Caged (10 page)

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Authors: Tilly Greene

BOOK: Caged
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He knew what was going through her mind, but wanted to hear
her say it. Moving in behind her, he wrapped his hands around hers as she held
the bars and nudged his pant-covered prick against her ass, pulling a sharp
intake of breath from her.

“Tell me what you’re thin—”

Before he could finish asking her to give him the details,
she’d turned around and climbed him, literally. Her arms were tangled around
his neck, her legs wrapped around his waist as she panted a single word into
his ear, over and over again.


“Yes what?”

“Place me inside this decadent cage and have me anyway you
want me.”

“And if I want you on your knees taking my cock deep in your

! Any place, anyway.”

“Shit baby girl, you’re giving me the world.”

“I’m yours to take and do with as you want.”

“I most definitely want.” With a great deal of care, he
unwrapped her limbs from around his body. He helped her into the cage and up
onto the perch. The seat wasn’t high enough, she couldn’t get off and back on
under her own effort. It was merely more satisfying for him to help.

Once he had her settled onto the faux cock, he spread her
legs apart, helping her find her center of gravity for better balance. If she
wanted to, there was room for her to gently swing, but nothing would drive the
knob deeper insider her cunt.

“You all right, baby girl?”

“Oh yes.” There was a beautiful smile lighting her face when
she shifted her hands on the side bars.

“There’re a few more things I need to do. I don’t want you
to let go. Okay?” Once he received her nod, he reached up and rolled a tight
nipple between two fingers, while fishing in his pocket for a long, thin chain
with a spiraled band on each end. Slowly, he worked the thin gold coil around
the hard flesh point. Turning the gold loop with great care, he kept going
until it pinched and encircled her nipple.

The way she thrust her chest out told him the twisting
motion was making her crazy.

When both of her nipples were decorated with the gold rings,
he took his time in straightening out the chains hanging from them. There was
an occasional tug to bring a gasp from her lips, but it was all business once
he had them in order and he held the thick bands together.

To make sure he didn’t hurt her, he carefully twisted the
rings around her excited clit as he had her nipples. Once her nub was held
captive by the rings, he ran his finger over her exposed, tender flesh to make
sure the bundle of nerves was held snug in its erotic snare. Her clit could be
freed of the rings, but only if they were taken off with a twist or her nub was
no longer filled with blood or throbbing with lust.


“Uh-hmmm,” he murmured as he looked up into her beautiful
golden gaze. He continued to strum his thumb over her trapped nub. It was
obvious he’d worked her passion back up to the point where she’d been ready to
get herself off.

Right as he stepped away from the cage, Gabby’s head fell
back and a long, deep, moan escaped. Anytime her breasts moved, the chains
tightened and pulled her clit. She’d be lost in her need to come until it all
became too much and she pleaded for release. Closing the cage door, he lifted a
smooth cylinder and placed it in a brace. Reaching in between the bars, he
stroked a hand over her thigh to gain her attention.

In no time at all her gaze lifted to meet his. He waited for
them to clear of lust, helping assure him she understood what he said.

“Give me your words, sweetheart. Let me know you’re clear-headed
and understand what’s happening.”

“I know exactly what’s going on, Sir. My words are ‘carrot’
to stop and ‘train’ to pause.”

“Good. Over here is a water bottle—”

“It’s a dick!”

“For when you’re thirsty. Wrap your lips around the end and
suck hard, there’s a silver ball inside to keep it from randomly leaking.”

“Oh my, this must be the wickedest cage I’ve ever seen.”

“And it’s all yours.”

“Ours, Sir. It’s all ours to play with and find glorious
climaxes with,” she whispered and his breath caught in the back of his throat.
This woman was his match in every way imaginable. They’d work things out to
bring them together more than they were apart. No matter what the sacrifices,
having her at his side was worth any price he’d have to pay.

The doorbell rang and he laughed, moving his fingertips down
to tease her bare mound.

“Our guests are arriving. Trust me?”

