By the Book (57 page)

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Authors: Pamela Paul

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Riddle of the Traveling Skull, The

Ridley, Matt

Riefenstahl, Leni

Ries, Eric

(Gregg and Stroud)

Rimbaud, Arthur

Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, The

R Is for Rocket

Ritter, Lawrence S.

Roach, Mary

Road, The

Road Less Traveled, The

Road to Serfdom, The

Robards, Jason

Robbins, Harold

Roberts, Julia

Robertson, Geoffrey

Robins, Jane

Robinson, Marilynne

Robison, Amy

Rodari, Gianni

Rodriguez, Jose

Roger Maris
(Clavin and Peary)

Roiphe, Katie


Romeo and Juliet

Roosevelt, Theodore

Rootabaga Stories

Rosegger, Peter

Rosenblum, Ralph

Ross, Adam

Ross, Lee

Roth, Henry

Roth, Joseph

Roth, Philip

Rothschild, Emma

Roth Unbound

Rowling, J. K.

Roy, Arundhati

Royal Affair, A

Rubin, Maury

Rudnick, Paul


Rushdie, Salman

Ruskin, John

Russell, Bertrand

Russell, Karen

Sacco, Joe

Sacks, Oliver

Safire, William

Sagan, Carl

Sage, Lorna

Saint, H. F.

St. Aubyn, Edward

Saks, Elyn

Saldívar, Ramón

Sale, Faith

Salinger, J. D.

Sally, David

Salter, James

Samuelson, Paul

Sandberg, Sheryl

Sandburg, Carl

Sandel, Michael

Sandford, John

Sanditz, Lisa

Sandman comics



Saramago, José

Sarton, May

Sartre, Jean-Paul



Saunders, George

Savage, Dan

Savage Detectives, The

Save the Cat!

Sayers, Dorothy L.

Saylor, Steven (Aaron Travis)

Scarlet Letter, The

Scarlet Pimpernel, The
(Orczy and Orczy)

Scarry, Richard

Schopenhauer, Arthur

Schroth, Raymond A.

Schuhl, Jean-Jacques

Schulz, Kathryn

Schwarzenegger, Arnold

Schwarzkopf, Norm

Science of Life, The
(Wells, Wells, and Huxley)


Scott, Paul

Sea Creatures

Sea of Fertility

Sebald, W. G.

Secret Garden, The

Secrets of the Flesh

Sedaris, Amy

Sedaris, David

Sedley, Stephen


Sendak, Maurice

Sense and Sensibility

Sentences, The

Sethi, Aman

Seuss, Dr.

Seven Storey Mountain, The

Sevigny, Chloë

Sewell, Anna

Sewing Circles of Herat, The

Sexton, Anne



Shakespeare, William

Shakespeare in Love

Shards of Space

Sheckley, Robert

Sheehan, Susan

Sherman, Cindy

Shiga, Jason


Shipping News, The

Shirer, William

Short Guide to a Happy Life, A

Shteyngart, Gary

Siems, Larry

Signature of All Things, The

Silas Marner


Silko, Leslie Marmon

Silverman, Herb

Silver Snaffles

Silverstein, Shel

Sim, Dave

Simenon, Georges

Simic, Charles

Simmons, Bill

Simon, David

Simonson, Helen

Simpson, Mona

Sinclair, Iain

Singer, Isaac Bashevis

Sisters Brothers, The

Sittenfeld, Curtis

Sjowall, Maj

Skidelsky, Robert

Skull of the Waltzing Clown, The


Slavery by Another Name

Sleeping Through the Night

Slightly Irregular Fire Engine, The

Slow Lightning

Smiley, Jane

Smith, Elliott

Smith, Patti

Smith, Zadie

Smithsonian Book of Books, The

Sneetches, The

Snicket, Lemony

Sobel, Dava

Sobol, Donald

Social Network, The

Soiled Doves

Solitude and Solidarity

Solomon, Andrew

Solomon, Peter

Some Like It Hot

Sondheim, Stephen

Song of Achilles, The


Sorcerer's House, The

Sorokin, Vladimir

Sorrentino, Gilbert

Sorrows of Young Werther, The

Sort of Life, A

Sotomayor, Sonia

Sound and the Fury, The

South Park
(TV show)

Spark, Muriel

Speak, Memory

Spider-Man comics

Spillane, Mickey

Spilt Milk

Spirit, The

Sporting Club, The

Sports Gene, The

Spufford, Francis


Stanford White's New York

Starlin, Jim

Starr, Kevin


State of Wonder

Stay Up with Me

Stead, Christina

Steaming to Bamboola

Steig, William

Stein, Ellin

Steinbeck, John



Stern, Jessica

Stevens, Wallace

Stevenson, Robert Louis

Stewart, David O.

