Read CADEnce (Deception Book 2) Online

Authors: D H Sidebottom,Ker Dukey

Tags: #A Deception novel, #book 2

CADEnce (Deception Book 2) (5 page)

BOOK: CADEnce (Deception Book 2)
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“Mmm, how you squeeze my fingers tells the truth you refuse to admit, Belle.” He knew how to touch me to get the reactions he wanted to use against me. The tips of his fingers grazed my sweet spot, eliciting a build of pleasure.

I closed my eyes and let my mind work for me for once. I went back to a memory of when I first made love to Cade.

“Real love is sacrifice, unconditional, selfless and benevolent. Love is watching you from afar, happy in the knowledge that as long as you were happy, I would never tell you of my feelings. I would hold them inside and worship the feeling of knowing I felt true love. Love is craving your company, counting the thuds in my chest when you walk into a room because it’s the only sound I can hear. Love is the electricity that ignites every nerve when you brush against me. Love is the million dragonflies taking flight inside my gut when I hear you giggle. If love was physical to touch, it would be your form. I sound like a pussy right now but it’s not weak to love fiercely, it’s powerful and a gift, the greatest there is and I’m grateful for loving you.”

I swiped the tear away. Cade’s words made my whole body melt. How did I get so lucky to earn his love?

My robe opened with a flick of my wrist, exposing my naked form. His eyes sparked with lust, glazing over with liquid fire. The shift in the room was tangible, coating our bodies in a burst of goose bumps. Heat slithered up my spine, heating my cheeks.

His tongue swiped out to moisten his lips as his eyes drew a caress over every inch of me. His steps pounded the floor as my heart pounded my ribcage. His scent fused with my own as his warm breath blew over my skin, making me shudder with anticipation.

He reached into my hair, pulling free the feather the stylist used to hold it in place. My hair fell like a waterfall over my shoulders, teasing my hard, aching nipples. The trace of the feather’s soft stroke down my nose, over my lips and onto my chest made me shiver. Each movement awakened my nerve endings. My nipples cried for a harder touch but worshipped the erotic caress all at once. Need dampened between my legs and he hadn’t even met my skin with his own touch yet.

The feather kissed down my navel, the warm air dispersing over the sensitive flesh from his breath following the path. My feverish body hungered for him.

A mewing sound resonated from my lips when he reached my pussy. The feather brushed softly over the small patch of short hair I groomed regularly as his lips met the tight hood of my clit, his soft kiss detonating shots of fire through my limbs. My weak knees buckled but Cade caught me, his hands gripping my hips. He pushed me back until I could support myself against the wall, then looking up at me, his lids low and heavy, he took my right leg and hooked it over his shoulder.

He looked pained, his brow pinching, his eyes closing briefly while he inhaled before reopening them to study between my open legs. Swallowing hard, he bit his bottom lip. “I always dreamed that you would one day allow me to pleasure you, share your beauty with me, but I never expected you to be this . . . this fucking perfect. Perfection isn’t even the right word. You’re God damn stunning.”

A blush whipped up my face, heating my skin further, tiny dewdrops of sweat beading across my forehead and nose.

He licked his lips then pressed the tip of his tongue to me, giving the swollen muscle a quick flick, making me growl. He smirked as my eyes widened, the shock of my fierce lust stunning even myself, although Cade didn’t look surprised.

“You taste like fucking heaven and sin. My cock is actually jealous of my mouth right now, but he’ll wait.” He swiped hard at my folds with the whole of his tongue, triggering another erotic snarl from me. “Because he gets the best part. He gets to feel every inch of your breath-taking pussy.”

And then he devoured me. The noises he made as he consumed me were the hottest sounds I’d ever heard. My body trembled; my blood vibrated as the pleasure he demanded I take from him ripped my soul from my body and left me soaring high.

I clutched his hair as I shamelessly thrust my hips harder into his face and pulled him closer.

“Give it to me, baby. Let me taste you.”

A silent scream tore from me when he slid a single finger inside me, curled it into my inner wall and bit gently on my clit. My body couldn’t take it; my lungs screamed when my orgasm ripped the air from me and replaced it with an exquisite white hot bliss.

I was still high from my orgasm when he scooped me into his arms and carried me to the bed. Placing me gently down, he cupped my face and kissed the tip of my nose as he climbed over me. His hard cock throbbed against my belly. Without any more foreplay, he positioned his cock at my entrance and ran his thumb over my cheekbone.

“And now, after so, so long, I get to own you. I’m going so deep I’m going to possess your fucking soul, Faye.”

My back arched when he slammed inside me, all the way to his balls, in one delicious thrust.

“Oh—fucking—Christ!” he gasped, his jaw clenching hard. He gritted his teeth. “Shit, I was fifteen the last time I came from the first thrust.” He screwed his eyes shut and blew out a breath. “Don’t fucking move!”

I watched his face, not daring to move. He felt so good inside me, his large cock stretching me wide, his balls laid against my ass. The look of pleasure on his face was intoxicating and I knew it would be engrained into my memory for many, many years.