“Always. Do you need me to do anything?”

“Yes, don’t hide your passion this evening. Let our guests
bask in its heat.”

With a couple of last flicks to her hardened and deliciously
protruding clit, he left to greet their guests and bring them out to meet his
newly collared mate.

Chapter Eleven


The gilded cage swung gently with Gabby inside. She was lost
in her own sensuous world and had been since her lover had collared her. When
he’d clasped the chocker around her neck it had been as poignant to her as a
bride and groom exchanging rings. The stunning gold links circling her throat
told anyone who knew what they were looking at she was in a seriously committed

She tossed her head, shaking her untamed curls while
listening to the seductive clinking around her neck and moaned. The simple
action made her nipples move, which pulled on the chains and ultimately tugged
the rings circling her clit. Her lover was a deliciously wicked man. He knew
her and her sensual needs well.

Unfortunately he’d left her dancing on the edge of
climaxing. The release was there, shimmering through her body, waiting for her
to claim it. She was held in a lust-filled limbo.

All she wanted was to feel the rush of her orgasm, but only
if Max directed it.

Voices had her looking to the left. Her man stood with
Shane, his friend and partner from Succulent, and a handful of other people.
She may know them, but at the moment, her attention was diverted. The slow,
steady back and forth of her swing slipped the knob in and out of her slick
pussy. Her needs weren’t satisfied, they were merely encouraged to keep her
waiting for what was out of reach.

As one, the group turned to look directly at her. She
experienced feeling beautiful, sexy and wanted under their admiring gazes.
Straightening her posture to perfection, she thrust her chest out a bit farther
and groaned as the chains once again pulled on her nub. Her eyelids slipped
down, shutting out the garden. She forgot all about the people watching her
lazy swaying and sank further into lust’s embrace.

A finger sliding along her inner thigh from her knee up to
her pussy pulled her back to the garden party.

“Cassandra, you appear to be enjoying the cage,” Max offered
with a wicked grin tamed by gentleness in his eyes.

“I am, Sir. I am.”

“Allow me to introduce our guests. You already know Shane
and these two beauties came with him. This is Lila and, here with the
interesting pussy rings, is Daisy.” With an easy smile for Shane, she nodded to
each of his ladies. After Max’s odd introduction, she couldn’t help but look
down to see what he meant.

There were a couple of hoops on each fold with a satin
ribbon tying them together, closing her pussy. With understanding came a shiver
of a step too far for her. The woman wouldn’t be able to easily open her legs.

Looking back at Max, she found him watching her with love.
She knew by looking at him he wasn’t pleased to see the woman’s tied pussy. The
nipple and clit coils weren’t painful or inhibiting. They brought a higher
level of erotic awareness of her body. Sexually, she was enjoying the jewelry
and how they made her feel. Gabby could see herself wearing some of the pieces
outside of a scene.

Lost in his gaze and mesmerized by his stroking fingertip,
Gabby automatically nodded as he continued to introduce the rest of the group.
With one move, he was sending her swiftly back to the precipice. Not wanting to
be completely lost to what was happening around her, Gabby leaned over and
wrapped her lips around the glass cock water bottle for something to moisten
her throat.

At first nothing came out. Eventually she remembered his
direction and sucked harder. The water was cool, refreshing and brought her
back from the edge. She was entranced by how life-like the bottle was. She ran
her tongue around the crown before seeing how the hard object handled a real
blowjob. Swallowing as much of the faux rod as she could handle, she backed off
the length before working to pull more water into her mouth.

Once she was done with her fun, she gave the glass dick
another swipe with her tongue then turned back to where her lover stood. He
hadn’t moved, in fact, he was watching her with such an intense look and wasn’t
sure why. She hadn’t done anything wrong, but asked to make sure.


“Down on your knees!” Before she’d had a chance to ask him
what was wrong, Max was shouting at her to get off the swing and kneel. At
first she was shocked at his gruff tone, but as she moved to do what he
demanded, she watched his fingers unfasten his pants. Quickly she realized what
watching her drink had done to him and smiled. He wanted for himself what she’d
been doing to the glass cock.