Stewart, James B.

Stewart, Martha

Stewart, Rory


Stockman, David

Stoker, Bram

Stone, Robert

Stone, Roger

Stories Not for the Nervous

Story of Ferdinand, The

Stowe, Harriet Beecher

Strand, Mark

Strange Affair of Adelaide Harris, The

Strange Eventful History, A

Strange Rebels

Stranger's Child, The

Strayed, Cheryl

Streatfeild, Noel

Street Without Joy

Streisand, Barbra

Stroud, Rick

Strout, Elizabeth

Stuart Little

Stuck in the Middle with You

Studies on Hysteria

Stumbling on Wins

Stupids, The

Sturges, P. G.

Styron, William


Sullivan, J. Courtney

Summa Theologica
(Thomas Aquinas)

Summer of 1787, The

Sunset Boulevard


Swann's Way

Sweeney, Jon M.

Sweet Tooth

Swerve, The

Swift, Jonathan

Tabucchi, Antonio


Taking Charge

Talbot, Bryan and Mary

Tale of Two Cities, A

Tales of the South Pacific

Tan, Amy

Tanizaki, Junichiro

Tarkovsky, Andrei

Tartt, Donna

Taylor, Charles

Taylor, Jill Bolte

Team of Rivals

Teems, David

Telex from Cuba

Telling Stories

Tennyson, Alfred Lord

Tenth of December


Thatcher, Margaret

That's Not Funny, That's Sick

Thayil, Jeet

Theory of Justice, A

There's No Place Like Space

Theroux, Paul

Things They Carried, The

Thinking Fast and Slow

Third Policeman, The

This Is How You Lose Her

This Kind of War

This Living Hand

Thomas, Abigail

Thomas, Keith

Thomas, Marlo

Thomas Aquinas, Saint

Thomas Paine's Rights of Man

Thompson, Emma

Thompson, Hunter

Thomson, J. Anderson

Thoreau, Henry David

Thousand Clowns, A

Thousand Pardons, A

Three Case Histories

Three Days Before the Shooting

Three Dog Life, A

365 Stories

Three Years

Through the Looking-Glass


Thurman, Judith

Tiger's Wife, The

Tiger, Tiger

Tiger Who Came to Tea, The

Tillyard, Stella

Time to Kill, A

Tintin books (Hergé)

Tipping Point, The

Tiptree, James, Jr.

Tobacco Road

To End All Wars

To Kill a Mockingbird

Toland, John

Tolkien, J. R. R.

Tolstoy, Leo

Tomallin, Claire

Tom Douglas' Seattle Kitchen

Tom Sawyer

Tom Swift books (Appleton)

Toole, John Kennedy


Torture Report, The

Totem and Taboo

Tourist Season

Towards a New Architecture
(Le Corbusier)

Tower, Wells

Towers of Trebizond, The

Townsend-Warner, Sylvia

Townshend, Pete

Train Dreams


Traveling Mercies

Travels with Charley

Travers, P. L.

Treasure Hunters

Treasure Island

Tree Grows in Brooklyn, A

Trevor, William

Trial of Queen Caroline, The

Tripods Trilogy

Tristram Shandy

Triumph of Politics, The

Troilus and Cressida

Trollope, Anthony

Trollope, Frances

Trumbo, Dalton

Turn of the Screw, The

Turow, Scott

Turtle Diary

Twain, Mark

Twelve Years a Slave

21st Century Foss


Twilight series (Meyer)

Two Cheers for Democracy

Two or Three Things I Forgot to Tell You

Tynan, Kenneth

Typical American

Tyrannicide Brief, The

Tyson, Neil deGrasse

Ugly American, The
(Lederer and Burdick)



Unbearable Lightness of Being, The

Uncle Tom's Cabin

“Under the Window: Ouro Preto” (Bishop)

Unexpected Light, An


United States

Universe in a Nutshell, The

Unmaking of a Mayor, The

Unquiet Grave, The

Unquiet Mind, An

Unwerth, Ellen von

Updegrove, Mark

Updike, John

U.S. Constitution

Uses of the University, The

Valdivia, Pedro de

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