Busted (7 page)

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Authors: Cher Carson

BOOK: Busted
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Cole tried to breathe to ease the knot in his stomach as he
gripped the steering wheel. “You don’t know they’re gonna get married, Cass.”
God, don’t let her marry him. 

“She said her daddy asked her how she would feel about it if
he proposed to Miss McCoy. She thinks he’s gonna buy her a ring for Christmas.”
Her blue eyes brimmed with tears when they met his in the mirror. “It’s not
fair. I love Miss McCoy. I want her to be my mama.”

Cole swallowed the lump in his throat. He’d denied the void
in Cassidy’s life for too long. He told himself she was happy that it was just
the two of them, but his mother was right. His little girl was missing out, not
having a woman like Charlene in her life, and he intended to do something about
it before it was too late.

“How would you like to have dinner with your nana tonight,

“Yeah!” Cassidy said, clapping her hands.

Apparently her sadness over Miss McCoy was forgotten. “Okay,
just let me call her.”

“Can I sleep over, Daddy?”

Convincing Charlene that he was the man for her may take the
entire night. “If it’s okay with your nana, it’s okay with me.” He knew it
would be. His mother always said she wished she had more time with her
granddaughter. But between horseback riding lessons, figure skating, swimming,
and dance, they were booked most nights and often on weekends.

Cole parked his truck and pulled out his cell phone. His
heart started racing when she didn’t pick up after the third ring. His gut told
him that if he didn’t reach out to Charlene soon, it would be too late. “Hey,
Mama,” he said, when she finally picked up on the fifth ring. “Did I catch you
at a bad time?”

“No, honey. I was just washing some cookie sheets and I had
to dry my hands off before I could answer the phone.”

“Sounds like you were doin’ some holiday bakin’.” His mother
enjoyed baking for friends and the annual church bake sale. “Cassidy wanted a
sleep-over with her nana tonight, but if you’re too busy—”

“No, I’d love to have her. In fact, she can help me decorate
the gingerbread men. Tomorrow we’ll do a little Christmas shopping for her

“You sure?”

“Of course I’m sure. Bring her right over. I just made some
chicken soup for dinner. You’re welcome to stay, too.”

Food was the last thing on his mind tonight. “Thanks, but
I’ve got to take care of a few things.” Like a certain sexy teacher. Taking
care of her would be his pleasure. “I’ll just stop at home to pick up Cassidy’s

“Don’t bother. I have everything she needs. She keeps an
extra toothbrush and stuffed animal here, and I bought her some clothes and
story books the last time I went in to Sudbury, so I think we’re all set.”

That would save him some time, since his mother’s house was
only a few minutes from Main Street. “Okay, thanks. We’ll see you in a few.” He
looked over his shoulder at his daughter. “You still wanna get that Barbie, or
can it wait ‘til next week?”

“It can wait! I wanna see Nana.”

Cole chuckled as he slipped his phone into the cup holder.
“How did I know you were gonna say that? Okay, let’s get you over to your
nana’s house, Princess.”

As he drove the short distance, his mind worked overtime,
trying to formulate a plan. He knew Charlene had bought the Martins’ old bungalow,
which was just around the corner from his mother’s house. He could make it
there in no time, but he had no idea if she would be alone when he arrived.
He’d seen her around town with Paul a time or two on a Friday night, and he
wouldn’t be surprised to find him there tonight.

He struggled to think of an excuse for dropping by, in case
she wasn’t alone, but he came up empty. As he ushered Cassidy into his mother’s
house, the smell of gingerbread assailed him. “Wow, smells like you arrived
just in time, sweetie. I bet Nana could use some help decoratin’ those bad

She giggled and tugged on the edge of his leather jacket.
“Gingerbread men aren’t bad boys, silly. They’re good boys.”

“Of course they are,” Cole said, tweaking her nose. “Why
don’t you go on in and say hi to Nana? Then I want you to run upstairs and get
washed up.”

“Okay.” She slipped her boots off and shed her coat before skipping
in to the kitchen.

Even after several years, getting used to his mother living
in the small house in the center of town was difficult for Cole. The ranch was
her home for as long as he could remember, but she claimed she loved living
within walking distance of the meager amenities Brant offered. 