The man wanted her to swallow his hard-on and drain him of
his seed. No problem, she could suck the cock between his legs with pleasure.

By the time she was settled on her knees, his hard length
was jutting urgently through the opening of the cage.

She knew her man, specifically what turned him on. When she
was transformed into his loving submissive, the hold he had on his control was
shaken. She kept rattling his tenuous grip until it broke. One thing shaking
him to the core was that when she presented herself for his pleasure. Eyes on
him, hands behind her back and legs spread wide. Pleasing him was what she
wanted to do. Simply because she loved him and he gave her a great deal of
bliss in return.

There was a pearly drop on the tip of his cock, a taste of
what was to come. She swiped it up and he groaned. Then she swirled her tongue
over and around the various points of his magic cross. His hands speared
through the bars and into her hair where he squeezed her head. Swallowing the
crown, she sucked and slid her tongue around the decorated cap. His hands
clenched and she struggled not to smile. The man’s patience was apparently
already at an end.

With lust and need rolling around her mind, she moved down
the thick, hard rod, then backed off. She moved her mouth up and down his
hard-on, enjoying every inch of steel she covered. He was too big to take all
of him, but she worked with what she could manage.

“Yes, baby girl, there you go, suck my cock.”

More pre-cum slipped from the tiny hole at the tip of his
rod. Gabby sucked harder, trying to pull more seed from his balls. If she could
use her hands, she could do more for him, but he hadn’t asked for them. They
remained behind her back, locked by her will alone.

She was focused entirely on him, but in her peripheral she
noticed more people had arrived and were surrounding them. They watched her
give Max a blowjob and she enjoyed being on display.

A member of the catering service was wandering around
offering glasses of champagne and canapés to the gathering crowd.

Secretly wanting to show off, she thrust her breasts out for
attention. The action brought her tight, decorated nipples to brush against the
cool bars, ripping a moan from her. It was sinfully delightful. She tightened
her mouth and sucked even harder, hollowing her cheeks with the effort. She
groaned with pleasure, turned-on she needed to feel him break under her loving

Being the center of attention with her man was a place she
was excited to be. They were the hosts of the party. It was their duty to
ensure their guests had a fabulous time.

She watched as his light-blue orbs bled almost black and his
lips drew taught. The man must be close to coming. His cock was growing
thicker, pulsating on her tongue. She moved her mouth over him, savoring every
inch she could manage. When Max couldn’t take any more of her seduction, he
took control of the blowjob.

Quickly he moved her on and off his cock. It took a few
short seconds before he came. Seed shot out of the tip and she swallowed all he
gave her. By the time he’d finished coming, Gabby realized her mind may have
forgotten the need for an orgasm, but her body hadn’t. Silently she begged for
relief as applause broke out.

“Bravo!” a group shouted out.

“They’re quite a pair,” someone close to the cage said in a
tone filled with awe.

“I’m impressed. She never moved her arms from their

“Amazing.” The words of praise were wonderful to hear. They
stroked her in places she hadn’t known existed, but they couldn’t make her

“Cassandra?” She opened her eyes and smiled at her lover. Of
course, she couldn’t say anything, not with his semi-hard cock lodged in her
mouth. Gabby swiveled her tongue wherever she could reach. Max didn’t pull his
rod out. Instead, he smoothed her hair back from her face and rubbed his thumbs
along the side of her lips.

“You look incredibly beautiful right now.”

She hummed her thanks for his compliment. There was nothing
else she needed to say other than beg him to take her until she climaxed.

“Tonight is about pleasure. Yours, mine, theirs, everyone
here, but it’s also to present you as my collared mate.”

Humming again with a nod of her head, she tried to smile but
nothing around her mouth moved, it was too full of him.

“Good. Then let’s get this garden party started.” Reaching
through the bars, he helped her stand and held the swing steady as she climbed
back up and placed her pussy over the small knob. While Max straightened
himself back up, she took a moment to suck the glass cock for some water.

