BWWM: BEFORE I WAKE: A Bad Boy Billionaire Book Collection (African American Interracial Series) (378 page)

BOOK: BWWM: BEFORE I WAKE: A Bad Boy Billionaire Book Collection (African American Interracial Series)
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              I left the party and I didn’t even feel bad about it for two reasons. First, I needed to know if Colin was serious and I didn’t care what anyone thought about it . Secondly, it was that they’d laughed at him. We weren’t in high school anymore but I felt the surge to protect him.

I was so angry with Thomas. He and I had promised to be friends after we broke up…but I’m sure he had hoped we’d get back together. Still, that was rude and it pissed me off. It couldn’t have been easy for Colin to do that, especially in front of strangers.

              I sped to the harbor and breathed a sigh of relief when I saw his car. I wasn’t sure where his boat was but I was determined to find it. It was late in the evening, so I was pretty sure there wouldn’t be too many boats getting ready to leave the harbor.

I parked next to him and searched the docks nearest to us. I ran along the deck, checking each boat for signs of life. I saw one that had the running lights on but when I got close I could see an older couple up on the deck so I kept going. There was one at the very end…a beautiful white yacht.

As I got close I saw the name on the side and my breath hitched. I smiled through the tears as I took in the name. The side of his boat said, “The Camilla” in a bold, dark script. What the hell?! He didn’t know he was going to see me again when he had named his boat. It was proof that he’d never forgotten.

              “Colin!” He was standing on the deck folding the tarp. I saw him look around towards the front of the boat like he wasn’t sure if he’d heard something or not.

“Baby, I’m down here!” He looked around again and then his eyes landed on me and he smiled. I smiled back through my tears and waved. He killed the engine of the big boat and minutes later he was coming down towards me. He stopped when he was close enough to see that I was crying. His blue eyes looked so beautiful against the blue water.

              “Cami…baby are you okay?”

              I nodded and wiped my face with the back of my hand. “I need to know if you meant it.”

              He grinned. “Which part?”

              “Don’t play with me Colin McShannon!”

              He took a step towards me and said, “I meant every word. I love you so much and all I want is for you to be happy.”

              “I love you too.”

              “Yeah? Really?”

              I laughed. “Really. I never stopped. I want to be happy…with you.”

              He grabbed me then and swept me up off my feet and into his arms. “I’m going to spend the rest of my life making you happy baby, I promise.”

He kissed me then as he carried me back to his yacht. He carried me down into the living quarters and sat me down in the bed.

“Don’t go anywhere,” he told me, kissing me again. I watched him climb back up on deck and not too long afterwards I heard the engine start.

Curious, I climbed upstairs too. I got tingles all over when I saw him at the wheel. He had on a t-shirt with no sleeves and his biceps flexed as he maneuvered the boat out of the marina. The wind was blowing his sexy black hair around his face and his beautiful face was completely relaxed. It was obvious that he was happy and in his element. My chest swelled with love for this man and I said a little prayer of thanks that we found our way back to each other. I went up and stood next to him. He slipped his arm around my waist and kissed me again, pulling me into his side as he steered with one hand.

Once we were out away from the marina in the clear, peaceful waters of the bay he killed the engine and raised the sails. He poured us a glass of wine and we sat together sipping it as we sailed for a while through the quiet, beautiful night.

When we reached a secluded area he dropped the anchor and said, “Will you spend the night with me, here?”

I smiled and looked around. There were beautiful tall cliffs around us and the last of the sunset painted the sky to the west.

“Absolutely. It’s so beautiful.”

He hadn’t taken his eyes off of me. “Yes. I’ve never seen anything more beautiful.”

He poured us another glass of wine and then raised his glass in a toast. “To endless days and nights together…making all of your dreams come true.”

I raised mine and said, “And yours.”

We clinked them together and drank as we listened to the sounds of the waves lapping up onto the side of the boat. Colin waited until my glass was empty and then he took the glass gently out of my hand. He sat his down too and then he kissed me. He started with soft, tender ones, taking his time…exploring every corner of my mouth. Then he would let our tongues dance lightly together, leaving me aching for more.