“Baby,” he finally whispered as he pulled out slowly, holding himself at my entrance for a moment before sliding back in little by little. He started to move, slowly pulling out and pressing back in. His eyes never left my face, his expression full of awe. The tight moans and long groans he made with every plunge were so erotic that I soon joined him. As he sped up and drove deeper, our combined noises echoed around us, our own sensual melody filling the air.

He slid one arm under my back and pulled me flush to him as he started to fuck me hard, lust and need taking over.

“You need to come, Faye. Jesus Christ, you need to come.” He sounded so desperate that I slid my hand between us and started to rub at my clit.

“Slide your finger inside beside my cock. Fuck yourself at the same time as I do.”

I shivered, his words pulling my climax to the edge. He rolled us slightly to the side as he pushed his little finger into my mouth. I knew what he wanted so I wrapped my tongue around his finger, coating it in my spit. A wicked grin touched his lips when he knew I wanted what he was going to give me.

My orgasm started as he slipped his finger from my mouth and into my backside, pushing in deep as he forced his cock even deeper beside my finger. “Oh yeah,” he whispered, “My girl likes it dirty.”

“Cade!” I screamed as my soul touched heaven and I ground onto him harder, prompting his own climax. I’d never felt such intense pleasure from just a look but right then, as his eyes locked onto mine through our joint orgasm, he made love to me with both his body and his mind. . . .

“Oh God! Cade!” My screams filled the air, rebounding off the tiled walls and echoing back at us. Dante’s fingers stilled inside me as my orgasm ripped through me. His palm encompassed my throat, bringing my head forward towards his lips.

“You cunt!” He spat before forcing my head back. The impact stung and spread like black ink on fabric, swallowing my consciousness.

A PRICK IN MY ARM woke me, the sharp sting jolting me from slumber. My eyes flew open. Cloudy vision showed me a female in front of me; the scent of Delia’s potent perfume invaded my space. I scurried from the bed, landing in a not so graceful heap. Lifting my arm, I rubbed at the tiny bubble of blood.

“What the fuck did you inject into me?” I screeched, in fear of them stealing my mind.

“Calm down! It’s only antenatal vitamins. I stitched your cut. It may scar, I don’t have the best eyes at the moment.” She sneered, walking around the bed to stand over me. I grinned when I saw her eyes blackened. Bitch deserved more than that.

Her eyes narrowed at my pleasure. “I’ll be downstairs seeing to Dante. If you feel nauseous, that’s the sign of a healthy pregnancy.”

How could I ever hope to have a healthy pregnancy when Dante couldn’t go one day without inflicting injury on me? I didn’t even remember leaving the shower.

“You know . . . I watch a lot of Entertainment Tonight.”

And? This bitch was going to inflict pain worse than Dante could, I just knew it.

“I see Cade had been comforted by that stylist of his. Didn’t take him long to move on.” She smirked, leaving devastation in her wake.

I had exposed my jealousy about the over-familiar acts of Amy to Cade many times which he found hilarious; adorable was his exact word.
‘She is like a little sister to me, Faye, and I promise she isn’t after me.’

Would he really move on so quickly, and with her? The images possessed my thoughts, eating away at me like a million bugs invading my body, devouring me inside-out.

I stumbled as I rose to my feet. I didn’t trust that doctor as far as I could punch her. I told him to keep her away yet there she was. I was losing any say I had gained. I was becoming a prisoner again and I wouldn’t stand for it. I had to have some power; it was my body.

Throwing a robe on, I marched through the house. My step faltered when I came to Dante’s office and found the door ajar. I could see his desk, and upon it a very naked Delia, her ass prone in the air, her waxed bits all open and on display. A heavy hand came down on her ass cheek, startling me.

My hand came over my mouth to mask any sound. I didn’t want them to know I was witnessing this. It would only fuel that whore’s delight.

Malik came into view; it was him slapping her ass. I stepped closer and watched him push an object into her butt; it looked like a wine stopper but a lot bigger. An anal plug. Her answering moan told me she didn’t mind. His chunky fingers then prodded at her entry. He roughly finger fucked her, adding more fingers as she begged, “More!” He was practically a puppet master; his whole giant fist nearly disappeared inside her.

“Dante . . . DANTE!” She screamed. The insane bitch. I almost smiled at her pathetic obsession with someone she clearly only got to fantasize about—until he appeared into view. He must have been watching out of my line of sight but in perfect view of the show she and Malik put on.

It hurt like a knife slicing me with the sound of his zipper opening. Everything he put me through when he had a plaything right there who would play into any sick fantasy he could conjure up. How could he be so blatant with her after making me tell the world we’re engaged? Insult upon insult, salt in a very open freaking wound. I wished he would just love her and forget I existed.

“I’m going to give you what you want,” he said, and patted her head like a parent praising a child.

The asshole.

She was panting, the squishing sound from Malik pounding at her made the acid in my stomach crawl up my throat like a wildfire. Gripping her hair in his hold, Dante guided her mouth to his cock.

“When Star misbehaves, I’ll use you to punish her from now on.” His eyes flashed up and collided with my own. Tears welled and dropped with my eyelids. I had let this man into my body. I hated myself almost as much as I hated him.

BOOK: CADEnce (Deception Book 2)
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