The experience in this cage was different from the one
they’d used at Succulent and yet there were some similarities. There was room
to move up and down, left or right, but the confinement was still there. She
couldn’t get out and wrap herself around him, take him or climax. While the
cage itself was beautiful, full of fun toys to play with, it was still all
about being a captive at his mercy.

“Ladies and gentleman, a moment please,” Max called out with
a nod to a few people here and there. She watched him work the crowd perfectly,
excited by his command of the party. He spoke and they all stood quietly,
waiting to hear what he had to say. Max Stephenson was a man among men and he
was hers.

“Allow me to thank you all for coming out tonight, the games
will soon start. First, I want to take this opportunity to introduce you all to
my collared woman, Cassandra.”

Because the moment seemed to call for it, she tossed her
hair and let her head fall back, exposing to all her neck with the beautiful
gold links surrounding it. Of course this motion caused her nipples to move and
therefore her clit to be pulled on again. It was too much. She was going to
scream if he didn’t release her passion!

While the crowd clapped, congratulating them on their union,
he reached in and with his big, rough thumb, mercilessly scrubbed her tender
nub until she screamed her release. There it was, finally, as satisfying as she
knew it would be.

Being the center of attention and coming were more exciting
than she’d expected. Of course, Max had known she’d get off on it. He simply
knew her that well.

* * * * *

“Did you enjoy yourself last night?”

“Absolutely! You have some fantastic friends. The woman in
the white boots, with the mini harem of long-haired men all wearing white
thongs at the start of the party, was nice. Did you know she offered to teach
me how—”



“No, Suzette can’t lay as much as a finger on you.”

“Teach me how to drive,” Gabby finished with a smile. She
was happy to know Max wasn’t into sharing her with another Dom or Domme, but
there was something else going on.


“Okay Max, what’s going on? You seem, I don’t know, I

“Here we are.” He opened the door for her and followed her

Max had told her all about Little Betty’s Café. Tea was a
relaxing, pleasurable institution for her. The teashop suited her perfectly and
would be a favored haunt whenever she was in York. There was a larger Betty’s
in town, but he had told her it was more often than not full of people. The
busyness wouldn’t suit her nearly as much. No, she’d keep going to the quieter

“Two, please,” Max said to the young woman who came up to
seat them.

“Right this way.” There weren’t even a dozen tables and the
only empty one was in the corner near the large fireplace. They sat down and he
ordered for them both.

“We’ll have cream tea for two. Afternoon Darjeeling with
extra pots of clotted cream and strawberry jam, please.”

“Thank you,” the waitress politely returned before leaving
them alone.

“Okay, we’re sitting in a lovely place, it’s time to spill.
You’ve been acting odd all day.” She watched him closely and waited for him to
tell her what was up. If he didn’t do it Gabby knew she’d go crazy. Maybe the
tea stop was to calm her down for bad news.

“I’ve had something on my mind.”

He was nervous, or his tinkering with things on the table
made him appear to be. They’d played long into the night and hadn’t woken until
midafternoon. After sharing a hot bath for two, they’d dressed and walked over
to the Minster. From there they’d gone down to the river, through town and
finally along the Shambles.

She considered how he’d been throughout their walk—unusually
quiet. Back in London, as they enjoyed an afternoon tea break or long walk,
they’d talked about when they’d get together during any given week. More often
than not it wasn’t a comfortable discussion for her. For some reason it brought
to the forefront how separate their lives were when she wanted them to be even

There were no secrets between them. They put it all out in
the open and ready for discussion. In fact, once settled with their tea, she
planned to talk to him about what they needed to do to spend more time
together. She was no longer content living in London, waiting for him to come
back. This man was her heart and she wanted to be with him, fall asleep and
wake up with him, eat together and discuss their days.

Consciously or not, she fingered her collar, trying to find
some solace in its presence.

“Max, talk to me. Tell me what’s wrong.”

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