He reached up with both of his hands and fisted his hands in my hair, tilting my head so that he could put his lips on my neck. He kissed me and suckled on the tender flesh there, sending goosebumps racing down my arms and my spine. He pulled his face back and smiled as he said, “You want to rock this boat with me baby?”

I giggled but couldn’t speak. I nodded as he brought his sexy lips back to my mouth and kissed me hard. His kiss sent sparks shooting through my body and cumulating in my pussy. I wanted him so badly.

He lifted my arms up and I held them there as he slid off my shirt. He reached back and unhooked my bra. He sucked in a breath as my breasts came spilling out. “So beautiful.”

He bent his dark head to take one in his mouth and while he licked and sucked on that one, he used his fingers to pleasure the other. He playfully bit down and then sucked it again. My pussy was drenched and I was relieved when I felt him unhook my skirt and let it fall to my ankles.

I stepped out of it and then he took the elastic of my thong in his hands on either side and pulled that down. I was naked on a yacht. I looked around, suddenly aware that someone could sail by.

“Relax baby. It’s just us out here.”

I nodded and he pushed me down gently onto the leather seat behind us. He dropped down in front of me and pushed open my legs. Slowly, he slid two fingers into my throbbing, wet pussy and moved them in and out as he rubbed my swollen clit with his thumb. I felt like I’d died and gone to heaven.

“Feels nice, baby?” he whispered.

I nearly choked trying to get the words out. “So much better than nice.”

He slowly amped up the intensity of the pressure and speed he was using on my clit. He continued his two finger assault on my pussy as I felt myself reaching my peak. “Oh fuck! Colin!”

The waves of pleasure crashed into me and I moaned loudly as the first orgasm of the night barreled into me. “Jesus Colin. That was incredible.”

He smiled and slid his fingers out of me as I came down slowly from my high. I started to sit up but he gently pushed me back and I simultaneously felt his lips on my inner thighs. He alternated between kissing them and gently biting making me writhe underneath him. Without warning he dove straight in, letting his tongue dive between the lips of my pussy, thrusting it as deep inside of me as he could go.

He pulled it out and started with long, slow laps from the bottom of my slit to my clit. Each time he reached the top he flicked his tongue across my swollen nub, making me want to scream.

I had my hands buried in his dark hair; I could feel myself wanting to come again. He teased me more, bringing me right to the brink before pulling his face back and sliding two fingers back into me. He slid them in and out, slow and steady. I was on the edge of coming again when I felt his tongue suddenly cover my clit. He sucked it into his mouth and maintained pressure on it while he fingered me. I tipped over into the most pleasurable, intense orgasm I’d ever had. Screaming out his name into the quiet night.

Colin moved back up to my face and with a sexy grin, he kissed the corners of my mouth. I could taste myself on him and it was erotic. He stood up and while I lay melted to the seat I watched as he stripped off his clothes.

In the moonlight he looked like he had been sculpted out of stone. In high school he had always been big sure but the man in front of me now was much stronger and taller. The light caught against the hard ridges of his pecs and abs and made him look like the god of the sea. He was perfect…I smiled. He was mine.

His beautiful, veined cock was standing at attention and my mouth was watering. I sat up smiling and took him into my mouth, sucking him all the way into the back of my throat.

He groaned and grabbed my hair. He moved his hips and fucked my face as I took everything he gave me. I explored every inch of him with my lips and tongue, gently nibbling and sucking on the head. I took him in my hand and slipped him out of my mouth and rubbed him on my lips and across my face.

“Oh fuck baby, you’re so sexy. I love you!”

I had him back in my mouth so I muttered a “you too” with my mouth full. He must have been able to feel the vibrations because he moaned loudly. I continued to enjoy him until I heard him groan loudly and pull back. He was panting as he took my hand.