“Hey, Mama,” Cole said, removing his hat before walking into
the kitchen. His mother was the only who still chastised him for walking into a
room wearing a hat. Even though she’d lived with cowboys all of her life, she
insisted there was no excuse for bad manners.

Ruth Braxton looked up at her son and frowned before kissing
her granddaughter’s head and sending her upstairs to wash up so she could help
her with the cookies. “You look like hell.”

Cole rolled his eyes. He could always count on his mother to
be honest with him, whether he liked it or not. “Gee, thanks.” He bent to kiss
her cheek and stole a sugar cookie from the plate behind her.

She slapped his hand with a twinkle in her eye. “Leave those
alone. They’re for the church.”

He smirked before devouring half the cookie in one mouthful.
“They won’t miss one.”

“What are you up to tonight?” she asked, wiping her hands on
her apron. “Got a hot date?”

He wasn’t ready to tell his mother about his feelings for
Charlene until he was convinced she was ready to pursue this thing between
them. “I thought I’d stop by and see a friend.”

The corners of her mouth twitched. “This friend of yours wouldn’t
be Charlene McCoy by any chance, would it?”

He didn’t know why he was surprised his mother knew what he
was up to. He’d never been able to keep anything from her. He didn’t know why
he even bothered to try. “What makes you say that?”

When he finished the cookie, she offered him a platter
containing small squares of Christmas cake. “You know Mrs. Briar and I are good
friends. She mentioned that you’ve spent a lot more time at the school lately.
And Cassidy mentioned that you and she hang around talking to her teacher every
day after school.”

Cole stuffed a square into his mouth, hoping he could buy
some time while chewing. “It’s no big deal. Cassidy likes her teacher this
year. That’s a good thing, right?”

“I don’t think my granddaughter is the only one who likes
her.” She smiled. “You like her too, don’t you?” She set the platter down on
the counter before pointing a finger at him. “And don’t even try to deny it.
You know I can always tell when you’re holding out on me.”

Cole shrugged. “So what if I do like her? What’s the big

Ruth reached up to pat her son’s chest. “Honey, Charlene’s a
lovely girl. I’ve known her family a long time, but…”

“But what?” Cole scowled. His mother wasn’t one to spare his
feelings, so he knew he wasn’t going to like what she had to say if he had to
drag it out of her. “Come on, if you have somethin’ to say, just say it

“I just don’t know that she’s your type is all.” She set the
silver-framed glasses hanging on a chain around her neck back up on her nose
before turning her attention to an open cookbook on the counter.

Cole reached for her elbow. “You’re not gettin’ off the hook
that easily, Mama. Tell me what you mean.”

Ruth sighed as she set aside the book and turned to face her
son. “Charlene is sweet and innocent, and well, you’re not.” She blushed. “I
know what you do behind closed doors is your business, son, but we live in a
small town. You must know that people talk.”

Cole didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. Someone had
actually spoken to his mother about his sexual proclivities? Who would do
something like that? “Look, I don’t know what you heard, but—”

She held her hand up. “I don’t mean to embarrass you, but I
feel it’s my place to help you see reason. Charlene’s not the right girl for
you, honey. She’s a sweetheart, but if you were being honest with yourself,
you’d admit that she was much better off with Paul.”

“I can’t believe I’m hearin’ this,” Cole said as he started
pacing back and forth over the tiled floor. “My own mother doesn’t think I’m
good enough for this woman?” Maybe she was right, perhaps he wasn’t good enough
for Charlene, but he didn’t think Paul was either.

“I’m not saying that at all. I just don’t want to see you
make another mistake. You married the wrong woman the first time. You tried
turning her into someone she wasn’t and look how that turned out.”

“Oh my God,” Cole said, stopping in his tracks. “That’s who
told you about…” He couldn’t say it, not to his own mother. “Andrea talked to
you about…”

His mother looked as mortified as he felt. “She confided in
me that things weren’t going well at home, and when I pressed, she told me she
couldn’t keep you satisfied in the bedroom. She said…” She started wringing her
hands as a blush crept up her neck. “You wanted things that she couldn’t give

He couldn’t believe his mother had lived with this knowledge
for all these years. He suspected she may have an inkling of what he was into.
As she said, Brant was a small town and people talked, but to
she knew was a tough pill to swallow. He loved his mother, and he always tried
to make her proud, but he had to live his own life, to do what made him happy.

