, taking root. Not only is this woman everything to me, the mother of my daughter, my best friend, and my soon to be wife; she’s also my glue.

For years I’ve been broken, just pieces of a person that were put together wrong to make up then man I was. Sure, I was a functioning man, but that was all surface shit. I was breathing, doing my job, loving my family, and loyal to my brothers, but there was nothing there for me at the end of the day. Kendall is the only one that can fill that void. That can make me feel. That glued me back together.

What I’ve always wanted with Kendall is finally coming about. Fuck. Honestly, I knew it was going to happen sooner or later. I had secretly hoped sooner, and that hope won out for once. I mean seriously, from the second I started fucking my woman we haven’t bothered taking precautions to prevent having a baby. Kendall had a bad reaction to the Pill when she was a teenager, and again as an adult, so that was out. There was no way in hell I was wrapping my junk, not being able to go bareback feeling my woman’s hot, wet pussy around me, not a fucking chance. We’d never talked about it, but I knew Kendall was all in. Her having my baby was a given anyway, why bother preventing what’s inevitable for us eventually?

Kendall wanted to wait to tell everyone, but that shit wasn’t happening either. I made sure to tell Lexi, who in turn took care of telling everyone else. To say Kendall was pissed about it, would be a vast underestimation of her fiery ass temper; my woman was fucking furious.

As punishment for me indirectly spilling the news, Kendall locked me out of her sweet body for three days, gave me the silent treatment, and pissed off looks. I ended that shit by throwing her over my shoulder, carrying her to our bedroom, locking the door, and fucking her until she begged for me to end it. I hadn’t let her cum until she promised to stop her shit, get over it, and talk to me.

Agreeing, and I think she only did that, so I would put her out of her misery at first, I proceeded to fuck my woman seven ways from Sunday, showing her what happens when she denies me her gorgeous fucking body for that long. To say Kendall was a bit sore for a day or two would be all true, and it might make me a fucking animal, but I loved knowing she was aching, and could feel me everywhere she went.

The only dark spot in the last two weeks was last night. Because to be honest, even though my woman spent three days being pissed at me, the making up erased all that. Lou, Priss, and Veronica showed up at five-o’clock to pick up Kendall because they decided to follow tradition, not allowing the bride and groom to see each other the night before the wedding. Whoever came up with that stupid fucking tradition needed to be hunted down and shot immediately.

I wasn’t fucking happy with this development, and Kendall could tell, not that I was making it a secret. Grabbing my hand, and leading us to our room, she shut the door, leaning against it heavily.

“It’s only one night, Honey. It will be three-o’clock before you know it, and we won’t have to spend another night apart again Dec.”

Pleading with me with her eyes, I sit down on the edge of the bed, elbows on my knees, but my eyes still on her face.

“It’s not just one fucking night, Babe. It’s nearly twenty-four-fucking-hours. I don’t like you being away from me for an hour, how the fuck am I supposed to deal with nearly twenty-four of the fuckers?” It comes out a bit louder and harsher than I intended, but fuck, I get twitchy letting her out of my sight while she’s at work, let alone having her gone for nearly a full day.

Straightening and pushing off the door, Kendall squares her shoulders and glares at me. What she doesn’t know is; she’s fucking stunning when she’s all pissed off and angry. It makes me want to bend her over the bed, strip her naked, and fuck the absolute shit out of her. I don’t think she’d appreciate me telling her, or doing that right now so, I keep my mouth shut.

She shoots fire at me with those pretty green eyes, and points at me. Kendall doesn’t raise her voice, but by the tone she’s taken on, I know I’m not going to win this fight.

“Listen up big guy. I’ve had to deal with two borderline psychotic women, a hyperactive five-year-old, a father that is about to be permanently barred from our home, Uncles asking me all sorts of questions about a wedding that I have barely had a hand in planning so I can’t answer,” she stops to put her hands on her hips. This is a sign she sure as shit isn’t done giving it to me yet. “And, let me tell you big guy, some of those questions were shit like, ‘is it okay to fuck your bridesmaids’. Can you say ewww, especially since that one came from Uncle Danny, who’s like what? One hundred and twelve? Not to mention, one of my bridesmaids is married, one is hung up on Arrow, and the other one is, well, I don’t know what Priss is, but she’s too young for his old ass. All that aside, it’s not like I actually like being away from you Dec, but this is one of the only things Lou can do for me, seeing as the two Crazy Conductors have taken over everything else.”

Taking a breath and walking over to me, she spreads my knees apart to stand between them, putting her hands on my shoulders, and looking down at me. Softer and sweeter now she continues.

“I know you don’t like, Honey. To be honest, if it wasn’t for the fact that Lou wanted to plan a girly night, and I have to do something to make her feel included I wouldn’t be anywhere, but here with you. I love you, Honey, but you’ll survive one night, I promise.”

Muttering, ‘I fucking doubt it’, under my breath, she giggles softly and leans down to plant a sweet, sexy kiss on my mouth. Not one to miss an opportunity to make out with my woman, I pull her so she’s straddling my legs, and go about showing her just what she’ll be missing when she’s gone.

Unfortunately, sometime between my cock getting so hard I could pound nails, and me trying to get my woman out of her shirt, cock blocker number one opens the door and proves her nick name right. Lou clears her throat loudly for effect, I knew she was there, I was just ignoring her ass, she interrupts my last chance to get a piece of my woman’s ass before she takes off for the night.

“As hot as live porn is, it’s just not my thing, so Kenny get off your man, get your stuff, and get your ass in gear so we can go drink copious amounts of wine. Juice for you though Kenny because you were silly enough to get impregnated before you could get shit faced on your wedding night.” At this Kendall just shakes her head and chuckles at her. “We need to make haste so we can discuss the best vibrators to buy, and put green shit all over our faces that apparently makes us even more beautiful than we already are.” Kendall slowly rises off my lap and starts throwing a few things in one of my old duffels without replying to her.

Barely, but I manage, just, taking my eyes off Kendall’s hot, curvy little ass bending over to get shit, I turn my gaze on Lou and growl at her.

“You better make sure my woman is at the club tomorrow on time, in one piece, and fucking ready to make up for not being here to finish what we just started Lou. I swear to God, if anything happens to her, I’ll fucking get your man to take it out on your ass.”

Huffing at me she puts her hands on her hips and replies with something I did NOT need to hear.

“It’s a good thing that doesn’t sound like much of a punishment Dec, I like my man’s hands on my ass.” Horny little fucker she is. It doesn’t surprise me that’s something she’d like, but I didn’t need her to advertise it. Kendall laughs at her, and I try to hold in my groan. Not to be deterred, Lou keeps going. “But seriously? Like I could keep her away from you for more than a minute longer than necessary. I wouldn’t dream of it either, I’ve been waiting forever for this to happen for you two.” She looks sincere when she says it, her eyes are even getting all misty. I know she’s wanted us to get together for years, almost as much as I did. “I did do you a favour though. I called a heap of the guys, and they’re going to meet you down at Rough Shod,” she looks at her phone before going on, “in oh, let’s say about half an hour for an impromptu bachelor party.” Putting her hand off to try and ward off my next words she hurries on. “I know you said you don’t want one because my bun carrying friend here can’t go get slaughtered too, and you made some weird ass pact that you would be buddies in sobriety and all, but I say fuck that. Go get hammered, pass out, wake up with a nasty hang over, puke, or whatever it is you big burly biker dudes do, and show up to your wedding looking like hell. It’s almost mandatory Dec.”

I have to laugh at her blunt description of what will probably be a factual recount of tonight, and tomorrow.

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