By the Book (55 page)

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Authors: Pamela Paul

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Heavy Metal and You

Heilemann, John

Hemingway, Ernest

Hemingway, Patrick

Hempel, Amy

Henderson the Rain King

Henry, O.


Hernandez, Gilbert



Hero with a Thousand Faces, The


Hesse, Hermann

Heti, Sheila

Heyer, Georgette

Heyward, DuBose

Hiaasen, Carl

Higglety Pigglety Pop!

Highet, Gilbert

High Society

Hill, G. Heywood

Himmelfarb, Gertrude

Hirschman, Albert O.


Hitchcock, Alfred

Hitchens, Christopher

Hitler, Adolf

Hoban, Russell

Hobbes, Thomas

Hochschild, Adam

Hole, Fred

Holidays on Ice

Holling, Holling C.

Hollinghurst, Alan

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr.

Hologram for the King, The

Holroyd, Michael


Home Game


Homes, A. M.


Hope: A Tragedy

Hopkins, Anthony

Hopkins, Gerard Manley

Horatio Hornblower books (Forester)

Horse, Flower, Bird

Horton Hatches the Egg

Hosseini, Khaled

Hotel New Hampshire, The

Houellebecq, Michel

Hour Before Daylight, An

House in the Sky, A


Housman, A. E.

House of Rothschild, The

Houston, Pam

How Should a Person Be?

How to Cook Everything

How to Disappear Completely

How to Have a Life-Style

How to Keep Your Volkswagen Alive

Huckleberry Finn

Hughes, John

Hughes, Robert

Hugo, Victor

Human Factor, The

Humboldt's Gift

Hunchback of Notre Dame, The

Hunger Games, The

Hunt for Red October, The

Hurston, Zora Neale

Huxley, Aldous

Huxley, Elspeth

Huxley, Julian

Hypnerotomachia Poliphili

Ibsen, Henrik

Ice Harvest, The

I Ching

If This Is a Man

I Funny

I Knew You'd Be Lovely

Iliad, The

I'm Dying Laughing

Immortal Iron Fist
(Brubaker and Fraction)

Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, The


Incorrigible Children of Ashton Place, The

Independent People

Indomitable Will


Ingrid Caven

Innocents Abroad

In One Person

In Praise of Messy Lives

Insane City

In Search of Lost Time (Remembrance of Things Past)

Inside This Place, Not of It
(Waldman and Levi)

Interpretation of Dreams, The

In the Garden of Beasts

In the Sanctuary of Outcasts

In the Time of the Butterflies

Intimate History of Humanity

Intuition Pumps and Other Tools for Thinking

Invention of Hugo Cabret, The

Invincible Iron Man
(Fraction and Larroca)

In Zanesville

Irving, John

Isaacson, Walter

Ishiguro, Kazuo

Island of the Blue Dolphins

Is There No Place on Earth for Me?

It Doesn't Take a Hero

It Gets Better
(Savage and Miller)

It Worked for Me

I Want to Show You More

Iweala, Uzodinma

Jack Holmes and His Friend

Jack Reacher books (Child)

Jackson, Michael

Jackson, Robert

Jackson, Shirley

Jaffe, Eric

James, Alice

James, Henry

James, P. D.

James, Tania

James, William

James Bond books (Fleming)

Jamison, Kay Redfield

Jane Eyre

Janowitz, Morris

Jarrell, Randall

Jen, Gish

Jerry Falwell: Aflame for God
(Storber and Tomczak)

JFK: Reckless Youth

Jhabvala, Ruth Prawer

Jillette, Penn

Jin, Ha

Jing Ping Mei (The Plum in the Golden Vase)

Jobs, Steve

John Carter

John Maynard Keynes

Johnson, Adam

Johnson, Denis

Johnson, Joyce

Johnson, Lyndon B.

Jolie, Angelina

Josephson, Marvin

Journey to the End of the Millennium, A

Joyce, James

Joyce, Lucia

Joyce, Nora

Joy Luck Club, The

Jude the Obscure

Judt, Tony


Julie of the Wolves

Julius Caesar


Justice in War-Time

Just Kids

Just My Type

Kafka, Franz

Kahn, Judd

Kahneman, Daniel

Kane and Abel

Kanifal, Robert

Kanon, Joseph

Kapital, Das

Kapuscinski, Ryszard

Kasner, Edward

Kavan, Anna

Kay, I. J.

Kearny's March

Keaton, Diane

Keats, John

Keegan, Claire

Keegan, John

Keeler, Harry Stephen

Keller, Julia

Kelly, Walt

Kennedy, Caroline

Kennedy, John F.