“I just don’t want you to make the same mistake with
Charlene,” she said, quietly. “She’s just not into things like that. She’s a
good girl, a nice girl, and I know her family intends to see to it that she
stays that way.”

Cole scowled. “How the hell do you know what she’s into,
Mama? What happens between a man and a woman in the privacy of their bedroom is
no one’s business but their own.”

Ruth squared her shoulders and met her son’s glare. “I
happen to know that Charlene’s parents want you to keep your distance, son.
Paul is a kind, decent man.” She held her hand up. “That’s not to say that
you’re not, but…” She seemed distressed when she said, “Her parents think he’s
better suited to her, and I hate to say this, but I have to agree.”

Her words hurt more than he’d ever admit. His own mother was
turning on him? “I can’t believe you just said that.” He bit back his next
words when he heard little footsteps running down the stairs.

“Nana, look what I found…” Cassidy ran into the room with a
round loom, trailing a ball of yarn behind her. “Last time I was here, you said
you’d teach me how to use this.”

Ruth forced a smile for her granddaughter as she glanced at
her son out of the corner of her eye. “We’ll have plenty of time for that tomorrow.
Why don’t we finish these cookies tonight, okay?”

Cassidy shrugged. “Okay.” She looked up at her father and
frowned. “What’s wrong, Daddy? You look mad.”

Cole forced himself to smile. “No, sweetie, I’m not mad.” He
reached for her, picking her up and turning in a circle as he kissed her chubby
cheeks, one at a time. “You be a good girl for your nana, and I’ll call you in
the morning, okay? I love you.” He buried his face in her hair and inhaled her
sweet scent. He would do anything for his baby girl, and if it he had to bank
his own desires to give her the mother she needed, that’s what he would do.   

Chapter Four


Charlene put the finishing touches on a pot roast when the
doorbell rang. She groaned, hoping it wasn’t Paul, intent on surprising her.
She’d told him she needed some time to herself this weekend and he promised to
keep his distance, but according to him, he wouldn’t be able to stop thinking
about her. Her life would be so much easier if only she felt the same way.

Her stomach lurched when she saw the familiar shadow through
the pane of glass in the front door.
. What the hell was he doing
here? She could pretend to be in the shower, but since he’d already seen her,
that wasn’t an option.

After pasting a smile on her face, she pulled the door open,
hoping to see Cassidy’s little face smiling up at her. If ever she’d needed a
chaperone to help her resist the allure of the man who kept her awake at night
with naughty fantasies about the night he
made all of her dreams
come true, this would be the time. She was getting tired of pretending she
wasn’t attracted to him, that he was just the parent of a student she cared
about… He was so much more than that and they both knew it.

“Hi.” She shivered against the blast of cold air that had
her nipples puckering beneath her thin cotton tank top. Pulling her hoodie
around her mid-section, she asked, “Where’s your shadow tonight?”

He gave her a thorough once-over, letting her know that he’d
already seen it all and hadn’t forgotten a damn thing. “She’s bakin’ cookies
with her nana.” He propped a hand against the doorframe and leaned into her.
“You alone, or what?”

Telling him that she wasn’t would be so easy, but the promise
of spending some alone time with him was impossible to resist. “Yeah, why?”

“Aren’t ya gonna invite me in?”

The subtle scent of his cologne seemed to seep into her
pores as she remembered how being one with him felt. “I’m not sure that’s a
good idea.” A car drove slowly past, and she knew one of the well-meaning
neighbors was probably checking up on her when they saw an unfamiliar truck
parked outside. The last thing she needed was for people to start gossiping
about her houseguest, but sending him away seemed unthinkable. In spite of her
mock protest, she knew she couldn’t let him go until she found out why he came.

“You have plans tonight?” His eyes raked over her, settling
on her lips.

She licked her lips, smiling when he groaned. Knowing she
had that kind of power over him was a powerful stimulant indeed. “No, I told
Paul I needed a little alone time this weekend.”

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