“Come with me baby.” I took his hand and he led me to the front of the boat. He kissed me as he placed both my hands on the railing. It was exhilarating to be here like this with him, totally naked, out in the open air and not the least bit subconscious about a thing. I love this man with every fiber of my being.

I stared out into the calm water, seeing the lights of the city and the other yachts in the distance. He used his hands to rub me all over from behind, exploring everything I had to offer.

With a loud grunt, he entered me from behind with his huge cock and I cried out with the pleasure it sent tearing through me. He grabbed my shoulders and began thrusting in and pulling out and thrusting in again, hard and deep.

“Oh baby, you feel so good Cami. Gimme. That. Pussy.”

I muttered something unintelligible, but I think he got the point as I pressed my hips back into him, grinding against his pelvis as I took every inch of him. This was so fucking intense…I’d never experienced anything that even came close.

He pounded me, hard and relentless slapping my breast as I rocked against him. I was on the edge again when he pulled out.

“Lay down baby. I want to see your pretty face when I come inside you.”

I sauntered back to the seats, making sure to swish my hips for him to watch. As I threw a flirty glance over my shoulder, I caught his mischievous grin.

“So sexy baby.”

He strode after me, his heavy, wet dick swinging in the breeze. His sharp blue eyes looked deep into me as he stretched across me and filled me again. He reached under my legs and brought them up, resting them on his shoulders. He leaned into me hard, pinning me down. His breath on my face and the weight of him on top of me made me practically delirious.

He found a rhythm…a perfect rhythm…it was fucking fabulous. He entered me in long, slow deep strokes and his pelvis rubbed against my clit with each thrust. I clamped down on him as tightly as I could going higher and higher with each thrust. His eyes never leave mine.

“Shit! Are you ready baby? Are you ready? I’m gonna give you every drop I have. Fuck!”

I felt him spasm inside of me and then I felt him fill me up. He roared, I screamed…and we both convulsed against each other uncontrollably. He stayed in place panting until his cock softened and then he rolled off and gathered me into his arms.

Kissing me tenderly he said, “Thank God for second chances. Thank you baby…I love you so much. I will never leave you again Cami.”

His eyes are warm and the last icicle in my heart melted away.

I have tears in my eyes. “I will never leave you either. I love you, Colin.”


His Passion

Copyright © 2016 All rights reserved.



I stood looking out my penthouse window across Boston Harbor. The view from my bedroom is part of the financial district, Logan airport and on my way down to the lobby I can see parts of Fort point channel and Charlestown. I dropped a ton of cash to buy this place…I thought it would make me happy…or at least feel at peace. So far, it hasn’t done any of that.

              It’s not that I’m miserable…I’m grateful for my life. I love my family and I’m happy that my father is finally behind bars where he belongs…but I’m lonely and I can’t believe it but... I’m ready to have a family of my own.

              I looked down at the phone in my hand. I just got off of it with my brother Colin. He ran into his teenage love Camilla, at our brother Shane’s wedding. He realized that he never stopped loving her…and now he’s off to go get her. I admire the guts it takes to do that.

              It’s not that I don’t have guts when it comes to women. Women and I have always gotten along just fine. I’ve had plenty of them and they honestly weren’t that hard to come by for a guy like me…but I’ve never felt connected to one the way that my brothers do to the women in their lives. That’s what I want…a real connection. I want to feel peace in my heart and my soul and know that I’m with the right woman.

              I flipped up my watch and saw the time. I’d better get over and meet my mother at the youth center. I promised her a ride home today. I grabbed my keys and locked up.

              While I was on the elevator I thought about how happy I was we at least set up this center for Mom. My father is worthless as far as I’m concerned. Some nights I still have nightmares from the things I’d seen him and his gang do over the years. But my mom can still remember when he was a “good” man…the man she fell in love with and decided to make a family with. Now that he was gone she was a mixture of relief and sadness…anxiety and loneliness. The youth center was just what she needed to keep her busy and keep her mind off of things. She loves kids and she’s great with them.