Kennedy, William

Kerouac, Jack

Kerr, Clark

Kerr, Judith

Kesey, Ken

Keynes, John Maynard

Khayyám, Omar


Kierkegaard, Soren

Killing in the Hills, A

Kincaid, Jamaica

Kincaid, Paul

King, Deja

King, Greg

King, Lily

King, Stephen

King Arthur tales

Kingdom of this World

King Lear

King's Best Highway, The

Kingsolver, Barbara

King's Peace, The

Kingston, Maxine Hong

Kinnell, Galway

Kipling, Rudyard

(Kippenberger and Searls)

Kirsch, Irving

Kiss, The

Klein, Joe

Klein, Victoria

Kleist, Heinrich von

Klossowski, Pierre

Knausgaard, Karl Ove

Kofman, Fred

Kosinski, Jerzy

Kosztolanyi, Deszo

Kraus, Karl

Krauss, Lawrence

Krugman, Paul

Kuegler, Sabine

Kundera, Milan

Kunitz, Stanley

Kunzru, Hari

Kushner, Rachel

Kwiatkowski, Paul

Lafferty, R. A.

Lagerlof, Selma

Lahiri, Jhumpa

Lamb, Christina

Lamb, Wally

Lamb-Shapiro, Jessica

Lamott, Anne

Lamott, Kenneth

Landes, David

Lane, Nick

Langella, Frank

Langer, Susanne K.

Lanier, Jaron

La Rochefoucauld, François de

Last Boy, The

Last Coyote, The

Last Evenings on Earth

Last of the Mohicans, The

Lawless, Wendy

Lawrence, D. H.

Laxness, Halldor

Lazarus, Emma

Lean Startup, The

Leaves of Grass

LeBlanc, Adrian Nicole

le Carré, John

Le Corbusier

Lederer, William J.

Lee, Chang-rae

Lee, Harper

Lee, Krys

Legend of Sigurd and Gudrún, The

Legends of the Fall

Le Guin, Ursula K.

Lehane, Dennis

Lelic, Simon

Lemonick, Michael

Lempicka, Tamara de

L'Engle, Madeleine

Leonard, Elmore

Lerner, Harriet

Lessing, Doris

Lethem, Jonathan

Let the Great World Spin

Let Us Now Praise Famous Men
(Evans and Agee)

Levi, Carlo

Levi, Primo

Levi, Robin

Levine, Philip

Lewis, C. S.

Lewis, Michael

Li, Yiyun


Life After Death

Life After Life

Life of Charlotte Brontë, The

Limbaugh, Rush

Lin, Tao

Lincoln, Abraham

Lindenberg, Rebecca

Lindgren, Astrid

Lindhout, Amanda

Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, The

Lippman, Laura

Lipsyte, Sam

Lister, Michael

Little Engine That Could, The

Little Green

Little Prince, The
(St. Exupéry)

Little Sister, The

Little White Horse, The

Little Women

Litwack, Leon

Liu Xiaobo

Live by Night

Living Currency

Living Room

Locke, Attica

Locke, John

Lodge, David

Loftin, Hugh


Lombard, Peter

London, Jack

Long Grass Whispers, The

Long Way Gone, A

Look, I Made a Hat

Lord Jim

Lord of the Flies

Lord Rochester's Monkey

Lost, The

Lost in Shangri-La

Lost Steps, The

Love, an Index

Lovecraft, H. P.

Love, Dishonor, Marry, Die, Cherish, Perish

Love Medicine

Love of a Good Woman, The


Lover's Discourse, A

Lowell, Robert

Lubitsch, Ernst

Lucky Jim


Ludlum, Robert

Luhrmann, T. M.

Lupica, Mike

Lyndon Johnson and the American Dream

Macaulay, Rose


MacDonald, John D.

Macdonald, Ross

Machado de Assis, Joaquim M.

Machiavelli, Niccolò

Mackie, J. L.

Maddox, Brenda


Mad King, The



Mailer, Norman

Main-Travelled Roads


Major Pettigrew's Last Stand

Make Way for Ducklings

Making the Most of Your Money

Malamud, Bernard

Malcolm, Janet

Malone Dies

Malraux, André

Manganelli, Giorgio

Mann, Thomas

Man's Fate

Mansfield, Katherine

Mantel, Hilary

Man Who Killed Kennedy, The

Man Who Knew Infinity, The

Man Without Qualities, The


Map and the Territory, The

Maraini, Dacia

Marathon Man

Marcus, Ben

Marcus Aurelius

Marías, Javier

Mario and the Magician

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