              I took the breezeway to the parking garage and made my way to my car. If true love could be transferred to an inanimate object, I would be completely fulfilled. I bought the Aston Martin about six months after buying the penthouse. It too didn’t fill the void being alone left in my life…but it damn sure made life more fun. When I’m driving her, I feel like she’s the only woman I need.

              Just driving her improves my mood and I knew as I drove out of the garage that once I got to the center and watched Ma and the kids for a while, I’d snap out of my funk.

              Before Ma opened the center, we’d talked a lot about what she wanted to do. Her main objective had been to find a way to put the money our father had made back into the community and use it for good. She’d considered park renovations and donations to libraries and schools…but then she’d heard about a youth center nearby that was closing down because the government was unable to maintain it.

I had gone with her to look at the place and my first thought when we walked through the door was that if I were a kid this place would depress the hell out of me. The walls were drab and olive green and the floors were scarred and worn in places. The weeds had grown through the basketball courts out back and the gym was nothing more than a room with a concrete floor. My mom looked at it and saw something completely different…she saw what she saw in me and my brothers…potential.

              Today, the outside of the building is painted a neutral tan color to allow it to blend in with the other buildings in the area. The bushes and plants outside however had been shaped and trimmed until they morphed into giraffes and elephants. The steps that led up to the door were each painted a different color and each one had some kind of inspirational saying painted in script on it. The real magic happened when you opened the doors.

              The walls were painted lime green with blue trim in one room that contained the same color couches and tables. A giant smart board ran across the front of the room, and on each one of the giant roof supports she’d had them script things like, “Support” and “Respect” and “Love.”

              The next room was lime green with purple trim and there were tables in the same colors set up for craft time. The cubbies that ran along the wall were multi-colored and filled with anything a kid could want or need to make a project. There was also a TV room and a kitchen and a small gym with basketball hoops and volleyball net.

I’d hired the laborers for her and helped her obtain the permits…but the rest of it was all Mom. I am so proud of her.

              I pulled the car up to the curb in front of the center and before I even got out I noticed a little black boy sitting on the front steps. He had his knees drawn to his chest and a Spiderman backpack sitting next to him. He couldn’t have been more than six or seven years old.  He looked up at me as I came up the stairs and smiled. His brown eyes were so big they took up most of his cute little face. I smiled back. Once again my heart felt that tiny little ache over the things I was missing out on. I had always wanted a son.

              “Hey little man! Are you okay?”

              He nodded gently. “My mom’s just running a little late. She’ll be here any minute. Miss Rose said I could wait out here. She keeps checking on me.”

              “Oh, okay.” I knew my mom wouldn’t let him sit out here if she didn’t trust him not to wander off. “Don’t talk to strangers.”

              “Then I guess I can’t talk to you.” The little boy grinned mischievously. I laughed and turned back around to sit down next to him.

              “You make a very good point. I’m Patrick by the way.” I held out my hand and he put his tiny one into it and shook.

              “I’m Kalen.”

              “You are not!”

              He looked at me like he was considering if I might be crazy. “I think I am, sir.”

              I laughed again. “My middle name is Kalen. Do you spell it with a “K?”


              “Wow, it’s not a common name at all. This is quite the coincidence.”

              “Maybe we’re brothers,” Kalen said, still grinning.

              “Maybe…I already have two though…and sometimes they can be a pain. Do you have any brothers or sisters?”

              “No. It’s just me and my mom…now.” There was something in the way he said it that told me his family situation was probably not ideal. My heart went out to him. I understood family drama…that’s for sure.

              “Well like I said, little brothers can be a pain anyways. I can’t speak about sisters. I’ve never had one of those.”

He wrinkled his little nose and said, “Me neither. I don’t even like girls.”

              With a chuckle I said, “Sometimes I don’t care for them much myself. Except Moms of course, moms are the exception.”

He looked at me then with his big, soft-brown eyes and took in all six-foot four, two-hundred plus pounds of me.

              “You have a mom?”

              Laughing I said, “Yes I do. Miss Rose is my mom.”

              His eyes grew really wide then. My mother is a tiny little Irish lass. It’s hard to believe she produced me. But Kalen had never seen my father.

              “So Kalen, what do you like to do here at the center?”

              “I like to play basketball.” He nodded vigorously.

              “Yeah? Are you any good?”

              “Not yet, but Mama says one day I’ll get my granddaddy’s height. But I’m not sure what he’ll do without it…”

              I laughed again. This kid was something else. “I think what she’s talking about are family genes.”

              “My grandpa wears old man pants. He doesn’t wear jeans.” I was still laughing when a gray late model sedan pulled up behind my car. “That’s my mama.”

              I turned to look and nearly fell off the steps. The woman that stepped out of the car could have graced any billboard or magazine cover but when she looked up at me, it was with a shyness that told me she had no idea how beautiful she is.

              She was dressed very simply in a pair of apricot colored nursing scrubs and her hair was braided across the top of her head and down the side of her face into a ponytail. The scrubs did their best to hide her figure, but from what I could see there was no stopping it.

              She moved towards us with a kind of grace that only certain women are lucky enough to possess. Her dark skin looked like silk and I imagined what it would feel like to touch it. She had big almond shaped eyes and they were light brown like Kalen’s. Her features were small and delicate and her lips pouted into a perfect heart. I could feel my pulse quickening as she approached.

              “Hi Mama!” Kalen got up and went to her, throwing his skinny little arms around her in a hug.

              “Hi baby. How are you?”

              “I’m good! I’m hungry. Can we get pizza on the way home?”

              She smiled…if the sun hadn’t been out, it would have lit up the whole block.

              “No pizza baby. We’re going to go home and I’ll make dinner.” Her eyes focused on me then.

              “I’m sorry I was late. The hospital was chaotic today.”

              “That’s not a problem. I’ve enjoyed talking to Kalen.” I’m glad my voice didn’t sound too nervous.

              She smiled and pat her son on the head. “He’s a talker this one. I hope he didn’t bother you too much.”

              “Not at all, I really enjoyed it.

You said that already fool, think of something else

              For the life of me, I couldn’t think of a single thing to say, so instead I used all of my energy to close my jaw. It had been standing open since she stepped out of her car
Please God say I didn’t droo

              “I’m Kiara,” she said, holding out a pretty hand. I hoped my hand wasn’t trembling like my insides as I took it.

              “Nice to meet you, Kiara. I’m Patrick. McShannon.”

              “Oh, one of Rose’s sons...”

              “Guilty,” I said with a smile. “I’m the first one so I guess you can say I started the whole mess.” She laughed. I loved the sound of it so much I tried to think of something else funny to say.

              I’m usually a pretty confident guy, but something about this woman turned me into a blithering teenager. Besides the fact that she was gorgeous, I could see her eyes taking me in with appreciation. That made me even more nervous
Come on Pat!

              “Kalen, we should get home,” she told her son. I didn’t want her to go, but I still literally could not think of a thing to say to keep her here. This was the first time a woman had me tongue-ties since high school.

              “Say goodbye to Mr. McShannon.”

              “Goodbye to Mr. McShannon!”

              Kiara rolled her eyes as we both chuckled. Him, I had no problem talking to.

              “If it’s okay with your mom, you can call me Pat. Everyone else does.”

              “Cool, Pat!” he looked at his mom and grinned. She rolled her eyes at him and smiled.

              “Let’s go little man.” She refocused those beautiful eyes on me and said, “It was nice to meet you Mr. McShannon. Thank you for keeping Kalen company.”

              “It was my pleasure. He’s a great kid. And, uhm you can call me Pat too.”

              “Thanks,” she said with another small smile. She is so pretty that she was actually hard to look at. Totally stunted me.

She took Kalen’s hand and they headed for the car. I waved back at Kalen until they were out of sight.

Dammit man. What the hell was that? A fucking disaster.



BOOK: BWWM: BEFORE I WAKE: A Bad Boy Billionaire Book Collection (African American Interracial Series)
12.23Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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